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Pm Probing Soldiers Gaining From Thai-cambodian Temple Dispute


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PM probing soldiers gaining from Thai-Cambodian temple dispute

BANGKOK, Sept 13 (TNA) -- Just six days before the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) rallies at the area contested by both Thailand and Cambodia near the ancient Preah Vihear temple, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday he is probing reports that Thai soldiers are making personal profits from the area.

Mr. Abhisit said during his weekly television and radio address that his government does not recognise all structures built in the disputed area and the army and government agencies are moving in to make the "environment like before through peaceful measure."

"We can discuss it if anybody still doesn't understand. However, it must be made cautiously because if any clashes take place, the repercussions would be at a large-scale," said Mr. Abhisit.

Thai media reports showed that Cambodian villagers had built shops and homes in the disputed area amid rumours that Thai soldiers had benefited from the Cambodians by allowing them to stay.

Mr. Abhisit said he wanted to see the proof and investigate as his government does not permit such actions.

His remarks were made as the PAD plans a demonstration at the 4.6-square kilometre disputed area Saturday, and have demanded that Thailand push the Cambodians into their homeland.

Reiterating that his government would protect Thai sovereignty around Phra Vihear temple, Mr. Abhisit said he had assigned Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti to closely monitor the temple so that Thai territory in the area would not be affected.

Tensions first flared along the border in July 2008 over the granting of a UN heritage site to the temple, although the countries have been at loggerheads over the site for decades. Subsequent talks between officials of the two countries have not resolved the dispute. (TNA)


-- TNA 2009/09/13

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Them only thing holding the country together is it's excessive take on Nationalism.

Added to the corruption that entices ANYONE to run for office.

If this 80 years of Nationalist indoctrination wasn't maintained

this place would fly apart, like cotton candy on a treadmill.

Each faction to it's own corner to profit as much as possible.

Here we just see them coupled together.

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This is outrageous, it is well known that the army selflessly protects the Kingdom at great personal cost, there is no way known that the military would be involved in any form of corruption whatsoever. Aside from that does the PM want another coup, isn't he going to New York soon?

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This is outrageous, it is well known that the army selflessly protects the Kingdom at great personal cost, there is no way known that the military would be involved in any form of corruption whatsoever.

You serious?


If a senior member makes a quote, or statement like that then it must be SERIOUS, and should not be taken literally, thats why they have been knighted with such a title, come on you should know that !!!!!!!

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This is outrageous, it is well known that the army selflessly protects the Kingdom at great personal cost, there is no way known that the military would be involved in any form of corruption whatsoever. Aside from that does the PM want another coup, isn't he going to New York soon?

What is he talking about (Abhisit). Hasn't he forgotten that corruption began and ended with Thaksin. As the army is the sole reason that he has the PMship rather than Thaksin must make them beyond reproach.

Next he will be accusing the army of staging coups and being the enemy of democracy and demand free and fair elections.

Perhaps he is beginning to believe he was elected in some bizarre way!

Ah well, nothing like letting power go to your head.

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I think some people may be in for a rude awakening if they cause problems at Preah Vehear , the 2 governments have already agreed to sit down and discuss disagreements in an amicable manner . "Come into my parlor " said the spider to the fly !!!!!!!!

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