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The Night Bazaar


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quote ... O'Mailey's has upped their game with a bevy of young ladies enticing clients to the door

thats interesting but if rose is still the cashier they wont get customers going back twice.

i havnt been there for years coz of her sour attitude


You're safe to go back to O'Malley's as Rose now works at The Red Lion. 

I don't know what problem you had, but all of the O'Malley's customers that see her at Red Lion now are happy to see her, and she is very good with the tourists. Only this evening a trio of Aussie old boys were enjoying a joke with her and were pleased to see her arrive in the evening. They've been in my place twice a day for 5 or 6 days and are enjoying the banter with Rose and one of the guys that work for me. I have two members of staff that are excellent with the tourists, one of them is the new guy that joined recently and the other is Rose. Maybe she was unhappy for some reason whilst she was at O'Malley's but since she has been with me she is very good. BTW, Rose worked with me in the old days at Haus Munchen so I've known her for about 15 years or more. 

I think maybe Rose had too many responsibilities at O'Malley's or maybe personal problems but I can't fault her since her return - a very popular member of my staff.

I remember a very personal attack on Rose in the old O'Malleys-Red Lion thread. I wasn't a member of Thai Visa and she wasn't working for me then so I didn't respond but I do recall that not only was the comment OTT it showed a great lack of respect to someone that was in no position to reply. I hope that anyone responding to this thread will bear in mind that forum rules don't allow personal attacks, and I would think that it applies to everyone not just fellow members. I know Rose was very upset about the remarks.

Observations are fine I'm sure, but out and out rudeness shows a lack of class, as far as I'm concerned - espescially when said behind the anonimity of a forum. If you haven't got something nice to say about somebody .....

I didn't really have anything nice to say about her when she was at O'Malley's. And, I was not alone in my criticsm. There were many who had the same opinion.

"I know Rose was very upset about the remarks" but that didn't change her diposition whilst she was working for Scott.

She was OK when she was at Haus Munchen so maybe you have the right "touch" with her. :)

And if she is OK now, I am pleased to hear that "for her and for you"

Edited by john b good
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quote ...You're safe to go back to O'Malley's as Rose now works at The Red Lion!

way hay thanks for that info that means i can try o mallys food again but i shall miss your fish and chips and lovely beef stew : (

quote ... I don't know what problem you had ... i didnt have a problem with rose ! ... she ( at the time feb mar april 05 ) seemed to have a problem with ANY ferang that walked in the door and thats why i never went back

quote ... Observations are fine I'm sure, but out and out rudeness shows a lack of class ...

thats fair comment but when someone consistantly looks at you and treats you ( and other people in front of you ) like #hit and has an arrogant attitude for months im affraid a bit of rudeness might show up from this ferang.

i made a comment you didnt like about rose yesterday!

someone else has made a similar comment about rose in the past ?

john b good ( who i dont know ) made a similar comment directly after me!

i admire you standing up for rose but if it was me alarm bells would be ringing after one bad comment not three

good luck mr hunt and rinrada will be no doubt knocking on your door at 2 am tomorrow for a pint of Heinee Krup

lucky you .. . enjoy ... dave2

if rose has solved her problems and changed .... good .... i wish you and her well !

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if Rose has solved her problems and changed .... good .... i wish you and her well !

Thanks for your comments and good wishes. As I said, I've known Rose for quite a long time, and I was surprised to see the comments from her O'Malley's days. I do know she had some personal problems at that time so probably that was the cause. She is a valuable member of my staff now, and very popular with the customers. Things can and sometimes do change.

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... snip ... He's off again (did I hear someone say 'Off his bloody head'). Does anyone else here have any idea what any of that means?

And there I was trying to be nice... Nutty as a fruit cake, if you ask me. ... snip ...

Dear Khun Brother Kevin,

Your sweet words reach our nostrils like the incense of fresh durian, and are savoured in the fulness thereof.

With delight we see you, too you have joined our game of croquet with the Red Queen; the taste of "nuttiness" is often an early symptom of awakening to the illusory nature of what you have, up until now, clutched at, clung to like a shiprwreck survivor clings to wreckage, believed, was a fiction of a consistent "personal self of the colonial British variety." It is an almost instinctual reaction for some to "project" that experience of nuttiness outside, onto others, rather than experience it as an inner reaction. This will pass, like gas passes, hopefully in a way that will not further embarass you in public.

The auditory hallucinations of an external female voicing shouting "off with their heads" is also typical of the early phases of the process of inner transformation; some advanced adepts are known to actually mutter "off with my head" as they enter states of rapture. It was Charles Dodgson's (aka Lewis Carroll) great fortune to have had a profound psychic experience with a captive Orangutan in a London zoo, perhaps helped along by his well-known epileptiform seizures, in which he was given a "taste" of the teachings of Ur-Orang, and it is a testament to his literary genius that from that singularity (combined with his erotic penchants for young pre-pubsecent girls) he was able to transcend his human limits, and embody in human language the essence of Saint Alice (known by the initiates of Ur Orang under the public name "Ur Immanympha").

