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Farang Disarms Gun Totting Local


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If you are looking for a place to learn and/or train Savate you are definitely at the right place at soi 13. The Savate instructor there is Dominique Fontanarosa - he is a great guy and an excellent teacher. Dominique is a former professional fighter. In Savate he achieved a professional record of 76 wins and 6 losses; in 1993 he was crowned World Champion.


May I suggest you come by at Boxer Rebellion and someone there can demonstrate you how to control a bad guy safely and you might get a chance to look at the video footage from the security camera. There you will see that many people were walking up and down the soi and staring at what happened there. All your questions and doubts will be answered once and for all. After that you don't need to speculate and ridicule this very serious situation by posting questions about "The Force" and "Jedi mind tricks" - I'm sorry but these kind of questions of yours somehow understandably provoked someone to encourage you to think a bit more seriously.

I don't doubt I already have the physical ability to control a Thai for 20 minutes, I have a pulse and wiegh 215.

I already have mad Jedi skills, here is video clip of me training at my own DoJo, AKA "House of Pain."

Video Clip, of me brining the thunder:

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I don't doubt I already have the physical ability to control a Thai for 20 minutes, I have a pulse and wiegh 215.

I already have mad Jedi skills, here is video clip of me training at my own DoJo, AKA "House of Pain."

Why not pop along to Boxer Rebellion on Soi 13 and see for yourself.

I can assure you that your 215lbs means nothing when faced with a seriously skilled person, you could get hit by the smallest instructor there and you would be out like a light within seconds, and that guy is probably only 165 - 166 cms tall and maybe 68-70Kgs, but he hits like a freight train, one shot and you're down, problem is, it's not just one shot coming at you, there are a flurry of sledgehammer punches or kicks plus a takedown and immobilisation.

I know you're a ThaiVisa member and that gives you an advantage. :)

In the real world you would be toast within a few seconds with any of these guys unless you were also trained, and by your ridicule, I think that you're not.


Edited by Maigo6
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I don't doubt I already have the physical ability to control a Thai for 20 minutes, I have a pulse and wiegh 215.

I already have mad Jedi skills, here is video clip of me training at my own DoJo, AKA "House of Pain."

Why not pop along to Boxer Rebellion on Soi 13 and see for yourself.

I can assure you that your 215lbs means nothing when faced with a seriously skilled person, you could get hit by the smallest instructor there and you would be out like a light within seconds, and that guy is probably only 165 - 166 cms tall and maybe 68-70Kgs, but he hits like a freight train, one shot and you're down, problem is, it's not just one shot coming at you, there are a flurry of sledgehammer punches or kicks plus a takedown and immobilisation.

I know you're a ThaiVisa member and that gives you an advantage. :)

In the real world you would be toast within a few seconds with any of these guys unless you were also trained, and by your ridicule, I think that you're not.


When "faced" should have been written, "if" faced with a seriously skilled person.....

I am sure Serina Williams could beat me at tennis, but I don't train for a challenge against Serina. Point is, why bother, I really doubt the average 69lb Thai mugger has "mad" skills, and my "KungFu" is naturally strong. (refer to video)

So if you want to train at Boxer Rebellion to develop skills that apparently you have to search fo an oppertunity to use them ie; disarming a person that is not an imediate threat to your own self.... then so be it. I would not disparge you for this.

But for me, I'd rather spend my time doing something else, like spending time with the kids etc.

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I have no interest in going to "Boxer Rebillion." As I said before, I have my own DoJo "House of Pain" and my own highly developed style I call, "The 3 Toe" and in my video you can see my awesome technique with a "bow staff."

Well, honestly, it is a mop handle, but at "House of Pain" we like to train with pratical weapons. For example, a mop would be readily available "if" the wife tried to lay a beat down on me for sharting in my drawers, I could quick like a "3 toe sloth" snatch up a broken mop and "rain down the thunder."

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I have no interest in going to "Boxer Rebillion." As I said before, I have my own DoJo "House of Pain" and my own highly developed style I call, "The 3 Toe" and in my video you can see my awesome technique with a "bow staff."

Well, honestly, it is a mop handle, but at "House of Pain" we like to train with pratical weapons. For example, a mop would be readily available "if" the wife tried to lay a beat down on me for sharting in my drawers, I could quick like a "3 toe sloth" snatch up a broken mop and "rain down the thunder."

I must say Dakhar, upon seeing that Video I can see why you would need no extra training.

