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Tuk Tuk


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I've been in Thailand for quite some time now and it still never ceases to amaze me. The brains of the people allowed to be in charge of that famous or informous three wheeled vehicle....the tuktuk. If it was in the insect world then it would definitely be the mosquito. When i first came to Thailand, I had to go to the hospital near Falanglampu. While i was there i saw an English girl whose whole body was one big scab. I said to her.....'what happened to you?' She said she was in a tuktuk with her friends and the driver was showing off, took a corner too sharp and the whole thing tipped over and she was on the bottom, still going down the road. I said.....'what did the driver do?' She said he just got up and ran off.

Only last night my friend and I were unfortunate to hear a crash just before turning around to see two motorbike riders on the floor in trouble, away from their bikes and a tuktuk speeding away from the scene with a broken back light.

I never take tuk tuks as a rule. Apart from spewing out fumes into everybody's air, drivers try to charge too much,they don't smile much and you can see with a lot of them that the lights are on but no-ones home.If there was an accident involving one and myself, then he'd be trying to drive away with more than a broken rear light. Just my opinion of a vehicle made unsafe by incompetence.



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Those of in the know use taxis, they are cheaper don't stink and you don't have to put up with the thing you describe, saying that I love a bout of tuktuk racing with my mates on a drinking night, nothing finer than the sight of 6 tuktuks all trying to get to the same place at top speed for the 100bt prize while the pasangers shout encouragement to our drivers and abuse to each other, one of the joys of Bangkok

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You're right about those tuk-tuks Damien. Many of the numbskulls who drive them try to overcharge you and when they do get you in, they drive like maniacs. I've only been on a tuk-tuk three times and I am happy to avoid them. Luckily, the drivers I had were OK but I think most of them fit the above description. I rode ATC's (three wheeled bikes) as a kid and I can say from that experience that tuk-tuks are no different except for two things: the roof and the propane tank underneath. They are just as unstable and worse yet they're driven on the road...not a soft dirt trail which makes rollovers more serious. Also, avoid those little green minibuses. Those guys drive like maniacs and make you think they're former tuk-tuk drivers!

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I know a tuk tuk driver who will often sit outside Patpong/Suriwong. After fighting off the mafia taxi one night he offered me a ride to President Solitaire for 50 baht. The ride was fine and he was really a nice guy (a rareity, I know).

Now I see him all the time in the same place at closing time and many times will ride with him, mostly just too piss of the mafia taxi. He has offered to let me drive many times....so far I have passed on the offer, ###### its hard enough to just walk at that point of the night for me. It would be interesting to drive one just once though.

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I was in Thailand in January.. dang i tell u some of them taxi drivers are nuts!..

i thought i was in a race car or something.. i said go slow and he's still going fast in a narrow as traffic.. dang!

As for TukTuk i rode that 3 times and had no problem with it..but i was kinda scared

I only rode it becuz of my gf wanted to..

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sorry you bangkok residents have such bad experience with tuk tuk. In many parts of the country, they provide a useful, practical form of transportation and most drivers aren't nearly as bad as you describe. As with so many other things, it is Bangkok that ends up with the worst aspect of something.

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sorry you bangkok residents have such bad experience with tuk tuk. In many parts of the country, they provide a useful, practical form of transportation and most drivers aren't nearly as bad as you describe. As with so many other things, it is Bangkok that ends up with the worst aspect of something.

Hey.........I'm sorry if i appeared ignorant about my posting of the tuk tuk. I had written it the day after i had seen two Thai bike riders get knocked off and close to death, i imagine and to see the culprit just ride off with no remorse for his fellow countryman, made me feel slightly annoyed to say the least. I know not everyone is like this and i apologise if it sounded like i was tarring everyone with the same brush. I know there are good tuk tuk drivers but you don't know if they are good until you ride with them. I'd rather not take the risk.

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Its all about risk assessment living in Thailand and especially here in Bangkok.

When I don’t drive myself, then I use a Taxi or the BTS. Nowadays only use the Motorcycle taxi if I'm running real late. As for the Tuk Tuks, well most of them are scammers so for sure avoid them after you have experienced a tuk tuk ride.

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Just before New Year's, I was going to one of the major boxing stadiums here in Bangkok and I had gotten off the bus just a few kilometers away. I needed to grab some sort of transportation for the rest of the route so I hailed a tuk-tuk (they were the only choice in that area). He asked for 70 baht...total BS and I said 40 but eventually I gave in a bit and said 50. The loser still wouldn't take it and I just said "paeng maak" and walked off. I walked up to the next intersection about 100 meters away and was lucky to catch a taxi. Taxis of course START at 35 baht but when I got to the stadium my fare was only 48 baht...about what I would have paid the tuk-tuk guy only NO hassle, good driving and AC to go with it. I think most folks now know that the tuk-tuk is something to avoid after your first ride unless you're either pressed for time/transport or unless you have a Thai with you who can help with bargaining. I'll bet a lot of these guys will not budge even if you put on a smile and bargain in Thai with them.

