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But is this the reason that HIV rates in Thailand are so high, in that both males and females are far more promiscuous here then in nations with lower HIV/Aids rates?

Guess I will receive heat for this, but I remember reading about if Thais are promiscuous or not.

I read it in an article in Bangkok Post actually, and a few books, where these data were shown.

Just read a fact sheet about Thailan on the WHO site.


Evidence corroborates the early

initiation of sexual activity among

young men and women in Thailand.

Recent data from the National

Behavioural Surveillance (2004)

among 2nd year secondary school

students indicates that the average

age of first sex among sexually

active 8th grade students was

13 years for both boys and girls

(Figure-4). National data from 1996

to 2004 surveys shows a significant

rise in the proportion of secondary

school students who are sexually

active (trends for both male and

female students of 5th year of

secondary school are shown in

Figures-5 and 6).

end of Quote"

Coming from a country which is known as "sexually liberal", this is very surprising numbers.

So I guess, promiscous? Yes.

If this causes the HIV/AIDS rates? Not sure about that, as I believe there are other groups that are affected by this virus.

But how many are sexually active in 8'th grade? It doesnt say? I have a bit of a hard time believing that as my country has an average of 15.5 years as first time sex and we are probably the most sexually liberal country in the modern world.

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But how many are sexually active in 8'th grade? It doesnt say? I have a bit of a hard time believing that as my country has an average of 15.5 years as first time sex and we are probably the most sexually liberal country in the modern world.

Curious: where's that MrHammer ? :)


But how many are sexually active in 8'th grade? It doesnt say? I have a bit of a hard time believing that as my country has an average of 15.5 years as first time sex and we are probably the most sexually liberal country in the modern world.

Curious: where's that MrHammer ? :)


I guess, England, Holland, or one of the Scandinavian countries.

Then there's the American movie "Idiotocracy"

Well Idiocracy actually :) but moving along... The movie does present a phenomenon which really does appear to be playing itself out in so many ways. I wouldn't be surprised to see the next generation talking almost entirely in LOLs and text speak BS, the generation after, complete ROFLing retards drinking electrolyte drinks at Buttfu##ers. I'm still under 40, and generally a fun loving liberal all-round - but if the current generation isn't stupider by 20 IQ points than the one before, they're sure as hel_l convincing! That's not aimed at Thais BTW, though the same probably applies.

Back on topic...

Catholicism unfortunately still has a lot to answer for RE: AIDS in many countries - the Pope's message on his last visit to Africa was truly disgraceful. That was so out of line it borders on endorsing genocide. Surely the time has come to throw away dark age dogma!

Conservative cultures (or parents) trying to preserve the chastity of their young through fear, oppression, religion, force etc are setting themselves up for failure, especially if that means they hold back on, or completely fail to provide, or even ban sex education, make condoms hard to access, associate guilt with safe sex or other safe practises, etc. Not only will a good percentage of the youth be sexually active regardless, but they face much higher risks of pregnancy and STDs. Is this the fault of the evil west - of course it isn't. By many criteria - birth rates, average age of marriage, STD rates, percentage of single mothers etc - the western world is setting the standards - and education is much more to thank for that than religious preaching or other social order campaigns IMO.

Promiscuity, or at least being sexually active, is not necessarily the big problem, or even a problem. Many of the people promoting social order and values are hypocrites of the highest order anyway. I don't really understand why society as a whole is so hung up on consensual sex between young people (or anyone for that matter) - if they're taught sex education including safe sex (starting in their early teens at the latest), and there are other readily accessible safety nets in place to help out as required - it's hardly the most dangerous activity the average teenager partakes in.

I really wonder what percentage of people who lost their virginity in a consensual encounter sometime in their mid to late teens, male or female, found the experience to be that physically or emotionally scarring (and how much of that was society inflicted guilt anyway) - or whatever the invisible monster is that makes us so protective, so paranoid, etc. Anyway...