I'm quite sure you could start your own school specialising in the mop handle style, it would no doubt be a huge success with downtrodden husbands all over the globe, I also like the great recovery when slipping on the duster. :)

Seriously, I do understand that for the vast majority of people they would never need to use the skills they have learnt after many years of training, and some who are well capable in the dojo would just fall to bits in a real life situation.

But I suppose it's better to have a gun and not need one, than to need a gun and not have one. :D

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Thanks for watching my vidieo, and yes I have hoaned my KungFu and Jedi powers to a point where sometimes I wake up at night clutching my nuts & curled up in a fetal position in a moment of defense.... ruggedness just comes insitively I guess after all these years of training.

Seriously for all the people I know that have "trained" in some type of combative arts, ie, greco wrestling/judo/Karate etc etc

I have only see them use a fraction of what they have learned, usually for 5-20 second in an altercation, but that 5 seconds use, seemed to have have gave the the upper hand to the point where they did "win" the altercation. (so to speak)

I saw one guy latch on to a fellow's pinky when a guy came up from behind and started to choke the guy.

So this guy with "training" worked the attackers pinky loose, and he about removed the pinky from the guys body. Because once he got it in his control, that is all he needed to control his attacker. It was rather funny really, but they attacker's pinky was broken and I bet is sevreral locations.

Any how, to each his own.... Thus far the 3 Toe has served me well.

Edited by Dakhar
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But without weapons Thais are pretty weak fighters. They don't dominate free fighting matches or stuff like that. Asians are just not as strong in general and if you get the best of the best foreigner wise and the best of the best thai wise the thai will always loose.

Yes, all those Olympic martial arts medals were purchased with "tea money"... I think that you have never been up against a "pound for pound" Thai boxing champ, otherwise the ass beating you received would have stuck with you...

Just to set the record straight.

There are no martail arts in the olympics.

Taekwondo( there is also a misconcenception that taekwondo is korean- in fact it is really japanese shotokan repackaged to suit koreans, more simple,basic direct,flashy,less depth), karate-do, judo are not martail arts.

Gichin funakoshi the person who brought karate to japan said this of karate.

"karate is an exellent way to develope ones body mind and spirit through rigorous training of techniques with martail implications, for real combat, there are far more effective methods"

They can be called martial sports, like muaythai ,and MMA.

Savate is both a street art and a sport ( experts on savate please correct me) developed by the stylish french.

The gentleman who teaches it on soi 13 seems to be a real expert. His footwork is beautiful to behold

and one can tell one is in the pressance of an expert.

Incidently the person in question told me that when he competed in muaythai events he often used savate style techniques to help him secure victorys.

He said that anyone who was competing to feed their familys who be hard to defeat, no matter where they came from.

Due to the hard way they train both are highly effective in a street situation. But they are still sports with rules and regulations.

We should not look for what is best.

Everything has its good and bad points. Many 'street self defence" persons are fat and over weight and boast about things they could not do.

And how would a MMA person take that gun off that nicely spanked little twit ( I notice he has not been back for more)- a double leg take down perhaps?

They do not teach krav-maga on soi 13.

Apparently they did, but now teach something called KAPAP , another art from israel that I cannot seem to find much on, but is pioneered by a man call Avi nardia.

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Are people here seriously discussing martial arts in the same sentence as guns? No martial art is a match for a gun or knife. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight and don't bring your fists to a knife fight. Thai boxing is probably still the most effective striking art of them all. Then add a few locks from BJJ or Judo and you have your self defense in order. I still wouldn't mess with a gun though.

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Are people here seriously discussing martial arts in the same sentence as guns? No martial art is a match for a gun or knife. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight and don't bring your fists to a knife fight. Thai boxing is probably still the most effective striking art of them all. Then add a few locks from BJJ or Judo and you have your self defense in order. I still wouldn't mess with a gun though.

well did'nt that man just bring his fists to possible gun confrontation.

Guns do not hurt people, nor do knives, hammers, etc

Its the mind behind it that does the damage

I would not agree that muaythai is the most effective striking art. For example- most would break, or hurt their hands

if they used their real fists in a real fight.Its still is pretty good though, but still, a sport.

