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Another Gay Scandal Brewing

Sao Jiang Mai

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Pim! It is totally unfair to go against Nattee. He is indeed sometimes a little weired but he did a lot for the gay community of Thailand.

Without him, many things would have been different.

I guess you are only angry because CITY LIFE, means your company made the internet advertising for Lavender and you see your business in danger. When Lavender is attacked your business is attacked, correct.

So your real intention is not protecting gay scene or Lavender your real intention is protecting your own business.

I have no opinion about Lavender and let´s see how it is. If it is good it survives and may be Nattee makes a lot of advertising for them.

Bad advertising sometimes is good advertising. It makes people interested!

So please be fair with Nattee. That is all I want to tell here.

Without him there would have been not Transgender pilot projects in Universitys in Thailand.

Without him there would have been not chance for gay people to donate blood at red cross and hospitals, today that´s possible.

Without him we would have not petition for gay marriages in Thailand in the parliament of Thailand.

Without him we would have nothing in the Thai constitution to protect sexual behaviour.

Without him we would have no possibility to go against naughty insurances who would not insure gay couples.

Indeed sometimes Nattee is weired as I told already but please don´t attack him because you may be see your own business attacked.

That´s unfair. Also letting everybody here believe that you want to protect gay people only. I know that you support the community a lot.

But before you attack Nattee, why you do not call him and ask him why he is going against Lavender.

Personal attacks behind somebodys back is really unfair. As Nattee so far I know do not even have a computer, neither Email......

He is really the grandfather of gay movement in Thailand. 555555555 Zappergeck

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BTW, I don't think gay people should donate blood. Flame away ...

No honestly I agree; what if gay blood makes straight people gay? :)

And as instructed to do by jingthing, I googeled "gayfood" and learned that gayfood includes but is not limited to antipasto, roasted asparagus, BLT sandwich, buffalo wings, AND chicken adobo! In the drink department, mimosas (agreed). So beware, consumption of said foods may get you batting for the other team?

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Giving blood makes you wholesome whichever way your gender and/or sexual orientation comes from.

best, ~o:37;

indeed it does and the the person lying on the operating table in urgent need of a transfusion is should be more concerned about the blood's type rather than its donor's orientation.

though i do like the image of a homophobic person dying in a hospital refusing a life-saving transfusion because the blood came from a gay person.

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Pim! It is totally unfair to go against Nattee. He is indeed sometimes a little weired but he did a lot for the gay community of Thailand.

Without him, many things would have been different.

I guess you are only angry because CITY LIFE, means your company made the internet advertising for Lavender and you see your business in danger. When Lavender is attacked your business is attacked, correct.

So your real intention is not protecting gay scene or Lavender your real intention is protecting your own business.

I have no opinion about Lavender and let´s see how it is. If it is good it survives and may be Nattee makes a lot of advertising for them.

Bad advertising sometimes is good advertising. It makes people interested!

So please be fair with Nattee. That is all I want to tell here.

Without him there would have been SNIP..........................

No hoards of red shirted thugs shouting hompophobic abuse at Gays on the streets of Chiang Mai and violently preventing a peaceful gay parade aiming to promote HIV awareness and raise money for an HIV support organisation. Compared with that act of self promotion I'm afraid his other achievments, however worthy they may have been at the time, fade into insignificance in the eyes of most gay people.

We all know certain people have a political agenda and ambitions and will use any tricks they can to further it, even if it potentially damages someone elses business for no good reason. Pim has already given a robust defence of her criticism, its hardly fair for you to cirticise her when Gay Nattee is the one who spoke out in public. Whatever happened to free speech? And attacking her business is even more unfair, if you read all Pim's posts on TV you get a very clear picture of where she is coming from, what her agenda is and how it differs from yours. I also have a suspiscion her allegiencies might not be where you think concerning the hotel issue.

He is really the grandfather of gay movement in Thailand. 555555555 Zappergeck

We live in a constanlty and rapidly changing world and our grandfathers often get left behind the times with that "when I was a boy" routine....... Maybe retirement would be a good option?

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I was of course talking about the increased HIV risk. Blood screening in third world countries may not be as flawless as we would hope. I don't care if that is PC or not.

