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Thai Visa Regular 'yeti' Passed Away 22/09/2009


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Our good friend Yeti - who has posted on Thai Visa for a number of years passed away today, Sept 22nd 2009.

He was 32 years old, and leaves behind a Thai wife and two kids : Girl of 14 months and a boy of just a few weeks. He saw his new born son only once, and was not allowed to touch him.

Yeti, Christophe Bilhaut, called in at hospital with a skin rach and a slight fever about 2 months ago. He was kept over night and by the next morning was in the ICU. He was on the brink of dying for 5 days, when he started to stabilize slightly. He was not conscious for the 5 days, but I saw him on the sixth and there was a slight reaction to speech. His parents had already flown in to be with him, and they kept him in Samitvej hospital throughout.

The diagnois was battered around for several days, but in the end they siad it was type A flu virus, but not swine flu, which is a later and slightly more potent version of its predecessor. Its possible it was h1n1 and they did not want to panic the staff.

The virus was gone pretty quick but Yetis body had filled with water, and with bacterial infections all over. His brain was relatively untouched.

A few days later he spiralled down and Drs said he would not last the night. He did last, and slowly, inch by inch clawed his way back into contention amongst the living. All his organs had shut down, espcially lungs (filled with fluid), kidneys, liver, intestines. He was conscious, and could nod or shake his head. He indicated (after many many yes/no questions) he wanted ice cubes, and his fingers hurt. He also wanted his legs moving around as he was too weak even to raise a hand.

He got ever so slowly better, but in the ICU throughout. After 3 weeks in the ICU his breathing pipe was removed, and a day or two after that he could speak again. He did not remember anything before the point where he could speak, though he was very clearly conscious for most of the time.

Once his 'self' had returned so did the panic, and his heart rate shot back up into the 130-140 range. After 1 month he got out of the ICU for a couple of days, only to return following breathing problems connected with the Dialysis. Another week and he got out of the ICU and had just started on weak soup and banana (He was still fed milk through a nasal feeding tube - and he said he was always a bit sick when he took milk).

When they removed the dialysis pipes, for no apparant reason, he spiralled into shock. Back in the ICU he was jerking around violently throughout the night. Despite the 80 000 - 120 000 baht PER NIGHT charge, the Doctor was not there - the nurses treated him with the Doctor on the phone (?!?!?!) I was there at that time.

A day later and he was 'brain-dead' which means legally he had died. It was not just a deep coma. The Drs told me he would not recover, but they maintained his body for 2 more weeks while the family adjusted. He finally passed at 4 pm today.

Yeti was always utterly polite, even behind the anonyimity of the internet. A lovely guy, with very few friends or social activities, he was more than happy to stay home with his wife and daughter. He posted on TV fairly often, mostly in the computing forum. I met him in person via TV.

His parents, both in their early 80s are lumbered with the bulk of the bill, which will run into many millions of baht, even with some insurance for some of the treatments. His wife has no trade, and two babies in tow. They only recently bought a condo, so its unlikely she'll be able to keep that. The flu virus cleared after a few days, so it was the ensuing complications that brought about the problems. In fact, the Drs and everyone is agreed that there is no real medical reason for this kind of reaction to the flu in the first case, or the sudden final spiralling in the latter stages.

His parents as strong Catholics have insisted on taking the body back to France for a Christian burial. Which seems a bit harsh on Mrs Yeti, but then the whole story is harsh.

Be careful you have good health insurance! Yeti was 'insured' but the fine print shows it covers some treatments and not others, with caps on payouts.

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It was nice to have also known Yeti if only for brief time a few years ago, firstly through TV and secondly while he studied at the same Thai school as I did. From memory, his French accent got in the way a little bit, but I can honestly say that the only memory I really have is of him smiling.

I know from others that Abandon was very helpful to Yeti's family through this difficult time so I'd like to say thank you to him. I'm sure people appreciated his support. My heart goes out to his wife and his kids. Please let me know if there's anything I could do to help.

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Yeti was a friend of mine, and I miss him greatly. He was a genuinely good person if ever I met one. This whole story is extremely sad.

He was perfectly healthy and lived a great life with his wife and daughter until he was hospitalized and these events started unfolding. I was shocked when I first heard how serious it had become, because there was nothing at all that would tell beforehand. It clearly shows how fragile life is, and how quickly it can change.

I can not get over how cruel this whole situation is for his family.

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Yes - it was hard to watch. Visiting someone who can speak due to breathing tubes - its hard to think of things to talk about. Especially when everything was so uncomfortable for him. But how fast you get complacent. He was getting better so we took our eye off the ball. And then *poof*

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Sorry for the loss of your good friend.

But the whole diagnosis and treatment scenario sounds a bit haphazard. The story about the virus having left but bacterial infection having taken over sounds very strange.

It seems odd that some kind of flu could fell a young and (I assume) robust guy?

Once again, my condolences.

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