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Spent a day in Panshit Plaza and was told there are no dvds available, as the police are patroling the store

oh yeh 10 times in 60 mins I was pulled into side closed compartments and offered dvd's at the rip off price of 200 baht each, Isn't it typical drive it underground and let the customer be ripped off,

I even got abused and threatened when i complained about the price, specialy the guys in the stall on the left hand front of the plaza with a blue tarp around it, so be warned.

Are the police here so dumb they don't know whats going on infront of there faces, or is this just a stunt?

Yet on Sukhumvit rd they are readily available at 120 baht each if you buy 3 or more at a time at the stall on the Rd.


I heard some Politico is behind this Pirated CD/DVD business at Panthip and Pata.

Anyway, what can you do? You also have done the wrong thing by purchasing them. Better to forget it and be happy for coming out from that place without any problem.


Who's Ripping Off Who

It seems there are some who have been conned by the poor old Movie studios crying poor

Now as we know it costs 4 times more to make a blank video than a dvd and it takes 140 times longer to put a movie onto a vidio than a dvd, how do they explain the cost difference, talk to any one in the industry and you will find dvd's are highly inflated to ty and get as much out of a dieing video industry as they can

Drop into your local stores in Australia and you will see prices ranging with a difference of 15-20% on a movie that is 15 yrs old and has already made an all mighty profit for the distributor on film and video.

Prices can be AUS$30 plus

The same thing on video is half the price $15

Wait 6-8 weeks and if you paid this amount of money you'll feel ripped off as the price has now fallen to $$8.95

Okay lets say the movie industry is beeing ripped of by pirate videos and looses 1.7 million ever quater as they say, as they but blank dvd's at half the price the pirates do and have the masters they can produce them a lot cheaper than the thai pirates can, now if they sold them at a reasonable price here is 1.7 million they would pick up instantly

Get ready for the disposable dvd to be seen early next year, here you'll be able to buy a movie for $2.95 but it will only be usable for 2 days, and you say that they can not produce this cheap

The conclusion is no one willbuy an inferior fake if the origional is sold at a reasonable price.

Take it from someone who knows and works in the industry


I think all of us like to get something for nothing or next to nothing.

Whether we download MP3's, DVD's or computer software from the internet, or whether we buy pirated copies, the practice will go on no matter how low the industry drops their prices.

Poor quality can certainly be attributed to most pirated copies of DVD's sold in Thailand, but MP3's and computer software seem to be OK.

I have bought some pirated software in the past but always fear being stopped by Customs at Sydney airport.

Does anybody know if Customs are taking action in this regard?

Who's Ripping Off Who

Now as we know it costs 4 times more to make a blank video than a dvd and it takes 140 times longer to put a movie onto a vidio than a dvd, how do they explain the cost difference, talk to any one in the industry and you will find dvd's are highly inflated to ty and get as much out of a dieing video industry as they can

Drop into your local stores in Australia and you will see prices ranging with a difference of 15-20% on a movie that is 15 yrs old and has already made an all mighty profit for the distributor on film and video.

Prices can be AUS$30 plus

The same thing on video is half the price $15

Wait 6-8 weeks and if you paid this amount of money you'll feel ripped off as the price has now fallen to $$8.95

Okay lets say the movie industry is beeing ripped of by pirate videos and looses 1.7 million ever quater as they say, as they but blank dvd's at half the price the pirates do and have the masters they can produce them a lot cheaper than the thai pirates can, now if they sold them at a reasonable price here is 1.7 million they would pick up instantly

Get ready for the disposable dvd to be seen early next year, here you'll be able to buy a movie for $2.95 but it will only be usable for 2 days, and you say that they can not produce this cheap

The conclusion is no one willbuy an inferior fake if the origional is sold at a reasonable price.

Take it from someone who knows and works in the industry

I agree with all your points. All your points are valid even to the Software Industry. I heard Microsoft have cut down all XP prices in this region.

They also have a point. They are the people who created it, invented it and the idea. If they have not created it, then no movies to watch.

Why Pirated CDs are getting popular is due to the reducing price of the Hardware equipment and Blank CD’s. Also they are widely available to purchase. As you say, the high prices of Originals are another factor.

Countries [specially Developing Countries] do not care about this much coz by copying it, it will actually save the Money going out from the Country.

For Developing Countries, Copying CD is a very small illegal activity that will not have much harm to any person in the respective Country. They have enough bigger problems to care about.

