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Jack Jones

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I'd like to put my oar in.

I think 30,000 is a reasonable amount.

she was probably well fed and watered and looked after for 3 years.

she did not have to do a days work in a menial job and probably slept most of every day too.

She got taken to England which means she has been given many experiences that she has not worked one second for.

Why oh why do so many farang's take the opinion that this guy is cheap?

it amazes me.

The way i see it is this.

If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

If someone who is nice enough to overlook this fact and take me away from this dirty (hiv) trade for 3 years and show me things that most thai's only dream of ( living in the west) then i should think myself very lucky.

I am assuming that this girl bought no income to the relationship. had no assets when they met.

I think she did very well indeed.

these girls are just freeloaders, dont you see it?

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

rant over.

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If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


Edited by chonabot
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come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


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come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


To whom are you directing this question?

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mr 30k baht

original poster

come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


To whom are you directing this question?

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come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


LOL Still sharp I see Chon :D

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come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

I've pretty much posted my real story with no embelshments. We lived in Koh Samui in Thailand for 18 months and we holidayed all over Thailand. When we orginally went back to England she stayed for 6 months and then returned to Thailand because she became bored with the unfamilar food and lack of friends and family. I then provided the air ticket for her to come back and again it didn't work. I am to blame to a certain extent because as I said before I had a lot more commitments outside of my realtionship with my wife than I did in Thailand.

We visted most of the touristy sites in England and as one of the posters mentioned before she brought no income into the relationship. I guess the bottom line is that when I got back to the west I expected more of a westernerised person, sadly this was not the case.

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come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

I've pretty much posted my real story with no embelshments. We lived in Koh Samui in Thailand for 18 months and we holidayed all over Thailand........I guess the bottom line is that when I got back to the west I expected more of a westernerised person, sadly this was not the case.

Duh....you expected a more westernized person. You took a girl from a bar in Thailand, spent 18 months with her and you expected what, a more wersternized person? Me thinks I don't understand your reasoning here. :o

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Yes Jack

what i was getting to is exactly what you articulate now.

The dream vs the reality for many thai gals.

The dream is paradise sold to them by countless stories in the bars of luck happiness etc.

The reality is all the things you mention.

Dont under estimate the power of food in a thai person.

Dont understimate lack of thai friends.

Some people who read this forum understand this.

Some people who read this forum need to hear your story and hers.

Thanx for keeping the open dialogue.

Honestly it will help people.

come on then

lets hear the real story!

where did u take her?

what did she do all day?

why did you get bored with her?

I am sure many would learn from a little more depth here

As i said in a previous post,its not uncommon,its very common for the girl to dump the guy.

I've pretty much posted my real story with no embelshments. We lived in Koh Samui in Thailand for 18 months and we holidayed all over Thailand. When we orginally went back to England she stayed for 6 months and then returned to Thailand because she became bored with the unfamilar food and lack of friends and family. I then provided the air ticket for her to come back and again it didn't work. I am to blame to a certain extent because as I said before I had a lot more commitments outside of my realtionship with my wife than I did in Thailand.

We visted most of the touristy sites in England and as one of the posters mentioned before she brought no income into the relationship. I guess the bottom line is that when I got back to the west I expected more of a westernerised person, sadly this was not the case.

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I've pretty much posted my real story with no embelshments. We lived in Koh Samui in Thailand for 18 months and we holidayed all over Thailand. When we orginally went back to England she stayed for 6 months and then returned to Thailand because she became bored with the unfamilar food and lack of friends and family. I then provided the air ticket for her to come back and again it didn't work. I am to blame to a certain extent because as I said before I had a lot more commitments outside of my realtionship with my wife than I did in Thailand.

We visted most of the touristy sites in England and as one of the posters mentioned before she brought no income into the relationship. I guess the bottom line is that when I got back to the west I expected more of a westernerised person, sadly this was not the case.

You must know yourself , that the blame lies with you. If you had cared more about her you would have made the effort. I did so 8 years ago and have a lovely wife , who still retains her Thai ways , but has mainly English ladies as friends in the UK. Too many husbands have brought their brides back and let them mix exclusively with other Thais , consequently they lead seperate lifes , often wondering what happened.

But, as you say , you fell out of love and probably have done the correct thing , finances aside.

Edited by chonabot
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I think you paid far to much. A Thai guy would have only given her a kick in the butt.

and looking at it on the flip side, what would the results of the divorce been had she decided to stay in UK and file the divorce there with a top-notch divorce attorney..... it'd be pauper-land for the OP after that.