It was of course not clear at all from your posts 55 and 60. You were not talking about aids or screening, you were flaming

But thanks for clarifying

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Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay - I have known him personally and met him the first time back in 1990. He then received grants from Australia for his Anti aids campaign and traveled the country with his "White Line Dance Group" visiting gay bars / sex workers to bring the message across they had been using a song called "Krungthepmahanakon".

While the Aids awareness campaign was surely a good thing - some people back then had found that one could make a nice living and all expenses paid trips out of foreign governments grants and charities. I don't want to go into too much detail here - but I know the reasons why Nattee left Bangkok and moved to Chiang Mai and I have lost all respect for the man.

I also used to know some of the dancers from his group personally. When I met two of them during a trip to Bangkok many years ago - they where for some reason very angry at him.

Nattee has obviously a hidden agenda as he wants to run for a political office - has done so already - but unsuccessful. He will do anything to get into the national news even if he has to attack gay businesses or temples in northern Thailand accusing monks having sex for money with a novice many years ago. He knows that news of this kind get him onto the national news and further his political ambitions.

We have been watching him trying to argue his case before the gay pride parade on national TV and the man had no point except for this is against "Lanna culture" - contrary to the believes of all of my friends who are all from the area. Who is he to define what Lanna culture is and stands for - and who is he to tell us what is good or bad for us! The gay people of Chiang mai are as much part of this culture as anybody else - and we get along with each other very well until sometimes people come along - and for there own hidden agenda - try to divide us.

One of the posters above mentioned that he did not have the decency to contact the Lavender Lanna Hotel before he started his campaign against them.

The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

This is what my Thai friends from Chiang Mai - gay and not gay - have to say to you Mr. Nattee: Lanna culture is known for it's gentle way of dealing with problems and for it's tolerance - you do not own Chiang Mai and do not speak in our name. Nobody in Chiang Mai has to ask your permission to do whatever they like to do as long as they do not harm others or act against the law. We are aware that Chiang Mai is different from other places in Thailand - and believe it or not we want to keep it that way. But you will not stuff us back into the closet with radical fascist ideas which have no place in Lanna culture. I was present at the gay pride parade and saw with my own eyes how perfectly peaceful people can be turned into tools of hatred - all my Thai friends where ashamed of the fact that something like this could happen here.

And all the gay people I know in Chiang Mai do not want you to speak in our name again - you do not represent the majority of us - so make sure next time to try to get on national TV to clearly mention that you do not speak for us - but whatever wisdom you have to spread is your own personal opinion!

We will surely visit the Lavander Lanna Hotel and all other gay businesses in Chiang Mai - eat, dance and party - and WE will decide if we like these places or not!

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Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay - I have known him personally and met him the first time back in 1990. He then received grants from Australia for his Anti aids campaign and traveled the country with his "White Line Dance Group" visiting gay bars / sex workers to bring the message across they had been using a song called "Krungthepmahanakon".

While the Aids awareness campaign was surely a good thing - some people back then had found that one could make a nice living and all expenses paid trips out of foreign governments grants and charities. I don't want to go into too much detail here - but I know the reasons why Nattee left Bangkok and moved to Chiang Mai and I have lost all respect for the man.

I also used to know some of the dancers from his group personally. When I met two of them during a trip to Bangkok many years ago - they where for some reason very angry at him.

Nattee has obviously a hidden agenda as he wants to run for a political office - has done so already - but unsuccessful. He will do anything to get into the national news even if he has to attack gay businesses or temples in northern Thailand accusing monks having sex for money with a novice many years ago. He knows that news of this kind get him onto the national news and further his political ambitions.

We have been watching him trying to argue his case before the gay pride parade on national TV and the man had no point except for this is against "Lanna culture" - contrary to the believes of all of my friends who are all from the area. Who is he to define what Lanna culture is and stands for - and who is he to tell us what is good or bad for us! The gay people of Chiang mai are as much part of this culture as anybody else - and we get along with each other very well until sometimes people come along - and for there own hidden agenda - try to divide us.

One of the posters above mentioned that he did not have the decency to contact the Lavender Lanna Hotel before he started his campaign against them.

The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

This is what my Thai friends from Chiang Mai - gay and not gay - have to say to you Mr. Nattee: Lanna culture is known for it's gentle way of dealing with problems and for it's tolerance - you do not own Chiang Mai and do not speak in our name. Nobody in Chiang Mai has to ask your permission to do whatever they like to do as long as they do not harm others or act against the law. We are aware that Chiang Mai is different from other places in Thailand - and believe it or not we want to keep it that way. But you will not stuff us back into the closet with radical fascist ideas which have no place in Lanna culture. I was present at the gay pride parade and saw with my own eyes how perfectly peaceful people can be turned into tools of hatred - all my Thai friends where ashamed of the fact that something like this could happen here.

