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Thailand Is Deadliest Holiday Destination For Britons

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Misfits wa_nkers?Thats a bit strong mate. So you fit right into Thai culture do you? Whai the proprietor before you enter the bar. Sawadee krap. Shacked up in issan no doubt with an ex-model.

Food on the back your fork? What are you talking about? This thread is to do with people dying in Thailand.

If you're so anti British you might want to consider changing your name from Hyde park. Its a place in Britain you?

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Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran

In Thailand they feel there are no laws meant for them and go beserk

So maybe its not that Thailand is so bad

But that British tourist do not know how to control them selves

so the heading should be


This is 100% correct, the brits are always in trouble and they think themselves superior to everyone else. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable.

So this has become a 'Brits Abroad' thread.

"pertaining to the ongoing dangers of Thailand as a tourist detination. For those that disputed thjis, I hope this latest report mighht enabple you to change your stance that Thailand is an extremely safe country for tourists".


I now have no doubt that for an arrogant, beer-swilling Brit out to show the locals who is boss on a jetski or a motorbike, that there are safer places in the world.

And that's a GOOD thing.

I have been in and out of here for 15 years - and I have suffered: a cut on the toe from an oyster shell, and a couple of bouts of diarrhoea.

Pretty sfe in my subjective opinion.

Of course you cant walk around with your eyes shut, innocent and oblivious, acting like a <deleted>, ten sue everybody when it doesn't go the way you imagined.

In THAT case, it's not safe at all.

I concur.

Apologies to the more intelligent, evolved, educated and socially oriented Brits here (that we so seldom get to meet).

We do appreciate you on the few occasions that we get to meet you.

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

Absolutely correct.

I refer to them as the horde.

My nationality is British.

British behavior.....I wonder if there is some kind of trend here concerning Brits. hmmmm

Maybe One reason for this behavior is because in their homeland being the Brits they are so punishished with POLITICALLY CORRECT that when on holiday they so to speak and let their hair down and being a very friendly society being the Thais if have money it's a place to do things missed in childhood, whether be ride a scooter or ride a young woman, in case of lost confidence alcohol may play a role to boast even to the point of showing off to the locals and venting since cannot do in homeland.

Just remeber something like this, stupid people die and not reproduce. Now if you are getting upset by me calling these people stupid maybe you are part of the problem and this is why they want to get as far away from you as possible to be themselves.


This article is a total mistinterpretation of the facts and of the report. Thailand is not the deadliest country for Britians to visit, Spain is. Thailand features in the top ten for the first time along with India and Australia. This is attributed to ' Britons are becoming more adventurous, they are not taking adequate precautions'


1. Spain - 13.8m visitors, 5,627 serious assistance cases

2. USA - 4.1m/3,006

3. Greece - 2.4m/2,316

4. France - 11m/1,408

5. Germany - 2.5m/1,381

6. Cyprus - 1.4m/996

7. India - 847,000/914

8. Thailand - 381,000/897

9. Czech Republic - 813,000/845

10. Australia - 650,000/815

Source: British Behaviour Report for 1 April 2005-31 March 2006

Top of the list of countries where Britons require consular assistance is Spain - also the most popular holiday destination.

A total of 13.8m British travellers visited Spain in 2005/06.

During that time the country had the highest number of deaths (1,325), the most lost or stolen passports (6,078) and the most arrests (1,549).

Overall, Britons in Spain ALSO had the biggest number of serious cases needing consular assistance (5,627).

Planning ahead

Other key findings were: Greece had the most cases of rape (48) and the highest number of Britons hospitalised (955)2

Australia had a disproportionate number of lost or stolen passports. Some 2,023 of the country's 650,000 visitors mislaid or lost their travel document - the third highest total despite not being in the top 10 most popular destinations

France - the second most popular country with 10.98m British visitors - only had 713 reported lost or stolen passports

India, Thailand and Australia appeared in the top 10 countries requiring consular assistance despite not being among the most popular destinations. This could be because while Britons are becoming more adventurous, they are not taking adequate precautions, the FCO said.

FCO minister Meg Munn said many problems faced by British holidaymakers could be avoided.

"Simple precautions like researching your destination, getting comprehensive travel insurance, checking out medical requirements and taking copies of important documents could help avoid common travelling traumas, risks and dangers in the long-run," she said.