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The 2nd time was a bit more severe. Bout 15 years ago I was going to my bank and heard a shot (Sceptics.... I shoot so I know the sound). A guy comes running out and sticks the smoking gun in my face... genuinely less than 18 inches. A few well chosen words from him like, "don't move or I'll blow your f**king face off" kept me calm. It is a very weird experience to look a guy in the face (covered) and see his finger on the trigger. His pals ran out to the getaway car and as my "pal" left he blew out the front of the bank. Footnote. The bank staff got 400 euro each and a night out....Me? Not even an apology!
I know the feeling. They gave me a canned apology letter along with a certificate for a spa (that I never used). How lame is that? It's like, "oh sorry you had a bad day of service at our branch and here's our way of saying 'sorry' for your trouble." :) Some people just don't get it! I almost lost my life because of your stupid lack of security - you bonehead! A day of spa treatment doesn't even come close to making up for a lifetime of continuous nightmares. Every time I see the word "spa," I think about that day.
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The 2nd time was a bit more severe. Bout 15 years ago I was going to my bank and heard a shot (Sceptics.... I shoot so I know the sound). A guy comes running out and sticks the smoking gun in my face... genuinely less than 18 inches. A few well chosen words from him like, "don't move or I'll blow your f**king face off" kept me calm. It is a very weird experience to look a guy in the face (covered) and see his finger on the trigger. His pals ran out to the getaway car and as my "pal" left he blew out the front of the bank. Footnote. The bank staff got 400 euro each and a night out....Me? Not even an apology!
I know the feeling. They gave me a canned apology letter along with a certificate for a spa (that I never used). How lame is that? It's like, "oh sorry you had a bad day of service at our branch and here's our way of saying 'sorry' for your trouble." :) Some people just don't get it! I almost lost my life because of your stupid lack of security - you bonehead! A day of spa treatment doesn't even come close to making up for a lifetime of continuous nightmares. Every time I see the word "spa," I think about that day.

there is absoulutely no shame in seeking professional assistance regarding this.I urge you to consider doing so to thwart those inner demons

good luck

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Wow- if it's who I think it is ...that pussy choose the worst time at the worst place.

Poor loser.He will not be back for more.

Lucky he is still alive.

I could not find his details on the boxer-rebellion website, although I did look

but my friend's seem to think they know him and say he is good people.

They do not say this about many people.

He is bringing Avi Nardia out to bangkok in december. Avi teaches KAPAP, a really effective form of israeli combat.

I gotta laugh when I read that he's gotta watch his back because of some pussy mobsters

trying to save their lost face. Seems like he trashed 'em.

I got no time for lowlife that swings gun's on crowded street's.

I would of made sure he could never pull a piece again.

Why are some guys almost putting him down here? What if had been your ass he had saved? Your lady who was walking past?

Mobsters aka cowards/losers/lowlifes exist because of you dudes who buy into their hype.

Let me tell you- it's all hype, yep, maybe those coward's can off some poor dude now and again, must make them feel good

If a small percentage of guy's stood up to them they would not exist.

Know why the mob has never been that successful in countrys like Great Britain- and nordic country's?

Because it's really hard to intimidate those folk.

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Well, the guy we call "C" who safely disarmed the Thai is for real. I know him personally for many years. He is the guy that co-founded Boxer Rebellion and brought it into the building at Sukhumvit soi 13. He is not teaching there on a regular basis and he is not around so often because he travels abroad very frequently and you will not find him on the website. Many members at Boxer Rebellion don't know him personally and maybe have never seen him. I have already met him long time ago and we trained together knife fighting techniques many years before Boxer Rebellion was established. For professional reasons "C" needs to be discrete and his name will not be mentioned here; I totally respect that. As mentioned before "C" is a professional self defense specialist and he knew exactly what he was doing. "Don't try this at home"...

And to those who talk about Martial Arts or more precise ring-adapted sports martial arts please keep in mind that these have not much in common with pure self defense systems like the Israeli systems. A self defense system certainly deals with defending with and against weapons and it certainly also teaches a lot of psychology and mindsets that are totally different from other sports oriented martial arts. Martial arts like for example Muay Thai will give you a lot of good attributes like hard, effective and fast striking with hands, elbows knees and shins and the body conditioning that are useful for self defense but this is only a small part of what is trained in these defense systems. Ground oriented arts like BJJ and other "combat wrestling" styles will give you good abilities to deal with fights on the ground and traditional JJ will give you also all the useful locks - and again these are good to know but they don't quite make a self defense system.