Allowing the flamingo's head to come too close to your face often happens to new players, and some believe (though this is violently debated by scholars) that flamingo-breath does remind one of almonds. Fortunately the former apostates who taught this heretical doctrine have now been been all fatally cleansed by fire.

Take heart that St. Alice, Herself, Praise Be Unto Her Blessed Name, found the game awkward at first :

The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it <EM>would</EM> twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed.

And do allow yourself to "burst" wih laughter frequently, as that, in itself, may help to debloviate that arrogance so often found in those I refer to as Chiang Mai's "old callouses," walking around in a fog of an ersatz memory of the lost British Empire, with their grandiose sense of entitlement, racism, endless complaints, combination maid-servant/man-servant-wife/boyfriend Thai partners, and hanging out in their little enclaves of Guinness, darts, football, gossip, and wasted parasitical lives.

Welcome to the game ...

regards, ~o:37;

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... snip ... He's off again (did I hear someone say 'Off his bloody head'). Does anyone else here have any idea what any of that means?

And there I was trying to be nice... Nutty as a fruit cake, if you ask me. ... snip ...

Dear Khun Brother Kevin,

Your sweet words reach our nostrils like the incense of fresh durian, and are savoured in the fulness thereof.


This will pass, like gas passes, hopefully in a way that will not further embarass you in public.


Welcome to the game ...

regards, ~o:37;

I must be getting used to you because I could almost understood some of that. I got the general gist of it anyway. I think. :)

The bit about the gas, anyway. It did pass thankfully*** so at least It's safe to leave the house now.

Which is just as well because there is a great night of sport ahead of us. I'm just off to the Night Bazaar (I put that in to please Getgoin by bringing it back 'on topic') to watch the Cricket, Formula 1 , West Ham-Sapurs and the highlight .... Burnley stuffing The Toffees.

Not all at the same time, you understand.

Tatty Bye

*** A little tip - Boots' Gastro Bismol is very effective but ... it does mean black poo for 2 or 3 days. :D

Edited by KevinHunt
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... snip ... He's off again (did I hear someone say 'Off his bloody head'). Does anyone else here have any idea what any of that means?

And there I was trying to be nice... Nutty as a fruit cake, if you ask me. ... snip ...

Dear Khun Brother Kevin,

Your sweet words reach our nostrils like the incense of fresh durian, and are savoured in the fulness thereof.


This will pass, like gas passes, hopefully in a way that will not further embarass you in public.


Welcome to the game ...

regards, ~o:37;

I must be getting used to you because I could almost understood some of that. I got the general gist of it anyway. I think. :)

The bit about the gas, anyway. It did pass thankfully*** so at least It's safe to leave the house now.

Which is just as well because there is a great night of sport ahead of us. I'm just off to the Night Bazaar (I put that in to please Getgoin by bringing it back 'on topic') to watch the Cricket, Formula 1 , West Ham-Sapurs and the highlight .... Burnley stuffing The Toffees.

Not all at the same time, you understand.

Tatty Bye

*** A little tip - Boots' Gastro Bismol is very effective but ... it does mean black poo for 2 or 3 days. :D

What?? no tennis today Kev :D

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... snip ... He's off again (did I hear someone say 'Off his bloody head'). Does anyone else here have any idea what any of that means?

And there I was trying to be nice... Nutty as a fruit cake, if you ask me. ... snip ...

Dear Khun Brother Kevin,

Your sweet words reach our nostrils like the incense of fresh durian, and are savoured in the fulness thereof.

With delight we see you, too you have joined our game of croquet with the Red Queen; the taste of "nuttiness" is often an early symptom of awakening to the illusory nature of what you have, up until now, clutched at, clung to like a shiprwreck survivor clings to wreckage, believed, was a fiction of a consistent "personal self of the colonial British variety." It is an almost instinctual reaction for some to "project" that experience of nuttiness outside, onto others, rather than experience it as an inner reaction. This will pass, like gas passes, hopefully in a way that will not further embarass you in public.

The auditory hallucinations of an external female voicing shouting "off with their heads" is also typical of the early phases of the process of inner transformation; some advanced adepts are known to actually mutter "off with my head" as they enter states of rapture. It was Charles Dodgson's (aka Lewis Carroll) great fortune to have had a profound psychic experience with a captive Orangutan in a London zoo, perhaps helped along by his well-known epileptiform seizures, in which he was given a "taste" of the teachings of Ur-Orang, and it is a testament to his literary genius that from that singularity (combined with his erotic penchants for young pre-pubsecent girls) he was able to transcend his human limits, and embody in human language the essence of Saint Alice (known by the initiates of Ur Orang under the public name "Ur Immanympha").

