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10 Hours Of Solid Rain

Maejo Man

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It would be lovely if 'this is it' and we go into the cool season. But if 'this is it' and back to what it was the last couple of days ..... please not.... it was like living in a bloody sauna. :)

Yesterday I had at least 10 dogs and 2 staff with stomach upsets due to the high humidity. Today, things have returned to normal. Bless the rain!!!!

For now we really enjoy the coolness, though a bit wet.

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Ten hours of solid steady rain, and we are floating here. There is normally one big downpour late in the season, then as if turning off a tap, the rains stop. Is this it?

Probably not because I found several pairs of "wild" life peacefully sitting together in my gazebo this morning when I went out to feed the fish. Really strange!

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Ten hours of solid steady rain, and we are floating here. There is normally one big downpour late in the season, then as if turning off a tap, the rains stop. Is this it?

Probably not because I found several pairs of "wild" life peacefully sitting together in my gazebo this morning when I went out to feed the fish. Really strange!

The Arc of Noah :):D

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Thunder storms and heavy rain for the next seven days at least. :D

As one who relies on a borehole for domestic water, that is good news. Just take a visit out to Mae Kwaeng or Mae Ngat reservoirs to see how low it's got this year.

Of course, in a perfect world I would hope for rain only at night, and after I've finished watching whatever dross is on UBC that evening! :)



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Ten hours of solid steady rain, and we are floating here. There is normally one big downpour late in the season, then as if turning off a tap, the rains stop. Is this it?

Well steady,welcome rain at Hang Dong last night and still a drizzle this morning. If the catchment areas are geting the same they are going to need a lot more to get good run off. The dry areas are like the proverbial"sponge"

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Please indulge my inner copy editor:

10 solid hours of rain.

"Hour" takes the metaphor "solid" more gracefully than does "rain," which produces the oxymoron of a solid liquid.

In any event, yes much rain.

"Who you calling an 'Ox Moron' ?": Danny Divito's movie Renaissance Man (1994)

Edited by wolf5370
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Ten hours of solid steady rain, and we are floating here.

Crikey, this is just a shower. I remember one year down south (around 2000) when it rained non-stop for 8 weeks. It's nice after a week or two but when you get into the second month it gets a tad samey. Hat Yai and surroundings were already saturated and then some nob opened the dam sluice gates leaving downtown under something like 3m of water! Forget how many were killed but it was in the dozens.


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Thunder storms and heavy rain for the next seven days at least. :D

As one who relies on a borehole for domestic water, that is good news. Just take a visit out to Mae Kwaeng or Mae Ngat reservoirs to see how low it's got this year.

Of course, in a perfect world I would hope for rain only at night, and after I've finished watching whatever dross is on UBC that evening! :D



They say it never rains till after sunset

At 8 O'Clock the morning fog must disappear

Indeed there's surely not

A more congenial spot

For happy ever aftering

Then here in Cam-e-lot.


It's been strange here in BC as well. After a very cold winter past the weather bipassed spring entirely and went straight into a long hot summer with numerous forest fires. We've had a few showers but no substantial rain for months. I hear it's the same in Thailand and you folks need the rain you are getting now.

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It rain so much it hurts my garden

Had one of the heaviest downpours of the season last night around midnight, and it continued raining all night, in fact it's still pissing down here.

I have a friend that lives near the the Chiangmai Plaza hotel and he reckons that I am exagerating as he has had no rain there. :)

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It rain so much it hurts my garden

Had one of the heaviest downpours of the season last night around midnight, and it continued raining all night, in fact it's still pissing down here.

I have a friend that lives near the the Chiangmai Plaza hotel and he reckons that I am exagerating as he has had no rain there. :)

Got the same storm here (san khampaeng) about 11:30 pm it was a cracker, garden was like a pond in 5 mins flat.

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It is still raining right this very minute I'm typing (No sun for two consecutive days).  However, it's nearly "ออกพรรษา" time i.e. heavy rains should subside.  Right now I will have to fan-drying laundry indoors. :D

It rain so much it hurts my garden

Had one of the heaviest downpours of the season last night around midnight, and it continued raining all night, in fact it's still pissing down here.

I have a friend that lives near the the Chiangmai Plaza hotel and he reckons that I am exagerating as he has had no rain there. :)

Got the same storm here (san khampaeng) about 11:30 pm it was a cracker, garden was like a pond in 5 mins flat.

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That's a lot of rain in 2 days. http://www.tmd.go.th/en/weather_report_dai...ionNumber=48327

Is there a web site to view the flood level at Narawat Bridge?

It's flowing rather swiftly and is up about 1/2 meter but not approaching flood worries yet.

I've heard two eye witness reports of flooding around Chang Klan area... Haven't been down to verify with my own 2 eyes yet (and take pics).

I think its probably just from rain accumulation, not from the river overflowing, tho.

I did notice (from Riverside Condo) that the river is flowing very, very fast.


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Two days ago the small lake with dam in my village of Ban Mae Ann was 2 meters below the spillgate. Today it's full and discharging into it's overflow. I've never seen that before in the 7 years I've been there.

Interestingly, it doesn't seem to have rained very hard for very long anywhere locally, but just a sustained drizzle for 2 days. My fruit trees are loving it. A couple of days of sunshine and more rain would be welcome. Funny thing about rainy season. so much work to do but you can't do a lot of it till it rains, and you can't do a lot of it if it keeps raining.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I was about to bicycle home from Chang Klan road at about 10:45PM when I decided to ride up to the North Gate Jazz Coop for a looksee. Chang Klan road was dry but when I got to the Thapae gate area the streets looked like it rained there earlier. As I rode around the moat, I began feeling just a bit of a drizzle. I decided to head home where I live south of the train station as I was nearing my home about 5 minutes away, the light drizzle got a tad stronger. I began my count of upto the 300 seconds to arrive to my room. Got to my entrance just as the heavy downpour started. One minute earlier, and I would not have needed a shower for 2 days. Got to love this weather. :)

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