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Afternoon all...

Question regarding proof of relationship required for the fiancee visa.

The form i am reading on the Australian Immigration website states that i need to show the evidence that my partner and I share financial commitments and responsibilities. I.E. sharing of finances.. dual bank accounts etc...

We are not married and have never lived together.. we have been living in 2 different countries... What makes the immigration department think that we would want to operate a bank account together or share finances if we are in different countries? How do they expect us to comply with this request?

Has anyone run into this problem?

Has anyone had their application rejected for this reason..?

I know i can make a quick call to the immigration department for them to answer my question however i wish to know some opinions of people whos sallary is not affected by rate of incoming calls per day. Any comments would be appreciated

Cheers :o

Afternoon all...

Question regarding proof of relationship required for the fiancee visa.

The form i am reading on the Australian Immigration website states that i need to show the evidence that my partner and I share financial commitments and responsibilities. I.E. sharing of finances.. dual bank accounts etc...

We are not married and have never lived together.. we have been living in 2 different countries... What makes the immigration department think that we would want to operate a bank account together or share finances if we are in different countries? How do they expect us to comply with this request?

Has anyone run into this problem?

Has anyone had their application rejected for this reason..?

I know i can make a quick call to the immigration department for them to answer my question however i wish to know some opinions of people whos sallary is not affected by rate of incoming calls per day. Any comments would be appreciated

Cheers  :o

Does your girlfriend work?

Does she support herself fully with her work?

If she doesn't support herself fully do you support her with wire transfers to her bank account?

These wire transfers could be evidence of support and shared funds.

Provide CERTIFIED COPIES NOT ORIGINALS of all your wire transfers and current balances of both your and your partners bank accounts.

Personally I am in the middle of doing our fiance visa so do not know the final outcome as yet.

We have a joint bank account opened when my partner came here to Australia on a visitor visa. So we are showing them money going into the account at my end and being taken out at her end. Also providing copies of bank statements of mine and wire transfers before opening a bank account.

Remember only to supply copies that have been certified as such by a JP. Don't supply originals as you may not get them back. But have originals ready if they need to see them.

Hope this helps.


sawat dee kup falang

i did the fiance visa last november and submitted about 140 pages of stuff

i had western union transfers as well as westpac bank to ayudhya bank receipts

my situation was quite difficult for them to understand as

i work in family business and dont draw a wage , havent done in 4 years

so guarantor was a must for me ,

i think the big picture is most important ,

i could not have looked like a real safe bet on paper

its up to you to make them understand the seriousness of relationship

hope this is encouraging :o


During the second stage (temporary resident 2 year) part of my ladies application, everything was fine during the interview, we had everything required, until she asked for proof of our joint bank account. Even though we really didn't require one (except for the benefit of the visa application) I had added her name to my account. *Very* lucky I did that let me tell you! We raced off to the bank and had the last statement printed and came straight back in. True to the CW's word, 4 weeks later the approval came ..

Get that joint account happening the moment she comes! and take proof of it too - an atm card is not enough unless it has the same numbers on it..


There are other ways to prove the relationship for the PR, get some wills done, got a car get it in both names, lots of ways, but Koh is after a Fiance visa.

That requires a bit more work, follow the guidlines in the partner migration booklet, when over there get lots of photos of you together,keep phone records emails everything you can think of.

I don't know if this new visa section will be any easier for processing but it might.

Good luck.

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