Allowing the flamingo's head to come too close to your face often happens to new players, and some believe (though this is violently debated by scholars) that flamingo-breath does remind one of almonds. Fortunately the former apostates who taught this heretical doctrine have now been been all fatally cleansed by fire.

Take heart that St. Alice, Herself, Praise Be Unto Her Blessed Name, found the game awkward at first :

The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it <EM>would</EM> twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed.

And do allow yourself to "burst" wih laughter frequently, as that, in itself, may help to debloviate that arrogance so often found in those I refer to as Chiang Mai's "old callouses," walking around in a fog of an ersatz memory of the lost British Empire, with their grandiose sense of entitlement, racism, endless complaints, combination maid-servant/man-servant-wife/boyfriend Thai partners, and hanging out in their little enclaves of Guinness, darts, football, gossip, and wasted parasitical lives.

Welcome to the game ...

regards, ~o:37;

While reading this I kept hearing the Jefferson Airplane playing in my brain.

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Rose is the one from Sukothai correct?

If so, she was always a nice face to see and my wife thought she was great..what a wonderful person.

The other one...the "big shelia" in Aussie speak,

The hefty one with a extreme bad attitude is the reason we stopped going to O'malleys.

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What?? no tennis today Kev :D

You like to watch don't you? :D

I do actually (like to watch) tennis and pretty well most other sporting disciplines (other than that "kick it with your head" game) where they run around kissing each other and pulling their shirts up as if every one want's to see their scrawny bodies :)

And, I have still not grown a liking for that game the yanks play. But I guess everyone to his own.

And I missed seeing Roger F yesterday. I guess I was too busy here on TV at the time :D

And, I am sure Kevin that you don't cry like Roger did not so long back went it all turned to shyt in the final. :D

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Rose is the one from Sukothai correct?

If so, she was always a nice face to see and my wife thought she was great..what a wonderful person.


And as I said I am pleased to hear that "and still think that you must have the touch"

And, what ever happened to Mahrah (not sure if that's the correct spelling) who I believe was Burmese and who was with you in the old Haus Munchen ? Now there was a lady, IMHO

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What?? no tennis today Kev :D

You like to watch don't you? :D

I do actually like to watch tennis and pretty well most other sporting disciplines.

And, I am sure Kevin that you don't cry like Roger did not so long back went it all turned to shyt in the final. :D

Roger federer in top form is a joy to behold. He does need to develop a stiffer upper lip though. But to be fair, he is Swiss. They haven't been through two wars, so they haven't really suffered .....

Mine quivers a little occasionally and I may begin to well up but no blubbering. Not on a tennis court!!

I know that these are supposed to be 'enlightened times' but please ,leave the crying to the girls.

Anyway, I'd better start getting my togs together - singles today. My Aussie mate is turning up today and we all know how that ends up don't we? :)

To keep this on topic - The Gymkhana Tennis courts are only 5 minute from the Night Bazaar (if you run - very quickly).

(P.S. What's with the 'shyt'? Is '&lt;deleted&gt;' not allowed, but misspelt, it is? That's a bit rummy, isn't it?)

Edited by KevinHunt
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While reading this I kept hearing the Jefferson Airplane playing in my brain.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Daoyai,


"Those were the daze my friend." My human was there, in his "prime" at the time.

If you are fortunate enough to become possessed by an Orang soul-mind in the future, you will save a lot of money on loudspeakers or headphones : you'll hear any song ever written, in any performance, by any group, or artist, ever done, in quadrophrenic sound. And you won't need wi-fi.


best, ~o:37;

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While reading this I kept hearing the Jefferson Airplane playing in my brain.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Daoyai,


"Those were the daze my friend." My human was there, in his "prime" at the time.

best, ~o:37;

Khun orangesunshine

Were you pre-Kesey, during Kesey or post Kesey? Don't tell me that you were on the bus!


Edited by Ulysses G.
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I seldom go to NB because you have to park for a fee, and then I bought all my Lanna shirts in Wat Harinpunchai by 2006. My last Ferrari jacket at NB, 500 baht.

You can park in the Pavilion shopping Plaza for 1 hour if you spend in the establishments there. Just buy some hair clips at 7/11 and get a stamp on your parking ticket and your covered.

I think Panthip has free parking for 1 hour even if you don't buy hair clips!!

A Ferrari jacket for 500 baht!! That's so typical of the Nouveau Riche. They'll spend a fortune on a new Ferrari, just to show off, and then buy a fake jacket in the Night bazaar. Shame on you. :)  All show and no substance. Or as we say in Liverpool 'Fur coat and no knickers'. :D

PS. The smiley is for Glegolo - he's a bit slow (He's nearly 60 and living in Chaiyaphum so you have to make allowances).

Pantip has free parking for 2 hours if you do not buy anything and 3 hours if you do. That is where i usually park. I buy a pack of blank DVD's to get my 3 hours.

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