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E Books And Audio Books


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Does anyone know how I can access Ebooks and audio books through the internet? Two reasons for this as follows.

1 I am running out of reading material here and to get my book collection sent here from Australia would I feel be too expensive.

2 Books I can buy/borrow here are in small print and difficult for me to read.(I know I can get reading glasses if necessary)

What I would like is to be able to read/listen to books on the net(Download and keep) as with an E book I can increase print size on computer to read easily and with audio book I can just sit down, relax and listen.

Also Ebooks and audio books on computer take up room only on the harddrive and hey I don't have to dust them or worry about the dog chewing them up lol

Any advice would be most welcome. Thankyou.

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If you are Swedish you can borrow e-books and audio books online from your local library. Lots and lots titles, all free.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw that you are from Australia. But maybe they have books online in Aussie libraries?

Edited by Hawkup2000
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