As for how promiscuous Thais are... It would be naive to suggest that the average tourist/expat can consistently score in shopping malls, but equally naive to say it doesn't happen at all. I know quite a few Thai girls, some met socially, some met at work, who have left me in little doubt they're up for a casual encounter - if not with me, with another guy in the office (Thai or otherwise). The expectation is that it is kept on the QT unless it turns serious. Others were frequently asking me to hook them up with a friend etc. Not unlike - well, anywhere else really.

It’s largely irrelevant anyway. Are there a lot of sexually active teenagers, sexually active unmarried people, sexually promiscuous married people in Thailand - of course there are. Is this a recent phenomena - no.

I really wonder what percentage of people who lost their virginity in a consensual encounter sometime in their mid to late teens, male or female, found the experience to be that physically or emotionally scarring (and how much of that was society inflicted guilt anyway) - or whatever the invisible monster is that makes us so protective, so paranoid, etc. Anyway...

Unwanted teen pregnancies is one thing. Without opening this can of worms, some people do not believe abortion is ok. My friend recently dated a girl who has had 6 abortions. Most of the girls I know that had many sexpartners as teenagers are also the ones with the least education and failed relationships. In my experience girls who debuted early and with many partners become distrustful of men, kinda like bargirls. Really though, it's also that young girls are pretty easily persuaded by the first douche who turns up with his own car or apartment, then abandons them, thus they end up in places around the world like Soi Cowboy.


Dont need odds:

1 expat friend caught STD, 4 times last year.

He used to take 1-2 ladies every week, never used condom....

Other expat friend got diagnosed full blown AIDS last year, and have now lost 20+ kilos.

He used to take 1-3 ladies every week, never used condom....

Real life speaks for itself.

Dont need odds:

1 expat friend caught STD, 4 times last year.

He used to take 1-2 ladies every week, never used condom....

Other expat friend got diagnosed full blown AIDS last year, and have now lost 20+ kilos.

He used to take 1-3 ladies every week, never used condom....

Real life speaks for itself.

And he never went with ladyboys/gays? I've never heard or know of someone in Thailand catching more than the usual stuff from ladies. Then again, my friends dont go trough 150+ bargirls in a year.


Dont know as he has lived here 20+ years, and I've only lived here 10yrs. Never seen any of them show any interest in Lb/gays.

Anyway I dont think this is a topic to joke about.

Both guys are average same you and me, they just too addicted to ladies and dont want to "cover up".

Strange how this ladyboy/gay always comes up. Judgemental?

If you think like that and do same they, you might end up same (even straight as them).

Btw1: I've seen many expats go through many more than 150 ladies a year. Many sex addicted here. AND you dont have a clue how many ladies your friends go with. People lie, dont they. Or not tell. Are you with your friends 24/7 ?

"my friends dont go..." judgemental again I see. Implicating my friends are some sort of low class scum, not the average monger ? (sigh) !

Btw2: quote "I've never heard or know ...catching more than the usual stuff from the ladies" OOOPS. :)

= your friends dont cover up either then!

but but but I Thought your friends was of a much higher class than mine :D

Just read your post No 65 here:

"My friend recently dated a girl who has had 6 abortions. Most of the girls I know that had many sexpartners" ....

What happend to "my friends dont"......

Loneliness is one key word - want to be single but high sex drive is another. Both have to pay for it, the last one with his life soon.

:D Nothing to joke about or be disrespectful :D


Agree wth you Ps. When people have a terminal illness, cancer,aids, or other, people should show more respect. If a man get cancer, people feel sorry for him. If he get aids, some people trash him and say you got what you deserve. It can happend to anyone even when careful, and use protection. Do not forget that.

MrHammer, your last posts in this thread, is full of contradictions. You off topic when start talk about ladyboys/gays. Are the majority in Africa ladyboy/gays? Your second sentence show that even your friends has catched what you call the usual stuff from ladies. So much for (Quoting), your friends dont go through 150+ bargirls in a year. That only confirms that also your friends catch std's. Earlier you posted that your friend had a gf with 6 - six previous abortions. OMG. Seems that your friends are no better or worse than Ps friends.

