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British Embassy Security

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I was in the embassy at about 13:00hrs yesterday in the Visa section when 4 thais walked in together. One was in a army dress uniform the others in civvies. I noticed they had mobile phones but were not using them yet.

I asked my wife if she knew who they were. She said the 2 younger people were the son and daughter of the VP of Thailand.

So I popped down to the security gate and asked for the supervisor. I told her about the phones. She said it's OK they are VIPs.

I felt so much safer and smaller.

Is this standard embassy secuirty procedure?

Any embassy staff care to comment.

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I was in the embassy at about 13:00hrs yesterday in the Visa section when 4 thais walked in together. One was in a army dress uniform the others in civvies. I noticed they had mobile phones but were not using them yet.

I asked my wife if she knew who they were. She said the 2 younger people were the son and daughter of the VP of Thailand.

So I popped down to the security gate and asked for the supervisor. I told her about the phones. She said it's OK they are VIPs.

I felt so much safer and smaller.

Is this standard embassy secuirty procedure?

Any embassy staff care to comment.

So what?

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All mobile phones should be subjected to an x ray, if they are going to go through the security.

These days it is very easy to make a bomb that looks like a mobile phone, or can be contained in the shell of a mobile phone, that can cause a lot of damage.

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I run security in the middle east. How does the British Embassy know that someone did not switch one of the VIP's phones prior to their arrival without the VIP's knowledge?

Everyone gets searched that comes onto American Military bases and I mean everyone! VIP's even get searched prior to their arrival then come through quickly. No one is against the policy. A lack of secuirty like that gets people killed. America learned that in 2003. I guess the Brits haven't figured it out yet.

Edited by AronD
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As no one here saw these people enter the embassy compound and what security checks they were subjected too, we have absolutely no idea whether there was any lax security or not.

Which is why the OP is nonsensical and pointless.

If the OP had seen people breezing through security with no checks then the post would have some point; but he didn't, so it hasn't.

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I run security in the middle east. How does the British Embassy know that someone did not switch one of the VIP's phones prior to their arrival without the VIP's knowledge?

Everyone gets searched that comes onto American Military bases and I mean everyone! VIP's even get searched prior to their arrival then come through quickly. No one is against the policy. A lack of secuirty like that gets people killed. America learned that in 2003. I guess the Brits haven't figured it out yet.

If you think that the Americans are not wide open to a dedicated attack - please think again. " everyone gets searched " I wish that were true.

I think it would be accurate to say that if faced with someone who knew what they were really doing and did not fear their own deaths the yanks and the brits would both be hard pushed to stop anything.

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I think the OP was trying to make the point that all us mere mortals have our phones taken away from us by security when we go into the British Embassy. I am not too sure of the point beyond that, but it kinda irks me that 'VIPs' allegedly can keep their phones on them but lil' ol' me can't.

Having said that, it isn't anything major to me, just small issue which might need raising with the Embassy security boss. I am not gonna do it, because, quite frankly, I have better things to do with my time.

On another note, my politics degree may have not been from a first class uni, but I don't think Thailand has a 'VP' - if I am reading into that correctly. Maybe a Deputy PM, but certainly it ain't a republic.

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I’ve taken my car inside the Embassy grounds where it was subjected to a brief search. My entrance was pre-arranged, I was a guest and was dealt with as such, I was not frisked and did not have to turn in my phone etc.

If the Dept. Prime Minster wished to enter the Embassy premises for a visa application or whatever purpose then I’m sure his entrance was pre-arranged through a separate gate and that his diplomatic status granted him certain respect, trust and liberties.

At a guess I assume that the phone ban has more to do with maintaining the peace and quiet of the public area’s of the consulate rather than security issues. We can’t be trusted not to natter on the phone at volume with total disregard for others in the waiting room, guests however can. We don’t have to take off our shoes and belts etc so I don't see a specific security angle.

Edited by richard_smith237
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