Fair Trials Abroad senior policy officer Amanda Cumberland, said: "We fully support the Foreign Office campaign to ensure that Britons travelling abroad prepare appropriately for their trip, are familiar with relevant travel advice, and behave responsibly when they are on holiday.

"As an organisation that deals with many cases of British nationals facing real distress in foreign countries, we are just as keen as the Foreign Office to see fewer Britons getting into trouble and to see the numbers needing assistance fall."

The FCO advises travellers to visit its website www.fco.gov.uk/travel before heading abroad.

Since most of them are social misfits or total wanke_rs in the first place, I advise that they stay home as they add nothing to this country. If you don't agree, just take a look around; it's obvious to all, except of course, those to whom I am referring. Sorry to many good Brits, as you are not all like most of these individuals. It sure seems like people who do not like or follow rules of civil behaivor like to come to place that also do not like to follow any rules except their own. TaTa.............

ps where did this custom of smashing food on the back of your fork come into play? You only need to look at the design of the fork to know how it was intended to be used. This custom make you look like a monkey that has discovered a new tool, but not sure of its use.........again, sorry Brits, but it is true.

Take pea-eating etiquette - the example often cited as the epitome of snobbish pointlessness. The etiquette books' "correct" method of eating peas (ie the middle/upper-class method) is to use your knife to squash the peas onto the convex back of the fork. The "incorrect" (working-class) method is to turn the fork prongs-up and scoop peas up with it, as though it were a spoon. The incorrect method is clearly more sensible, or at least more ergonomic, in that more peas per forkful are transported from plate to mouth - about 13 on average, according to my tests, as opposed to about eight using the socially superior squashing method.

Do you slurp your noodles?

Misfits wa_nkers?Thats a bit strong mate. So you fit right into Thai culture do you? Whai the proprietor before you enter the bar. Sawadee krap.

Food on the back your fork? What are you talking about? This thread is to do with people dying in Thailand.

If you're so anti British you might want to consider changing your name from Hyde park. Its a place in Britain you know?


Yeah right, I'm another Brit, and there do seem to be so many of us here.

I've got a lot of great British friends in Thailand who would bring a lot to any society, but on the other hand there are also many incidences of stupid behaviour by people who seemingly have just not "grown-up".

I think all countries have their "idiots", but I think generally that there is a cultural deficit in the UK, maybe just England, I can't speak for the other guys. I had the fortune when I was younger to spend time in Europe, (France and Germany) and what struck me was the relaxed and mature attitude of the young people there to things like alcohol, staying up late, respecting people's possessions etc. Society just seemed to be "better adjusted" and healthier. There are always exceptions of course...... So, yeah, I think there is an element of British society which is culturally and socially impoverished, and unfortunately we see them in spades over here. Our "thuggish element" also seems to be more mobile than that of other countries - maybe that is a factor. In England, it's so dull and grim in Winter, you just can't wait to hop on a plane, and if the venue is a place with cheap booze, sex, sea and sun, then whaddya gonna do?

I also think that when you get 60 million people on a small island with all this technology, surveillance and stuff, people start to go nuts anyway - but I feel I might be getting off topic here........ramble ends.......where's my porridge>??

I would be interested to know how many of these accidents, deaths and incarceration are related to alcohol.

Hailing from California I saw first hand how we American's behaved once we crossed the border into Mexico. Adults would instantly turn into immature adolescents - booze flowing, bras worn as party hats, obscenities thrown about, and car accidents galore. Many Brits pull the same stupid stunt using Europe as their sandbox "whilst on holiday." Just go to a European soccer match with a British team playing to witness Darwin's theory of evolution in reverse. Driving in Thailand already crazy enough but adding a fully lit Brit on a bike to the mix is downright volatile.


Geez Moderator,

I think most of these comments are exactly on topic. There seems to be sufficient evidence voiced here that posters have been eye witnesses to the bad behavior that seems to be a primary or contributing reason for "Thailand being the deadliest holiday destination for Britons."

I do not find this in the least surprising when you take into consideration the standard of driving in the UK now............... also people that think it "PC" normal to be drunk or on drugs an absolute must to really enjoy themselves only have "themselves" to blame.

Perhaps they ought to holiday in cloud cuckoo land where they belong!

