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How Many People Live In Pattaya?


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How many Thai's live in pattaya?

How many falangs have moved too and live in pattaya year round?

How many falangs live in pattaya "longstay" , 3-6 month a year?

How many tourists are i Pattaya, 1-3 weeks?

I have tried 2 find out, but never did?

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According to Wikipedia: The resident population was 104,318 as of 2007. This does not include those Thai's who have not transferred their registration from their home province. Including those, the population might be as high as 300,000. And, at some times the population might be as high as 500,000. Perhaps the final 200,000 would include tourists.

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I think you find that even City Hall wouldn't have a clue.

I recall them doing a big census maybe 7 years ago, because they were having funding problems with the government basing their funds on registered population.

I remember them walking up to me, just sitting at a bar, asking wether I lived here or was a tourist. As I lived here they politely requested me to fill the census out, not sure it was bilingual or they actually helped me doing it!

Guestimate is that actual population is between 3 to 5 times higher, with the obvious increased burden on the government services such as state hospitals etc...

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According to Wikipedia: The resident population was 104,318 as of 2007. This does not include those Thai's who have not transferred their registration from their home province. Including those, the population might be as high as 300,000. And, at some times the population might be as high as 500,000. Perhaps the final 200,000 would include tourists.

200,000 is way too low.

I estimate the greater Pattaya region at 500,000 - 600,000 people, but it is just a guess.

Who knows?

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According to Wikipedia: The resident population was 104,318 as of 2007. This does not include those Thai's who have not transferred their registration from their home province. Including those, the population might be as high as 300,000. And, at some times the population might be as high as 500,000. Perhaps the final 200,000 would include tourists.

If you see the 2009 figures on Wikipedia, they are 236,500 ish for Bang Lamung, but again that would be REGISTERED Thais, incoming labour and expats would put the figure well above 500,000 most people reckon.

If you go up to the viewpoint at the radio tower and take a look at the spread of Pattaya these days i would say even 500,000 was rather conservative!

Who knows for sure?? anybodys guess! :)

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According to Wikipedia: The resident population was 104,318 as of 2007. This does not include those Thai's who have not transferred their registration from their home province. Including those, the population might be as high as 300,000. And, at some times the population might be as high as 500,000. Perhaps the final 200,000 would include tourists.

If you see the 2009 figures on Wikipedia, they are 236,500 ish for Bang Lamung, but again that would be REGISTERED Thais, incoming labour and expats would put the figure well above 500,000 most people reckon.

If you go up to the viewpoint at the radio tower and take a look at the spread of Pattaya these days i would say even 500,000 was rather conservative!

Who knows for sure?? anybodys guess! :)

There's no way the population of Pattaya is anywhere near 500,000. Once you leave the central area (going east of sukhumvit) the population becomes sparse and even in the population centre there are no high density population zones.

My guess would be under 150,000.

Edited by tropo
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If the registered number for Banglamung is 250,000 then the actual number is at least 2-3 times higher. Most people here are transit workers from elsewhere, and due to the rules her - you can only register if you have a house book to register with, meaning only house owners can register - virtually all the transit workers remain registered in their home provinces.

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Once you leave the central area (going east of sukhumvit) the population becomes sparse

and even in the population centre there are no high density population zones.

My guess would be under 150,000.

Sparse ? Humm... Ask Google :


500,000 seems realistic for me.

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I think you find that even City Hall wouldn't have a clue.

I recall them doing a big census maybe 7 years ago, because they were having funding problems with the government basing their funds on registered population.

I remember them walking up to me, just sitting at a bar, asking wether I lived here or was a tourist. As I lived here they politely requested me to fill the census out, not sure it was bilingual or they actually helped me doing it!

Guestimate is that actual population is between 3 to 5 times higher, with the obvious increased burden on the government services such as state hospitals etc...


What is the real population of Bangkok Monty ? :)

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There's no way the population of Pattaya is anywhere near 500,000. Once you leave the central area (going east of sukhumvit) the population becomes sparse and even in the population centre there are no high density population zones.

My guess would be under 150,000.

You need to get out more Tropo :) , there is far more people east of Sukhumvit these days, like i said if you look from the radio mast viewpoint you will see the sprawling mass of red roofed villages in all directions as far as you can see.

And then there is the new government housing blocks that was started by Thaksins regime, one at the back of Alangkarn, one at the back of Wat Sutthawat, and one at Nong Ket Yai, each with 60+ blocks of 24 apartments.

And all the developments around the lake that you cannot see from the viewpoint.

