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Fall Of Falls

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I'm not throwing this out of my hat but with talks based on the talks with some medium/long -term business owners around the island: Samui businesses', not just Profmil (which could be counted as "semi-corps/gone with a wind") are in serious trouble. For this is vital to try to keep the image- or the feeling of the island as high as possible - as it is to us.

As a Farang Samuian, who wants to stay here, wants to see island to prospect and see it to develop to what seems like a very unique paradise island destination, it surely needs the backing of the long-term stayers. Pissing, yapping, mourning and so on about it isn't really doing anything good. Rather YOU should think as an islander -

What can I do to help this island of mine to get through the worst times in Samuis' this millennium tourism history, is much better way to crack it down.

Do you know more what is going on? What could You do to help around? Sarcasm isn't one that helps around...

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great second post !

there is a lot that needs to be done, esp regarding developments.

developements that are fully paid up should be made compulsary, as well as a samui body that controls developments ect .... similar to what they have in the uk

they did try this once in phuket, but was washed under the carpet...


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i could not figure out the original ops point but i guess it is purely a developers thing. As a long term tourist to samui 4 times a year every year i do hope the developments stops completely enough is enough and it is already far to much. The island as a whole though is suffering no more no less than any other country in europe..., those who made money and saved can ride it out, those who spent it all hope you had a good time. op if you really think samui is a paradise island i'd love to know why, i guess we all have our ideas of paradise but samui is not mine, i love samui for all its variations from the north of the island to the south but paradise is another place i spend afew weeks a year but i wont be telling any shark property developers where.

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but paradise is another place i spend afew weeks a year but i wont be telling any shark property developers where.

I am with busybee on this one for sure. ! have travelled the world for the last 40 years finding places that wherenot taken over by greed and tourism. Each one got found and changed. Now I no longed mention the good spots,keep them my secret.

that said I must take some blame too,I used to love to brag about the new paraduse I had found, Live and learn.

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