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New Compaq Computer


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On the advice of a self-certified “Computer Savvy” sister my wife recently purchased a Compaq Desktop, the sister also installed Vista Home Basic (Licensed) and other Software without partitioning the Hard Drive (320 Gig) – I always prefer to keep the OS and Programs on “C” and Data etc. on “D” or whatever.

1) I want to replace the low grade NVIDIA Graphics Card which came with the setup (since it cannot support some Games which my children like to play) – but I have heard that Compaq, and others, can only accept specially designed - proprietary Cards, is this true?

I am not even sure if the supplied Graphics Card can support 16 : 9 aspect (I’ll have to play with Powerstrip this weekend) – and of course the sister bought a Widescreen Monitor!

Ideally I would like to transfer the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT from my own Computer and buy a newer Card for myself – OK, I know, selfish bu99er!

Possible or not?

2) Is there any way I can partition the Hard Drive now – after the OS and other Software has been installed – or do I have to do a complete wipe and re-install everything?


Edited by p_brownstone
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On the advice of a self-certified "Computer Savvy" sister my wife recently purchased a Compaq Desktop, the sister also installed Vista Home Basic (Licensed) and other Software without partitioning the Hard Drive (320 Gig) – I always prefer to keep the OS and Programs on "C" and Data etc. on "D" or whatever.

1) I want to replace the low grade NVIDIA Graphics Card which came with the setup (since it cannot support some Games which my children like to play) – but I have heard that Compaq, and others, can only accept specially designed - proprietary Cards, is this true?

You'll have to pop the side and see if it actually has a PCI-E slot to take your 8800GT. Next step will be getting power to the card; you may end up having to get a 4 pin Molex to the appropiate 6/8 pin PCI-E connector that you have on the card. While Apple has a special bios that the cards inserted into their machines use, ordinary manufacturers do not. As long as you have the slot and the sufficient power supply you will be a-ok.

I am not even sure if the supplied Graphics Card can support 16 : 9 aspect (I'll have to play with Powerstrip this weekend) – and of course the sister bought a Widescreen Monitor!

It should support 16:10 (that's more likely the resolution; TVs use 16:9 and monitors use 16:10)...check the display settings--although if the display is at its native resolution you don't have to wolly.

Ideally I would like to transfer the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT from my own Computer and buy a newer Card for myself – OK, I know, selfish bu99er!

Like the ATI 4870 X2?

Possible or not?

2) Is there any way I can partition the Hard Drive now – after the OS and other Software has been installed – or do I have to do a complete wipe and re-install everything?

Do you have an actual install cd for the Vista? If not, than wiping the hard drive can be dicey. Get a partition editing programme and use that to shrink the C:\ drive. Of course remove the swap file and possibly restore points, defrag, etc so that the data will compress down to the lowest possible place.


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All good advice....ahem

I have been in IT for over 30 years (since before 'IT' was even invented).

Caveat Emptor.

Perhaps you could specify what was (ahem) *good* advice so I don't offend good sensibilities in the future? Is it the advice offered in regards to the replacement part? Do you assume that all Compaqs have non-upgradeable hardware? Or am I mistaken in the fact that GPUs intended for Apple do not have their own special bios? Perhaps I was incorrect about the proper resolution not resulting in a 16:10 aspect ratio? Suppose that I could be way off on the 16:10 versus 16:9 issue? Way out of line in assuming that getting a programme like GParted and resizing the disk is an option? Maybe I was wrong to suggest temporarily disabling the swap file and restore points?

Please do tell me where I went terribly wrong....

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I have heard that Compaq, and others, can only accept specially designed - proprietary Cards, is this true?

I had that problem on an old Compaq. Had to cut the metal case with a hack saw to get it to fit a new card, which was a pain.

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One caveat with GParted. Also, Vista has resizing built into it. Vista Shrink Partition

One of the more advanced options for resizing your Windows Vista partition is to use the GParted Live CD, a bootable linux CD that takes you straight into GParted, the great linux utility for managing partitions. The problem is that if you resize your boot/system partition, you will be completely unable to boot without repairing windows.

