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A Bit Sus On A Girl I Met


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Girl holds your hand and intimates a kiss in front of her Father....................after you have just seen her for the first time ?

Thai girl walks up to a total stranger in front of her Father and starts flirting ?

C'mon mate, you'll have to do better then this. It may make for a good ThaiVisa story ( well, not that good actually ), but you cannot be serious.

I'll put this down to yet another ficticious story dreamt up by some guy with nothing better to do.

Agree with you. You hit the nail on the head! :D

Nope, every single word is true.

And just to let everyone know, I havn't responded to her and shes sent 2 emails already going on about my blue eyes :D

Hopefully no more. :D

I'm surprised you took your head out of your rectum long enough for her to notice the colour of your eyes..... :)

It was my first week in Thailand, not everyone knows how this place works,


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Nope, every single word is true.

And just to let everyone know, I havn't responded to her and shes sent 2 emails already going on about my blue eyes :D

Hopefully no more. :D

I'm surprised you took your head out of your rectum long enough for her to notice the colour of your eyes..... :)

It was my first week in Thailand, not everyone knows how this place works,


Inconsiderate......????......it is not me that is not replying to the E-mails.....and putting a laughing man at the end of the sentence......you think it is funny to be inconsiderate......but when applied to you?????.

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Inconsiderate......????......it is not me that is not replying to the E-mails.....and putting a laughing man at the end of the sentence......you think it is funny to be inconsiderate......but when applied to you?????.

What? I was laughing at her email because of how straight up fake it was

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Inconsiderate......????......it is not me that is not replying to the E-mails.....and putting a laughing man at the end of the sentence......you think it is funny to be inconsiderate......but when applied to you?????.

What? I was laughing at her email because of how straight up fake it was

Oh right...so you do not want anything more to do with this girl......but you do not find it inconsiderate to belittle,and laugh at her attempts to form a relationship by sending you an e-mail......so much so....you actually brag about not replying on an internet forum......instead of just sending a mail telling her you are not interested.......

yeah apologies maybe I got you wrong...eh.....I'm sure she'll manage to find somebody worthy of her charms....so don't fret too much.. :)

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A very polite young man I see, obviously been to one of the best schools in the UK.... :)

I am very polite to people :D Its just that some people need to be treated the way they treat others.

And Im not from the UK, Im from New Zealand.

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Inconsiderate......????......it is not me that is not replying to the E-mails.....and putting a laughing man at the end of the sentence......you think it is funny to be inconsiderate......but when applied to you?????.

What? I was laughing at her email because of how straight up fake it was

Oh right...so you do not want anything more to do with this girl......but you do not find it inconsiderate to belittle,and laugh at her attempts to form a relationship by sending you an e-mail......so much so....you actually brag about not replying on an internet forum......instead of just sending a mail telling her you are not interested.......

yeah apologies maybe I got you wrong...eh.....I'm sure she'll manage to find somebody worthy of her charms....so don't fret too much.. :)

If you read her emails then you would understand she was trying to scam me.

Thats all I have left to say.

Enjoy your weekend.

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OP sounds a bit of a jerk himself.

I wasnt a jerk until after my first 2 weeks in the tourist area's of Thailand :) sorry couldn't help myself

Then don't go to the tourist areas. Go to Thailand. I mean Udon, Khon Khen, Roi Et, Kho Lat, Chiang Mai/Rai, Tak. hel_l, go somewhere where it is very difficult to conversate with the locals. You will get much more respect for Thailand, from Thailand, it will be A LOT cheaper, and you will take home a much better experience than you would hanging out with only falangs and not seeing Thailand. Trust me, Thailand is big. When a group of us (me being the only falang) went from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, with an overnight stay in Tak, that was well worth sitting in a limo for that long. There is very interesting sights along that stretch of highway. Forget about that girl, man. If you really want a companion, there are plenty of girls to hang out with.

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Then don't go to the tourist areas. Go to Thailand. I mean Udon, Khon Khen, Roi Et, Kho Lat, Chiang Mai/Rai, Tak. hel_l, go somewhere where it is very difficult to conversate with the locals. You will get much more respect for Thailand, from Thailand, it will be A LOT cheaper, and you will take home a much better experience than you would hanging out with only falangs and not seeing Thailand. Trust me, Thailand is big. When a group of us (me being the only falang) went from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, with an overnight stay in Tak, that was well worth sitting in a limo for that long. There is very interesting sights along that stretch of highway. Forget about that girl, man. If you really want a companion, there are plenty of girls to hang out with.

