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They may still look handsome but their bodies are still saggy, wrinkly & shriveled with age just as that women in the first picture was. Her face & the other women's was not unattractive if we are comparing to men of the same age who are also considered attractive. But we have no idea what Gregory Peck looked like naked so yes, handsome face but most probably a pruney old mans body too.

Ian has clearly never heard of Helen Mirram, Sigorney Weaver, Kim Catrall, Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Angelica Huston, Renee Russo to name only a few. I would rather see any of these women naked that the supposed ancient sex symbols, of Connery & the like or any of the older men here on thaivisa who think it is ok to slate older women either for that matter. :)

Goldie Hawn eh !.nah she hasnt aged well im afraid,.isnt it great we discovered thailand and dont ever have to be with a wrinkled partner !, ( ill get my flak jacket ) :D


I'll bet 'Bald is beautiful was coined by an old man. And white beards and potbellies make a man look unhandsome. Why do tatoos look sexy on a man?
Thats funny, i see young guys in pattaya that obviously started to receed early and saw it as a great opportunity to shave the head off,.then head straight down the tattooists ! :)
They may still look handsome but their bodies are still saggy, wrinkly & shriveled with age just as that women in the first picture was. Her face & the other women's was not unattractive if we are comparing to men of the same age who are also considered attractive. But we have no idea what Gregory Peck looked like naked so yes, handsome face but most probably a pruney old mans body too.

Ian has clearly never heard of Helen Mirram, Sigorney Weaver, Kim Catrall, Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon, Sharon Stone, Angelica Huston, Renee Russo to name only a few. I would rather see any of these women naked that the supposed ancient sex symbols, of Connery & the like or any of the older men here on thaivisa who think it is ok to slate older women either for that matter. :)

Come on boo, dont hold back, are we coming out of the closet today ?. :D

To Boo's list add; Sophia Loren, Katherine Ross, Tuesday Weld, Cathherine Zeta-Jones & Sadie Frost (they qualify at 40 because the men of Pattaya think ladies over 30 are washed up :) ) Katherine Hepburn was a babe even into her 70's. I had a crush on Dihann Carroll. Audrey Hepburn was hot right up until the day she died at 64. The list goes on and on.

BTW if you think an elderly tat covered lady at 70 is bad, please have a stroll on the beach in Patong and feast your eyes on the morbidly obese 40+ males covered in the ugliest of tats. Couldn't they at least get something cool like Hobbes or Heckel & Jeckel or a puma. What's even grosser are the guys with the filthy elbows and the black toenails. Seriously now, what woman would let that into her bed?

Goldie Hawn eh !.nah she hasnt aged well im afraid,.isnt it great we discovered thailand and dont ever have to be with a wrinkled partner !, ( ill get my flak jacket ) :)

I'd rather wake up next to Goldie than anyone featured in the people of walmart. If you haven't visited that website which features pictures of the people that shop in walmart, then you'll never understand creepy ugly. (The elderly man with his breast implants can't compete with a local kathoey.)


I'll still stick to my original statement that men are luckier than women when it comes to PHYSICAL aging. There are poor examples of each gender, just as there are good ones, but most of the time a man only needs to be masculine while women "INITIALLY" attract their mate by being physically beautiful. I see many 50 to 60 year old men with attractive women who are much younger than the man. But, the reverse is not very common. I'm not comparing the personalities of either gender. I was always impressed by Katherine Hepburn even though I was never physically attracted to her. Tina Turner had a great figure well into her sixties, but she danced her butt off to get it. I don't call a woman in her fourties "old" by any stretch of the imagination.


Ian..usually if you see an older man with a much younger woman its about money (not always..but usually). Its not about the physical factor. Most older women prefer not to have younger men in this way. So when you say its not very common, i agree, but not for the reasons you stated.

I had a fraternity brother named Wally, who dated Ann-Margaret Olsen at New Trier HS, Wilmette, IL. I bet she looks better than Wally does. http://www.ann-margret.com/

Speaking of dating in high school, I recently found an old girlfriend on Facebook who I hadn't seen in 42 years. I remember some good times in my Dad's 66 Lincoln with her. I really had the hots for her back then - big time!

