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Buffalo Hit My Car


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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

You've got to try to understand Thai logic. I'm not saying that I do - 10 years of trying to figure it out and can't say that I do, yet. I do know it's got something to do with your gf truly feeling that you are now responsible for the 20,000 because the boy said he was sorry.

Look at the bright side of this. After eating an entire buffalo, you should be able to write cookbook specializing in that particular type of meat.

OK - Try smacking the lad about a little, forcing him to pay up for the damage to your car - And then you can tell your girlfriend and her son that you are sorry, that should absolve you of any responsibility according to the above statement...... :) OK - not the right thing to do...


It might be a bit harsh, but really you should stand firm on this one. As another poster mentioned earlier; Your girlfriends son 'stole' your car, he clearly doesn't respect you and as your girlfriend is siding with him it shows that she doesn't either.

I don't know a single western friend here in Bangkok that are treated in such a way by their Thai girlfriend or wife.... neither would they put up with it.

People who have little respect for you treat you as poorly as you permit them to. Maybe you can earn their respect by being stronger, maybe they will never respect you, but at least you can prevent them from being quite unreasonable and treating you like this by standing firm.

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I smell BS (Buffalo Shit)

For the members,

what is actually the price for a buffalo?

16,000 baht


So the 20 000, and all the Buffalo caserole, we can assume the Buffalo died then.

Can only think it must have been quite an impact, as they seem like quite tough animals.

Maybe the Buffalo commited suicide.


Yep, still go for the BS.

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just after i got my car out of the body shop to fix all the little nicks and dings i am driving down a back lane and i see a flash of fur coming from the jungle, then i hear a bang but i keep going as i have a truck riding my ass but when i stop to see what happened i find fur in my now broken wheel trim and i see a dog walking around a bit dazed. i knew there was no hope in getting any money from whom ever owned the mut but at least i knew the dog had a serious head ache:0

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw.

The correct word is stole. He stole your BMW.

Now how would deal with this at home?

As for the buffalo, it is the thief's problem.

Yep! Bailing out reckless behavior should be left to the Bank of England. Real moral hazard here. Yoof must learn right and wrong and the consequences of the latter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

Hello Blizzard.

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