Interesting that people who visit or live in Thailand, still love to drag other foreigners down.

Just read that around 4000 people in Pattaya have tested positiv for hiv/aids. That's only the known cases. How many more are there? Takes only 1 to give you hiv. Takes only 1 broken condom too. Be careful out there.

Dont need odds:

1 expat friend caught STD, 4 times last year.

He used to take 1-2 ladies every week, never used condom....

Other expat friend got diagnosed full blown AIDS last year, and have now lost 20+ kilos.

He used to take 1-3 ladies every week, never used condom....

Real life speaks for itself.

And he never went with ladyboys/gays? I've never heard or know of someone in Thailand catching more than the usual stuff from ladies. Then again, my friends dont go trough 150+ bargirls in a year.


You haven't heard much, then. Whistling in the dark.... :)


I firmly believe that HIV/AIDS is directly connected with peoples education/IQ etc. Just have a look at the world map and see where HIV/AIDS is spread. African countries and South East asia. It's a fact.

The spread can be limited with education. Other ways (sure that someone will think different) is to tattoo all confirmed cases in the bump with the letters AIDS. Gives the opposite partner to at least check if it is a confirmed case)

In my experience, the gay population here is very active. Furthermore, there is a shocking lack of knowledge or care about condoms among younger Thai gay men

I speak good thai, have been here for years, know hundreds of thais and never even heard of one who doesn't know that condom use prevents HIV. It is mentioned so often, and has been for about the last 20 years, on all media, including TV so many times that the person who didn't know about it would have to be a hermit or insane.


I agree with what you wrote, Guava. There's no need to copy and paste it again.

There is far too much hypocrisy about the whole subject. I don't see why other people want to impose their own personal standards on others. Teenagers are going to experiment with sex whether we like it or not. Even pre-teens are starting early. All we can do is guide them and give them the knowledge on how to protect themselves. Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a pre-teen at the time she was sold to Joseph. Joseph was about 30 at the time and that would have made him a pedophile by today's standards. Many bush tribes in Africa and South America indoctrinate their young children in sexual practises at a very early age. And, it doesn't scar them emotionally.

It still comes down to the more knowledge we have about everything the better off we will be.

In my experience, the gay population here is very active. Furthermore, there is a shocking lack of knowledge or care about condoms among younger Thai gay men

I speak good thai, have been here for years, know hundreds of thais and never even heard of one who doesn't know that condom use prevents HIV. It is mentioned so often, and has been for about the last 20 years, on all media, including TV so many times that the person who didn't know about it would have to be a hermit or insane.


You actually go around asking them (you know, the 'hundreds') about this?

Dont know as he has lived here 20+ years, and I've only lived here 10yrs. Never seen any of them show any interest in Lb/gays.

Anyway I dont think this is a topic to joke about.

Both guys are average same you and me, they just too addicted to ladies and dont want to "cover up".

Strange how this ladyboy/gay always comes up. Judgemental?

If you think like that and do same they, you might end up same (even straight as them).

Btw1: I've seen many expats go through many more than 150 ladies a year. Many sex addicted here. AND you dont have a clue how many ladies your friends go with. People lie, dont they. Or not tell. Are you with your friends 24/7 ?

"my friends dont go..." judgemental again I see. Implicating my friends are some sort of low class scum, not the average monger ? (sigh) !

Btw2: quote "I've never heard or know ...catching more than the usual stuff from the ladies" OOOPS. :)

= your friends dont cover up either then!

but but but I Thought your friends was of a much higher class than mine :D

Just read your post No 65 here:

"My friend recently dated a girl who has had 6 abortions. Most of the girls I know that had many sexpartners" ....

What happend to "my friends dont"......

Loneliness is one key word - want to be single but high sex drive is another. Both have to pay for it, the last one with his life soon.

:D Nothing to joke about or be disrespectful :D

I may have sounded judgemental but that wasn't my intention, I just stated my experience. I am sorry for your friend and didn't mean to imply that he was a bad person.

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