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Foreign Drug Syndicate Busted In Bangkok


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Norway eagle - i know what ur sayin.

but u cant 'teach' the fascists anything, they feel the need to 'extract' the facts out of a million innocents first.

Someones making a killing aka a profit.

why feed the fires of a trolls den??


(says the pot calling all u kettles black)

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"Marijuana make people think" ? :D

Nice one :D

Thank u :) .Read ,,listen ,,get experience,1st of all..N Learn..Even an "Educated, (by what that means) ,NON smoker know that...Guess u know the world is on the wrong "track" for "some" years :D .Justice 2 every1,do that sounds ok!N do u think all the big thinkers in the world are or was alcoholics.read n learn.aaaaa.2 be abit "religious",,,: the bible,even the kouran and guru grand sahib(u know that book)? says that some people will never ever learn even if u give it to them by a "teaspoon" :D xsample,,Put a rabbit infront of them,n they still see a Mouse.

Gosh, but trying to read this gave me a headache...

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"They confessed they had smuggled marijuana bought from a neighbouring country."

It is a sad reflection on Thailand that they are incapable of growing decent weed themselves.

Untrue, they are growing some very descent "ganja baan" but they are not stupid, they are keeping it for themselves.

What is sold to tourists is compressed Laotian crap, months old and full of formalin.

What is formalin ???

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Norway eagle - i know what ur sayin.

but u cant 'teach' the fascists anything, they feel the need to 'extract' the facts out of a million innocents first.

Someones making a killing aka a profit.

why feed the fires of a trolls den??


(says the pot calling all u kettles black)

Thank you Edgar.Yes you are right, i will have that in mind the next time. :)

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We used to get Thai stick in my country in the 70's and it was the best!!!!Growers here have lost there path; Laos still has some outstanding weed. A book was recently released, telling of a group of guys(Bangkok) in the 70's that exported Thai stick all over the world. Unfortunately, they were caught in one big bust. I can't remember the name of the book. Maybe someone can help.

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I used to grow some of the best quality bud in N.California. I didn't smoke the stuff, so I had fellow growers over at harvest time to attest its quality. The only time I smoked was way back in the Flower Power daze, and only from peer pressure. I didn't like the high, so I quit, simple as that. I've never bought the stuff.

However, I have close friends who smoke ganga religiously every day of the year. They're aging. One of 'em put a one hole golf course on his property. Another rebuilds carborators in his living room. I'd much rather have an aging pot smoking hippie living next door than an aging alchie. Alcoholics, in contrast, have a host of problems and cost the rest of us tens of billions of dollars annually from the messes they make. Everything from car crashes to heightened insurance premiums, to less hospital beds, to beaten women.

If Thai lawmakers could see beyond what Uncle Sam dictates (regarding illegal substances) they might realize that pot smoking is a tiny problem compared to alc drinks and subscription drugs.

It would also help if Thai lawmakers had any capacity for original thinking and/or any experience with the drugs they legislate. By their heavy handed, follow-the-American-lead draconian laws, they ruin peoples' lives - people who are causing a whole lot less harm than whiskey dealers and the rest of the allowable drug dealers.

Edited by brahmburgers
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I used to grow some of the best quality bud in N.California. I didn't smoke the stuff, so I had fellow growers over at harvest time to attest its quality. The only time I smoked was way back in the Flower Power daze, and only from peer pressure. I didn't like the high, so I quit, simple as that. I've never bought the stuff.

However, I have close friends who smoke ganga religiously every day of the year. They're aging. One of 'em put a one hole golf course on his property. Another rebuilds carborators in his living room. I'd much rather have an aging pot smoking hippie living next door than an aging alchie. Alcoholics, in contrast, have a host of problems and cost the rest of us tens of billions of dollars annually from the messes they make. Everything from car crashes to heightened insurance premiums, to less hospital beds, to beaten women.

If Thai lawmakers could see beyond what Uncle Sam dictates (regarding illegal substances) they might realize that pot smoking is a tiny problem compared to alc drinks and subscription drugs.

It would also help if Thai lawmakers had any capacity for original thinking and/or any experience with the drugs they legislate. By their heavy handed, follow-the-American-lead draconian laws, they ruin peoples' lives - people who are causing a whole lot less harm than whiskey dealers and the rest of the allowable drug dealers.

