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A summary of a first-time visit by a Kiwi expat living in Bkk, Stickman, may give you some idea. You can see his article at


The town is much more laid-back than Bkk. I always visit CM every two years when I go to Thailand, home to be exact. My hometown is only 2.5 hours south east of CM, so it's quite convenient.

Hope this helps. I'm sure the veterans can tell you more, but they definitely think your question is very board, so there is no action by far. Try google it, sth like "my trip to chiangmai, thailand" and you will have tons of stories to read, I' sure.


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I have never seen so many content and happy expats as i have in chiang mai. They are almost all retired men and almost all of them have girlfriends half their age. Money in CM goes a lot further than in bkk or the western world and the place has many pleasant ways to spend time.

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You wont like it here.

Its filthy, smogy,and filled w/ poisiness snakes. People are miserable unhappy and poverty sticken. Wild Elephants run rampant at night killing hundreds each week. Its hot and humid. Food is scarce and the water is undrinkable."law and order" are not words in their vocabulary.

Services like Electricity and Telephone are scnaty and unpredictable. The ferocious wild Tigers are protected by international treaties, so cant be delt with.

The good news is that I dont believe rumors that Osama Binladen is hiding here and we are subject to a full assult by US Marines at any moment.

Chiangmai? A virtual ###### on earth.

Now That I'm here I'm pulling up the draw bridge :o

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Maybe, during this part of the year, it's best to keep your vision more close up and personal. Follow the beaten path if you want, but with a personal view. It's still a great place in the more personal ways, in my experience. Say 'hello!' and watch the smile... :o

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Maybe, during this part of the year, it's best to keep your vision more close up and personal. Follow the beaten path if you want, but with a personal view. It's still a great place in the more personal ways, in my experience. Say 'hello!' and watch the smile... :o

Poor Ajarn, from "still Paradise" to progressively diminished enthusiam -- subtle, but noticeable. Hehehehe :D

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You wont like it here.

Its filthy, smogy,and filled w/ poisiness snakes. People are miserable unhappy and  poverty sticken. Wild Elephants run rampant at night killing hundreds each week. Its  hot and humid. Food is scarce and the water is undrinkable."law and order" are not words in their vocabulary.

Services like Electricity and Telephone are scnaty and unpredictable. The ferocious wild Tigers are protected by international treaties, so cant be delt with.

The good news is that I dont believe rumors that Osama Binladen is hiding here and we are subject to a full assult by US Marines at any moment.

Chiangmai? A virtual ###### on earth.

Now That I'm here I'm pulling up the draw bridge :o


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I've newer been there but i've heard that it's a nice place with high mountains and lakes. I've asked some thai's where they would like to go and most of them say chiangmai.What's it like there?

The lakes are higher than the mountains :o and some expats are higher still --but only smoke & dust are visible for about 4-5 months per year :D:D

Come when you are ready to die -- its a terrific place for that! Highly recommended. :D

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You wont like it here.

Its filthy, smogy,and filled w/ poisiness snakes. People are miserable unhappy and  poverty sticken. Wild Elephants run rampant at night killing hundreds each week. Its  hot and humid. Food is scarce and the water is undrinkable."law and order" are not words in their vocabulary.

Services like Electricity and Telephone are scnaty and unpredictable. The ferocious wild Tigers are protected by international treaties, so cant be delt with.

The good news is that I dont believe rumors that Osama Binladen is hiding here and we are subject to a full assult by US Marines at any moment.

Chiangmai? A virtual ###### on earth.

Now That I'm here I'm pulling up the draw bridge :o

Please let the drawbridge down on the 13th of may we are arriving with a couple of nearly blind british pensioners who we are showing round asia, the problems you mention dont bother them , everyday occurences in down town ALDERSHOT :D:D just dont fancy getting off the train and finding the drawbridge up :D Ta ever so, Nignoy
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"What's it like to live in Oslo, or Zurich, or Stockholm?"

I can answer that in one word.


Nothing like a nice big belly laugh

to start off the day..... Well done,Maerim!

As to jonik's initial post,Look at Yeehi's post below and the sentence starting with the word"Money". A concise and accurate assessment.....

and as far as Im concerned all that you really need to know,even if you would'nt necessarily want to live there.

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Buongiorno a tutti!

I've been here in CM for a week and I had contrasting impressions of the city.