And all the gay people I know in Chiang Mai do not want you to speak in our name again - you do not represent the majority of us - so make sure next time to try to get on national TV to clearly mention that you do not speak for us - but whatever wisdom you have to spread is your own personal opinion!

We will surely visit the Lavander Lanna Hotel and all other gay businesses in Chiang Mai - eat, dance and party - and WE will decide if we like these places or not!

WELL SAID. At last a well crafted response to what is a serious issue of freedom of speech and association. :)

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I'm looking at their full page ad in City Life - it reads


Asia's Premier Resort for Gay Men

Power Boys Chiang Mai

Lavender Cabaret - 3 Shows Nightly

Lavender Salon & Massage

Lavender Sky Restaurant & Lounge

Lavender Pool Side

Lobby Restaurant - open 24 Hours

Coffee Shop & Bakery

Nowhere on the ad does it mention about rooms or room rates, which I would have thought would be an important pre-requisite for a hotel.

Am I missing something :) or is this not a hotel as such, but rather something like a gay 'Sayuri' style complex?

I'm just curious because gay or straight, it's nice to know where nice clean rooms can be found.

I stayed in a gay hotel in Bangkok once - the rooms were immaculate, the reception guys were extremely polite and the breakfast table was absolutely delightful with crisp white linen and flowers.

I wish more 'straight' hotels could take a lesson from their book.

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Yes it is a hotel with rooms and rates. Just google it, OK?

Thanks - I wonder why they aren't advetised in the City Life Ad?

I've got a clue. If you are reading City Life, you already have a room in CM! I have seen banner ads online for this hotel, it links directly to the hotel website and book the rooms. If you are ALREADY in CM, the main thing they want to sell you are their entertainment options. If you did need a room, you can read it is a hotel and ring them up. There is nothing at all fishy about any of this. It is a hotel with entertainment venues. Think Las Vegas.

Edited by Jingthing
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I was of course talking about the increased HIV risk.

and a gay man in a long-term monogamous relationship is more of a risk than a straight man with multiple sex partners how?

surely the decision on blood donations should be based on risk factors in the individual donor's life not generalizations based on sexual orientation


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I was of course talking about the increased HIV risk.

and a gay man in a long-term monogamous relationship is more of a risk than a straight man with multiple sex partners how?

surely the decision on blood donations should be based on risk factors in the individual donor's life not generalizations based on sexual orientation


This isn't about PC, its about risks. Gay men in general have higher HIV rates. That is a fact. It just makes it easier to screen out some risk. Obviously the high risk hetero person shouldn't donate either, but that wasn't the topic. I understand your argument but I just don't agree. It also takes the overhead and judgment out of it. If you are screening people and allowing MSM people to donate, then you have to ask a bunch of questions, and then you have to believe the answers, and I have news to you, gay people are just like everyone else, sometimes they lie, sometimes they are deluded, sometimes they think their partner is faithful when he is not ...

Of course nothing is perfect but perfect screening of the blood. You could just lie and say you ain't gay.

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I apologize for using "Shitish Columbia.' Usually I only use Shitish to counteract "Septic." I object to straights insisting that a word made up and used by straights and homophobes is superior to gay. But hey, I'm fairly sure that Ian's not a homophobe. Nobody owns a language.

Very good point.

I™ agree® but™ some® nationalities™ tend® to™ be® a™ bit® more™ obsessed® with™ copyright® than™ others®.

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..........the main thing they want to sell you are their entertainment options. If you did need a room, you can read it is a hotel and ring them up. There is nothing at all fishy about any of this. It is a hotel with entertainment venues. Think Las Vegas.

Well,hardly; more Loi Kroh with a dash of testosterone. Do note that none of this highly publicised "entertainment" is actually operating at the moment.And if you dived into the "pool" you might be sorely in need of the next door hospital. The hotel is also wide open to the traffic on all floors at what must be quite the noisiest few square yards in Northern Thailand.I think they hope the entertainment to be up and running next month.

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Yes it is a hotel with rooms and rates. Just google it, OK?