In case you have not noticed - Thai drivers compared to UK drivers are a 'no contest'. I am no Brit but what a stupid statement! :)

And yes most UK people take advantage of being able to drink and drive and accordingly pay the consequences of their stupidity! :D

This article is a total mistinterpretation of the facts and of the report. Thailand is not the deadliest country for Britians to visit, Spain is. Thailand features in the top ten for the first time along with India and Australia. This is attributed to ' Britons are becoming more adventurous, they are not taking adequate precautions'


1. Spain - 13.8m visitors, 5,627 serious assistance cases

2. USA - 4.1m/3,006

3. Greece - 2.4m/2,316

4. France - 11m/1,408

5. Germany - 2.5m/1,381

6. Cyprus - 1.4m/996

7. India - 847,000/914

8. Thailand - 381,000/897

9. Czech Republic - 813,000/845

10. Australia - 650,000/815

Source: British Behaviour Report for 1 April 2005-31 March 2006

Top of the list of countries where Britons require consular assistance is Spain - also the most popular holiday destination.

A total of 13.8m British travellers visited Spain in 2005/06.

During that time the country had the highest number of deaths (1,325), the most lost or stolen passports (6,078) and the most arrests (1,549).

Overall, Britons in Spain ALSO had the biggest number of serious cases needing consular assistance (5,627).

Planning ahead

Other key findings were: Greece had the most cases of rape (48) and the highest number of Britons hospitalised (955)2

Australia had a disproportionate number of lost or stolen passports. Some 2,023 of the country's 650,000 visitors mislaid or lost their travel document - the third highest total despite not being in the top 10 most popular destinations

France - the second most popular country with 10.98m British visitors - only had 713 reported lost or stolen passports

India, Thailand and Australia appeared in the top 10 countries requiring consular assistance despite not being among the most popular destinations. This could be because while Britons are becoming more adventurous, they are not taking adequate precautions, the FCO said.

FCO minister Meg Munn said many problems faced by British holidaymakers could be avoided.

"Simple precautions like researching your destination, getting comprehensive travel insurance, checking out medical requirements and taking copies of important documents could help avoid common travelling traumas, risks and dangers in the long-run," she said.

Fair Trials Abroad senior policy officer Amanda Cumberland, said: "We fully support the Foreign Office campaign to ensure that Britons travelling abroad prepare appropriately for their trip, are familiar with relevant travel advice, and behave responsibly when they are on holiday.

"As an organisation that deals with many cases of British nationals facing real distress in foreign countries, we are just as keen as the Foreign Office to see fewer Britons getting into trouble and to see the numbers needing assistance fall."

The FCO advises travellers to visit its website www.fco.gov.uk/travel before heading abroad.

From the list you just published Thailand IS the worst country. 1 Brit out of every 2,450 required assistance in Spain, where in Thailand it is 1 out of every 430... Think you might be misinterpreting the data you published...

Here is how you should read it:


1. Thailand - 381,000/897 (0.235%)

2. Australia - 650,000/815 (0.125%)

3. India - 847,000/914 (0.108%)

4. Czech Republic - 813,000/845 (0.104%)

5. Greece - 2.4m/2,316 (0.097%)

6. USA - 4.1m/3,006 (0.073%)

7. Cyprus - 1.4m/996 (0.071%)

8. Germany - 2.5m/1,381 (0.055%)

9. Spain - 13.8m visitors, 5,627 serious assistance cases (0.041% needed assiatance)

10. France - 11m/1,408 (0.013%)

I would be interested to know how many of these accidents, deaths and incarceration are related to alcohol.

All of us who do not have a Thai passport and are residing in Lack of Sanctions (LOS) are guests.

Appropriate behavior and respect ought to be the norm. These claims that foreigners act differently in Thailand than they would in their home country, while not acceptable, might be understood if one understands some of the apparent sub cultures here.

It is wildly known that rule of law is or appears lacking. Corruption is endemic. Most and or any behavior (including murder) can be avoided by payments made to rich/powerful people with Thai passports.

An adage comes to mind: What “we” allow “we” condone.


Yep, the Brits don't do themselves any favours, but attitudes to alcohol in the UK are very different from other European countries.

I cringed on the weekend in Bangkok when a group of young guys pitched to check in in the hotel in Bangkok. Huge marble lobby,

"F****g great this", "F*****g great that" "lets go get a F*****g beer" "F*****g chicks mate". There is something about young Brits on tour that make them completely oblivious to their surroundings and make them believe also that they can hold their beer from 9am to midnight.

