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Poll: Will Thailand return to "normal" after APEC?

Will thailand return to "normal" after apec?  

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No George,

I dont think things will be the same as they where, everything changed with 9/11, Thailand hosting this meeting will give Thai's some standing and a lot of face.

I believe that after Himbali and APEC, things have changed and will stay changed.

Just an opinion, not a fact.

Expat's will adapt. Moan at first, but adapt.


Although at this current time the APEC meeting is the HOT topic for changes happening in Thailand, I sure its not the only reason for some of the - apparently long term - security/visa issues... i.e. not the bins being re/moved for "decorative purposes" ??? in BKK

If we cast our mind back approx 4 years (during Thaksins original election) the essentially anti-foreigner (Thai love Thai) campaign he ran did extremely well - he won! I remember the fuss all the expats were making then (how they would move to another country, etc). That all pretty much blew over then, but now he is up for re-election next year (coincidently around the same time the new visa reg's are supposed to take effect) and the same campaign seems to be running again - same same but different :o in minor ways...

As one legal alien to another, welcome to the forum. Real legals are a diminishing species it seems. Your comments are spot on in my view. Keep 'em coming      :o

Do you mean to say that its the real legals that are the  'Endangered Species'?

Hehehe, Doc you fell right into that one. Keep em' coming   :D

Perhaps the wine has kicked in Maigo, but however I look at it, I am realistically unable to place your interpretation on my posting. Keep 'em coming though, we're bound to agree sometime.
Perhaps the wine has kicked in Maigo, but however I look at it, I am realistically unable to place your interpretation on my posting. Keep 'em coming though, we're bound to agree sometime.

Well Doc, you often refer to, Hoppers, walkers, jumpers, poverty stricken packers, idiots, Ghosts and undesirables as being an  Endangered Species, but you now think that maybe 'Legal Aliens' are the ones in danger of exstinction.

P.S. when i get my Non Immigrant i will change my stance  :o

You did agree with me on a few occassions, i also agree with you sometimes, there, you see, now maybe you will not remove so many of my posts. I must admit that if this forum was devoid of all the non-conformists it would be totally boring, myself included.


Lighten up. I meant the ' other side ' aka hoppers, walkers etc seem to be greater in number than those who legally comply. It was a light hearted response. If you think the 30 dayers are totally legal, try flying to Thailand on a one way ticket without a valid airticket out of Thailand within 30 days. That is what the regulations say. Do our friends the hoppers, walkers have a ticket out ? No way. That Immigration officers let 'em in does not turn it into a legal stay. Are the air arrivals lesser lights? Those validly staying, have the funds in the bank in compliance with Thai law. The walkers do not. Surely this must say something to the obtuse. They are bending the laws to suit themselves.   As to myself, I do comply. It seems to a casual observer that the necessary funds may well be a blocker. I do note that you hope to get a Non-Immigrant visa. You indicate that you are planning to retire here, I hope you get the visa.

In other respects we'll agree to disagree. I confess that I have had a gutful of the malcontents, and assure you and them, any abusive postings will not stay.


"NOTHING"! will every be the same again, Think goodness!

As a retire person, married to a beautiful Thai Lady, I seek only to live a quite life, with my Love. Establish a set of rules that apply equally to all and we will adapt. End the corruption and society will benifit. I only hope that the cost of liveing does not rise to a level, that i can't aford to live here. The good Doctor may consider me one of those broke bums living here since i live on a fixed income of a mir ------ per month, sorry I'm sure I will nevery be invited to spend 1000000B on a privilege card.  This does not play well for a society that evolving in to a democratic form of goverment, I believe that this will soon be corruptive with graft.


"NOTHING"! will every be the same again, Think goodness!
Perhaps a little too broad ranging and fatalistic, don't you think?
evolving in to a democratic form of goverment

"Since the 1992 elections, Thailand has been a functioning democracy"


exactly what do u mean by normal ????

since when has this hole ever been normal ???? by most peoples standards !!! by the way has anyone seen the new pavements outside flyers bar on sukumvit soi 22 nice new pavement with drains about a meter deep into the ground comewalking out the boozer one day shit faced fall arse over tit and break ya bloody leg why spend all that money doing it all up and still leave shocking holes like that dotted all over for us all to get hurt

oh sorry i forgot how silly of me thats normal in this place

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