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It Seems That I Am Happier In Thailand When I Don't Read This Forum


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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

Considering that you've only been a member here for slightly more than a day and all you've done so far is piss and moan perhaps it would be better if you didn't read this forum. That would make you happy and it would make us happy too. Bye...

Edited by endure
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I am sorry to hear it makes you upset. I guess it's all in how you approach the thread. Here's some rules that I follow:

1. "There but for the grace of God, go I."

2. How on earth, did he/she end up in that mess and what can I do to avoid it.

3. Sure glad I didn't go there on my holiday.

4. Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of it alive, anyway.

I have a friend who reads ThaiVisa first thing in the morning, then he starts drinking!

For me, it is a little more stimulating than depressing, but to each their own.

Hope you find some forums that bring the best out in you



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Very well put Scott , some of the problem i have noticed is that some do not read the content correctly , this can be noticed by their responses , English can be rather tricky to comprehend at times . When a post does not make much sense , I take the time to re-read it , at the first 'Quick scan' I could "Jump up and down" on a posters words , sometimes I simply go on to another post which has become much easier since I quit imbibing .

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I do sometimes read stories on here then look closely at my Thai misses and start analysing different conversations we've had...... i then realise mostly what a dumb@ss that farang was.. and then i quielty gloat in their misery.....

Most of the crazy depressing stuff on here is amazing and i still have rose tinted glasses after a decade..but then i never married into a large poor uneducated family built a house or married someone 20-30 years younger...that probably helps my happy little life here ;-)

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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

Reflective readers of the UK's Daily Mail* are likely to make the same observation. ThaiVisa is a 'circle-jerk' of uniquely misinformed individuals reinforcing their own absurd visions of Thailand in a chronic circle of verbosity. The Daily Mail is a deliberative provocation.

nb.*this is purely hypothetical as there are no reflective readers of the Daily Mail.

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Reflective readers of the UK's Daily Mail* are likely to make the same observation. ThaiVisa is a 'circle-jerk' of uniquely misinformed individuals reinforcing their own absurd visions of Thailand in a chronic circle of verbosity. The Daily Mail is a deliberative provocation.

nb.*this is purely hypothetical as there are no reflective readers of the Daily Mail.

One of the reasons I left the UK was because the reality was becoming more like the fiction in the Daily Mail every day. But I also notice there's some posters on TV who seem to have had a sense of humour by-pass and also a much higher percentage of aggressive/argumentative replies to posts than I've seen on any other site. I hope TV is not a representative sample of ex-pats in Thailand?

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I was using a computer in the lobby of a hotel in the north of Thailand .This is when I noticed the man next to me was posting on TV , I couldn't help it but I had to take a sneaky peek at his user name :) .

Anyway the next day we got talking (very few farrang in this area) and my girlfriend obviously started talking to his girlfreind.

The thing is I see his postings all the time and he is totally anti Thai and slags the women off all the time.

Anway I will get to the point.

He is a retired, late 50's and seriously lacking in brain cells. His girlfriend was 24 years old could speak English very well and was so immature I felt embarassed for him (not that he could see it).

Everytime I read a post that I think is cr*p I picture this idiot and it takes the sting out of some of the juevanile sh*t you see on here.

Take it all with a large pinch of salt.

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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

Ban Him , thats what I say !! :)

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It's a fact that reading bad things and associating with people with a bad attitude will get you into the same same state of mind. The solution is simple, read the headers and if you don't like the subject then don't open the content.

Personally I find TV most informative and very entertaining. One thing is certain though, nothing stays the same for very long in Thailand so it's a great way to keep up to date.

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i was about to close this thread :)

but obviously many see merits in discussing the pros and cons, and the mood swings one gets from reading thaivisa.......

so I suppose I should let it continue :D

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i read this forum,because

it keeps me update about wats happening in thailand.

keeps me informed about changes in visa rules.

warns me from all new scams evryday.

helps me to find things i am looking for.

and very important thing,most of the post are true and real life facts,so even if it makes you upset,

this are facts,grow up and face the life.


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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

Reflective readers of the UK's Daily Mail* are likely to make the same observation. ThaiVisa is a 'circle-jerk' of uniquely misinformed individuals reinforcing their own absurd visions of Thailand in a chronic circle of verbosity. The Daily Mail is a deliberative provocation.

nb.*this is purely hypothetical as there are no reflective readers of the Daily Mail.

A bit like watching Fox News. You are convinced the US is going to hel_l in a hand basket after a couple of hours of it on.