I think it is safe to say these days that there is a lot more people living east of Sukhumvit than in the west/beach side.

It would be nice if someone could provide an actual factual listing of numbers? anyone?

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There's no way the population of Pattaya is anywhere near 500,000. Once you leave the central area (going east of sukhumvit) the population becomes sparse and even in the population centre there are no high density population zones.

My guess would be under 150,000.

You need to get out more Tropo :) , there is far more people east of Sukhumvit these days, like i said if you look from the radio mast viewpoint you will see the sprawling mass of red roofed villages in all directions as far as you can see.

I live near that lookout and visit there at least 3 times a week. :D

You have an idea that the population is near 500,000 just because you see lots of red rooves far in the distance.

My city back in Australia had a population of just over 300,000 (when I used to live there before 2003) and it was 40 km long (north to south) by 15 km (east to west) wide. (Gold Coast City). The area you can see from the lookout is miniscule compared to this area.

As I said, 150k tops.

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There's no way the population of Pattaya is anywhere near 500,000. Once you leave the central area (going east of sukhumvit) the population becomes sparse and even in the population centre there are no high density population zones.

My guess would be under 150,000.

You need to get out more Tropo :) , there is far more people east of Sukhumvit these days, like i said if you look from the radio mast viewpoint you will see the sprawling mass of red roofed villages in all directions as far as you can see.

I live near that lookout and visit there at least 3 times a week. :D

You have an idea that the population is near 500,000 just because you see lots of red rooves far in the distance.

My city back in Australia had a population of just over 300,000 (when I used to live there before 2003) and it was 40 km long (north to south) by 15 km (east to west) wide. (Gold Coast City). The area you can see from the lookout is miniscule compared to this area.

As I said, 150k tops.

Dunno about that. Nirun Condo has about 1500 apartments, that is probably about 3000 people in one condo complex

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As I said, 150k tops.

Dunno about that. Nirun Condo has about 1500 apartments, that is probably about 3000 people in one condo complex

OK, let's add 3000 for Nirun Condo.

150,000 (+/- 3000)

What's the big deal about a few condos. There's also lots of condos in my 300K city example. I would venture to say that the occupancy rate of houses and condos in the Pattaya region is low compared to most cities.

Pattaya has a lot of empty space, especially when you venture east of Sukhumvit.

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Live ?...not many it seems, most that appear on here seem to exist and are always asking where this and that can be bought cheaper,the way i see it is that most move here because they thought it was cheap to live then spend the rest of their days trying to get it cheaper ....sorry did i wander off subject ? ,im off balloon chasing now ! :)

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I live near that lookout and visit there at least 3 times a week. :)

You have an idea that the population is near 500,000 just because you see lots of red rooves far in the distance.

My city back in Australia had a population of just over 300,000 (when I used to live there before 2003) and it was 40 km long (north to south) by 15 km (east to west) wide. (Gold Coast City). The area you can see from the lookout is miniscule compared to this area.

As I said, 150k tops.


On the Gold coast, as with the majority of Oz, there is a large number single dwellings, ie single houses on relatively large blocks typically over 500sqm, this is not common in LOS. Yes I know there are a few high rise close to the coast on the gold coast, but on the whole the population density is much higher in Thailand, and especially around Pattaya.

I remember being told when the honorable mayor was elected there were only about 30,000 eligible voters to select Khun Ittipun. This is one of the challenges with Pattaya, many of those eligible to vote are still registered in Ban Nork, their ancestral homeland, this might continue for a generation or two after moving to Banglamung.It also reflects on government handouts as Monty was saying.

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I live near that lookout and visit there at least 3 times a week. :)

You have an idea that the population is near 500,000 just because you see lots of red rooves far in the distance.

My city back in Australia had a population of just over 300,000 (when I used to live there before 2003) and it was 40 km long (north to south) by 15 km (east to west) wide. (Gold Coast City). The area you can see from the lookout is miniscule compared to this area.

As I said, 150k tops.


On the Gold coast, as with the majority of Oz, there is a large number single dwellings, ie single houses on relatively large blocks typically over 500sqm, this is not common in LOS. Yes I know there are a few high rise close to the coast on the gold coast, but on the whole the population density is much higher in Thailand, and especially around Pattaya.

I'm well aware of this, but the area is huge in relation to Pattaya. The tourist area of the Gold Coast is probably as densely populated as the tourist area of Pattaya due to the large number of high rises. Pattaya in general is not densely populated.