Thanks - I wonder why they aren't advetised in the City Life Ad?

I've got a clue. If you are reading City Life, you already have a room in CM! I have seen banner ads online for this hotel, it links directly to the hotel website and book the rooms. If you are ALREADY in CM, the main thing they want to sell you are their entertainment options. If you did need a room, you can read it is a hotel and ring them up. There is nothing at all fishy about any of this. It is a hotel with entertainment venues. Think Las Vegas.

"think Las Vegas"

You gotta be kidding ?? You are not (surely you cannot) be talking about the infamous CM whorehouse called Las Vegas "or can you / are you :)

Edited by john b good
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I was of course talking about the increased HIV risk.

and a gay man in a long-term monogamous relationship is more of a risk than a straight man with multiple sex partners how?

surely the decision on blood donations should be based on risk factors in the individual donor's life not generalizations based on sexual orientation


Well Bernie always said that despite the supposed high incidence of HIV in the realm he had never heard of a hooker (female) succumbing to the dreaded plague.

And whilst he was not everyones cup of tea he knew a <deleted> sight more of what was going down in the seadier regions of the realm thatn 90% of TV posters put together.

That why he was taken off his column "because he knew too much" and of course p1ssed off the born again female staff of the Bangkok Post.

They didn't loke to see fotos of their "sisters" adorning the walls of Bernies office space.

Another case if you bury your head in the sand long enough you might even like to get the taste of it. :)

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Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay -

Interesting comments, really puts the whole Gay Nattee thing in perspective, I agree with you completely. He is representing himself, not gay people in Chiang Mai. That said he is Thai and his rhetoric is aimed at Thai people, not at us Farangs who's view on the way things work in the world is usually different from Thai people's :) so it may be some of his thinking strikes more of a chord with Thais than we can comprehend :P

The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

Whilst I'm 100% against what Nattee did, I think some of the Lavender's problems are of their own making. I don't believe many CM ex-pats want to see CM turned into a major sex tourist destination (Gay or straight), it's not what this city is about. One of their advertising Tag lines reads "Chiang Mai, Thailand Asia's biggest resort for gay men". :D:D:D

Yes, they are investing a lot of money, but in my opinion, the plan has not been well thought through; they are trying to be all things to all people. I don't think the location is a good choice, much too overt and everyone knows it’s in in the wrong Tambon to do the kind of things they are promoting. The promotion has been completely over the top, somewhat a case of trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear me thinks. Just compare this with CM's other gay venues, all discreetly tucked away in small sois in the Chang Phuek area, out of sight and out of mind. :D

I think they've missed an opportunity; if I was investing the money they have I, would have found a quiet location, probably Chang Phuek near all the existing gay venues but outside the superhighway, and still close to Nimanheminda/Huay Kaew areas too. Small 20-30 room resort hotel, nice outdoor restaurant and bar area, with attached swimming pool and maybe gym/sauna/massage discreetly located nearby. On site but kept separate would be a show bar/go-go. Now that WOULD make money........

I do wish these guys well, several friends are working there, and they are all nice people :D:D who genuinely want to make it a success :P I'm sure we'll all be along to check the place out, :D maybe it will become a regular hang out, who knows. But I do fear they may be creating a Pink Elephant.

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I simply meant that in Las Vegas the bigger hotels mix room rents with entertainment show venues, as does this new CM hotel. A poster had questioned whether it was a real hotel with rooms to stay in, or not. If you think I meant CM is LV or took this literally that the new hotel will make you feel like you are in LV, that's your problem.

Edited by Jingthing
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Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay -

Interesting comments, really puts the whole Gay Nattee thing in perspective, I agree with you completely. He is representing himself, not gay people in Chiang Mai. That said he is Thai and his rhetoric is aimed at Thai people, not at us Farangs who's view on the way things work in the world is usually different from Thai people's :) so it may be some of his thinking strikes more of a chord with Thais than we can comprehend :P

The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

Whilst I'm 100% against what Nattee did, I think some of the Lavender's problems are of their own making. I don't believe many CM ex-pats want to see CM turned into a major sex tourist destination (Gay or straight), it's not what this city is about. One of their advertising Tag lines reads "Chiang Mai, Thailand Asia's biggest resort for gay men". :D:D:D