Cheers for the advice :D I am actually heading up to Chiang Rai with a friend in the next few days and then planning my northern adventures from there. I couldnt stand the 'sex tourist' hangouts any longer.

Thanks again, will read up on the other places you mentioned aswell :)

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A very polite young man I see, obviously been to one of the best schools in the UK.... :)

I am very polite to people :D Its just that some people need to be treated the way they treat others.

And Im not from the UK, Im from New Zealand.

A sheepshag*er..... :D ..............Baaaaaa

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A very polite young man I see, obviously been to one of the best schools in the UK.... :)

I am very polite to people :D Its just that some people need to be treated the way they treat others.

And Im not from the UK, Im from New Zealand.

A sheepshag*er..... :D ..............Baaaaaa

You make it so the sheeps facing over the side of a mountain, makes them push back harder :D

Edited by pigh123
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Then don't go to the tourist areas. Go to Thailand. I mean Udon, Khon Khen, Roi Et, Kho Lat, Chiang Mai/Rai, Tak. hel_l, go somewhere where it is very difficult to conversate with the locals. You will get much more respect for Thailand, from Thailand, it will be A LOT cheaper, and you will take home a much better experience than you would hanging out with only falangs and not seeing Thailand. Trust me, Thailand is big. When a group of us (me being the only falang) went from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, with an overnight stay in Tak, that was well worth sitting in a limo for that long. There is very interesting sights along that stretch of highway. Forget about that girl, man. If you really want a companion, there are plenty of girls to hang out with.

Cheers for the advice :D I am actually heading up to Chiang Rai with a friend in the next few days and then planning my northern adventures from there. I couldnt stand the 'sex tourist' hangouts any longer.

Thanks again, will read up on the other places you mentioned aswell :)

There is a village a little south of Chiang Mai that has so many monkeys there you can't count them all. It is unbelievable. You need to buy some bananas before you get there so that you can throw them out of your window and watch the monkeys fight over them. Also, take a taxi and go to a "long-neck" village. Their ethnicity escapes me at the moment, but just tell any one in Chiang Mai/Rai "longneck" and they should figure it out. It is very neat to see how they live, the scarves they make, and definately get pictures with them to show your family back home.

I am 30 years old now and went to Thailand for the 1st time in '06. I have been so fortunate to see so much of Thailand. My wife is from Udon so I am prejudice about that area being the best in Thailand :D But I have traveled all around and my least favorite places are Phuket (too many white people, no Thais and way too expensive!!) and Pattaya (smell is terrible and too much sex). If you want to go somewhere where there is an ocean, I suggest Rayong. My wife and I stayed there on our honeymoon and it was GREAT! Private beach and local prices. You are young so I suggest experiencing as much as you can.

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There is a village a little south of Chiang Mai that has so many monkeys there you can't count them all. It is unbelievable. You need to buy some bananas before you get there so that you can throw them out of your window and watch the monkeys fight over them.

Since about 15 years I live "a little south of Chiang Mai" but never heard about this village. Any details?

Sorry for being off topic but I'm too curious.

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There is a village a little south of Chiang Mai that has so many monkeys there you can't count them all. It is unbelievable. You need to buy some bananas before you get there so that you can throw them out of your window and watch the monkeys fight over them.

Since about 15 years I live "a little south of Chiang Mai" but never heard about this village. Any details?

Sorry for being off topic but I'm too curious.

Yes, my wife informed it was in Nakon Sawan (sp?). The village is Khao Naw/nao (sp?) I have been told that is is between Nakon Sawan and Kamphaeng Phet. I tried to look it up on the map to no avail. It was a really good experience. The monkeys stay in the temple with the monks. If I can be of further assistance let me know

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There is a village a little south of Chiang Mai that has so many monkeys there you can't count them all. It is unbelievable.

True....they even take care of your laundry........ :)


BTW: what's this topic about ?

LaoPo :D

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Well, think outside the box. Do something to make a guesture and show that you care.

Forget the monetary side, choose a beautiful card.

Buy The Little Prince in Thai.

It started all right, not on the internet. I know a 52 y.o. very fat and really ugly Kraut who wants me to keep making loans

to girls he never met in the flesh.

After one payment, the name changed. Now I insist on getting high quality scans of their ID cards.

Supposedly sisters but different names and accounts?

Not my business (he transferred money to my overseas account). But when you

go down this road, sending money - your payments will become normality, like the rain falling.

There is no going back then.

Such acts are quite common in IMHO. could write a book on girls getting ripped off by family members, often males.