I just used the Gold Coast as an example due to the fact that I lived there and the population was in the ball park of what people are guessing for Pattaya.

If you have a look around Pattaya you'll see a lot of vacant lots. When you go east of Sukhumvit there is more empty space than development. Gated subdivisions are not densely populated areas and most of the dark side is sparsely populated. Then you also have to consider the large number of condos and houses which are unoccupied and even unsold.

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Tropo i think you are missing 1 big factor from your calculations:

Do the residents of the Gold coast live 4-5 to a room?

In 20 SQM rooms?

In my experience most Thais in Pattaya live in these conditions

Given this fact I reckon you should be doubling your 150K estimations

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Tropo i think you are missing 1 big factor from your calculations:

Do the residents of the Gold coast live 4-5 to a room?

In 20 SQM rooms?

In my experience most Thais in Pattaya live in these conditions

Given this fact I reckon you should be doubling your 150K estimations

This has all been taken into account in my original estimate, but thanks for bringing it up again.

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Tropo i think you are missing 1 big factor from your calculations:

Do the residents of the Gold coast live 4-5 to a room?

In 20 SQM rooms?

In my experience most Thais in Pattaya live in these conditions

Given this fact I reckon you should be doubling your 150K estimations

This has all been taken into account in my original estimate, but thanks for bringing it up again.

Topo , me thinks your having a laugh and on a wind up, if the Wickipedia figure for 2007 was correct and the figure for registered residents was 104,318 in 2007, then I'd say that has risen to a higher figure in 2009, now take into account the number of people who live and work in Pattaya who have not transferred their registrations from their home provinces, take into account the number of sex workers in Pattaya, some estimate over 20,000 sex workers live and work in Pattaya, I'll bet most of them are not registered as living in Pattaya either...

What about the non sex workers, hotel workers, shop workers, restaurante/fast food workers and so on and on we go, how many of them have a house and are registered.?.

How many illegals living and working in Pattaya.?.

How many expats live in Pattaya, how many stay long time on back to back visa and how many tourists visit Pattaya each year.?....Some web pages say 5 million plus per year for tourists visiting Pattaya.

IMO, your figure of 150,000 is way out, I'd say the figure is well over 400, 000 and even higher in high season when it's busy.

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IMO, your figure of 150,000 is way out, I'd say the figure is well over 400, 000 and even higher in high season when it's busy.

Most of the time people are either over- or under estimating the population of any given town or city.

400.000 for Pattaya is far beyond reality.

Personally I would think a maximum of, between 150-200.000 but a number of 100-150.000 is probably even more realistic, especially in these crisis times. And that number would include registered and non-registered people but excluding tourists.

A big city like Amsterdam (big by Dutch standards :) ) has just some 750.000 people and that city is crowded....no way Pattaya will have (semi) permanent 400.000 people.


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IMO, your figure of 150,000 is way out, I'd say the figure is well over 400, 000 and even higher in high season when it's busy.

Most of the time people are either over- or under estimating the population of any given town or city.

400.000 for Pattaya is far beyond reality.

Personally I would think a maximum of, between 150-200.000 but a number of 100-150.000 is probably even more realistic, especially in these crisis times. And that number would include registered and non-registered people but excluding tourists.

A big city like Amsterdam (big by Dutch standards :) ) has just some 750.000 people and that city is crowded....no way Pattaya will have (semi) permanent 400.000 people.


From wickipedia below.....


"The city had 104,318 registered inhabitants in 2007. But like Bangkok Metropolis, that figure excludes the large number of people who work in Pattaya but remain registered in their hometowns, and many long-term expatriate visitors. Including non-registered residents, the population numbers around 300,000 at any given time. Other estimates put the figure as high as 500,000."

That was the 2007 figure of registered people, like I said in an earlier post, that figure has probably risen so IMO the figure of 100,000 to150,000 being a more realistic figure is very unrealistic and is much higher when taking into account the number of people living in Pattaya who are registered in their hometowns and not registered as living in Pattaya.

The OP did ask.?.

"How many Thai's live in pattaya?

How many falangs have moved too and live in pattaya year round?

How many falangs live in pattaya "longstay" , 3-6 month a year?

How many tourists are i Pattaya, 1-3 weeks?"

Problem we have here is that we are on about Thailand and getting true official figures from official sources in Pattaya or Thailand would probably be impossible, so we have to make guesses and give are opinions based on what information we are able to get from non official sources.

Some people estimate that over 300, 000 motorcyles are in the Pataya district, a bit strage if true, more bikes than inhabitants...

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