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Might Want To Wait To Buy A Kawaski


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Question is will they still be treated as a import:

I bought a used 800 today with a book that I can fix up wihtout to much money involved so I'm going to wait and see what happens


Kawasaki to Shift Motorcycle Output to Thailand, Yomiuri Says

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By Naoko Fujimura

Aug. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. will start shifting production of medium-sized and large motorcycles to Thailand from Japan from 2010 because of cheaper labor costs, the Yomiuri newspaper said today.

Kawasaki would be the first Japanese company to move large motorcycle manufacturing to an emerging country, the newspaper reported, without saying where it got the information. Honda Motor Co. is also considering shifting the production of medium- sized motorcycles to Thailand from Japan, the report said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Naoko Fujimura in Tokyo at [email protected].


I reserve the right to be wrong, mispell words type badly. leave words out of sentences because my mind works faster then my fingers. To be an OLD GIT I've earned it

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I can't understand why the Japanese still insist on making things in Japan. The clever way to do it is invent, design and create intellectual property in Japan and manufacture elsewhere. It really bugs me when I have to buy "Made in Japan" Honda parts at very high prices when the "Made elsewhere" parts are much cheaper. After all its only a bike part, and with good QA you can make it anywhere. Grrr

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But will it be the same as Triumph? They're "produced in Thailand" but sent back to UK and re-imported with all customs tax due.

Given they already have a setup that qualifies for locally produced, and they are rapidly becoming the No 1 make in Thailand with a range selling like hot cakes I would have thought it probable the rest will (or the higher volume ones)..

Has to be said its a simple case of give em what they want, at the right price, and they cant keep enough in stock.

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