Absolutely ruthlessly! This story might very well be true.

Try using Skype-out to thailand for $ 5.95 a month. Keep in touch, see where this goes.

Being touched on the arm is not uncommon. But then, I know Chinese Thai girls who would not date a farang for a million Baht.

Oner stays with family at over 30. Lawyer, 2nd masters degree, a petite and very hard working girl comuniting hours every day.

If the family is in dire straights, then a girl might try to win a farang to end all their problems.

Instead of speculating, see where this goes. Give her attention, not money!

If they are starving, pay for rice to be delivered, not money!

It would be sad if you let her go without finding out whether she is a gold digger.

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It amazes me everytime......

Somebody talks about meeting a girl and all the bar stool critics and naysayers come out. All the advice to run, find a nice girl etc... its a wonder that there are any Thai/farang relationships happening at all. Can you guys tell me how exactly is a farang expected to meet a nice Thai girl? I know how I met mine and I am glad that I didnt come on a forum like this to talk about it.

She cant be a nice girl cos she held his hand..........I believe it was "She was holding my arm"....A Thai girl if she likes a man will rest her hand on his forearm.

She cant be a nice girl cos she wears a bikini.........It is becoming more commonplace for Thai girls to wear bikinis......

She cant be a nice girl cos she was acting like she wanted to kiss him.....that was his take on it....No one here knows what she was thinking.

She cant be a nice girl cos she wouldnt approach a man, act like that in front of her Father and brother......Did she act in an immodest way? The fact that her father was there may have given her a sense of security. The two males came near him first and then the girl comnes up....that may suggest that they had already discussed this between and the father was agreeable to her approach.

In a lot of posters eyes she has instantly become a hard bitten money grabbing shyster......The OP has stated that she said "I dont want your money" he has not mentioned if there were any requests for money in subsequent mails.

The OP is still receiving e mails and talks about ignoring the girl because she is coming on too strong....a lot of non english speaking, writing people use the language to the extent they know.....This results in misinterpretation by the reader who is reading the letter as if the writer is fully competent in English.

Even if you suspect the OP is a troll, the advice that should be given is to proceed slowly and get to know the girl a bit first, the same as you would with a farang girl. It is true that the constraints of a holiday can prompt a guy to act quicker than they normally would and in most cases where relationships have failed it is because of this.

Having said that, the OP is a newbie to Thailand and the heading states he was a bit suss......I think that the OP is not ready for a relationship at this time and should cut clean with the girl and in future, make his own decisions without coming to forums for advice from a lot of cynical naysayers.

Edited by gburns57au
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It amazes me everytime......

Somebody talks about meeting a girl and all the bar stool critics and naysayers come out. All the advice to run, find a nice girl etc... its a wonder that there are any Thai/farang relationships happening at all. Can you guys tell me how exactly is a farang expected to meet a nice Thai girl? I know how I met mine and I am glad that I didnt come on a forum like this to talk about it.

She cant be a nice girl cos she held his hand..........I believe it was "She was holding my arm"....A Thai girl if she likes a man will rest her hand on his forearm.

She cant be a nice girl cos she wears a bikini.........It is becoming more commonplace for Thai girls to wear bikinis......

She cant be a nice girl cos she was acting like she wanted to kiss him.....that was his take on it....No one here knows what she was thinking.

She cant be a nice girl cos she wouldnt approach a man, act like that in front of her Father and brother......Did she act in an immodest way? The fact that her father was there may have given her a sense of security. The two males came near him first and then the girl comnes up....that may suggest that they had already discussed this between and the father was agreeable to her approach.

In a lot of posters eyes she has instantly become a hard bitten money grabbing shyster......The OP has stated that she said "I dont want your money" he has not mentioned if there were any requests for money in subsequent mails.

The OP is still receiving e mails and talks about ignoring the girl because she is coming on too strong....a lot of non english speaking, writing people use the language to the extent they know.....This results in misinterpretation by the reader who is reading the letter as if the writer is fully competent in English.

Even if you suspect the OP is a troll, the advice that should be given is to proceed slowly and get to know the girl a bit first, the same as you would with a farang girl. It is true that the constraints of a holiday can prompt a guy to act quicker than they normally would and in most cases where relationships have failed it is because of this.

Having said that, the OP is a newbie to Thailand and the heading states he was a bit suss......I think that the OP is not ready for a relationship at this time and should cut clean with the girl and in future, make his own decisions without coming to forums for advice from a lot of cynical naysayers.

Thanks mate thats the best, most level headed advice i've gotten so far in this thread :)

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