It seems i never will be any good in expressing myself in writing (commonly) But you for sure say it just how it should be said.kudos :)

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Good to see another foreign syndicate busted, interesting the Thai ones seem to escape detection.

They don't. But then again you probably don't read Thai language newspapers where this kind of thing is reported all the time about Thai criminals.

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Hello, this is a good story to make it look like the government is doing something. Maybe some promotions are in order for the BIB for the good work, but maybe someone gave up the suspects so they can get a reduced sentence. I have heard that some people are coerced into trafficking illegal drugs to pay off some gambling debts, but the people that are caught with the weed have to do the time as there is no defense for being in possession of that much. The personal use excuse will only go so far. Cheers.

Or someone from the BiB seduced them through someone else in the syndicate to bring in the drugs and then have them arrested to get that much sought after promotion! They are getting more creative all the time!

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"Marijuana make people think" ? :D

Nice one :D

Thank u :) .Read ,,listen ,,get experience,1st of all..N Learn..Even an "Educated, (by what that means) ,NON smoker know that...Guess u know the world is on the wrong "track" for "some" years :D .Justice 2 every1,do that sounds ok!N do u think all the big thinkers in the world are or was alcoholics.read n learn.aaaaa.2 be abit "religious",,,: the bible,even the kouran and guru grand sahib(u know that book)? says that some people will never ever learn even if u give it to them by a "teaspoon" :D xsample,,Put a rabbit infront of them,n they still see a Mouse.

:D ...if everybody on Thaivisa would write like you the doors would be closed in 2 days.

:D Maybe you think it's a kind of funny writing but try to write in proper English instead this kid's stuff. Grow up.


Well said...or well written. I read it a couple of times then gave up trying to understand it. Even kids don't write like that. I just put it down to illiteracy. And too much drug usage. Perhaps a good example of brain damage caused by drugs.

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"They confessed they had smuggled marijuana bought from a neighbouring country."

It is a sad reflection on Thailand that they are incapable of growing decent weed themselves.

Untrue, they are growing some very descent "ganja baan" but they are not stupid, they are keeping it for themselves.

What is sold to tourists is compressed Laotian crap, months old and full of formalin.

Remember the thai sticks that used to be smuggled into calif in body bags during vietnam war. I heard it was suposed to be good.

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We used to get Thai stick in my country in the 70's and it was the best!!!!Growers here have lost there path; Laos still has some outstanding weed. A book was recently released, telling of a group of guys(Bangkok) in the 70's that exported Thai stick all over the world. Unfortunately, they were caught in one big bust. I can't remember the name of the book. Maybe someone can help.

PM me if you get the name of the book. Although not a member of their group, I had friends who were...

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"Marijuana make people think" ? :D

Nice one :D

Thank u :) .Read ,,listen ,,get experience,1st of all..N Learn..Even an "Educated, (by what that means) ,NON smoker know that...Guess u know the world is on the wrong "track" for "some" years :D .Justice 2 every1,do that sounds ok!N do u think all the big thinkers in the world are or was alcoholics.read n learn.aaaaa.2 be abit "religious",,,: the bible,even the kouran and guru grand sahib(u know that book)? says that some people will never ever learn even if u give it to them by a "teaspoon" :D xsample,,Put a rabbit infront of them,n they still see a Mouse.

:D ...if everybody on Thaivisa would write like you the doors would be closed in 2 days.

:D Maybe you think it's a kind of funny writing but try to write in proper English instead this kid's stuff. Grow up.


Well said...or well written. I read it a couple of times then gave up trying to understand it. Even kids don't write like that. I just put it down to illiteracy. And too much drug usage. Perhaps a good example of brain damage caused by drugs.

I do not use Drugs!!!And my way of writing is a soldiers way, we keep it short and we say a lot. (You would never understand) (too many years in it makes hard for me to stop ) To many Stupid people in the world,so only a few would understand what i say.But some did and i am satisfied.You two will never understand the most.

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Both singoapore and malaysia have death penalty's for drug dealing the same as thailand so they deserve what they get if found guilty

So we can surmise that if Singapore and Malaysia and Thailand have a death penalty for 'such and such' (a particular act), then the law is fair, and all who are found guilty deserve the maximum penalty?