I agree he ended the marriage in an incredingbly, incredingbly inexpensive manner. In the scenario above, it would have been a totally different experience.

I fully agree he got off really cheaply!! my second wife was german , she stopped work the day we got married ,she didnt want kids just a mealticket,was going to cost me over 800,000 deutschemarks to divorce her, it was cheaper to walk out and leave her with everything, sadly the bitch died before the divorce became final, so there must be a god :o pity whe had to dig her up after 6 weeks and nail her Gob Shut :D Nignoy

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From the Thai point of view (of one couple anyway), we're putting each individual land or whatever acquisition in my name, then hers, then mine, then hers, etc. If things ever don't work out, everything is already conveniently divided. Nothing wrong with a secret stash on the side either. If you make it to the 30-40 year point, give yourselves a surprise gift. All good.


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If i am having to sell my body to provide for my family etc etc, i am at the bottom of the pile in society.

Don't be so hard on yourself lovey......

they bring nothing to the relationship in terms of financial progression.

and as such should leave with nothing

If that is the way you see a relationship , ie to financially progress oneself , you are a very sad little man.

I truly hope you get taken to the cleaners by an 'Eliza Dolittle' from your own country for displaying such materialistic nefarious munes.


You misunderstand, i am not trying to "progress myself financially" as a result of being in a relationship with a woman. That would be foolish as i see it because no man since the start of time has ever managed to stem the flow of his cash in the direction of his wife, so why would i try to be different?

My point is that if you marry a thai girl and she arrives with nothing, does nothing, then she can leave with nothing. this seems harsh but i believe this is how it should be, you dont have to agree with me, but having this point of view is by no means nefarious.

In England if you have an English wife that works and contributes to mortgage, bills ets etc, when you get divorced she is entilted to an even spilt of the assets...no argument in that.

If you are English and you take a thai prostitute out of a bar an into a relationship, you are in effect paying her not to sleep with other men. this is the fundamental basis of your relationship with thai bargirls. virtually every man that has ever been to Thailand and found himself a bargirl has done this. they just dont like to see it that way.

If men who are reading this are honest with themselves a lot would agree that they feel emotionally blackmailed by this.

I am sorry to hear that you truly hope that i will get taken to the cleaners, you may have a very long wait,it will never happen because i "play" girls the right way.

Too many farangs on forums like this are way too soft with women and lose all their money as a result.

Thai girls want you for money! dont forget it, unless you are Brad Pitt!

Guys like me and the OP are just evening up the scores for the rest of you. you should be gratefull!

Snoophound went as far as saying "its very unusual to hear the guy flick the girl -its usually the other way round" <deleted>!!!!

Chonabot, you forget one vital thing: BARGIRLS ARE FOR FUN. find them, shag them, and pay them. then send them on their way short time.

http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/reader1.html is a good place to read.

You are not supposed to marry tham and then give over your life savings.

If you want to, go ahead.

In your eyes i probably remain "a very sad little man"

Good, better that than broke :D:D

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As a you may have read on other posts, I'm recently divorced and wanted to post my experience of the procedure.

I initially met my girlfriend in a bar on Koh Samui. We lived together for 1 year in Thailand and then relocated to England. However, all was not right with me as when in England I found that I had a greater number of distractions than I did in Thailand ie. work commitments, friends, family and an additional social life outside of that with my wife.

She subsequently went back to Thailand and we grew apart. We agreed that we we would divorce without settlement in August of last year but after 2 days of arguing and her turning up to my hotel with some local civil servants, divorce without settlement seemed impossible.

I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could afford  :D

Once we agreed the sum, she turned up on time and we proceeded to the amphur, where the whole experience went incredible smoothly even if I did have to slip the official 500B for his trouble. It took around 2 hours in total as she had to make a new name card also.

I was married for 3 years in total and now have a new girlfriend although I do feel a little jaded by the experience being only 29 years old. Trust is a little hard for me at the moment even though it was I who initiated the divorce.

Anyway good luck to any guys who are going through the same experience.

I just read this to my Thai wife..... I will not tell you what she said about you, or I'll get banned from TV. But 'cheap' was among her words.

Just to cheer you up, I had 4 divorces and they cost me 3 houses and a bundle of cash!

3,000 Baht.

More fool you, muggins :o


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I am sorry to hear that you truly hope that i will get taken to the cleaners, you may have a very long wait,it will never happen because i "play" girls the right way.

Too many farangs on forums like this are way too soft with women and lose all their money as a result.

