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Security Beefed Up For Monday’s Udd Rally: Govt To Reject Thaksin Pardon Petition

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Whenever Mr Thaksin sends his kids overseas to safety in first class comfort whilst pleading for his supporters to bring their own kids to join the protest again, this will be the best indication Songkran 2 is about to kick off again (and yes, it will kick off sooner than later and likely finish off Thailand for some time to come- no matter the 'winner' Thailand loses)

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Please help me understand - why exactly do monks have to step in? Did I miss the part where Thaksin became holy?

there are good monks and bad monks. Silence is golden. Money SCREEEEEEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Animatic,

Most of the leaders of the red shirts are Politicians, Doctors, Lawyers and even a retired Judge. Do you really think these type of people advocate street violence and social unrest? if so, you need to grow up and listen to what the red shirts are actually asking for.

I watched with my own eyes the Blue shirts climbing out of the back of government lorries with pre gathered and cut hardwood sticks and then taunt the red shirts (including whole families) while firing catapults and shouting insults. That is what started the unrest in Pattaya, not calls from the red leaders.

In Thailand even the poorest of the poor have the right to petition. The only reason the Government might try to stop it, is because they are sh1t scared it may be accepted, not for any legal reasons.

Dear Irishbi,

and the violence in the streets of BKK, where that the docters and corrupt politicians and innocent families you're talking about??

And why had the reds had to be in Pattaya to disturb the Asean summit at the first place.

To keep the whole facts straight, by LAW is this petition illegal, the government is right to say so, because indeed only Thaxin or his family can ask 4 a pardon, and he's too much of a waNK** to come and face the music, so he tries to let others clean up his crap.

By doing so, by means of the UDD he turned it not in a personal matter, but in a political turmoil

The Red's were in Pattaya at the Asian summit because it gave their cause maximum international news coverage; much the same as the Yellow's airport occupation. As for Thaksin; would you return to a LM charge with a 20yr tariff?


Chok dee to the redshirts, blue shirts or any politically motivated colored t-shirts, but I hope this 20K redshirt stonghold rally tomorrow, doesn't spill out into September. Got stuck last April at MBK in BKK while the redshirts stormed in and a wing was barricaded - was an interesting insight having visited thailand after 4 years :) This time though, am planning to stay in the N.East/ Surin, with 1-2 days in BKK :D So hopefully this petition rally doesn't spill into next month.

How does the PM "know" the petition will be rejected?

Sounds like another banana-republic PM to me...they just traded the color in office, and the punk of one party is down while the other one is up for now.

Let's see if Abhisit makes it past this petition/court date and the upcoming UBB meeting without more egg on his face.

The best thing he could have done was say nothing and let the petition get rejected (almost a given anyways) instead of playing into Thaksin's game, which is to get attention and keep his support base stocked for the upcoming election. This PM just helped keep fan the flames of discontent farther....he essentially fed his enemy's interest. And he was educated abroad? It sounds more and more like the only one in the government that got a proper Western education in politics is Thaksin, not that his getting back into office is a good idea....the best idea is to let this stupid fight fade to nothing so Thailand can go about becoming the nice semi-corrupt country with a decent economy it had before this crap all started.

There is a much better way to treat these petition papers.

1. They have to be counted and verified and checked if people really signed them knowing what they signed.

2. They have to check if signatures are correct...

3. Checing against house books

4. If people were paid to sign.

Obviously it will take many hours of work to do this for 4000000 copies.

I seem to remember in the past that just to count coins to 1 million would take a month and in this case one needs extra people

to do the work! The work is much more labour intensive as most of those who signed them probably cannot wite.

Who has to pay for that, well I would say Taksin should as he wants it.

Ok reserve a room etc (which has to be paid) get people to count and verify (also has to be paid), trips to places where people are from to make sure all other papers are correct.... It could take YEARS.


Today could be a very interesting day. But then again, it could be boring and uneventful. This is thing that makes the country interesting.

Not wanting to advertise, but there is a decent discussion about the why's and wherefore's of the right to petition, and the right to grant pardons on Bangkok Pundit.


Anyway, lets see what comes out tomorrow, it will no doubt be a fascinating day and lets hope, a safe one for all involved.

Yes, very good article by BP.

Some interesting analysis of the Pardon Rules from several angles.

Whenever Mr Thaksin sends his kids overseas to safety in first class comfort whilst pleading for his supporters to bring their own kids to join the protest again, this will be the best indication Songkran 2 is about to kick off again (and yes, it will kick off sooner than later and likely finish off Thailand for some time to come- no matter the 'winner' Thailand loses)

Well this is a pretty clear warning sign of when the balloon goes up.

Should we put GPS locators on Oak and the girls?

On second thought I don't want to know where Oak goes...

Seriously Thaksin has few options besides

1 ) social unrest in the streets, so bad that courts back off on his assets.

2 ) a coup of some sort to take control of his money AND regain power.

3 ) or throwing in the towel and slink off.

His ego is such that any of these is not out of realm of possible, except #3.

Defeat is not something he takes well, his actions have proved that in spades.

Tenacious in battle, Honorable in actions, Gracious in defeat:

Yeah right this is so not Thaksin.

Animatic- good pick on the "outcome" of the Court case- while you're on a role, how about next weeks winning lotto numbers!


I like that the excuse used was he has 'problems with his back bone...'

You couldn't make this stuff up!

Wife lost the lotto today... I won't hazard a guess.

My general feeling is my life is too good for me to win. :)

Even with the bad knees at the moment.


Newin need a lot of blue shirts to keep him out of jail. He was able to defy American justice but this time he will go for many years i the rubber sapling case. Newin is a criminal without taste. a Beckham type with flower wallpaper at home. The fact that the cenosr here will do injustice to remove my comments is because mister Newin is already sentenced a few times.

The government is supporting Newin what makes the case even more curious after all newin is banned from politics. We have seen how Newin damaged the countries image by unleashing blue shirt ex convicts on the red shirts in pattaya. not the red shirts were to blame but newin.

It is absurd that the government comments on a petition that is not directed to one of their ministers or related persons. But than again there are rules for the newin/suthep losers and the rest of us.


Funny how the blues were pushed quickly past by the Reds in Pattaya,

who then went on to rampage through the hotel causing massive destruction,

and destruction to Thailand's international image. Before running amok in Bangkok for several days.

Your attempted 'blue spin' of this wouldn't get a lawnmower started,

let along obscure the red calumny of Black Songkran.

This was no win for Newin, just a forestallment,

and better it wasn't done today considering the proximity of your red cohorts.

The country dodged a bullet today, for which MOST of us are quite grateful.

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