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She Wants To Go To The Temple For A Week.

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Does she intend to shave her head as well?

You better ask her, so you are not in for a shocker.

A friend of mine had his female friend doing this, and she came back with her head shaved.

She was wearing a wig for some time after that.

If she shaves her head then she wants to look soooo hansum, just like me :D

Oh, boy. A shaven headed woman. So romantic :D

Did you mean to say shaved ..... not head isnt it ?


Not sure what you mean.

I might have spelled it wrong.

She was bald-headed when she returned.

Never mind,

I just not being myself these days :D

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Oh, boy. A shaven headed woman. So romantic :)

Sounds like she is going to spend some time as a Mae Chee.

Most of the time they don't shave their heads if they only stay in the temple for a week or so. If you want to read more about it, search for "Mae Chee" (sometimes spelled "Mae Ji"). There is a thread on ThaiVisa discussing the topic here.

My sister in law would go for 10 days when things were not going so well.

She would wear a skin coloured swimming cap instead of shaving her head.

That is so Thai... sort of defeats the object if she wasn't prepared to go full monty :)


Does she intend to shave her head as well?

You better ask her, so you are not in for a shocker.

A friend of mine had his female friend doing this, and she came back with her head shaved.

She was wearing a wig for some time after that.

If she shaves her head then she wants to look soooo hansum, just like me :D

Oh, boy. A shaven headed woman. So romantic :D

Did you mean to say shaved ..... not head isnt it ?


Not sure what you mean.

I might have spelled it wrong.

She was bald-headed when she returned.

a bald headed woman ... wonderful. We could deflect the suns rays together :D

Yes, I got your drift.


As opposed to white, she has bought pale blue pyjamas. And she is not going to shave her head.

I have decided to stay and take her food. Mother already looks after granddaughters and does not really have time, so it is down to me. Seems this Temple has facilities for Monks but not for these short stay people.

Another Thai experience at the end of the day and if it does her soul some good then good for her.

Thanks for the sensible replies above, though I did add some frivolity to it, it was a serious question.


About a year ago my wife’s department all spent a week at the local temple as a work requirement. Half the department one week and the other half the next.

It was all part of a character/team building exercise. A Thai version of what some larger western companies do with their employees. The week consisted of lectures on self improvement etc by one of the senior monks plus meditation.

They could only take basic bedding and no mobile phones/computers were allowed. Most of them did take their phones and made sneaky calls in the evening. Food was supplied. And no they didn’t have to shave their head.


Yes well i went through all that and after she was happy siting under a sheet 2 times a day with gold leaf all over her face we had to take 99 eggs to buddha and then let some fish go in the river and fire crackers at the temple , it also cost me about 500 baht a day to buy a bucket full of crap for her to take to the monks. She said this is how much i love you , i just smiled and said yes i love you to and went along with it .

cheers that's Thailand .


My wife flew over from UK and went into a temple for 2 weeks.

If you cannot understand your wife's need to do it, then just support her and let her do her thing.

Thais see their religion as a serious subject and benefit spiritually, from giving their time in this way.


I see nothing wrong with it at all. I have learned NOT to stand in the way of my wife and her faith......I think she is better for it and I support it 110%......Just this afternoon she visited 9 temples in our area for some sort of tamboon she came back happy...she allways comes back happy from the temples......We have a yearly blessing on our home and lot's of neighbors both Thai and farang come...

Worry if she shaves her head and stays there.

Yes well i went through all that and after she was happy siting under a sheet 2 times a day with gold leaf all over her face we had to take 99 eggs to buddha and then let some fish go in the river and fire crackers at the temple , it also cost me about 500 baht a day to buy a bucket full of crap for her to take to the monks. She said this is how much i love you , i just smiled and said yes i love you to and went along with it .

cheers that's Thailand .

I believe you are talking about something completely different. Your wife/GF was going through a ceremony to remove bad luck or change her fate. This is very different to the OP's other (better) half who is just going away on retreat to recharge her batteries and perhaps take time away from hubby. :)


this past time we were in thailand i had mentioneed to hubby that i would like to do a week; he suggested that its possible to do 3 days, and i had wanted to go with his mother (for language backup and a known face among others); he was perfectly happy with the idea and had no problem also if i were to shave my head (here in israel anyway its a fairly common hair cut, to be almost shaved down and with large jewelry, very yemenite style... ) but in the end, no time so i didnt go...

but next time it is still on the list. i was told that i wouldnt be at the local wat as there are no facilities nor the 'right' kind of monks (no higher up monks ?) so would have to be in a larger wat nearer to korat city.

would have no problem, would even like, for hubby to do same, to chill out some.




