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Last night around midnight I was returning From Suk Soi 22 walking to my Hotel on Suk soi 8. At the buss stop between soi 22 and 20 three Katoys approached me and two of them grapped an arm each and the thired tried to get my wallent out of my pocket. I was strongrer tham them was was able to knock them away, one landed on the side walk and another up againts the bust stop seats. I was able at the smae time cover my wallet with my hand and stiop the other one. I walked quickly to get out of the arear and while I was leaving one of them yelled at me to give them my money. I made a point to warn everyone I approached about those three. Didn't see any police but then again if they were around I might have been charged with assualt. I did hit two of them preety hard. By the way I'm 62 years old, 5'10" 180 lbs and in good physical shape. I guess the 30 years in the US Army paid off.

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Last night around midnight I was returning From Suk Soi 22 walking to my Hotel on Suk soi 8. At the buss stop between soi 22 and 20 three Katoys approached me and two of them grapped an arm each and the thired tried to get my wallent out of my pocket. I was strongrer tham them was was able to knock them away, one landed on the side walk and another up againts the bust stop seats. I was able at the smae time cover my wallet with my hand and stiop the other one. I walked quickly to get out of the arear and while I was leaving one of them yelled at me to give them my money. I made a point to warn everyone I approached about those three. Didn't see any police but then again if they were around I might have been charged with assualt. I did hit two of them preety hard. By the way I'm 62 years old, 5'10" 180 lbs and in good physical shape. I guess the 30 years in the US Army paid off.

good job,you are the man. :)

now they will be scared to robb anybody,atleast for few days.

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Last year me and missus where returning to our hotel close to Ashok as we approached Soi 19 (near the undersground) I could see a guy up against one of the sky train pillars, he had two girls working him their hands were all over him he was loving it, until I said "keep your hand on your wallet" as I passed he took this as an insult from me and told me to mind my own business, haha about one minute later the two girls ran past us with him shouting thief further back up the road... some people never learn.

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ever thought some may be armed??????

Nothing to see. Nothing to see. Go home. Go home.

Don't be pathetic. He's an ex-soldier in good condition. He considered the situation and made the right call.

Were everyone to make your call-- complete surrender everytime someone goes for their wallet-- it would eliminate the risk in robbing people.

So off you toddle back to Health and Safety land.

Most robberies seem to be distraction robberies (where they would be described as thefts not robberies in English law) or fast-talk crimes, where they are a negotiated surrender of your wallet.

I have had 4 attempted robberies and all failed. Firstly, I keep my wallet in a zipped pocket so it takes them some time to find it. Secondly, I push them at the chest (not from the shoulder) away from me. This takes them by surprise as it off-balances them and is a surprise in itself. Thirdly, I never end up on my own in any moments where I have had a bit to drink.

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I never carry a wallet . I only have what i need on me, Then any problem ,just give them it , it has never happened to me , I have been to Thailand a few times , you will never get the better of a Thai , there is always kick back revenge, better to let them have a few baht than lose your life , I am 55 in perfect condition and can and do look after myself , But you cannot out run a bullet and any idiot can stick a knife in you , don't get me wrong i would, and have defend myself if back into a corner, Scholar's discus not fight.

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Hi walking out of hard rock on beach road crossed the road and going to central road 2 ladyboys had a bit of a go at me as well this was about 6 months ago , they were tall ugly things probably full of aids but very scary because one never knows for sure what they will do . i got out of there without too much trouble but it could have turned nasty .

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"they were tall ugly things probably full of aids"

phrase of the week tbh

and keep in mind, fight with them, get some of their blood in your eyes and you'll be sweating out the results of and aids test soon after.

Why would you assume this because they are Katoeys?

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I never carry a wallet . I only have what i need on me, Then any problem ,just give them it , it has never happened to me , I have been to Thailand a few times , you will never get the better of a Thai , there is always kick back revenge, better to let them have a few baht than lose your life , I am 55 in perfect condition and can and do look after myself , But you cannot out run a bullet and any idiot can stick a knife in you , don't get me wrong i would, and have defend myself if back into a corner, Scholar's discus not fight.

That's right, just let them take the wallet. If you push them they'll probably find out your address or recognise you on your next visit and pull out a gun. :)

You'd be amazed at how many times there are no kickbacks when people are scared there might be. You do what you have to to get out of a situation (yes if you start fighting there is a big risk you'll be outnumbered with instant extreme violence...unlike what we're used to...you have to weigh up the situation) but when you get out of there, you're out. You just don't go back for a while.

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ever thought some may be armed??????

Nothing to see. Nothing to see. Go home. Go home.

Don't be pathetic. He's an ex-soldier in good condition. He considered the situation and made the right call.

Were everyone to make your call-- complete surrender everytime someone goes for their wallet-- it would eliminate the risk in robbing people.

So off you toddle back to Health and Safety land.

Most robberies seem to be distraction robberies (where they would be described as thefts not robberies in English law) or fast-talk crimes, where they are a negotiated surrender of your wallet.