What you still need is a system that puts it all together. You need a system that teaches how and when to use one's striking abilities (with head, shoulders, elbows, hands/fists, body, knees, shins, feet), takedown/throwing abilities, groundfighting abilities, locks and breaks and weapons skills into a comprehensive self defense system that gives you the training, mindset, skills and confidence to use your different abilities to prevent or survive or at least minimises the risk of death in a real life confrontation on the street. These confrontations maybe happen on a ground where you cannot go down and do BJJ groundwork - or there are weapons involved that require very special skills to deal with - or there are multiple attackers.....but there is certainly no ring and no judge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

good post man, sounds like you know something about the real world

very true what you say

look forward to training under you


Well, the guy we call "C" who safely disarmed the Thai is for real. I know him personally for many years. He is the guy that co-founded Boxer Rebellion and brought it into the building at Sukhumvit soi 13. He is not teaching there on a regular basis and he is not around so often because he travels abroad very frequently and you will not find him on the website. Many members at Boxer Rebellion don't know him personally and maybe have never seen him. I have already met him long time ago and we trained together knife fighting techniques many years before Boxer Rebellion was established. For professional reasons "C" needs to be discrete and his name will not be mentioned here; I totally respect that. As mentioned before "C" is a professional self defense specialist and he knew exactly what he was doing. "Don't try this at home"...

And to those who talk about Martial Arts or more precise ring-adapted sports martial arts please keep in mind that these have not much in common with pure self defense systems like the Israeli systems. A self defense system certainly deals with defending with and against weapons and it certainly also teaches a lot of psychology and mindsets that are totally different from other sports oriented martial arts. Martial arts like for example Muay Thai will give you a lot of good attributes like hard, effective and fast striking with hands, elbows knees and shins and the body conditioning that are useful for self defense but this is only a small part of what is trained in these defense systems. Ground oriented arts like BJJ and other "combat wrestling" styles will give you good abilities to deal with fights on the ground and traditional JJ will give you also all the useful locks - and again these are good to know but they don't quite make a self defense system.

What you still need is a system that puts it all together. You need a system that teaches how and when to use one's striking abilities (with head, shoulders, elbows, hands/fists, body, knees, shins, feet), takedown/throwing abilities, groundfighting abilities, locks and breaks and weapons skills into a comprehensive self defense system that gives you the training, mindset, skills and confidence to use your different abilities to prevent or survive or at least minimises the risk of death in a real life confrontation on the street. These confrontations maybe happen on a ground where you cannot go down and do BJJ groundwork - or there are weapons involved that require very special skills to deal with - or there are multiple attackers.....but there is certainly no ring and no judge.

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Just out of curiosity, what's it like in another "no-gun" country, Britain? Lots of guns there as well?

Eastern Europeans have brought guns in but they are still fairly hard to get hold of. The penalties for possession of a firearm these days are harsh.

A better comparison with Thailand would be Brazil or Columbia IMO.

There's plenty of guns here, nothing to do with eastern europeans or whatever else the daily mail tells you, there have been guns here for years and years and not hard to get hold of either. I t would be a bit of a surprise if you borrowed someones car and there was a loaded one in the glove box but yes, they're here.

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Excuse me, but I have a question for aay2553, TallForeigner, and anyone else that KNOWS the specifics of the incident that occured. There were many replies from people that talked a lot about the "Thai Mafia". My question to those mentioned is this: Is there any indication that this did in fact involve the "mob/mafia", or is it perhaps two people having an argument over a business deal or something of the sorts? I'm just curious.

I would like to extend a "good job" to Mr. "C" in his actions. As Thai men can often be short-tempered and let their anger overcome their emotions, "C" quite possibly prevented a homicide that day, as well as heartache that would have befallen both parties families. I am not a fighter nor do I have any self-defense training, but I believe that if I was in a situation where I felt somebody was fixin' to get another hole in their head and I was at a resonable distance from the gunman, I may have acted in the same way. Well, not EXACTLY the same way, but I think that my adrenaline would have kicked in and my instincts would have taken over. I am not saying that, for sure, no matter what, 100%, I would have acted in disarming the man. What I am saying is, if I were to be in the right position/location and my mind was telling me that if the gunman had that gun for very much longer he was definately going to shoot the other man, I think I would do what I had to do. I have seen people die in different ways and I cannot think of one instance where even one of those moments was pleasant. Life is a sacred gift and it takes very little for it to be lost. I would hope that more people in this world would act in a way, if possible and sensible, such as Mr. "C" did. I believe he just got a bunch of Karma points.

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I see quite a few posts on this thread are aimed against the man in question.

Smug and glib responses from the typical weak guys behind their computers.

You have been invited to Boxer Rebellion, you have been given the address, yet I still see some venom flying around.

Mr C is a personal friend of mine and I also know 2 of the instructors you will see in the video, I will invite you along for a free lesson, just be serious and willing to learn is all anyone asks.

If you take the piss...well........ever been hit by a steam hammer ? Ok , it's not that bad, but believe me, from experience, a small jab can really stun you, and that's just sparring, then again, ThaiVisa members are all highly trained athletes............ :)

OK, I don't mess around..........you wanna see what this guy can do, or what his gym can teach you to do, go to Boxer Rebellion and find out.

