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What Would You Like To Be Told If You Had A Life Threatening Disease?


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I would hope I was given the bad news with adequate time to question the Dr. thoroughly about my treatment options, chances for recovery, etc, like about 20-30 minutes. I'd also definitely like for my wife to be present when I was told.

I would hate to be quickly told during a 30 second fleeting session in a doctor's office room. I also would hope the doctor expressed appropriate concern and remorse.

I would also hate to be told by somebody like an x-ray technician.

Ok enough heavy stuff....

I would also not like to be told by a sobbing Gypsy fortune teller, per Lou Christie's "The Gypsy Cried" song. :)

Edited by Lopburi99
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Perhaps the first time poster considers living in Chiang Mai as "life threatening." I would.....

:) Where do you live, in a cave?

I'd prefer the short, sharp, shock approach as long as there's adequate time to consume a vast quantity of beer; screw the champoo. :D

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Nice one from a 1st time poster. Zero to do with Chiang Mai.

Sorry if it does bother you. I only post on here coz I ve been reading CNX forum. :D

:) looks like you got the CM expats welcome

consider it CM forum hazing~ welcome aboard :D

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I would like to be told the truth, in a gentle way...

I also would like to be told how long I still have, but more important, when it is expected to start to be painful, and/or when it will start to be "ugly"...

I would like to be told how to fight pain, and how to keep a bit of dignity.

I think I would like my wife to be with me when I am told the bad new

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Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?


Now that is the way to die. That type of euthanasia for somebody ready to die make a lot of sense to me!

Have your favorite dinner, listen to your favorite music, get drowsy and slowly and peacefully pass on.

Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death" would approve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian

Edited by Lopburi99
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Nice one from a 1st time poster. Zero to do with Chiang Mai.

Sorry if it does bother you. I only post on here coz I ve been reading CNX forum. :)

A good question ,what does it matter wether it as anything to do with Chiang mai it is a valid question to ask.

I would want to be told the truth and i am not bothered about being told softly ,the main thing is i would want to know.

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Why worry? I ain't joined the one foot in the grave brigade yet :D

Still got another 20 years before they tell me I've got sclerosis of the liver :D Ummmmm :) , (thinks about last weekend, or what can be remembered therof :D ) OK, make that 10 years :D

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Twice been told I have life threatening illnesses.

Once 14 years ago when I had to have what turned out to be an 8 hour + heart operation, three days after the diagnosis, successful as you will note. :D

Again, 4 years ago when I had to make a significant lifestyle change- again - still here. :)

Each time I was told by the docs at my request and each time given the full facts- would not want it any other way.

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Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?


Now that is the way to die. That type of euthanasia for somebody ready to die make a lot of sense to me!

Have your favorite dinner, listen to your favorite music, get drowsy and slowly and peacefully pass on.

Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death" would approve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian

..... and be processed into somtum. :)

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Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?


Now that is the way to die. That type of euthanasia for somebody ready to die make a lot of sense to me!

Have your favorite dinner, listen to your favorite music, get drowsy and slowly and peacefully pass on.

Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death" would approve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian

..... and be processed into somtum. :D


Seriously though, this is an excellent movie - read the plot in Wiki. Well worth renting (if available) or downloading. It has a great cast:


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Ever seen the movie "Soylent Green"?


Now that is the way to die. That type of euthanasia for somebody ready to die make a lot of sense to me!

Have your favorite dinner, listen to your favorite music, get drowsy and slowly and peacefully pass on.

Jack Kevorkian, aka "Dr. Death" would approve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kevorkian

..... and be processed into somtum. :D

And I would hope I'd give ya the shits... :)

"Bring in the scoops!"


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Seriously though, this is an excellent movie - read the plot in Wiki. Well worth renting (if available) or downloading. It has a great cast:


I agree - an excellent movie. I saw it on late night tv about 20 odd years ago. Must be time to watch it again. :)

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