There is something about Thailand, and especially Phuket and Samui, that seems to attract the lowest element

of Brits. I would imagine that at least 60% of the Brits that visit Thailand are gentlemen, and scholars. But, the

bad seeds are here, and they seem to be looking for a fight. I know guys who have been pretty badly beaten

by the Liverpudlian thugs that hang out in some of the local pubs. They are itching for a fight. They know the

place is lawless. They know they can buy their way out of assault, and in some instances, murder. And when

they get on the road, they have that same disregard for life, and it seems to include their own. Very few people

drive with helmets on Samui. People drive like maniacs. The roads are poor to begin with. I have a dear friend

in the hospital now, and he is at risk of losing his leg, from a motorcycle accident. And he was being careful,

and wearing a good helmet! Eventually, Thailand will have to start policing the roads. I always said it will not

happen until they are embarrassed enough, from articles like this one, from abroad.

Agree with you. Whenever I see a very seedy bar, slams or any other sh....whole, the majority of people sitting there are Britons. Far, far from being gentlemen.... :)


I agree with the article. First of all it says that "comparing to Britons in other countries, here they have such a high mortality rate". Does it mean that they don't "go wild" in Spain, Italy, Vietnam or other countries? They probably do, but due to stricter laws, traffic rules etc. the mortality rate in British tourists is lower than it is in Thailand. And I think, for some Britons things they do in Thailand are worth dying for.... :)


I believe that motorcycle related incidents are also the leading cause of death for many other Europeans.

I am glad the FCO released this statement. If it makes one person wear a helmet or avoid renting a big bike altogether, then it was worth it.

Well this looks very encouraging for the high season this year also, what else can this government do or say to make a happy tourist influx to this country??? So far they are looking like they are totally against frangs- :)

Are you missing the fact this is from a British newspaper? "-- timesonline.co.uk 2009-08-26"


Re; M/c accidents on Samui.

Fortunately for me, a local pointed out the accident black spots some years ago.

Wherever a minor dirt rd. joins the main concrete ribbon, sand is drawn onto the concrete.

This turns the concrete into a skating rink..... most m/cs come to grief at these spots.

Be warned. :)


Actually, when I read the article it relates Thailand risks versus other countries risks as collected by the British government. It would be logical to assume that visitors of other nationalities are exposed to the same risks and would experience similar death/accident rates. So I do not think it is fair to focus on British visitors only, without comparative numbers for other nationalities.

What I do think is that vacationers are escaping their homeland and all that is associated with highly structured societies: Rules, rules, rules! They arrive in Thailand and all the rules disappear and they act like kids in a candy store. I do not blame the Thai Police, for lack of traffic enforcement, in many countries there are far less cops per kilometer of road than in Thailand, but people behave! It is illegal in Thailand to drive a motorcycle without a motorcycle driver's license. Yet shops rent motorcycles to tourist who are not trained to drive motorcycles. Police should confiscate the rental bikes for 2 months, if drivers are found not to have the appropriate license, which would help the shop owners be more responsible. And renters should use their common sense; most are far more educated and informed than the locals. I would hazard a guess that 95% of visitors know that M/C are dangerous, that drunk driving is illegal for good reason, that helmets are legislated in their home countries for very good reason too. What make all visitors think that the pavement is softer, the alcohol weaker and their heads are harder in Thailand? Good grief.

Tourists to need to be policed away as they are at home. I can see the protests of "Harassment" if Thai police started dishing out fines to all tourists. What would help is "soft" policing (as opposed to lackadaisical or militant which seem to be the two extremes today). Police can stop this practice without levying fines to tourists, in a nice friendly way. Police and put the thumbscrews to businesses profiting renting bikes while totally disregarding the laws. Sure this is idealist view and likely never to happen. The sad part is, a little common sense on the part of visitors, and a little dissuasion by the police is all that is needed to dramatically improve the vacation experience and safety of tourists from all countries.



There is a whole industry on these islands about motorcycle accidents.

Hospitals and high fees - crap bikes with no brakes - mechanics - extortionate repair costs - no helmets etc. etc.

It's designed that way.

Cheap motorbike rentals + cheap booze + lax traffic laws = Thailand Is Deadliest Holiday Destination For Britons

Don't you think it's the appalling behaviour of Brits overseas?


about motorcycle accidents and kills... my heart shivers when I see a whole family including baby, child, mon, dad on one motorcycle going fast...

and none wearing any protection, maybe only dad wearing a pissing pot on the head that will protect as much as 0% as not even attached

about Brittons...see how and where they go on holliday... pigs and pissed all the time... if they want to drive a motorcycle in that condition... good for them, anybody need some organ donors ?

