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Transfer Must Be Done In Bangkok?


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I just bought a Ninja 250 secondhand. We would rather not spend time in government offices when we it is possible to pay for someone to to do it for us. So, we took all documents to the local motorbike shop for them to transfer ownership to my wife's name. They said that because the bike is over 200CC it has to be done where the bike is registered (Bangkok). So can anyone tell me what docs we should prepare and if it is really necessary to go all the way to Bangkok and not to our local Chonburi Transportation Ministry.

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If your trying to do it out of province you have to actually move the changwat to get a new localised plate, it IS possible but it can take weeks.

I moved a car bought in CM to Phuket plates and it took 2 - 3 weeks.. I could have had the car put in my name in CM when I was physically there (may have been some games with a fake address I never asked too much) and then moved the changwat / new plate once I came back south, both options were valid.

So if its a bangkok plate yes either be in bangkok for fast service or go through the hassle time and small extra cost of changing the plate.

All that said I hear bangkok plates have some special abilities that provincial plates dont have.. No idea on what that covers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am facing a similar problem. Bike (big) registered in a NE province, I need to get it transferred to my name (has a valid green book). I have no time and interest to go for the change upcountry. I would like to receive instead a BKK or Chonburi plate. I assume that will take time and end up in the usual Thai bureaucratic chaos.

What would you recommend to do?


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Go to your local office, with the bikes chonburi book and plate, and the sellers signed transfer and power of attorney.

They will move it down to your location. Its not any harder then a normal name change but it takes a week or two longer and costs a grand or two more IIRC.

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