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Dirty Underwear


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Hi all

After having sent my laundry to my apartment's housekeeping for more than a year, suddenly my Thai girlfriend has blasted me for including my socks and underwear. She says these are "private matters" and I should wash them myself.

However, my apartment is probably 50 percent Thai/50 percent farang, and housekeeping certainly haven't rejected those dirty items...

But I want to do the right thing. Is it not proper to have your most private pieces of clothing washed by someone else in Thailand?


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buy a washing machine and make your girlfriend do them, and see what she got to say about that,

laudry that mean everything, and yes including underwear, but im not sure what you mean by DIRTY underwear tho, housekeeper should do it all.

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That was probably the cause of my first disagreement with the wife, I took the laundry basket round the corner and when we later drove past the laundry and she saw her smalls hanging (right at the front of course!) she went ballistic ! ! !

Needless to say I do not touch laundry now, I am not allowed to. And she changed to another laundry.

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I know laundry places that will wash your undies, but none of them like to, from comments I've heard from workers there. I've always done my own, but now I don't anymore. Because I don't wear underwear anymore :o

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When we were living in an apartment, the wife would always hand wash the "smalls" and give the rest to the laundry shelia.  :o

Same. Also in my apartments we pay by item.ie 100 items for 1000baht. So if you include socks(2pieces) and undies then you soon get to the 100 mark(excuse thepun). So the missus does all the undies and socks. We only send shirts, trousers etc.

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The laundry in my building does everything I throw in there, and even irons my boxers !

I've seen laundry from Thais (I'm presuming, as I'm the only farang in the building) hanging up outside the laundry, some "ordinary" underwear (bras and briefs), but no sexy stuff. I guess the girls wash those themselves, to keep the building gossip down, even though everyone knows everyone elses business.

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I know laundry places that will wash your undies, but none of them like to, from comments I've heard from workers there. I've always done my own, but now I don't anymore. Because I don't wear underwear anymore  :D


waaaahhhh, overshare.

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Ajarn, that's what i call "going commando"

its the only way to go in this climate .

thais do seem to separate the underwear when doing the wash.

when i am in bangkok staying with the inlaws , underwear is hung out on a different line to the rest of the wash , the undies line is much lower than the other ones , male stuff on the left and female stuff on the right.

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Thais dont like to wash other people's underwear, and there are also superstitions regarding this matter. For example, traditional Thai men are highly unlikely to walk under a clothes line with women's underwear. It has something to do with disturbing the "natural hierarchy" where men are higher than women.

I have had laundry places refusing to wash underwear, and I think that is fine. However, if they do it for you and dont complain I dont see why you should avoid it?

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That was probably the cause of my first disagreement with the wife, I took the laundry basket round the corner and when we later drove past the laundry and she saw her smalls hanging (right at the front of course!) she went ballistic ! ! !

Needless to say I do not touch laundry now, I am not allowed to. And she changed to another laundry.

Is her full name embroidered on them? :o

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Gee I thought most of you guys were married........you never had her smalls hanging in the bathroom..... :o

Most women are sensitive about their smalls being displayed in public, not just Thais. Most guys couldnt give a toss about it.

Was it only her smalls she was on about or yours too.....???

If she dont like it, let her do the washing or let her orgasnise the laundry run....

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Gee I thought most of you guys were married........you never had her smalls hanging in the bathroom..... :o

Most women are sensitive about their smalls being displayed in public, not just Thais. Most guys couldnt give a toss about it.

Was it only her smalls she was on about or yours too.....???

If she dont like it, let her do the washing or let her orgasnise the laundry run....

Oh, she was referring to my (black color, even) underwear as well...

Anyway, seems Thailand will run out of water soon, so no need to wash at all ;-)

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Most women are sensitive about their smalls being displayed in public, not just Thais.

Most guys couldnt give a toss about it.

But there's also guys who could give a toss. If you know what I mean. :o

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I know laundry places that will wash your undies, but none of them like to, from comments I've heard from workers there. I've always done my own, but now I don't anymore. Because I don't wear underwear anymore  :D

The good ole boys now know that you can be persuaded -- expect visitors to that evaporationless pool. :o:D

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Thai girlfriend has blasted me for including my socks and underwear...

A point that has been missed by all is the mention of socks in the original posting.

Socks cover the "lowest" part of the body (not only geographically, but also as a reverse of the holiest place in the body: the head).

This is a very important aspect of Thai culture. If you point or push with your feet, you appear enormously insulting to a Thai. Never step over a Thai person's head or even show the soles of your feet to a Thai.

Sock are possibly made more disgusting by the unbelievable habit of many farang of wearing socks in their sandals.

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... as per lonely travel guide to Thailand ca. 1955.

Today few people seems to care, at least in the tourist areas.

News regularly show cops prod corpses with their feet to see if they're really dead. :o

No. …as per every member of my Thai family.

Why the police do something and to whom the do it (as shown on that unreliable authority - the glass box) requires more explanation than you give, to be cited as evidence of any changes in cultural attitudes.

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