How to resize

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Quick comment and suggestions. Download SIW [or similar] which will allow you to identify many of the components often including the motherboard/video card etc. which then means you can review the specification without requiring a warranty sticker breaking screwdriver. On the video card point many of the current desktops are using older 'limited' cards not just to be cheap but to avoid the consequences of having to raise the power supply rating which with some of the newer cards can be substantial. The 8800 is rated as requiring only 400w though you must factor in other power requirements for the rig as a whole.


Edited by A_Traveller
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On the advice of a self-certified “Computer Savvy” sister my wife recently purchased a Compaq Desktop, the sister also installed Vista Home Basic (Licensed) and other Software without partitioning the Hard Drive (320 Gig) – I always prefer to keep the OS and Programs on “C” and Data etc. on “D” or whatever.

1) I want to replace the low grade NVIDIA Graphics Card which came with the setup (since it cannot support some Games which my children like to play) – but I have heard that Compaq, and others, can only accept specially designed - proprietary Cards, is this true?

I am not even sure if the supplied Graphics Card can support 16 : 9 aspect (I’ll have to play with Powerstrip this weekend) – and of course the sister bought a Widescreen Monitor!

Ideally I would like to transfer the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT from my own Computer and buy a newer Card for myself – OK, I know, selfish bu99er!

Possible or not?

2) Is there any way I can partition the Hard Drive now – after the OS and other Software has been installed – or do I have to do a complete wipe and re-install everything?


Once upon a time ........I had a compaq.

Since then I absolutely refrain from having anything with the name compaq in my house or office.

Very difficult to change anything in a compaq, hardware or software.

Drivers are very difficult to obtain, or refuse to load.

Awful things, really.

I was told that compaq modifies the OS very much.

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The items you want to accomplish are reasonably simple but judging from your questions, I suggest you take the two computers to a qualified friend or IT specialist and tell him/her what you want done. I would volunteer, but I live in Ubon Ratchathani. Before you purchase a new video card for your system, have the technician acertain if your old one will live happily in the new Compaq. An experienced geek should have your 320 GB hard drive resized and partitioned in under and hour using software built into Vista itself. And by the way, video cards do not care what screen ratio your monitor is—it only deals with screen resolution (like 1024x768 pixels) and refresh rate (like 60 Hertz). A good technician will guide you through these nuancies. In all what I'm saying is the best way to handle these situations is face to face with someone you can speak to in your native language. And preferrable that someone is also the one who is going to do the work. Trying to wade through this geek talk on a forum and then translate that into action doesn't work too good. Send me a private message if you want to talk on the phone. I don't need your money, I'm just a retired guy who's been building computers since 1980. I help out other guys here in the area just to stay busy and to keep my mind and skills sharp. One never knows when he or she may have to return to the workforce.

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On the advice of a self-certified “Computer Savvy” sister my wife recently purchased a Compaq Desktop, the sister also installed Vista Home Basic (Licensed) and other Software without partitioning the Hard Drive (320 Gig) – I always prefer to keep the OS and Programs on “C” and Data etc. on “D” or whatever.

1) I want to replace the low grade NVIDIA Graphics Card which came with the setup (since it cannot support some Games which my children like to play) – but I have heard that Compaq, and others, can only accept specially designed - proprietary Cards, is this true?

I am not even sure if the supplied Graphics Card can support 16 : 9 aspect (I’ll have to play with Powerstrip this weekend) – and of course the sister bought a Widescreen Monitor!

Ideally I would like to transfer the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT from my own Computer and buy a newer Card for myself – OK, I know, selfish bu99er!

Possible or not?

2) Is there any way I can partition the Hard Drive now – after the OS and other Software has been installed – or do I have to do a complete wipe and re-install everything?


1. The cheap nVidia card is most likely onboard. Open the PC to see if you have a spare PCI-Express then put your card in it.

2. Get Paragon Partition Manager and that will work fine.

A quick question though. Your 'IT savvy' sister gets you a PC with Windows Vista Basic which is the worst version of Vista because it has stupid limitations. Why not upgrade that to Home Premium?

Just a thought.

Take care.


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