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17 And Migrating To Bangkok


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"If you are looking for a adventure instead of attending university, have you considered the military? "

..what a rubbish nonsense. :)

Sure great option until some Taliban is about to slice your head off. What utter nonsense how can you compare military and UNI? a rubbish post indeed

Agreed, the only way to reasonably consider going into to the military is after completing a degree and taking an officers post.

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Go for it mate - don't listen to the old farts here - they'd have you go to uni, work for 30 years until you had noney saved to retire here - most are just bitter that they wasted half their life in some poxy place.

I have to friends who came here at 17/18 and now are both millionaires, one is a very famous guy.

Learn the language and forget degrees and there are many great opportunities for you.

Don't worry too much just don't carry a lot of cash around with you.

And - never marry a Thai girl unless you've lived here for 5 years.

If you do, NEVER build a house until you've been married for 10 years.

Good luck!

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Can`t believe this post is still going.....WOW! indeed I`m young I`m drunk not being responsible....( check my I drink too much topic) but who would ever let there 17 year old son migrate to Thailand and teach english alone???...better yet how will this kid even get a NON B Visa at his age?? This topic is pointless as theres nothing to discuss as his actions or dreams are impossible.....

Chai mai???

Had a few beers :) GO MANCHESTER UNITED!


Edited by junki3korean
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Can`t believe this post is still going.....WOW! indeed I`m young I`m drunk not being responsible....( check my I drink too much topic) but who would ever let there 17 year old son migrate to Thailand and teach English aln\one???...better yet how will this kid even get a NON B Visa at his age?? This topic is pointless as theres nothing to discuss as his actions or dreams are impossible.....

Chao Mai???

the problem is your drug and nothing else

reasons of edit: Jungian and junkikorean one and the same? :)

Edited by Birdman
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Very good friend of mine was really bad at school. Made things like concrete the school door in the night, moving unambiguous his middle parts while communicate a paper during class and so... Of course he did not make high school.

He worked here and there afterwards, got suddenly very sick, recovered, had nothing at all with 28. But he is very smart and inventive and started again with zero.

Now 20 years later he owns various companies, whole apartment buildings and is rich.

That does not mean, that everyone is capable and should do that. It means, that it is not necessary for everyone to have all the high school and university diplomas for a successful life.

No offence, birdman. We all know someone who has no quallies but made a large amount of money and the 95-year-old who has smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 70 years.

However, statistically most 28-year-olds who have jack also have jack at 48 and 99.9999999% of foreigners who have zero capital and come to Thailand to teach English never get rich.

This is life in the statistically normal world but you gotta look on the bright side of life otherwise all the governments would never sell all those lottery tickets. :)

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- Don't rent/ride motorbikes unless you have a motorbike license back home and are a really good and careful rider

- Don't rent/ride motorbikes when drunk

- Don't rent/ride motorbikes without a helmet

- Don't have sex without protection

- Keep away from any violent demonstrations

- Don't take drugs, smoke or drink too much

With those tips you have a very good chance at staying healthy.

- Don't bring any money to Thailand to invest in or buy things that you are not prepared to leave here or lose

- Be aware that you might fall in love with a Thai girl you meet, to avoid falling in love with the wrong type (lying, bargirl, uneducated, already has a boyfriend, already has a kid) take good care who you start to socialize with from the start. If you sourround yourself with intelligent, honest, normal people including girls, if you fall in love with anyone, at least it has some more potential for a happy relationship. So don't hang out in bars/tourist spots and discos, but meet local Thais, fellow teachers, University students, Girls from good international schools and such.

- Learn to speak, understand, read and write Thai as quickly as possible

- Socialize with Thais to understand the culture, maybe share a room with a Thai, good for learning the customs and language but don't let yourself be used as the one to pay everything

- Be wary of people wanting to be your friend, they might think you have money cause you are a foreigner

With those tips you have a very good chance to stay happy as well.

Excellent post and just about covers all you need to know.

Take heed of this advice, stay safe and enjoy your stay in Thailand.

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Finish high school AT LEAST FIRST....Maybe Uni???Your 17 what are you planning to do here?? Once you finish your course, Are you confident you can get a job?? I`m not.......you have no qualifications...no degree.... your under age who will hire you??Very brave....but yet so stupid..good luck :D

hahah, I agree. If he has never traveled then he is going to get scamed left right and center. Starting with the first taxi ride out of the airport of course :):D:D

Heavens above, I hope Nick doesn't get scamed or riped off!


Couldn't read any more.....You are not migrating, you are planning on (hoping) coming to Thailand on an education visa.

My first impression is you are being scammed from afar. No reputable school should accept your money for enrollment for a "teaching credential" when there is no possible way to get hired at your age. I would also bet they are charging you to assist in getting the visa. Am I right?