Yes, they are investing a lot of money, but in my opinion, the plan has not been well thought through; they are trying to be all things to all people. I don't think the location is a good choice, much too overt and everyone knows it's in in the wrong Tambon to do the kind of things they are promoting. The promotion has been completely over the top, somewhat a case of trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear me thinks. Just compare this with CM's other gay venues, all discreetly tucked away in small sois in the Chang Phuek area, out of sight and out of mind. :D

I think they've missed an opportunity; if I was investing the money they have I, would have found a quiet location, probably Chang Phuek near all the existing gay venues but outside the superhighway, and still close to Nimanheminda/Huay Kaew areas too. Small 20-30 room resort hotel, nice outdoor restaurant and bar area, with attached swimming pool and maybe gym/sauna/massage discreetly located nearby. On site but kept separate would be a show bar/go-go. Now that WOULD make money........

I do wish these guys well, several friends are working there, and they are all nice people :D:D who genuinely want to make it a success :P I'm sure we'll all be along to check the place out, :D maybe it will become a regular hang out, who knows. But I do fear they may be creating a Pink Elephant.

No wonder the locals are upset !!! "Chiang Mai, Thailand, Asia's biggest resort for gay men " What a great tag to put on a charming city !!! Something must be done about this !!! Am I the only one that feels the Homosexuals want to take over the cultural heritage of a thousand years and turn it into their playground !! Political correctness has its limits and stealing a city culture

and identity is beyond the limit. I for one am very angry at this group !!

Chok dee

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Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay -

Interesting comments, really puts the whole Gay Nattee thing in perspective, I agree with you completely. He is representing himself, not gay people in Chiang Mai. That said he is Thai and his rhetoric is aimed at Thai people, not at us Farangs who's view on the way things work in the world is usually different from Thai people's :) so it may be some of his thinking strikes more of a chord with Thais than we can comprehend :D

The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

Whilst I'm 100% against what Nattee did, I think some of the Lavender's problems are of their own making. I don't believe many CM ex-pats want to see CM turned into a major sex tourist destination (Gay or straight), it's not what this city is about. One of their advertising Tag lines reads "Chiang Mai, Thailand Asia's biggest resort for gay men". :D:D

Yes, they are investing a lot of money, but in my opinion, the plan has not been well thought through; they are trying to be all things to all people. I don't think the location is a good choice, much too overt and everyone knows it's in in the wrong Tambon to do the kind of things they are promoting. The promotion has been completely over the top, somewhat a case of trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear me thinks. Just compare this with CM's other gay venues, all discreetly tucked away in small sois in the Chang Phuek area, out of sight and out of mind.

I think they've missed an opportunity; if I was investing the money they have I, would have found a quiet location, probably Chang Phuek near all the existing gay venues but outside the superhighway, and still close to Nimanheminda/Huay Kaew areas too. Small 20-30 room resort hotel, nice outdoor restaurant and bar area, with attached swimming pool and maybe gym/sauna/massage discreetly located nearby. On site but kept separate would be a show bar/go-go. Now that WOULD make money........

I do wish these guys well, several friends are working there, and they are all nice people :D:D who genuinely want to make it a success :P I'm sure we'll all be along to check the place out, :D maybe it will become a regular hang out, who knows. But I do fear they may be creating a Pink Elephant.

No wonder the locals are upset !!! "Chiang Mai, Thailand, Asia's biggest resort for gay men " What a great tag to put on a charming city !!! Something must be done about this !!! Am I the only one that feels the Homosexuals want to take over the cultural heritage of a thousand years and turn it into their playground !! Political correctness has its limits and stealing a city culture

and identity is beyond the limit. I for one am very angry at this group !!

Chok dee


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No wonder the locals are upset !!! "Chiang Mai, Thailand, Asia's biggest resort for gay men " What a great tag to put on a charming city !!! Something must be done about this !!! Am I the only one that feels the Homosexuals want to take over the cultural heritage of a thousand years and turn it into their playground !! Political correctness has its limits and stealing a city culture

and identity is beyond the limit. I for one am very angry at this group !!

Chok dee

i guess its another hub that Thailand can claim

but seriously, i dont think just coz a tagline is written in an ad somewhere, its fact. Granted, its a contentious issue with the conservative people of CM, but i dont think gay bashing, or anything bashing will solve the issue.

There are probably other far more important issues to address first that degrades CM imo

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