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sorry you bangkok residents have such bad experience with tuk tuk. In many parts of the country, they provide a useful, practical form of transportation and most drivers aren't nearly as bad as you describe. As with so many other things, it is Bangkok that ends up with the worst aspect of something.

Hey.........I'm sorry if i appeared ignorant about my posting of the tuk tuk. I had written it the day after i had seen two Thai bike riders get knocked off and close to death, i imagine and to see the culprit just ride off with no remorse for his fellow countryman, made me feel slightly annoyed to say the least. I know not everyone is like this and i apologise if it sounded like i was tarring everyone with the same brush. I know there are good tuk tuk drivers but you don't know if they are good until you ride with them. I'd rather not take the risk.

It's quite alright, Damien. Didn't sound ignorant at all... just very upset, which, given the circumstances, is quite understandable.

I, too, don't ride tuk tuks in BKK, but I do ride them regularly in other towns.

Best of luck to you and have a great Thailand day.... :o

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When I was living in Bangkok I took the Tuk Tuks all the time. When they priced themselves out of the market and a taxi became cheaper that was the end of them for me. I consider a Tuk Tuk MUCH safer than a motorcycle taxi. In fact the people who take the motorcycle taxis must have a death wish. A motorcycle is NEVER safe from lunatic drivers no matter how good the motorcycle driver is. It's pretty hard to speed on Sukhumvit in a Tuk Tuk but it is quite easy to get knocked off a motorcycle and get run over. :o

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Given up on Tuk Tuks always more expensive than taxis and not the sort of air-conditioning I like. :o

However, on taxis. Just last week I needed to get a taxi to Kao San Road. As normal practice standing on the side of road a taxi pulls up (Like they always do whether needed or not). I tell him where I want to go and he goes "No Sorry for Thais Only" I think wat the F@$#. Get out next cab, tell him again. Turns on meter then turns around and says 200Baht. No thanx buddy. Tee Nee.

Once my wife was with me and in Thai the driver complained that we didn't have the balls to pay his extortion fee. Again we got out.


Have also had some great drivers.

Anyway, getting to Kao San Road that day by Skytrain and then river boat total 18baht.

Just my experience. Always a gamble but can be fun and a good adventure. Use the river boats more often now. But have even been overcharged on them.

Oh well, It is the land of Corruption.


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However, on taxis. Just last week I needed to get a taxi to Kao San Road. As normal practice standing on the side of road a taxi pulls up (Like they always do whether needed or not). I tell him where I want to go and he goes "No Sorry for Thais Only" I think wat the F@$#. Get out next cab, tell him again. Turns on meter then turns around and says 200Baht. No thanx buddy. Tee Nee.

Once my wife was with me and in Thai the driver complained that we didn't have the balls to pay his extortion fee. Again we got out.


Have also had some great drivers.

Anyway, getting to Kao San Road that day by Skytrain and then river boat total 18baht.

Just my experience. Always a gamble but can be fun and a good adventure. Use the river boats more often now. But have even been overcharged on them.

Oh well, It is the land of Corruption.

Where did you get a taxi from? Seems very strange a taxi not wanting to go there. Coming from there I would understand. Only for Thais?????? maybe he didn't understand you. You must get the tones right.

So you got the BTS to Saphan Taksin for 10 baht, then 8 baht on the river boat to Banglamphu?

I took the river boats for about 2 years every day and was never overpriced.

Using the canal boats has been very convenient in the past too, especially to that part of the city.

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However, on taxis. Just last week I needed to get a taxi to Kao San Road. As normal practice standing on the side of road a taxi pulls up (Like they always do whether needed or not). I tell him where I want to go and he goes "No Sorry for Thais Only" I think wat the F@$#. Get out next cab, tell him again. Turns on meter then turns around and says 200Baht. No thanx buddy. Tee Nee.

Once my wife was with me and in Thai the driver complained that we didn't have the balls to pay his extortion fee. Again we got out.


Have also had some great drivers.

Anyway, getting to Kao San Road that day by Skytrain and then river boat total 18baht.

Just my experience. Always a gamble but can be fun and a good adventure. Use the river boats more often now. But have even been overcharged on them.

Oh well, It is the land of Corruption.

Where did you get a taxi from? Seems very strange a taxi not wanting to go there. Coming from there I would understand. Only for Thais?????? maybe he didn't understand you. You must get the tones right.

Didn't know English to be Tonal language. :o Showed him addy written in Thai by my wife. Tried to get it from Surasak.

So you got the BTS to Saphan Taksin for 10 baht, then 8 baht on the river boat to Banglamphu?

I took the river boats for about 2 years every day and was never overpriced.

Using the canal boats has been very convenient in the past too, especially to that part of the city.

Got charged 18baht on return. DIdn't want to make issue as its still cheaper than taxi. Not a cheap Charlie just easier and rather pleasant.

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