Thai girls want you for money! dont forget it, unless you are Brad Pitt!

Guys like me and the OP are just evening up the scores for the rest of you. you should be gratefull!

Wow! A champion for the schlubs of the world!


Hey pal don't gather others around you and demand a group picture to justify what you do. You're a a self described player which translates to loner. Don't declare yourself a hero to boot.


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I would be interested to hear if any other guys who are married and then fell out of love with their wife would be willing to part with more than is necessary.


.........because the rules home says simply that what you and her bring into the Marriage from before married, you and her have all the right to bring with you out of the marriage.

I myself have written a "freehold" contract on everything I own in Europe, or will own in the future, and my wife signed that when we married. That way we don’t necessary need to share anything of what is in Europe, if the marriage should end in divorce.

BTW, if we were married in Thailand only the case is not married, and well, no reason to share anything then!

Marriage in Thailand only, is not recognized in my country and in many other European countries.

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myself have written a "freehold" contract on everything I own in Europe, or will own in the future, and my wife signed that when we married. That way we don’t necessary need to share anything of what is in Europe, if the marriage should end in divorce.

Not sure which bit of Europe you are from but in the UK these prenuptial contracts are not worth the paper they are written on.

So if you and your beloved ever do split up, good luck asyou will need it.

I was on the recieving end of a divorce from a Thai woman she of course was legally aided by my government out of my tax money I as a taxpayer couldn't get it, figure that one out!

I have also seen plenty of Thai women (after that is they get their UK passport) divorce their husbands or usually make life so awful for their spouses that they get them to divorce them and take them to the cleaners, charming people.

You do of course realise that when the man first meets the woman here the woman usually has more or less nothing of value, just watch that change after a few years.

When I go back to the UK sometimes I am asked if my ex Thai wife has gone back to Thailand, I always reply as with most immigrants in the UK they will tell you that their country is wonderful, we know the weather is better, the food is great and they will do anything for their home country except one thing.

That is go back there.

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NO DOCUMENT in Thailand is worth the paper it is written on UNLESS it is written in the Thai language. You would need to have it translated to Thai by a certified translator for it to do you any good at all.

myself have written a "freehold" contract on everything I own in Europe, or will own in the future, and my wife signed that when we married. That way we don’t necessary need to share anything of what is in Europe, if the marriage should end in divorce.

Not sure which bit of Europe you are from but in the UK these prenuptial contracts are not worth the paper they are written on.

So if you and your beloved ever do split up, good luck asyou will need it.

I was on the recieving end of a divorce from a Thai woman she of course was legally aided by my government out of my tax money I as a taxpayer couldn't get it, figure that one out!

I have also seen plenty of Thai women (after that is they get their UK passport) divorce their husbands or usually make life so awful for their spouses that they get them to divorce them and take them to the cleaners, charming people.

You do of course realise that when the man first meets the woman here the woman usually has more or less nothing of value, just watch that change after a few years.

When I go back to the UK sometimes I am asked if my ex Thai wife has gone back to Thailand, I always reply as with most immigrants in the UK they will tell you that their country is wonderful, we know the weather is better, the food is great and they will do anything for their home country except one thing.

That is go back there.

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Not sure which bit of Europe you are from but in the UK these prenuptial contracts are not worth the paper they are written on.
Prenuptial, okay that is the word. Well these contracts have value where I’m from.

It would protect me if I had married women from my own country and it will protect me when I marry a woman from Thailand. (Which live in Thailand)

It is a ready printed 3 pages form, which my wife, two witnesses and I have signed, and the original of the contract is on data, stored in a kind of registration office home.

However some of my point is that what I own of value is in Europe, the contract is written there for the reason to protect my belongings there if the marriage should end in divorce.

We rent a house here and the only thing I own in Thailand is a car, motorbike and some inexpensive furniture. This is a belonging, which I in a case of divorce can lose without being broke. Call it eventually calculated loss.

I have also seen plenty of Thai women (after that is they get their UK passport) divorce their husbands or usually make life so awful for their spouses that they get them to divorce them and take them to the cleaners, charming people.

Well that’s too bad for the men, and sad for the women which I guess is ended.

You do of course realise that when the man first meets the woman here the woman usually has more or less nothing of value, just watch that change after a few years.

Well I treat my woman like she treats me. So far I can’t see any change.

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I believe there was mention in this forum sometime ago about a Lawyer in either Phuket or Pattaya, who was advertising how he could help Thai nationals get divorced from their UK partners in the UK, thus getting bigger pay outs.

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