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Which Anti Virus ?


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Just wondering which will give me the best protection and also their on-shield protection


I love Panda but cannot seem to find the serial for their later product .. Pc-cillin is also nice ..

just wanna some idea from you guys ..


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AGP is a good one and free for home use.

But I don't bother. Panda and others always find viruses when there are none - for example if you use macros in WORD files.

Also they chew up your cpu and slow your com down.

I just do an online scan at trend pc cillin every now and then. And do not go to porn sites or open email attachments. Rarely have a problem (once in the last 2 years)

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I've been using Avast lately (after some people on this board recommended it). I'm pretty happy. It's certainly a lot less intrusive than Norton which was annoying the crap out of me (up to four clicks to dismiss one virus in the email - like it was some sort of rare and suprising event).

It seems to work well, but then if it didn't, it might take a while before it became obvious :o

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I use mcafee, but with the online scan disabled since it slows things down. I do a system scan now and then and when getting programs/documents, which I think is enough. Of course, just an antivirus program isn't enough. An alterntive browser (firefox, opera) is recommended, as is a firewall (the built-in windowsXP firewall is adequate for me).

The new threat seems to be from instant messaging, but I only use skype with a few friends, so I don't worry.

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Just wondering which will give me the best protection and also their on-shield protection


I love Panda but cannot seem to find the serial for their later product .. Pc-cillin is also nice ..

just wanna some idea from you guys ..


i use spybot, adaware SE and AntiVir. All are free.

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I use the AVG free version, Microsoft Antispyware Beta1 and the Zone Alarm free version, with no noticeable problems and little effect on resources.

I used to use a lot of Norton/Symantec products, but they are too resource-hungry.

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I use Avast Pro,works very well for me,only downside is that a full system scan takes a while,on the other hand it's got on-access scanning,checking every file you open.

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McAfee, Norton, Avast.. are ok but they too resource-humgry. By the way if they find an infected file, they remove all the file not only the infected part of the file.

Below is a link of a Trojan Simulator which is an infected file ( no danger and it is just for testing your anti-virus ):


I tried McAfee,Norton...to romove only infected part of the file, but they removed all the file.

I suggest you " BitDefender" anti-virus which is very light and updates everyday. Moreover, it removes only infected parts not the whole file.

It is very reliable and NICE.

Try it once and you will use it forever.

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Below is a link of a Trojan Simulator which is an infected file ( no danger and it is just for testing your anti-virus ):


I tried McAfee,Norton...to romove only infected part of the file, but they removed all the file.

I use AVG Antivirus.

I downloaded this Trojan Simulator, scanned downloaded files, AVG didn't detect anything.

I installed the Trojan, nothing from AVG (even if I see the Trojan in active processes).

I restarted my computer, the Trojan added itself in autostart, still nothing from AVG.

Then a complete AVG test didn't detect anything...

Starting to wonder if AVG is so great ? :o

Could other users try this Trojan Simulator with other antivirus ?

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Below is a link of a Trojan Simulator which is an infected file ( no danger and it is just for testing your anti-virus ):


I tried McAfee,Norton...to romove only infected part of the file, but they removed all the file.

I use AVG Antivirus.

I downloaded this Trojan Simulator, scanned downloaded files, AVG didn't detect anything.

I installed the Trojan, nothing from AVG (even if I see the Trojan in active processes).

I restarted my computer, the Trojan added itself in autostart, still nothing from AVG.

Then a complete AVG test didn't detect anything...

Starting to wonder if AVG is so great ? :o

Could other users try this Trojan Simulator with other antivirus ?

Thanks Lars.

Yeti, I tried it before...only McAfee, Norton, Pc Cillin, Panda , BitDefender ( all new versions ) can detect it...but all have problems as i explained before except BitDefender.

I recommend you use it instead of AVG.

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all antivirus updates are from the same source - somewhere in vaults of CIA - National Security issue against old papa Osama.

so, it doesn't matter what soft to use, the problem is how to. Use any, they all one week outdated.

so, my advice is ZoneAlarmSuite - complete set with firewall, antivirus and trojan warnings. I used MA, NA, Panda etc. ZoneAlarm gives all set in one. good thing.

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I do not know about the political issues you tell and I do not care politics,too. By the way, for the political issues which I care, I tell my opinion in the right forum not here.

Anyway, I used Zone Ararm too, yes it is the best anti-hacker ( award-winning for this regard ) program but its anti-virus is not update at all and no new virus detection.

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My posting didn't mention private property at all.

"All-in-one programs" meaning programs who are supposed to deal with more than one task;firewall,anti-spam,anti-virus.

Merely said that it's better to use one program for each task.

ZoneAlarm is a very good firewall but it's anti-virus capabilities sucks.

Use one firewall,one anti-virus and one anti-spam(if you need it).

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Lars suggestion is ok.

Usually all in one programs are not powerful enough to deal with all dangers.

As Lars said ,it is better to use different program each with limited number of capabilities.

no, it is better to use one program. that's why - allocating memory and slowing Pc, properly managing threads, watching services, changed programs and strangely open ports. just few.

how antivirus works, trojan defender and firewall - are pretty the same - comparing and following rules. So, why should your processor do it 3 times than once ?

btw, should we go deeper in details ?

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I recently picked up a Trojan (adclicker-af) off a website. I had turned off McAfee because I only like to use it as a scan.... I have three other 'catchers' installed and running... Spybot, Spyware Guard, and SpywareBlaster. None caught this trojan. I turned on McAfee, and it found 18 instances on the first scan, but one file it couldn't delete or move... The trojan had the effect of continually replicating itself and tying up McAfee, making it continualy working hard, making my computer operate like molasses...On a google search of the trojan, i saw a mention that XoftSpy could get rid of it..

It happen to be on a pantip disc, so I installed it. It took it out in 1 click. Gone...

XoftSpy is my new favorite software. :o

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XoftSpy is my new favorite software. :o

that's right - trojans use flows in antivirus software to disable it and, sometimes even plant a code into explorer.exe

the best practice to avoid it - is to install your soft as admin, but run pc as user with limited rights. this way you can stop malicious programs to affect your system files and protect them to be infected.

won't take much time, but it's widely used and I strongly suggest to.

regards with your cure.

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i took away my norton anti virus / security ..

i put the anti virus Antivir guard ..

i have ad-aware and spybot search and destroy

Do I need a new sofware for firewall or any thing else to stop intrusion ? i am on adsl .


link will be good for new software

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