Well the smog, it's been repeated here a million times so it s not a first right?

Ok,my eyes agree.

The look of the city.... ahem, I think when someone says it's a beautifull city, he means good, but he's speaking with a Thai point of view, cause let's be honest here, we are here for a multitude of different reasons , but aesthetic of the cities is not the first of the list right?

Well, compared to others cities of Thailand i must admit is ... decent hehe really.

But when you take your motorbike or car or whatever... and go a little bit outside the city, man! I feel like I'm a little kid again.

Thanks god i wear my helmet cause my jaw would drop against the floor so hard.

What a magnificent nature, wonderful people,they seem just jumped out from a cartoon, cause they can't be real, can they?, I 've seen things no human...bla bla., my heart is so big and I have butterflies in my stomach.

Tears down my face, is it the wind? :o

And the people in town is really friendly, I was at the waterfall next to the zoo and a group of young guys wanted me to drink with them and offered me a bottle of cold beer, NEVER SEEN THEM BEFORE ( never happened in my life in ITALY).

Or the guy who wanted to know all about my life at the traffic light (HEHE crazy guy)

Or wandering around the city looking for a house, I recieved only big big smiles from the people living there, you know the real not interested smiles ( you can recognize them after you are in Thailand for a while i think.)

And on and on, really different from BKK or Samui or Krabi etc.

I feel accepted and really no dirty look in my direction and thats a BIIIIG plus to me.

Try to stay in Chaweng for a month (Samui) and you'll know what I mean, they are letterally fed up with Farangs , and I understand them.

And the river in the evening (and with a lot of mosquitos repellent) is so beautifull and pittoresque, I want a woman just to go there :D

And the "bars" scene is so small that I can avoid it completely, again try to do that in some places with beaches around Thailand ...

And what about the old lady who asked me how much I was paying for my rent and when I told her, she promptly informed me she has a room and will let me pay her 5 times what i'm paying now. What an angel :D oh yes 400 a day but just 15000 a month, she was good at math as well :D

Well after a week I think it's not bad at all and if you like Wats..hehe welcome to your Disneyland

Edited by KhunMarco
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For me, its where I will Die, thats what I think of Chaingmai, I hope it wont be for at least another 20 years, but I LOVE CM, I looked at EVERYWHERE in LOS before deciiding on CM and I would not want to live anywhere else, not withstanding they are gonna build a new development behind my den of tranquilty, if the worse came to the worse I would move, but I would DEFINATLEY stay in CM. WELCOME TO CM, you will love it, (the naysaayers will complain about polution -so move outta town) and enjoy CM with a place of restitution a bit away from the City :o

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###### Glad I got my waders..

skycop :D

You wont like it here.

Its filthy, smogy,and filled w/ poisiness snakes. People are miserable unhappy and  poverty sticken. Wild Elephants run rampant at night killing hundreds each week. Its  hot and humid. Food is scarce and the water is undrinkable."law and order" are not words in their vocabulary.

Services like Electricity and Telephone are scnaty and unpredictable. The ferocious wild Tigers are protected by international treaties, so cant be delt with.

The good news is that I dont believe rumors that Osama Binladen is hiding here and we are subject to a full assult by US Marines at any moment.

Chiangmai? A virtual ###### on earth.

Now That I'm here I'm pulling up the draw bridge :o

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Might I also make you aware of current events in the news and of course the latest rumors.

"Thai Doctors caution Songkran tourists: Chiang Mai moat water a health hazard

Chiang Mai

The National Doctors Association of Thailand strongly caution water revellers to beware of ear flukes and amoebic dysentery which may be caught from the water in the moat surrounding Chiang Mai's Old City. Travellers are adviced to all celebrate Songkran in Pattaya where the water is much cleaner and people in general are more friendly."

Other Headlines:

"Air Polution in Chiangmai soars"

"Changmai rehearses emergency situation"

"Govenmant under attack for failed bird flu policies"

"Motorcycle bag snatcher fells Itialian"


There is a reason for the free rabies vaccinations for dogs at the local Wats here.

Rumors that the Aids rate exceeds 100% are unfounded

As are rumors that the local Muslim population is sympathetic with thier brothers in the south and are planning a "rally" here in CM.

For more information on these and other stories and rumors please contact me.

Capt. of drawbridge Guard:

E Mail: [email protected]

Now that Im here we are pulling up the drawbridge


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