You'll realise just out of shape you are after a 3 minute warm up !

If you don't wanna go , then don't go.

But, at least have some respect for people that have dedicated their lives to martial arts and are willing to bring a part of their knowledge to the general population.

I'll pay the first guys fares to BKK who thinks he can come into BoxerRebellion and take the piss, and get away with it !

My money is safe....

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Excuse me, but I have a question for aay2553, TallForeigner, and anyone else that KNOWS the specifics of the incident that occured. There were many replies from people that talked a lot about the "Thai Mafia". My question to those mentioned is this: Is there any indication that this did in fact involve the "mob/mafia", or is it perhaps two people having an argument over a business deal or something of the sorts? I'm just curious.

I would like to extend a "good job" to Mr. "C" in his actions. As Thai men can often be short-tempered and let their anger overcome their emotions, "C" quite possibly prevented a homicide that day, as well as heartache that would have befallen both parties families. I am not a fighter nor do I have any self-defense training, but I believe that if I was in a situation where I felt somebody was fixin' to get another hole in their head and I was at a resonable distance from the gunman, I may have acted in the same way. Well, not EXACTLY the same way, but I think that my adrenaline would have kicked in and my instincts would have taken over. I am not saying that, for sure, no matter what, 100%, I would have acted in disarming the man. What I am saying is, if I were to be in the right position/location and my mind was telling me that if the gunman had that gun for very much longer he was definately going to shoot the other man, I think I would do what I had to do. I have seen people die in different ways and I cannot think of one instance where even one of those moments was pleasant. Life is a sacred gift and it takes very little for it to be lost. I would hope that more people in this world would act in a way, if possible and sensible, such as Mr. "C" did. I believe he just got a bunch of Karma points.

I have no idea whether the incident involved the Thai Mob, the local Triads or anything like that. I think that's all speculation at this point and I really don't want to add to that. People like to make more out of it and like to put stories behind the scene - that's how rumors are born. Let's leave it as what it was: A decisive and professional action that eliminated an imminent, direct and deadly threat to many people.

I also don't think it is relevant whether the mob is involved or not once you see something like that because once you are confronted with such a situation you have not more than a very short window of opportunity to act. Investigating what groups are involved and the background is a matter for the police.

As mentioned before there is evidence for that on video and there are many eyewitnesses around, but the rest is a matter for the police to find out. And for those who think that video should be published on the internet - well, I don't think so and I don't see any reason whatsoever why anyone should do that.

I personally believe like "sensehusband" and some others that all the bystanders and especially the threatened taxidriver are very lucky that there was someone who decided to eliminate the threat and then did it successfully.


"A healthy mind rests in a healthy body" - that's what many of my friends and I personally believe and I have chosen to live by that. Stephen Hawking is maybe just the exception that confirms the rule.. Believe me, martial arts training and self defense training is a very efficient way to keep your body fit and healthy and also to sharpen your mind - in case you never tried it yourself your words are just empty phrases.

Looking at your previous contributions I must doubt whether you actually know what you are talking about when you mention something like "intellect". Your youtube requests, links and remarks are just coming across as pathetic and ridiculous - no more, no less and they are certainly not funny. If you don't understand what was going on here and if you don't have got anything meaningful to add or to ask why not shut up and leave the thread to those people who are genuinely interested in what was happening and who have something more sensible to share.

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Oh tall dude,

your remarks are just a matter of opinion, just as mine are. If it is your nature to result to viloence, insults & threats, because some one shares or has an opinion different than yours....

well I think that speaks volumes, as I am sure others can see that too.

My posts have been self effacing while your posts, along with your ankle biter, have been nothing but self serving & grandizement.


time for my work out, at my Dojo, "House of Pain"

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Oh yes, it's still early morning...now wait a moment and open your eyes.

Now tell me where I show that it's my "nature to result to violence, insults&threats". Well, I train how to deal with violence but that doesn't mean that I am prone to use violence more often than anyone else. I might even know more than some people about how to avoid it. Where am I threatening anyone? Mentioning that your remarks come across as pathetic and ridiculous is not meant being a personal insult - it's just a mere statement of facts.

Having a different opinion is one thing and I respect that but just being ridiculous and not contributing a real opinion is another matter. Asking you to go somewhere else if you don't have anything sensible to contribute here was also not a threat - it's just my personal wish. Please go to your house of pain and be happy and I will happily let you live in peace - just let me enjoy my own training and don't ridicule it if you don't understand it.

Now I give you the satisfaction of having the last word...

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