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Scammers Rippoffs Crooks, Anyone Get Approached Sakhumvit Area By Pairs Of Black Men Saying Hello? And Approaching ?


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raro :)

i can honestly claim that only an ignorant and pompous àss can judge the 120 million Nigerians based on the behaviour of a tiny minority. take that from somebody who has spent 4½ good years of his life in Nigeria.

Hmmm.. Did you ever leave your apartment/hotel/staffhouse ? As somebody else who has spent a great deal of time in Nigeria and other W African nations I would say you have your figures around the worng way... 120 million would scam you in a nanosecond and the tiny minority wouldn't ... I'm extreamly cautious of Africans ( from whichever country ) when I see them in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore ( and most other places ) ..Why are they here ?

and how can they afford to be here ? (yes I know some are mega rich.. But would bet they aren't accosting farangs in Foodland Sukky) They ain't here for the culture, the food, the temples, the experience and they don't need a suntan.. Unless they work for their embassy or a multinational they most likely up to no good.. Visa scams, tourist scams, forgery, smuggling and drug export... I hate to label an entire group so broadly but if the badge fits...

Of course the fact that Africans make up the highest % of foreigners incarcerated in the BKK Hilton even thought they are one of the smallest visitor groups is purely a coincidence..

Pretty sure there are plenty of Eastern Euro and former soviet citizen scammers here to.. along with Indian, Pakistani and other miscreants from South Asia and the Middle East..

Oh and before some liberal shouts ''Racist'' .. Sorry there are plenty of white anglo saxon conmen here too...

Treat 'friendly' strangers with suspicion wherever they may be from..

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what is weird to say the least mean>? that I am here only 3 years and still have these problems? that I come from NYC and that possible crews as they are called back home, work in teams and target senior citizens? is that weird? what kind of a remark is that? It is weird when someone opens up on these websites and shares their honest true feelings and expects hopefully to help others by their experiences, and then gets rude remarks like that. That to me is weird and yes NEwbie is true, this site has saved me many problems and gave me tremendous insite on how to handle situations but what I find offensive and rude and weird is someone who is so judgemental that it makes one not want to risk be abused verbally. Give people a break and let them make their mistakes without your judgement and make it a safe place to share their experiences and you will have a better site than it already is. Cut the sarcasm and the nasty remarks and come from helping not trying to be smarter and one up the next guy. Don't you think that is the nice way to go ? Sorry if this offends but I really think more people would write in their stories and answers if they felt safer communicating eh? cheers

Actually these days the people you are referring to are in a minority; a few years ago LOS was flooded with these guys but the Thai's changed the visa regs with the result that there are far fewer of them these days so its rare to be troubled by them, and if you are being troubled by them to the extent you say then you might be radiating a "vulnerable" profile, find that surprising as your from NYC. Having said that although these guys are much reduced in number, so are the tourists. Coming from where you do you probably have your own alert radar set, and that's a problem because as you have said you have no problems with the Thai's you have met, well simple fact is that is not, as a tourist, something which you should depend upon. Simple fact is that the ***holes in LOS gravitate towards newbies like yourself, try going to the Royal Palace and see how many friendly "helpful" Thai's will approach you. It's a wonderful country and the paradox is that if you took yourself off and got drunk and ended up in a slum area of Bangkok you would certainly get helped into a taxi by the locals and sent home wallet intact.

Be careful out there. :)

Actually I re- read your post, your only a newbie poster, you have been here for 3 years and you still get this problem ? Weird to say the least.

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I'm extreamly cautious of Africans ( from whichever country ) when I see them in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore ( and most other places ) ..Why are they here ?

In the Pratu Nam area at Sukhumwit, there are always a lot of African textile merchants, who are there for purchasing stock.

But they are not the ones hassling the OP on the street of course.

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Actually when I'm in the Sukhumvit area, usually about once a week, and if I have some spare time I like to chat up these guys but I always keep a hand on my wallet. They all have interesting stories and most of the ones I have spoken to arn't from Nigeria but other African countries. They all want to know your name, phone number where you live etc. I dont know what the actual scam is because I take off before it gets that far. I haven't been approaced recently by any Filipinos, or at least I suspect they are Filipinos. The ones that always ask you where you got the nice shoes. Then after you talk to them for a few min and you tell them where you're from they all have a sister or cousin going to school there! Remarkable. But I haven't seen this group in the Sukhumvit area lately so maybe they have moved on.

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