Does she intend to shave her head as well?

You better ask her, so you are not in for a shocker.

A friend of mine had his female friend doing this, and she came back with her head shaved.

She was wearing a wig for some time after that.

I remember this guy a number of years ago that was a bit thirsty (very unusual indeed for our beloved home town). Well, he was really a raging alcoholic.

Anyway, his wife got tired of his BS and decided that she would become a nun.

So early one morning before dawn when the guy was sleeping it off as usual she entered their bedroom with a shaven head and an all white outfit and proceeded to wake him up.

The man allegedly shat his pants - he was sure he was seeing a ghost :)


As a Anglican lay Reader in Wales I went on several retreats for prayer and meditation. For me they were always a time of peace. Please support her

I am looking for some insight into why the lady in my life wants to go to the temple for a week. She cannot explain it well enough for me to understand, so I am hoping some bright spark here might enlighten me :)

Something she also says about her being a Buddhist and me being one of those Christian people and harmony and some other stuff.


As a so called "Christian" you should immediately know your position on this issue. First and foremost a Christian does not marry nor do they become involved in a serious relationship with a non-Christian. It's what Christ following Christians call being 'unequally yoked'. It's covered quite thoroughly in the new testament scriptures by the apostle Paul. Now, having said that, you obviously love her or you would not be with her right? Perhaps not. In any case, I would encourage you to discourage her from going to a temple for a week and perhaps instead, take her to a Christian Thai church service where she can hear the Gospel thereby seeing things from God's perspective. It could potentially be the best thing you could do for her. If she rejects your suggestion then perhaps you will see that in fact Christians and non-Christians should not be together. Try it.


I am looking for some insight into why the lady in my life wants to go to the temple for a week. She cannot explain it well enough for me to understand, so I am hoping some bright spark here might enlighten me :D

Something she also says about her being a Buddhist and me being one of those Christian people and harmony and some other stuff.


As a so called "Christian" you should immediately know your position on this issue. First and foremost a Christian does not marry nor do they become involved in a serious relationship with a non-Christian. It's what Christ following Christians call being 'unequally yoked'. It's covered quite thoroughly in the new testament scriptures by the apostle Paul. Now, having said that, you obviously love her or you would not be with her right? Perhaps not. In any case, I would encourage you to discourage her from going to a temple for a week and perhaps instead, take her to a Christian Thai church service where she can hear the Gospel thereby seeing things from God's perspective. It could potentially be the best thing you could do for her. If she rejects your suggestion then perhaps you will see that in fact Christians and non-Christians should not be together. Try it.


Get a life this is the 21st century. :D

Christians and non christians can even marry in a christian church these days.

mmm Now i'm getting off topic :)

Its pretty much like going on a retreat. Catholics do it. I do not know that Protestants have something like this.

Protestants have bible camp and revival meetings and "retreats" as well. Not a way I would be spending my time, but to each their own.


I read a lot of nice answers until I came to the next last one bu NHC.. His ideas reminded me very much of those,which Muslim extremists have:not to mingle with people of other faiths.(Mine is the only one correct). NHC, I think you would be better served by trying some of her faith,which is a faith of tolerans and understanding.By the way,I guess also the true christian faith is!!!So go with her,with an open mind;perhaps you can get some real peace of mind.

I am looking for some insight into why the lady in my life wants to go to the temple for a week. She cannot explain it well enough for me to understand

Incredible. Surely the level of communication with "your lady" can't be THAT bad. Try again.


it's a Thai Buddhist thing.. she wants to make merit for herself and her family... The Thai's believe in this strongly... be supportive... what's it going to hurt you? it may even throw some merit your way... you sound like you might need it... :)

it's a Thai Buddhist thing.. she wants to make merit for herself and her family... The Thai's believe in this strongly... be supportive... what's it going to hurt you? it may even throw some merit your way... you sound like you might need it... :)

" A Thai Buddhist thing", Priceless! I guess you would explain menstruation as "Women's problems"

Anyway, let's cut the crap! If the OP's communication with his lady is so bad then I will explain.

It involves meditation which they believe will atone for all their past sins (real or imagined) It's a cleansing of the soul. "Making merit" is a complete different kettle of fish and has nothing to do with it.