Logically speaking, if you know someone will steel your Car, it is up to you to invest and fix a Safety Lock.

That should be the first step. We say, “Prevention is always better than Cure”.  

One might say, Govt. should have rules and regulations to stop these thieves. Those are just logical arguments. Not the reality. That is why it is important to have a Safety Lock to your Car before someone Steel it.

If you need to prevent yourself from AIDS, then it is up to you to use a Condom. Once you get it, you can not blame anyone for not finding Medicine or not providing you a Condom or an AIDS free Prostitute.

If Microsoft really wants to stop Pirated Copies, then I am sure they can do that control simply by modifying the Code itself. It is simple as that. But they do not do it. Why? In my opinion, I think they also encourage the Pirated business to make the Software, Movies popular. I think that is a part of the Selling Strategy. I have not seen much advertising for Microsoft Products in Thailand. But I am sure 98% of PC's are running it and over 70% are Pirated.

If these Companies really know that East Asia is a "Heaven for Pirated CD’s", then those Companies should Invest Money in controlling it. I do not understand why Governments should put Money to prevent a loophole of a Product belongs to some private manufacturer of another Country.

This does not justify anyone to buy or copy, any Pirated CD’s coming under the Act of Intellectual Property Rights. But the technology has developed and the copying can be done very easily. Companies who release any product under the protection of Intellectual Property Rights should always consider this and take enough steps to protect the Products before putting them into the Market.

This is what I think about the Pirated Software/DVD,VCD Market in Thailand.

I think all of us like to get something for nothing or next to nothing.

Whether we download MP3's, DVD's or computer software from the internet, or whether we buy pirated copies, the practice will go on no matter how low the industry drops their prices.

Poor quality can certainly be attributed to most pirated copies of DVD's sold in Thailand, but MP3's and computer software seem to be OK.

I have bought some pirated software in the past but always fear being stopped by Customs at Sydney airport.

Does anybody know if Customs are taking action in this regard?

I do not agree with you purchasing Pirated CD's. It is wrong no matter what we think to justify it.

But I also agree with your points.

Just to give you one sudgession to fully cover your risk of taking Pirated CD's.

If you do this very often and in large scale, then take an external Hard Disk or a Memory Stick. [3,000-5,000 Bht max] Copy all CD's to it. May be you can also buy a CD Writter from Thailand. Take stock of Blank CD's from Thailand. around 6 Bht each.

Then go to any world you want. Copy all the stuff back. I know someone who is doing this in US.


Some or all of your points may be true.

But in a capitalist economy, the seller of any product (excepting certain controlled essential commodities) has the right to set price levels as he pleases.  The customer, likewise, has the right to buy or not to buy.

Entertainment in the form of movies is not an essential commodity, but a luxury.  Just because you think the prices are too high does not give you the right to steal it, any more so than you have the "right" to steal a Ferrari if you think that the manufacturer is making too much profit on it.

I doubt that any of you would take very kindly to someone else trying to tell you how to price YOUR goods and/or services.  You'd probably tell them to get stuffed.  What makes you think you can tell the motion picture industry how to price their product, and steal the product in the meantime?


Ah ha.......

Someone hit it right on the head .............

Piracy controlled is good advertising

The quality of pirated software in many cases is very poor, and if its a cam shot then down right discusting, but if you like the film then you may just go out and buy an origional.

Lets look at the new cd music protection system used by Music Giant BMG, they have spent a fortune protecting their music cd's, but if you hold down the shift key when you insert the cd it will disable the protection.

BMG when questioned on this said yes we knew.

The question when I started this subject was not if pirating was right or wrong, in fact I have no interest in pirate dvd, but of the fact that if you try and stop it and push it underground, it still exists yet the black market just increases the price.

That means now the film indusrty and the consumer get ripped off, and how long beore some one gets hurt by one of these thugs, surely this is a concern.


Another two good examples..

1. Microsoft XP provides Auto Updates to Pirated XP versions.

2. Norton Anti virus provides free Virus Definitions to anyone.

Microsoft can easily check the Registration key and stop updates. The time they stop Auto Updates, it is allover for the user, considering the amount of bugs it has. They can stop downloadable updates and provide it only online.

Norton also can do the same.

Another good example of controlling Piracy is making the Software Activated totally Online. I know an ERP called BaaN did this. We got only some CD’s and have to connect to the Internet at the time of the installation.