I have had 4 attempted robberies and all failed. Firstly, I keep my wallet in a zipped pocket so it takes them some time to find it. Secondly, I push them at the chest (not from the shoulder) away from me. This takes them by surprise as it off-balances them and is a surprise in itself. Thirdly, I never end up on my own in any moments where I have had a bit to drink.

Sounds like you are no fun at all.....nothing to see, nothing to do,.. go home ...go home

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Good job.

Out of curiosity, are they targetting people older than 50/60, or people in their 20/30 target too?

One of them grabbed me 2 weeks ago when I was walking home from the pub but I don't know if it was the same ones the OP is talking about. Same area though. I'm in my 30s.

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ever thought some may be armed??????

Nothing to see. Nothing to see. Go home. Go home.

Don't be pathetic. He's an ex-soldier in good condition. He considered the situation and made the right call.

Were everyone to make your call-- complete surrender everytime someone goes for their wallet-- it would eliminate the risk in robbing people.

So off you toddle back to Health and Safety land.

Most robberies seem to be distraction robberies (where they would be described as thefts not robberies in English law) or fast-talk crimes, where they are a negotiated surrender of your wallet.

I have had 4 attempted robberies and all failed. Firstly, I keep my wallet in a zipped pocket so it takes them some time to find it. Secondly, I push them at the chest (not from the shoulder) away from me. This takes them by surprise as it off-balances them and is a surprise in itself. Thirdly, I never end up on my own in any moments where I have had a bit to drink.

Sounds like you are no fun at all.....nothing to see, nothing to do,.. go home ...go home

:) I am parodying the Foucaldian(*1) panoptican(*2) biopolitical(*3) liberal state, and in particular, a police officer, sending the spectator citizens home. The US comedian Bill Hicks often said "Go home America" in the same way to jest at the nasty nature of state control and its demands for citizens to take no risks and no actions. The state wants you to sheepishly and submissively be robbed, as it jealously guards its monopoly on violence.

I suspect you have misread me.

*1 See "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison"

*2 See Hume's writings on the Panoptican

*3 See Foucault's "Power/Knowledge"

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Good job.

Out of curiosity, are they targetting people older than 50/60, or people in their 20/30 target too?

One of them grabbed me 2 weeks ago when I was walking home from the pub but I don't know if it was the same ones the OP is talking about. Same area though. I'm in my 30s.

Yep they have tried me couple of times around Asoke. Just pushed them away. Last time couple of months back just shouted them to stay away before they could get close. Worked well as they just took step back and let me walk past.

There was also bunch of young kids in same area who were pretending to sell flowers or something and try to pick your pockets. But haven't seen them for a while now.

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I was finishing my Thai lesson are Time Square the other day and I had 2 (what i determined to be klatoeys) follow me trying to get me attention, and were very pushy until I turned around and just looked at them (I practice my scary face often :)), I was a little worried as they had been following me for a while and I had walked away from busier area but once I turned around and had a good look at them they decided I wasn't worth whatever they were after. But still not a nice experience when just heading home in the evening.

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You gotta be ready to die in order to live. Or as the great George W. said: "Freedom ain't free".

Just decide once and for all, that you are not going to tolerate them and if they do something you're ready to bitch-slap them. I promise there's not a kathoey in Thailand (the Pattaya, beach road type included) that as much as tries to look my way. They know the hammer will fall fast and mercilessly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Close Encounter of the Katoey Kind.

Last April, around 9PM I was walking down Sukhumvit around Soi 10 towards the Nana Skytrain Station. I saw a Farang walking in the opposite direction with two katoey's buzzing around him like mad hornets. As I continued walking, I spotted another and judging by it's body language, I was on the menu. I veered out of his/her way but it managed to scratch me on my forearm with it's press-on nails as it passed.

Nasty piece of work that was - Bad batch of hormones.

Needless to say, I picked up my already fast pace and got the hel_l outta Dodge.

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I never carry a wallet . I only have what i need on me, Then any problem ,just give them it , it has never happened to me , I have been to Thailand a few times , you will never get the better of a Thai , there is always kick back revenge, better to let them have a few baht than lose your life , I am 55 in perfect condition and can and do look after myself , But you cannot out run a bullet and any idiot can stick a knife in you , don't get me wrong i would, and have defend myself if back into a corner, Scholar's discus not fight.

you will never get the better out of a thai

ha ha ha

read " farang disarms gun totting local"

boy did he dish out an ass whipping of mega propotions

and do I love it :D ( I acutally saw it- and theres a tape of the whole incident)

that same man, early this year called up some propepty self proclaimed rip off joker associated to north thai company in pattaya and told him to repay the old brit he was ripping off( have they really no shame)- or go book himself a bed in hospidal because that where he would end up if he messed this old guy about anymore :) ( not something I would recommend myself)

he even went down to meet him face to face

and has many other tales to tell

sure, he is not superman, but the truth is that most of these so called mafia guy are just wannabee's

and if more stood up to them less people would suffer

part of their so called strengh is due to this nonsenses you put out

lets grow up shame we

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