I think the Taliban have an opening for their Attorney General spot, maybe you'd like to apply. Oh, the Taliban gain much of their operating budget via opium farms, hope that's not an impediment to you seeking to enforce their laws. Plus, they're ok with whipping women in public who allow their daughters to go to school. After all, it's a severe penalty put forth by a regime (and same in other parts of Middle East), so it must be justified, isn't that so?

errrrrrrrrr.........doh! I forgot what I was gunna say....now what button is it again...I used to be able to dlk kkkvniojv............

best post of the day!

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Alleged foreign drug syndicate busted

BANGKOK: -- Thai police on Thursday smashed an alleged syndicate of foreign drug dealers and confiscated one tonne of marijuana.

Deputy Police Chief Pol Gen Jumpol Manmai told a news conference here that police arrested a Malaysian man, Phoon Ken Huat, 26, allegedly the syndicate ringleader at a house in Bangkok and seized 990 bars of compressed marijuana, worth Bt60 million (about US$1,765,000).

They confessed they had smuggled marijuana bought from a neighbouring country worth Bt10,000 (about US$294) per kilogramme and packed the drugs for sale to dealers in the Netherlands which could be sold at a street value of Bt50,000-60,000 (some $1,500-1,750) per kilo.

The other two alleged drug dealers included a Singaporean man, Danny Lim Kian Hong, 37, and an ethnic Shan. They were charged with illegally co-manufacturing and possessing drugs for sale

Under Thai law, those found guilty of the charges can face a jail term of two to 15 years.


-- TNA 2009-08-20

Interesting that the Dutch are buying Burmese Gear.

I thought they could grow their own in the Netherlands, and the Burmese stuff is like straw anyway

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"Marijuana make people think" ? :D

Nice one :P

Thank u :D .Read ,,listen ,,get experience,1st of all..N Learn..Even an "Educated, (by what that means) ,NON smoker know that...Guess u know the world is on the wrong "track" for "some" years :D .Justice 2 every1,do that sounds ok!N do u think all the big thinkers in the world are or was alcoholics.read n learn.aaaaa.2 be abit "religious",,,: the bible,even the kouran and guru grand sahib(u know that book)? says that some people will never ever learn even if u give it to them by a "teaspoon" :D xsample,,Put a rabbit infront of them,n they still see a Mouse.

:D ...if everybody on Thaivisa would write like you the doors would be closed in 2 days.

:D Maybe you think it's a kind of funny writing but try to write in proper English instead this kid's stuff. Grow up.


Well said...or well written. I read it a couple of times then gave up trying to understand it. Even kids don't write like that. I just put it down to illiteracy. And too much drug usage. Perhaps a good example of brain damage caused by drugs.

:) Oh.I forgot.( I love this),,There is a difference among people .Lets say that some people understand what i am saying and others do not.What is it with the people who understand my writing, . Are they dumb and stupid?No. They are intelligent.Then what is the rest then? "Not intelligent"(deaf and dumb), :D and start picking instead and use flaming words,( that, intelligent people don't do).what they cant understand they reject as bullocks.We humans may be look alike from the outside, but inside some minds are more developed than others.This is how it is. no more or less! So start "picking"again so once again people can see the true you.

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Look the world is a messed up place. This isn't meant to be a a discussion on laws or what not, but I feel like I want to throw my hat in once again to another drugs ring.

<deleted> is the huge deal out there with marijuana? why the hel_l is it so illegal? Are you worried about your kids?

<<<The "how to" part of this post has been removed. It referred to how easy it is to abuse over the counter drugs. Just a bit too descriptively>>>

I hate how because of stupid systems other people will suffer because someone at some point decided that this thing, which has been naturally growing for tens of thousands of years; and its use can be traced back as far as human history, should be illegal. Thats FKEd up and whats worse, people actually die because of these systems.

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Both singoapore and malaysia have death penalty's for drug dealing the same as thailand so they deserve what they get if found guilty

Unlike Thailand, both Singapore & Malaysia talk the talk, then they walk the walk. The so called death penalty in Thailand is virtually non-existent. :)

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got a question that someone maybe able to answer... is there a statistics of drug use in Thailand?

I've heard people say that since pot has been made illegal (or the punishment for possession/dealing it extremely raised) more and more Thais started using chemical drugs like Jabba... is this true?