It's the same as Christians going to the confessional box. Simple as that. End of story.



Anyway, let's cut the crap! If the OP's communication with his lady is so bad then I will explain.

u dont need to 'shout' nor insult members.

uve only been on the board for 5 posts and already using uncivil language, chill out a bit...

it was a legitimate question that has arisen often in the past, and often thais have a difficult time even in thai explaining why they want to go to the wat ; for many its just something that u do and u come back feeling better, like for us going away to a mountain cabin for a week of fishing or something. my husband was a monk for a year and still cant explain (and i speak thai enough to deal with abstracts) how he felt or why...

and to the bible pusher: im jewish living in israel and have been an active budhist for most of my adult life; getting married to my thai husband was a nightmare for us here in israel exactly for those reasons of 'like must marry like'.

adn all this is :)

to the OP, i am thinking that this should have been moved to the budhism forum; u would maybe get less snipey answers, so i can move it if u want to? PM me if u agree.




My GF does this about twice a tear also. Although she told me that visitors weren't allowed, and suggested I take a holiday while she does this. They take a vow of silence all week as well. According to her some people are asked to go by family if they are troubled. She told me a story of a younger boy/man that did not want to be there and kept running away only to be brought back by his family. The go to bed at sunset, rise at 4am, spend a lot of time meditating and listening to the Monk. I think people go for different reasons. For her she says it calms her and allows her to control her temper with her staff. (She runs a large hotel.)

to the OP, i am thinking that this should have been moved to the budhism forum; u would maybe get less snipey answers, so i can move it if u want to? PM me if u agree.



To be honest Bina i think the op has the answers he requires.

He has nothing whatsoever to worry about.


Ya got to be careful on this one especially if there is no contact what so ever. I meet and sleep with alot of girls who tell me they have boyfreinds and are suppose to be at the temple for a week. No contact what so ever.

guess its a great excuse to get away with the g-freinds to get down and dirty in another city.

Ya got to be careful on this one especially if there is no contact what so ever. I meet and sleep with alot of girls who tell me they have boyfreinds and are suppose to be at the temple for a week. No contact what so ever.

guess its a great excuse to get away with the g-freinds to get down and dirty in another city.

My wife , is a devout budhist and frequently attends our local temple , 2 or 3 evenings a week , and sometimes I go with her , its quite an uplifting experience to sit amongst the worshipers, it also gives me time to reflect in a tranquil enviroment. about once a month she attends all day sunday , helping with other ladies to arrange flowers ,cleaning , cooking etc etc . its also a social thing for these ladies , we all know how they can " chat and gossip," ( its a Thai thing ). I actively encourage my lady to go , she comes home a happier person , which in turn , makes our relationship so much more enriched by her feeling of well being . She and her friends will be going away on a retreat for the whole weekend in October , which also gives me time to do the things I enjoy . So if your partner wants to "make merit " let her , it will enrich both of your live`s .


After many years of drinking and fornication and having 'evil' thoughts maybe I should go for a couple of weeks

to a temple. Just to try and redeem myself, the more I think about the better it sounds.


my x girlfriend went and lived in temple for 6 mths because she told me she had broken heart after splitting with her thai husband,,,she done lots of praying and samati (meditation) while there....maybe shes hurt because ur going away ??? wouldnt worry bout it...will do her a lot of good .

Anyway, let's cut the crap! If the OP's communication with his lady is so bad then I will explain.

u dont need to 'shout' nor insult members.

uve only been on the board for 5 posts and already using uncivil language, chill out a bit...

it was a legitimate question that has arisen often in the past, and often thais have a difficult time even in thai explaining why they want to go to the wat ; for many its just something that u do and u come back feeling better, like for us going away to a mountain cabin for a week of fishing or something. my husband was a monk for a year and still cant explain (and i speak thai enough to deal with abstracts) how he felt or why...

and to the bible pusher: im jewish living in israel and have been an active budhist for most of my adult life; getting married to my thai husband was a nightmare for us here in israel exactly for those reasons of 'like must marry like'.

adn all this is :)

to the OP, i am thinking that this should have been moved to the budhism forum; u would maybe get less snipey answers, so i can move it if u want to? PM me if u agree.



As, said, Bina. I do have the answers I need. But thank you for the offer to move the topic.

I think it might be better closed now and those who want to snipe an be so childish can do so in another topic.

I will not lower myself to reply to the snipes.

One last word before closure. Thanks for the genuine replies.

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