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its just my personal observation that i am more likely to be in a negative mood after reading thai visa or to end up feeling angry towards Thai people. you read a story about some event or another's experience and it makes you angry or on edge when in actuality, you are not likely to experience the same event yourself.

Reflective readers of the UK's Daily Mail* are likely to make the same observation. ThaiVisa is a 'circle-jerk' of uniquely misinformed individuals reinforcing their own absurd visions of Thailand in a chronic circle of verbosity. The Daily Mail is a deliberative provocation.

nb.*this is purely hypothetical as there are no reflective readers of the Daily Mail.

A bit like watching Fox News. You are convinced the US is going to hel_l in a hand basket after a couple of hours of it on.

Same same. I really enjoy watching it-- although I would be classed as their arch enemy-- the well educated liberal elite.

It never ceases to amaze me with their intellectual sleights of hand and disingenous news generation (rather than reporting) how the presenters actually think of themselves and their audience. They must believe there audience are too foolish to be allowed to examine the world with open eyes.

Yet (Because of this) they are immensely popular. They have two or even three times the audience of the hilariously dull alternative news channels. Their nonsense is often almost immediately repeated on ThaiVisa by some shallow man propping up a bar wall on his bar stool in some place beginning with P.

I end up watching Al Jazeera and the BBC and NewsAsia.

Funnily enough, I noticed the other day that someone suggested ThaiVisa would be perfect as a thesis on the mind of the farang in Thailand. Well, um, that is what I did a few months ago when I wrote a short paper. I conceptualised this forum as a translocal forum. And worked throught the various (often contradicting) narratives.

Edited by Gaccha
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I would not go so far as to say that I get depressed by reading this forum. I do remain a bit amused and horrified at the way some members speak so poorly about the Thai people. We who live here came of our own free choice, right? This is actually the first time I have posted anything for quite some time now, as I received a bit of a reprimand from one of the moderators over a post I made about a certain Mrs. Clinton who visited LoS at that time. Even though I thought I was following the guidelines for polite and proper posting, Khun Moderator did not approve and deleted my post as well as gave me a free arse chewing. I can only assume that TV inner circle is composed of humorless Brits (See? I even capitalized it) so the term "circle jerk" may well apply. There, go ahead and kill me, see if I care. Better than being merely depressed over reading odd garbage.

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I would not go so far as to say that I get depressed by reading this forum. I do remain a bit amused and horrified at the way some members speak so poorly about the Thai people. We who live here came of our own free choice, right? This is actually the first time I have posted anything for quite some time now, as I received a bit of a reprimand from one of the moderators over a post I made about a certain Mrs. Clinton who visited LoS at that time. Even though I thought I was following the guidelines for polite and proper posting, Khun Moderator did not approve and deleted my post as well as gave me a free arse chewing. I can only assume that TV inner circle is composed of humorless Brits (See? I even capitalized it) so the term "circle jerk" may well apply. There, go ahead and kill me, see if I care. Better than being merely depressed over reading odd garbage.

Possibly the most pointless drivel i have read this year

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It would be difficult to find an expat forum in the world with more cynical, burnt, damaged members.

I think it's great.

I like TV.

It can be frustrating, annoying, funny, educational, etc, to read and post here.

I like it.

But try out the old nanaplaza.com Forum, and there you really see a cesspool.

I once tried a Philippino expat Forum, to seek info when I went to PH the first time.

My God how shallow.

Then I tried once to read in a Cambodia Forum.

They fully allowed flaming, personal attacks, and extreme racial comments.

So, checking out several Forums over the years, I still believe this is a good one.

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Looking forward to DonJuanDemarco's first positive post.


Looking forward to yours as well !


Thnx mate.


Was expecting that reply from someone.


I have figured out that I have about 5% angry posts, which I sometimes regret I posted.

I have 80-90% where I post my opinion. Out of those, I would say I have a majority with a positiv attitude in them.

About 5-10 silly (happy) ones.

And about 5-10% where I am totally out there and need to stand corrected, which is good.

Please dont count/add all the numbers as some of them kind of blend in with each other.

By the way, this post was posted in a positive and smiling way.


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Looking forward to DonJuanDemarco's first positive post.


Looking forward to yours as well !


Thnx mate.


Was expecting that reply from someone.


I have figured out that I have about 5% angry posts, which I sometimes regret I posted.

I have 80-90% where I post my opinion. Out of those, I would say I have a majority with a positiv attitude in them.

About 5-10 silly (happy) ones.

And about 5-10% where I am totally out there and need to stand corrected, which is good.

Please dont count/add all the numbers as some of them kind of blend in with each other.

By the way, this post was posted in a positive and smiling way.




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