IMHO pot should be treated the same as cigarettes and alcohol, it's the only of the 3 that has never caused a death and it doesn't turn you into a complete fool when getting totally "pissed" from it. Tax it, restrict age usage like cigarettes or alcohol and stop calling it a drug...

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got a question that someone maybe able to answer... is there a statistics of drug use in Thailand?

I've heard people say that since pot has been made illegal (or the punishment for possession/dealing it extremely raised) more and more Thais started using chemical drugs like Jabba... is this true?

IMHO pot should be treated the same as cigarettes and alcohol, it's the only of the 3 that has never caused a death and it doesn't turn you into a complete fool when getting totally "pissed" from it. Tax it, restrict age usage like cigarettes or alcohol and stop calling it a drug...

Hi.Your first question i dont know about.Dont think there have been much statistics about here in Thailand.Pot smokers have gone under ground and you need to be proven and trusted.Many of my Thaifriends use it everyday.Jabba is all over! And that Really make people (the most) crazy.What you say in IMHO is all facts and a reality.To take an example,India got a limit years back,(from US of A)that they should criminalize pot and they got 20 years to do so.( or the money sack would be closed)When they did.so many people start to use Heroin instead.and now India have a Big problem,Pot did not cause any!

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got a question that someone maybe able to answer... is there a statistics of drug use in Thailand?

Go to the website of the ONCB (Office of the Narcotics Control Board) http://en.oncb.go.th/

Then go to Statistics. There you'll find plenty.

Thanks for the link; that's amazing and detailed and a lot better+faster than the Thai touristic statistics :) :

drugs_statistics_thsailand_Arrested2008.pdf Statistics on Drug Cases throughout the Country, January 1 – December 31, 2008


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got a question that someone maybe able to answer... is there a statistics of drug use in Thailand?

Go to the website of the ONCB (Office of the Narcotics Control Board) http://en.oncb.go.th/

Then go to Statistics. There you'll find plenty.

Thanks for the link; that's amazing and detailed and a lot better+faster than the Thai touristic statistics :) :

drugs_statistics_thsailand_Arrested2008.pdf Statistics on Drug Cases throughout the Country, January 1 – December 31, 2008


What does "Disposal" as an allegation mean?

Flushing it down the loo?

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This data extracted from the pdf link above:


A few observations:

1. Yaabaa seems to be more than a crime here, perhaps an epidemic?

2. Marijuana is the easiest of all to identify, hence high number of offenders.

3. Cocaine user numbers are IMO fairly equal to Marijuana but look at the numbers?

4. The numbers shown here are only those caught; maybe 10 or 100 people avoid arrest for every one caught?

I am a firm believer in legalisation of all drugs. It is impossible to stop production and consumption, so the only option is to control supply. Much like potatoes, if you produce enough inside your country you have no need for imports. Drugs could be a source of tax revenue used to fund hospitals, clinics etc. Money saved on policing and huge organisations (eg DEA) could also be much better spent elsewhere.


Edited by ParadiseLost
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I am a firm believer in legalisation of all drugs. It is impossible to stop production and consumption, so the only option is to control supply. Much like potatoes, if you produce enough inside your country you have no need for imports. Drugs could be a source of tax revenue used to fund hospitals, clinics etc. Money saved on policing and huge organisations (eg DEA) could also be much better spent elsewhere.

well put, PL. I too believe in blanket legalization. If harm is done (to people, property, animals, etc), then let's as a society deal with that as we supposedly do anyway. Sh!t is going to happen, whether particular substances are banned or not. Indeed, by making some items taboo, increases their lure.

If Uncle Sam declared pate du fois was illegal because it was intoxicating, its price would quintuple in a week, and party people would be scrambling to get it on the black market, and some unscrupulous peddlers would be making lots of cash selling it clandestinely.

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"Marijuana make people think" ? :)

Nice one :D

I know a few guys who smoke a joint when they first get out of bed, like I have a coffee! They say it helps them think, as it relaxes them so they can put all the stress of living in bangers aside and get their day started. They seem pretty normal (I Know, define normal......) for the rest of the day - you wouldn't know they had smoked it, to see them. :D Different strokes for different folks etc. I agree it is harmless in moderation, apart from the short term memory loss thing - which, as I am finding out, age does anyway!! I still don't think the punishment fits the crime. Prison for making people happy?? How do you justify that?

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