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Nose Surgery


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Actually, I have a deviated septum and usually can't breathe through my left nostril. What are my options around here for fixin' it up? Was thinking of making it the size of a duckbill while I was at it... (;p j/k)

Would a cosmetic surgeon be qualified? I don't really want a lot of cosmetic changes - just a little straightening out. Suggestions? Thanks

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Thai cosmetic surgeons are world famous and well qualified particularly within the area of Penile re-attachment (i dont knoo whyyy :o )so would have no doubt that you nose will be in safe hands.

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I have had two nose proceedures, one where my deviated sceptum was re-aligned and it was called a sceptectomy. Done by a otolaryingologist.

Seconnd surgery done many years later by a plastic surgeon was removal of a bump and tucking in the nostrils and lifting the end. Called a rhinoplasty.

I would have a plastic surgeon do your cartilage re-alignment as the ultimate look of your nose, especially if you have complete blockage in one airway, should be of concern.

So you rest easy, you are probably aware of footballers with broken noses who merely pinch them straight and let them heal with so ill effects, except perhaps for looks.

"A nose job" is probably the most often performed plaastic surgery and almost any competent plastic surgeon can do it. Should not cost more that 40K, except if d you go to Brunrungard Hospital. I liked Yanhee Hospital and their web page, see google to find it. They even have their prices listed.

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Seconnd surgery done many years later by a plastic surgeon was removal of a bump and tucking in the nostrils and lifting the end. Called a rhinoplasty.

I had the same Op many years ago. Simple & painless Op. I had two black eyes for a week or so, and if memory serves me correct, the nose was bunged & bandaged for three weeks.

This was done privatley in the UK though.

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This is the web site for Yanhee Hospital.

If you click on Plastic Surgery then Rhinoplasty tabs you will see a complete description of the proceedure of re-aligning your septum.

"Septoplasty- correct nose septum- 1000 USD includes overnight hosptial stay, medicine, meals and nursing care"

My proceedures were done in the U.S. and were six times as expensive, twenty years ago.

I have been to Yanhee twice and found the entire operation admirable, state of the art and very friendly.

Edited by ProThaiExpat
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Actually,  I have a deviated septum and usually can't breathe through my left nostril.  What are my options around here for fixin' it up?  Was thinking of making it the size of a duckbill while I was at it...  (;p  j/k) 

Would a cosmetic surgeon be qualified?  I don't really want a lot of cosmetic changes - just a little straightening out.  Suggestions?  Thanks

I have a big,fat stomach, which I could do with getting shot of, which could be used to make about twenty new noses. If you could find 19 friends maybe we could come to some agreement. ( see personal photo)

Edited by lampard10
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Its called a septoplasty, and i had mine done a couple of years ago after the usualy saturday night fracas left me with a broken nose that didnt heal properly.

I was in and out of hospital in one night, they took the bungs out the morning after, (that was the worst part!) and i didnt suffer anything at all. No black eyes, no nothing. This was done privately in the UK however, but if you have Medical Insurance, a septoplasty is covered. I know this because BUPA (Thailand) specifically wouldnt cover mine.

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Actually,  I have a deviated septum and usually can't breathe through my left nostril.  What are my options around here for fixin' it up?  Was thinking of making it the size of a duckbill while I was at it...  (;p  j/k) 

Would a cosmetic surgeon be qualified?  I don't really want a lot of cosmetic changes - just a little straightening out.  Suggestions?  Thanks

DIY & save your money for the beer & girls!


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Thai cosmetic surgeons are world famous and well qualified particularly within the area of Penile re-attachment (i dont knoo whyyy :D )so would have no doubt that you nose will be in safe hands.

But you will also know "where those hands have been"... :o

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