So this has become a 'Brits Abroad' thread.

I would say that the majority of the lager lout types do not go to Thailand; they have their resorts in Spain, Greece and Cyprus and I feel sorry for any local or regular holidaymaker that ends up there unwittingly and these idiots ar a total disgrace.

In Phuket the English are no worse than the Swedes, Finns, Aussies.

The thread is actually about the dangers of holidaying in Thailand. I would guess that it's not just the English who would come up with these statistics either. There are numerous threads on here, many quite recent, pertaining to the ongoing dangers of Thailand as a tourist detination. For those that disputed thjis, I hope this latest report mighht enabple you to change your stance that Thailand is an extremely safe country for tourists.

I think you are right - it is the English who cause all these problems not the other Brits - Welsh, Scots, N.Irish. :)

Or did I misinterpret your anglo-centric writings?

Today's lesson for the geographically/dermographically challenged

English = from England (not Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland)

British = from Great Britain (but generally accepted to include Northern Ireland) and includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Just take a look at British Farang at Songkran

In Thailand they feel there are no laws meant for them and go beserk

So maybe its not that Thailand is so bad

But that British tourist do not know how to control them selves

so the heading should be


This is 100% correct, the brits are always in trouble and they think themselves superior to everyone else. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable.

but, seriously we are better than most. It comes from stealing half the world many decades back. You can't really complain either, cos we even gave most of it back. India, the middle east, oh and of course the United States. The French helped us a bit with that one.



Another article stirs up racially twisted blanket statements.


Stick an idiot on a motorbike, and guess what you get? An idiot on a motorbike. It doesn't matter what race they are.. idiots.. are a multicultural braindead subclass - and obviously the root of the problem. For the record - go to a hospital or police station, you will see there are more than just brits there.

Now all those deaths from motorbike accidents each day!! Consider all the effort and money put into the swine flu fear mongering tactics and ineffective vaccines when they could have been handing out free helmets and actually saving lives - search for "Dr Mayer Eisenstein on Alex Jones" at youtube to find out why you shouldn't take their vaccines. Doesn't take a genious to figure out the equation.

The timesonline.co.uk article fails to render intelligent consideration to obvious factors and the important issues. EPIC FAIL! Go straight to jail and do not pass go.


I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

That's exactly why I left the UK 8 years ago and have no intention of ever going back to the s***hole that is now just a dumping ground for europe's trash !

Thailand does have it's issues but IMHO depending on what you come here for , where you live and how you behave , life can be good here compared to most European Counties !



So beer and larger louts? - well Thailand is an increasingly accessible and cheap destination, so this will be the result.

However..... there is another side to all this. Thailand's totally incompetent attitude to road safety and law enforcement - the corrupt , untrained and ineffective police who couldn't spot a drunk driver if he ran over their boots and ALSO the diabolical state of emergency healthcare in Thailand. If you have an accident here your chances of dying from shock are sooooo much hirer than most countries - there isn't even an AMBULANCE service! I don't think that holidaymakers really fully understand how tthe lack of these facilties make any accident in Thailand a lot more fraught with danger than many other countries.

I am an American Guy, I have lived in Thailand 5 years, Brittan 6 months, Spain a month and France a month, the British behavior while on holiday is outrageous. I fully understand the Spanish Government arresting them repeatedly, if not in bulk and deporting them, Drunk and fighting every night in the pubs, France too. There were bars in France where I couldn't get a drink until I showed my passport to prove I was not British. Thailand is a little further, we can hope only the somewhat more responsible Britts get that far from home, that they might not still be somewhat special, I have no doubt. Behave yourselves! English speakers around the world suffer the consequences of what U do on Holiday! :)

Whilst i am not defending the actions of a minority of rowdy over the top Brits, i have to say, that in 5 years in Thailand, I cant recall any unsavoury incidents with any British...However, 1 night that will always stick in my mind, is the night in Patong,Phuket, when the US Navy had a few warships in..these guys were bordering on animals, and causing mayhem..throwing firecrackers under peoples stools, commiting lewd acts in public, brawling, shouting,urinating and drawing as much attention to themselves as they possibly could, for all the wrong reasons...Good to see that the self proclaimed world police have such high standards of discipline :D

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