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The Real Men Of Thaivisa


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Got to tell you this story. In my last 5 years of Military Service I was attached to the Defence Procurement Agency in Filton, Bristol. I worked as an Integrated Logistics Support Manager, and was responsible for Special Projects, our small team purchased 'equipment' for our SF. In my time there I obviously got to know several members of the SAS Regiment and had an understanding of the makeup of the Regiment. I never thought my knowledge would be used in civilian life until walking into a bar in Naklua in the early hours of one morning a few years ago. The conversation after entering the bar and ordering a beer went something like this:

(A man in his late 40's approached me and my brother and introduced himself)

Man: Hello, my name is Felix (name changed to protect the stupid), welcome to my bar.

Me: Hello Felix, nice to meet you. How long have you owned this place then?

Felix: About 5 years now, before I had the bar I was Austrian Special Forces!

(Here we go I thought, lets play his silly game and find out what he knows)

Me: Austrian Special Forces, really, how long did you serve?

Felix: 15 years with Special Forces and then I came here and opened this bar in 2001.

Me: And how did you find the adjustment from Military to civilain life:

Felix: Well obviously I missed the action, but I am quite happy now.

Me: Me and my brother here are ex military. I got out in 2001 as well. We probably know some of the same people Felix, its a small world eh?

Felix: What do you mean.

Me: Well as you know, our SAS Regiment is divided into Squadrons, and the Squadrons are divided into Troops, with each Troop having a spesific skill. Our SF along with other Countries SF do a lot of cross training, and our Mountain Troop boys cross train with your Austrian Mountain Warefare guys every year, so as we both served at the same time, we will know some of the same people (Felix now looks uncomfortable and starts searching around for an escape route) so who was your CO (Commanding Officer) or OC's when you were in, I will definately know these guys?

(Felix was quiet for several seconds before comming out with the reply that had me and my brother in stiches)

Felix: Errr, I was in the office (Felix then made a sharp exit)

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I notice there seem to be a lot of members who have served or are serving with a variety of "Special Forces". These can include The CIA, Delta Force, Seal Team 6, the SAS, the SBS, the SASR, the DEA etc.

Activities and specialist skills seem to cover 'undercover work', 'covert ops', 'black ops', 'wetwork', 'martial arts', 'specialist weapon training', 'training the Thai police and military' (surprisingly), 'vigilante work', etc.

There seem to be sufficient numbers of these people to create a critical mass large enough to have their own sub-forum. What does anyone think of this idea?

Mmmm. Just makes me think of all those 500 kilo jellybellies smashed out their heads in some cheap bar who claim to be ex-mercenaries, DEA, CIA.....

Thanks for the laugh

Thing is.. I have a mate.. To be kind I will just say he aint fit.. Smokes a bunch.. Cant see him running up a set of stairs by choice.

Yet in the time I have known him hes been working in Iraq on multi tours, outside the green zone.. right in the shit and IEDs.. Now hes currently in Stans.. Again outside the bases.. Running his own little private army of local recruits.. A second (also not slim line) whose done the Iraq multi tours.. Then working fighting pirates off the boats on the horn of africa.. etc etc etc.

Thailand makes for a good place for these kind of guys to spend some downtime.. Not that theres not lots of walts out there (what colors the boatyard roof at hereford), but theres also quite a few who do come here. And the ones I have met who really do these jobs dont fit the expected fit as fuc_k, and double hard bastard image. Just regular guys who have the skills to perform a high risk profession.

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You think it's bad here, try a waiting room at any Veterans Administration hospital. I can't get through a doctor's appointment with hearing one of these fantastic tales in the waiting room. Actual combat vets, and I am not even mentioning former members of SOCOM don't shoot off their mouths about what they did where they were, let alone brag about how much of a badass they are. And the more elaborate the story the higher the percentage of B.S. is involved.

This quote from Tropic Thunder sums up these lairs better than I can:

[Cody and Tayback are tied to a post in the Flaming Dragon compound]

Cody: Dude, dude, what the hel_l is going on here? Where are we?

Four Leaf Tayback: I have no idea, I've never been outside the states.

Cody: Wait what? Are you fuc_king kidding me? Did you make this whole goddamn thing up? Dude you weren't even in the fuc_king service?

Four Leaf Tayback: Yes! Of course! Coast Guard!

Cody: Coast Guard.

Four Leaf Tayback: Sanitation Department.

Cody: Oh my god! You're a fuc_king garbage man! Dammit! F.L. Tayback lies to me and the whole U.S. of A.!

Four Leaf Tayback: I wrote the book as a tribute! I'm a patriot!

Cody: Yeah, you're the Milli Vanilli of patriots, okay? You lied about fighting in the Vietnam War. It's like - it's like punching the American Flag in the face goddammit! God, to think I believed you!

You find out if you are with a true ex-whatever is by their actions no words. If go out for a night on the town and one of you mates wife/g/f/b/f gets insulted and moments later see what used to be the person delivering the insult lying in pile on the floor along with all of his buddies in a pool of blood, then you may be in the presence of a true warrior. And if you ask about it they usually will act with humility.

And Naam being an alter boy could be seen as "wet work" :)

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I notice there seem to be a lot of members who have served or are serving with a variety of "Special Forces". These can include The CIA, Delta Force, Seal Team 6, the SAS, the SBS, the SASR, the DEA etc.

ask a would be seal how far you can dive on pure O2

There seem to be sufficient numbers of these people to create a critical mass large enough to have their own sub-forum. What does anyone think of this idea?


Anyone else out there a 007 besides me? :D

Sadly, my duties at NASA kept me too busy to get involved. :D

moon baby

So, which one of you was this > Farang Disarms Gun Totting Local :)


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Anyone else out there a 007 besides me? :D

..moi here……Agent 99 reporting

I won three straight Lamont Cranston Awards for Shadowing, have you won anything? :D

Agent 99 report immediately to the office for a de"brief"ing. I need to show you a new device and how to hide it. :D

No need I've seen it,

and no one will suspect anything that small... if you just ZIP UP the case. :D

Yes a guitar case would be the appropriate size. :)

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I was 11-12 years in the navy, and remember we carried around several of these special forces on exercises.

Cross training, as one of the members here correctly stated.

I can not remember I met one single Rambo wanna be, or Gung Ho type.

No matter what country they came from , the vast majority of these guys seemed like quite ordinary guys, only with some extra ordinary training/education, very low key, almost humble, and very eager to learn.

The only difference I noticed was that they sometimes, after a hard exercise, liked to party quite hard, and by daring each other to some silly stunts a regular guy would probably not do.

But I would be very surprised if I met one of these later in life, in a bar here in Thailand, bragging about their past.

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It's a good idea. However, we (those of us that are still active like myself) must make use of the usual coded language as to not reveal details of operations and projects. To show proof of claim the codeword of a pending operation/project should be enough.

For those in the know I say: Project Bluebird


Move their mind........


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I reported to "Control" in Bangkok that I had seen some suspicious looking individuals lurking about in Pattaya. "Control" send me a coded message in the Classifieds Section of the Pattaya Mail that he would be sending a team to investigate. The team would wear singlets, football shorts, and flip flops, so that I can easily recognize my undercover co-secret agents. Flip flop 1 to flip flop 2 OUT.

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