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Have minivan full of Isaan family in CM at the moment. Where should I take them to eat? Preferably within 20 minutes walk of Anodard Hotel (south east quadrant inside moat), so night market and the other market areas are just about feasible.

I'm thinking the usual Thai foods, not falang. I'm thinking 100 baht a head max including soft drinks, so not necessarily super cheap, but they do eat a lot! I'm therefore also thinking buffet. A restaurant/cafe or market area please - not a boring food hall in a boring shopping centre.

I'm also wondering about breakfast but will search that again separately - I have already seen a thread that seems to lambast a guy who was looking for something cheaper, so maybe I should not look amongst you rich CM wallahs :) .

Sorry if my search capabilities aren't up to the job, but most of the restaurant listings revealled by simple searches seem to focus on quality not price (which is my usual criterion when I do not have a load of mouths to feed).

Shelf-life. Responses after 5pm Friday 11th might not be seen by me.

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Have minivan full of Isaan family in CM at the moment. Where should I take them to eat? Preferably within 20 minutes walk of Anodard Hotel (south east quadrant inside moat), so night market and the other market areas are just about feasible.

I'm thinking the usual Thai foods, not falang. I'm thinking 100 baht a head max including soft drinks, so not necessarily super cheap, but they do eat a lot! I'm therefore also thinking buffet. A restaurant/cafe or market area please - not a boring food hall in a boring shopping centre.

I'm also wondering about breakfast but will search that again separately - I have already seen a thread that seems to lambast a guy who was looking for something cheaper, so maybe I should not look amongst you rich CM wallahs :) .

Sorry if my search capabilities aren't up to the job, but most of the restaurant listings revealled by simple searches seem to focus on quality not price (which is my usual criterion when I do not have a load of mouths to feed).

Shelf-life. Responses after 5pm Friday 11th might not be seen by me.

make sure you use the search box at the bottom of the page. First navigate to the CM forum then use the bottom search. The top search box basically has really never worked for me.

I searched for cheap family restaurant and lot lots of threads to look thru.

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No buffets for 100 baht a head including drinks.

Us rich "CM wallahs" don't mind blowing 1,000 baht or more each on any meal and then a bottle or 2 of wine on top of that.

Not BYO I hope. We had a customer got up and left because he and his five friends had to pay 100 baht/ bottle corkage!! Never been back in Five years!! :)

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Have minivan full of Isaan family in CM at the moment.


If you up your budget a little then you could hit one of the moo kata joints in town. But 100 Baht/head including drinks - no way. The large one on Thanon Huay Kaew behind Hillside was 139 Baht + drinks when I was there last but for that money you can barbque and eat large shrimp until you are stuffed and Thais seem to enjoy the live entertainment there. Soom Sabai on Nimmanhaeman may be 10 Baht less, I'm not sure. But watch out on the drinks; that's where they get you...

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I would take them to sample some Chiang Mai food. And you're in luck that Huan Phen is on the same road and walking distance from the Anodard. Just turn left along Ratchamankha Road and keep walking, then you eventually see it on the right hand side. (Past traffic light intersection, on the corner of a T crossing without traffic lights.

Or for Isan food, you could do worse than Kaen Chai, opposite Siam TV. Another good Isan restaurant is at 89 Plaza on the old Lamphun Road, though that's probably too far afield.

Other suggestions: Take them to see some Farang at Daret Guesthouse, which has affordable food.

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I would take them to sample some Chiang Mai food.

I agree with Winnie. We just had an isan lady visit us and she really loved the chiang mai food place we took her to. You would need to get a song tao to take you to the place we went to though ... between the "airport hotel" and the ring road. Can't remember prices exactly - not buffet - but no farangs there anytime we go .. authentic decor/ambience including cat playing with dead rat ... but the best chiang mai curry I have had anywhere.

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I would take them to sample some Chiang Mai food.

I agree with Winnie. We just had an isan lady visit us and she really loved the chiang mai food place we took her to. You would need to get a song tao to take you to the place we went to though ... between the "airport hotel" and the ring road. Can't remember prices exactly - not buffet - but no farangs there anytime we go .. authentic decor/ambience including cat playing with dead rat ... but the best chiang mai curry I have had anywhere.

Do you have a name for the place Bruce?

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Thanks for the all recommendations people, including the search tip . Have been to Huan Phen myself before, it's good and I recall now it was not that expensive.

Have a bit of leeway in the budget now for today/tomorrow anyway - family wanted noodle soup for lunch and found a good spot round the corner specialising in beef noodle soup only that was alloi mahk (rather like the kuay theeow duck place on the southwest corner of the moat only beef not duck). So that cost only 35 baht a head plus water! Took family to market and they all turned up with food to eat back in the hotel room, so that cost nil baht a head. Result

I had better shut up before I get a cheap charlie of the year award

[yes I know this reads as though they bought food in the market because I starved them at lunch but it was their choice amongst alternatives and seconds were offerred - honest!]

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Had to look that one up:

Dictionary: wal·lah wal·la (wä'lä, wŏl'ə) pronunciation

1. One employed in a particular occupation or activity: a kitchen wallah; rickshaw wallahs.

2. An important person in a particular field or organization: “the Ritz, a favorite haunt of Republican wallahs” (John Robinson).

[From Hindi -vālā, pertaining to, connected with.]

Sounds like your family is pretty considerate of your budget.


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Have minivan full of Isaan family in CM at the moment. Where should I take them to eat? Preferably within 20 minutes walk of Anodard Hotel (south east quadrant inside moat), so night market and the other market areas are just about feasible.

Hold on a minute! You actually know a group of Thai people that would endure a 20-minute walk? :)

Your Isaan Thais must be a lot different than the ones I know. :D

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Have minivan full of Isaan family in CM at the moment. Where should I take them to eat? Preferably within 20 minutes walk of Anodard Hotel (south east quadrant inside moat), so night market and the other market areas are just about feasible.

Hold on a minute! You actually know a group of Thai people that would endure a 20-minute walk? :)

Your Isaan Thais must be a lot different than the ones I know. :D

Good spot - as I have now found out, the max is about 5 minutes. They particularly welcomed the cable car at Doi Suthep and I don't think they would have made it without!

While I am on-line, most of the breakfast threads are about aharn falang. Does anyone's other half have any recommendations for a good range of Thai food at breakfast time. I am aware of course that there are few specialist breakfast foods but somewhere with a nice Thai ambiemce that does good rice soup, Khai theeow etc.

My preconceptions that you are all rich in CM proved right judging by the horror shown by many about my budget. Ask your Thai half if 100 baht a head for a meal is cheapskate when you have a big family to feed for three to four meals a day (plus snacks in between and iced coffees and ice creams in between that) :D

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Good spot - as I have now found out, the max is about 5 minutes. They particularly welcomed the cable car at Doi Suthep and I don't think they would have made it without!

That great cable car. It has come crashing down twice in the past 15 yrs or so when the cable snapped. A number of deaths as a result. I guess they've installed a heavier cable now.

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Good grief.

I must admit I thought about it when we were in it, but then I thought 'nah, they must have fail-safe devices if the cables break', but then I saw "O.M.C. Made in Thailand" proudly displayed, which strangely increased my level of discomfort.

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