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Tot Line Install Prices


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Hi Guys,

Moving apartment because of the shoddy internet at KT Mansion and found a really nice place to stay at.

Only problem is that they have free internet (4mg) for around 70 rooms and obviously I want to set up my own direct line. They called me back yesterday and said it was possible and gave me some figures. To get my own line installed it would cost 3000 to them (im guessing thats for TOT?) and then true im guessing is another 4000 right?

Two questions really:

1. Does the 3000 seem correct? I know they have all the phones going through their box etc so I can kind of understand that but 3000?

2. To get true to enable internet, is there anyway to get that 4000 down? I have my own router etc and know the stuff on what to do & do not really need a technician to come in and type in my u/n & p/w if u know what i mean.

Im sure every1 has done this b4 so any help would be appreciated!



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How did u manage to get free installation from true?! And 4mg, was it from this promotion? http://www.truecorp.co.th/eng/promotion/pr...speed8mbps.jsp#

Also was there already a TOT line fixed in the apartment as the new place has just been built and has no lines to rooms (its all going through there box in the apt).?

Yeah , its from that promotion cause im using True mobile line also so there is abit of a rebate.

Its a promo thingy that if you get internet the phone line installation fee is free.

My apartment uses TOT but the phoneline im using is by True. True actually came to install the phone line from the box and run the cable all the way right into my room

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Ok, great replies - thanks for the info.

I called up the new apartment after what you guys had said and they insisted that the 3000b was a must as True (or TOT) would do only upto the apartment and not inside, only outside. This true?

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Watch that the cable installed from the input box to your apartment is good quality.

When my house was rewired the guy skimped on the telephone cable.

I had internet problems until I upgraded the cable to a thicker version on the advice of the TOT engineers.

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What they are asking the 3k for is from the outside of the apartment to the room, Im not sure they are on about from tot exchange to the building. This place has just opened up and give serviced/non-serviced apartments and they all use phone lines that go through their box.

Mercury, when you say you got your condo all wired up, did you have a line to the outside world before that 1 or 2k installation fee from TOT?

Edited by Kiotic
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Thanks for the help guys. Finally got it sorted, True are going to look over new apartment and said free installation for everything just as you guys said. Still have to pay the 3000 to the apartment as True specified that their technicians do not go inside the building, the buildings technician does that. Ah well, at-least there is no 4000b installation!

Thanks again!

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