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I am 17 years old from England and im enroling on a course to teach English as a foreign language in Bangkok. I would love to learn about the Thai culture and ways of living. It will be my first time living alone and travelling. At the moment i dont know much about the country and i dont want to get into any trouble when i arrive. I was wondering about the things i should be aware of and if this is a good idea and would be a good experence or not? Thanks in advance Nick

When teaching English to students for whom it is a second language, make sure you teach them properly....they don't need to learn poor quality English. The personal pronoun "I" is always capitilised, and contractions have an apostrophe.

I'm not part of the Spelling Correction Brigade, but IMO, teachers in particular should not perpetuate common mistakes.

such as "capitilised"? :)

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I am 17 years old from England and im enroling on a course to teach English as a foreign language in Bangkok. I would love to learn about the Thai culture and ways of living. It will be my first time living alone and travelling. At the moment i dont know much about the country and i dont want to get into any trouble when i arrive. I was wondering about the things i should be aware of and if this is a good idea and would be a good experence or not? Thanks in advance Nick

When teaching English to students for whom it is a second language, make sure you teach them properly....they don't need to learn poor quality English. The personal pronoun "I" is always capitilised, and contractions have an apostrophe.

I'm not part of the Spelling Correction Brigade, but IMO, teachers in particular should not perpetuate common mistakes.

such as "capitilised"? :)

wahahahahaha .............

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I am 17 years old from England and im enroling on a course to teach English as a foreign language in Bangkok. I would love to learn about the Thai culture and ways of living. It will be my first time living alone and travelling. At the moment i dont know much about the country and i dont want to get into any trouble when i arrive. I was wondering about the things i should be aware of and if this is a good idea and would be a good experence or not? Thanks in advance Nick

When teaching English to students for whom it is a second language, make sure you teach them properly....they don't need to learn poor quality English. The personal pronoun "I" is always capitilised, and contractions have an apostrophe.

I'm not part of the Spelling Correction Brigade, but IMO, teachers in particular should not perpetuate common mistakes.

such as "capitilised"? :)

Thankyou. Luckily, I'm not a teacher. :D

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Well Nick i did the same, only at 18. Left for the first time and travelled Europe for a year. It was a life altering experience to be sure - not sure what course it altered me from but it for sure took me in directions i would have never explored if i did not do the trip.

now all these years later i live here in bkk; i have seen much of the world and give credit to the experience i had on that first trip.

taking the time to research where you are going and to post to this board like you have tells me you have a head on your shoulders. what always worked for me was to ask (like you have) and to listen to all the good things people have to say (i see a number of good posts here) but then to take all that you see and hear and make your own decision - dont let one specific comment or person sway you - decide for yourself.

i have also found over all the years that in aggregate the counsel i have received was always a bit more negative then it had to be. i would say i want to go here or there and i would hear a dozen people say no it s dangerous or dirty or lousy etc and maybe 4 that would say yes go. sure i ended up in a few places i would avoid a second time but generally people were a bit more negative than was warranted.

inform yourself about where you are going, always prepare for the arrival (if ever i come to a new place with screaming pushy touts etc i have always just dropped back waited and looked around at what was happening - looked at the notes i had about the place and then proceeded slowly after the rush subsided).

it seems to me one thing about this world that holds as a general rule - if someone you have just met (a week or less in this case lets say) is trying to hurry you into making a decision about anything, it is probably not in your interests to agree to whatever it is they are offering. at 17 you have no need to be in a rush about anything.

have fun, keep your eyes and ears open and your wits about you (the post about not getting to much into liquor etc is a good one to heed, at the very least wait until you have your bearings and know a bit about where you are). Try to always have travellers cheques/cash handy in an amount that could get you out of a spot should you get into one.

I am 17 years old from England and im enroling on a course to teach English as a foreign language in Bangkok. I would love to learn about the Thai culture and ways of living. It will be my first time living alone and travelling. At the moment i dont know much about the country and i dont want to get into any trouble when i arrive. I was wondering about the things i should be aware of and if this is a good idea and would be a good experence or not? Thanks in advance Nick
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Do the Europe thing - grape picking in September, working the ski resorts in the Winter, meet people from all over the world who are your age and will give you insights into the dos and don'ts of world travel and probably make some great friends along the way.

Or try and get into a college where you can learn more about the culture and people in Thailand - or perhaps night classes. I would say do not travel to Thailand at your age, unless you have family that live there that can support you.

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Seems to me Nick has stopped paying attention to our advice from the first No he saw. Still, all sound advice, but if he is anything like a real 17yo nowadays and free to do what he wants, he will probably show up in Thailand and run into all the trouble you have predicted for him. :))

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Very good friend of mine was really bad at school. Made things like concrete the school door in the night, moving unambiguous his middle parts while communicate a paper during class and so... Of course he did not make high school.

He worked here and there afterwards, got suddenly very sick, recovered, had nothing at all with 28. But he is very smart and inventive and started again with zero.

Now 20 years later he owns various companies, whole apartment buildings and is rich.

That does not mean, that everyone is capable and should do that. It means, that it is not necessary for everyone to have all the high school and university diplomas for a successful life.

Well said.

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