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Residency Proof And Driver's License Question

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I've done several searches on this and there dont seem to be any topics coming up with any complete answers based on experience. I am about to purchase a condo and want to pick up a Thai driver's license. There is the requirement for a certified letter of residency by the Dept of Land Transport. To avoid going to one's embassy and paying several thousand baht for this letter, I am wondering if there are alternatives. It has been said that Immigration used to give this letter for several hundred baht, but that this is no more? Anyways, once I have my condo title, would this suffice as proof with the Dept of Land Transport? Or am I then eligible with the title paper to get a tabian baan which would then suffice as proof? Anyone with experience to share, much appreciated.

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I can not advice about buying a condo. When I bought my motorcycle I had a letter from my embassy. For my driv license I got a letter from the Transport Office and with that letter I went to the Imm Police. The ask either the embassy letter or a copy of the housebook, a copy of the ID from the owner, a statement from the owner that the house is rented to a farang, and a list with my name and passportnumber. All things duly signed. Than they made a letter for the Transport Office and I got the motorcycle in my name and the driv license.

I think, if you do not have a year permit (retirement, marriage and so on) you can not get a driv license. But I hear other things about this. Good luck.

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In my limited experience, I have found that each province does things differently. Bangkok does is different from Nonthaburi while Pathum Thani does it their way. Chonburi does it their way also. Best way is go to the Land Transport office in your province and find out what they want. Five years ago here in Pathum Thani, they wanted a copy of the work permit for a five year license. Before, I could not get one. Only a one year license. Changes come and go. Next week, I will find out the new rules as my visa is now a retirement visa. I will let everyone know my results.

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