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Buying Stamps.sending Letters.


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I have been using the post shop at carrefours to send letters home..

Stamp price is 17 baht but they have added 5 baht for service...very fair and convenient.

Yesterday I went to post a letter....29 baht ,he said

The price has now increased...still 17b for a stamp...

I refuse to be ripped off and took my letter back..

Does anyone know if there are outlets that sell stamps?or have a reasonably priced service?

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I have been using the post shop at carrefours to send letters home..

Stamp price is 17 baht but they have added 5 baht for service...very fair and convenient.

Yesterday I went to post a letter....29 baht ,he said

The price has now increased...still 17b for a stamp...

I refuse to be ripped off and took my letter back..

Does anyone know if there are outlets that sell stamps?or have a reasonably priced service?

I regularly use the post shops in Tesco North & Tops and the price for AIRMAIL to UK for a small letter is 29 baht. More when the letter is heavier. This as been the same for about 2 years now and when you consider the price for the same size letter from the UK to Thailand is 68p I don't think this is a bad price.

For anyone's information, there is now a post shop in Tipp's Plaza on 2nd rd., just north of Mikes. :o:D

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I have been using the post shop at carrefours to send letters home..

Stamp price is 17 baht but they have added 5 baht for service...very fair and convenient.

Yesterday I went to post a letter....29 baht ,he said

The price has now increased...still 17b for a stamp...

I refuse to be ripped off and took my letter back..

Does anyone know if there are outlets that sell stamps?or have a reasonably priced service?

Soi post office is the obvious answer.

The Dusit resort gift shop will sell you the stamp and will post them for you free of charge. :o

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I have been using the post shop at carrefours to send letters home..

Stamp price is 17 baht but they have added 5 baht for service...very fair and convenient.

Yesterday I went to post a letter....29 baht ,he said

The price has now increased...still 17b for a stamp...

I refuse to be ripped off and took my letter back..

Does anyone know if there are outlets that sell stamps?or have a reasonably priced service?

I regularly use the post shops in Tesco North & Tops and the price for AIRMAIL to UK for a small letter is 29 baht. More when the letter is heavier. This as been the same for about 2 years now and when you consider the price for the same size letter from the UK to Thailand is 68p I don't think this is a bad price.

For anyone's information, there is now a post shop in Tipp's Plaza on 2nd rd., just north of Mikes. :P:P

The post office cost for small air-mail to england is 17 baht I refuse to pay 29 for the same elsewhere..I do not think it is ok to be ripped off....

Thanks for the helpful replies to everyone else.

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What a load of bull from fourbath. 29 baht for a 17 bath poststamp is almost 100% writeup, that is a ripoff no matter how much the actual value is.

If you have to accept all the ripoffs here you will be doubling your cost of living.

I went to send a EMS (registered) letter from the Carrefour mail shop. They wanted 100 baht on top of the (around) 400 baht it cost to send the letter. 100 baht service charge, wooot.

Anyway, just opposite the Postoffice in Soi Postoffice there's a shop that sells post stamps at value + I think 2 baht or so.

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If you dont want to queue at the Post Office in Soi Post office, next door to Las Vegas (Club Nevada) a-go-go is a small shop selling postcards outside , she/ll sell you a stamp (17baht one will cost you 19baht) you can then walk up the street and post the letter........handy if you aint got time to queue.

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Like I said you bunch of tight arsed old gits..

You know Fourbaht with an avatar like yours you really should be careful who you are calling tight.....I mean if you are all you think that you are cracked up to be i.e a carefree couldn`t care less spendthrift...then you should really change your avatar to NEUN-PHAN Baht...then you will really make an impression.

...Just my Four Bahts worth.. :o

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If  you  dont  want  to  queue  at  the  Post  Office  in  Soi  Post  office, next  door  to  Las  Vegas  (Club  Nevada)  a-go-go  is  a  small  shop  selling  postcards  outside , she/ll  sell  you  a  stamp  (17baht  one  will  cost  you  19baht)  you  can  then  walk  up  the  street  and  post  the  letter........handy  if  you  aint  got  time  to  queue.

Thanks for the tip ,flyer.

This is what i use this forum for...Not for abuse from the richest guy in town...

I was happy to pay the original 5 baht extra..but 12 baht is taking the piss..Another point..the first time I paid 29 baht but have phoned my bank ,to whom the letter should have gone, and they have not received it...12 days ago.....Possible 29 baht profit...

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You know Fourbaht with an avatar like yours you really should be careful who you are calling tight.....I mean if you are all you think that you are cracked up to be i.e a carefree couldn`t care less spendthrift...then you should really change your avatar to NEUN-PHAN Baht...then you will really make an impression

Read the thread you <deleted>.. the original poster is talking about 29 baht, and you have the testicles to suggest I am a spendthrift..

There is a big difference between being a tight arsed old git who thinks he has a god given right to get people to work for free or a pitance than being a spendthrift.

If you can't afford it piss off back to whence you came my old son, continue living in your grotty little council flat on your meager pension or unemployement benefit.

Mt T if you or your mob are reading this what about a crackdown on tight arsed budget travellers? especially those from my home country or the good old world cop the US of A......

PF who do you think you are impressing with your Knowledge of Thai.. do you think having a 1000 baht note makes you rich?

Thinking of registering the domain name Thia-EX-<deleted>-visa.com sure it will get millions of hits a day as there seem to so many of you posting on here.

NOTE: EX <deleted> = a play on the word EX Pats just so those of you with an IQ of 26 or less (the majority) reading.

The only sensible poster on here is DaveThailand.. keep it up mate...

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You know Fourbaht with an avatar like yours you really should be careful who you are calling tight.....I mean if you are all you think that you are cracked up to be i.e a carefree couldn`t care less spendthrift...then you should really change your avatar to NEUN-PHAN Baht...then you will really make an impression

Read the thread you <deleted>.. the original poster is talking about 29 baht, and you have the testicles to suggest I am a spendthrift..

There is a big difference between being a tight arsed old git who thinks he has a god given right to get people to work for free or a pitance than being a spendthrift.

If you can't afford it piss off back to whence you came my old son, continue living in your grotty little council flat on your meager pension or unemployement benefit.

Mt T if you or your mob are reading this what about a crackdown on tight arsed budget travellers? especially those from my home country or the good old world cop the US of A......

Why someone as world-wise as you should be wasting your time in Pattaya is beyond me.With all the riches you are happily bestowing on your large-footed companions.and for the cheap[though not medically]favours you are obviously getting in return,shouldn't you be in Monte Carlo or vegas where you will get much better value for your millions?

Or is there some bitterness I detect that you are one of those that HAS to pay through the nose to get anything?

PF who do you think you are impressing with your Knowledge of Thai.. do you think having a 1000 baht note makes you rich?

Thinking of registering the domain name Thia-EX-<deleted>-visa.com sure it will get millions of hits a day as there seem to so many of you posting on here.

NOTE: EX <deleted> = a play on the word EX Pats just so those of you with an IQ of 26 or less (the majority) reading.

The only sensible poster on here is DaveThailand.. keep it up mate...

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Everything I send to the US costs me over 100 baht to send, but then it always gets there. I don't get ripped off and my stuff always arrives although one time they did poke holes in a couple of boxes but nothing missing. Sent 3 cds to the US by air and that was over 100 baht but got there in 7 days so no worries.

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