Also to activate the software, we had to send the CODE Automatically Generated from the Software to them. Then they sent us our Registered Activation Code. Until that time, we were allowed to use a limited period valid registration number.

Like this. Many things can be done if this is a big issue. It is not a big deal these days.

But the real fact is, they do not want it to happen.

I heard some Politico is behind this Pirated CD/DVD business at Panthip and Pata.

The reason for the crackdown was because movie & music companies complaining to their respective government officials and they in turn complaining to the Thai government about it.  I know for a fact that a senior US Trade Rep. went on the record about it complaining to Thai authorities and threatening legal action and/or sanctions.  There was an article about it in the BKK Post and he even mentioned Pantip and Fortune Tower.

    The practice of illegal copying and distribution will always be around as long as there is a market for it, which there always will be.  One of the main proprieters of it are Chinese Triads which operate in every S.E Asian country including Thailand.

    Lets face it guys, one of the best things about Thailand and S.E Asia is being able to save a load of money buying pirated material like this.  I always stock up on new movies when I go there and I dont plan on stopping either.  I feel no remorse about it because the only reason corporations even considered dropping prices was because of the rampant practice.  Otherwise, they would continue to gouge us.  Its a big game, similar to a war, and whoever can get their hands on the latest exploitation technology will keep winning the battles.  In war as always, to the victor goes the spoils!

Lets face it guys, one of the best things about Thailand and S.E Asia is being able to save a load of money buying pirated material like this.  I always stock up on new movies when I go there and I dont plan on stopping either.  I feel no remorse about it because the only reason corporations even considered dropping prices was because of the rampant practice.  Otherwise, they would continue to gouge us.


One place many Foreigners do not miss when visit Bangkok is Pantip Plaza.

One question many ask before they come to Bangkok for the first time is "Where can I get this Pirated CD's? "

If no Pirated stuff, then no Market like this for VCD, DVD and CD Players in this region.

If no Pirated stuff, then no Market for these Internet Companies in this region.

If no Pirated stuff, then MNC's will have to send Thai Staff to a developed Country to teach them "What is Microsoft?"

If no Pirated stuff, then no growth like this for any chipmaker [intel, AMD] in this region.

I think any Govt should think twise before they lay down any plan to stop Pirated CD's.

May be if no Pirated stuff, the number of users in this Thaivisa.com will drop down to two digits.

:D  B)


I have bought some pirated software in the past but always fear being stopped by Customs at Sydney airport.

Does anybody know if Customs are taking action in this regard?

I have flown into Brisbane 7 times in the last 3 years with pirate watches [never more than 7], software [less than10] and DVD's [less than 10]. I have had my case searched on 2 occassions. Each time i was allowed through after saying the goods were for family.

Unless you're a complete wombat, there isn't usually a problem.Conversely, i've seen things confiscated, but only off the whingers and aforementioned wombats.


Thanks for that info Lahgon29.

I have brought home some VCD's for the g/f before. She likes the Thai subtitles, and on one occasion some software for myself. I do however, go berserk on copy tee shirts and jeans, and bring home heaps.

I have made over 30 trips to Thailand and have only been searched at Sydney Airport once, and that was because I declared extra alcohol.

I guess if the copy goods are for personal use the Customs won't worry too much.

I've never had any problems with customs at Melbourne airport. Don't tend to buy the pirated stuff but have a soft spot for sang som  :o. They always seem more interested in the wooden products and food you bring back than anything else.

KWIZ, when I first came to thailand,I bought my first Thai PC, it had a copy copy windows 98,then I had it changed to ME as thats what I had in the states and liked it better,,it was from a dealer in Chiang mai,and it was also bootleg,and about 6 months ago i bought a new faster tower,and asked for XP PRO. which I got,but couldn't

use because I have sat. and it took the SP1 download which I couldn't get because of no number,and the dealer had no number either,when asked why,He informed me that the download of XP was only 100 baht,and for the origional CD program would be 8000 baht as he had installed bootleg software,every program in either tower was pirated software, now that is the main reason that all computers here,no matter how many GIG are all slower than cold syrup,all loaded with old wore out programs,here I pay 20 or 30% more for a PC than I would have to in the USA ,.and I get a new case with satellite and 2.6 GIGs loaded with old outdated slow programs.At a premium price I might add.on the new unit,I opened WINZIP and I had files that were 3 years old on a new program?? I don't think so.Oh by the way,I bought,in the states a XP program with SP1 in the box for $90,#### long way from 8000 baht.

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