But now. OMG! :)


Best off we just dated, nothing more. :D


Had a conversation with Boo last night about Nicholas Cage. When he was young, he was never a traditionally handsome guy but still, pretty hot in his own inimitable way. Now, that hotness has been totally replaced by utter craziness and any attractiveness he may have had is totally gone.

Seems to me that men assume women judge men the same shallow way that men judge women. Not true, I am afraid. Sure, there are plenty of women out there for whom money is the main goal, but honestly, less than most men on this forum seem to think. To me, a guy who is not necessarily handsome but still funny, caring, kind and thoughtful will beat out a selfish, self centered, egotistical good looking guy any day. And a selfish, self centered, egotistical guy who is not even good looking doesn't stand a chance. :)

As for women and men aging, we can all find photos to prove our points until the cows come home. But in the end, it doesn't really matter. Very very few men actually look as good as they think, and most men and women age in about the same way. We all get old, we all will eventually die. I suggest you get over the idea that somehow your progress will be any different from anyone else.


I think its about looks, what do you think? :)

Comparing with your avatar photo, I think you've definitely improved with age Skip. :D Glad the weight loss program worked too.


Every so often I see an elderly couple. It's obvious they are very much in love. I suppose to the observer they are a wrinkled pair, but to each other they are beautiful and every bit as desirable as the day the met. I bet they understand the concept of beauty and have an enlightenment that bringhs happiness.

Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder and with the age related deterioration of eyesight in the foreign males of Thailand, I don't think the eyes that judge are that reliable. Better a plain jane that's reliable and steady that will be there when I'm leaking in my adult diaper than a foxy 25 year old that's made plans for me at the undertaker. :)

Had a conversation with Boo last night about Nicholas Cage. When he was young, he was never a traditionally handsome guy but still, pretty hot in his own inimitable way. Now, that hotness has been totally replaced by utter craziness and any attractiveness he may have had is totally gone.

Interesting, I think that he was goofy as heck when he was young, but it worked with all the wacky roles that he played in the beginning and he became respected in the movie buisness. He gradually got more confident as he became older - because he was a succesful movie star - and he started looking better and better and now he is OK looking, rather than handsome.

Had a conversation with Boo last night about Nicholas Cage. When he was young, he was never a traditionally handsome guy but still, pretty hot in his own inimitable way. Now, that hotness has been totally replaced by utter craziness and any attractiveness he may have had is totally gone.

Interesting, I think that he was goofy as heck when he was young, but it worked with all the wacky roles that he played in the beginning and he became respected in the movie buisness. He gradually got more confident as he became older - because he was a succesful movie star - and he started looking better and better and now he is OK looking, rather than handsome.

His eyes are full of emotion. I believe this in part has led to his appeal and success.


I lived on the same block as Nicholas Cage, ole Boz Scaggs lived there too , One thing about Cage was he always waved and always had a smile on his face. Made me a fan and I still am.

I always thought Raquel Welch owned a time machine....please dont post any 'After' pictures of her she is still my only reason for living.

Don't fear Garret, she looks amazing. Won't post the pic here in case you really don't want to see, (link posted just in case) but frankly, there is nothing to worry about. She has got to be one of the most amazing 69 year old women around.


I always thought Raquel Welch owned a time machine....please dont post any 'After' pictures of her she is still my only reason for living.

Don't fear Garret, she looks amazing. Won't post the pic here in case you really don't want to see, (link posted just in case) but frankly, there is nothing to worry about. She has got to be one of the most amazing 69 year old women around.


Wow, unbelievable! Maybe she came to see some BKK face doctors :) I've heard some of the best in the world are here.


My parents were married for 56 years, and then he died.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have friends say i don't look a year over 30, others say i look like an old hag.

I am 46 and enjoy my crows feet, cellulite etc.

I am growing old with my head held high. And if anyone says I look my age - I have a swift kick in the balls action!!I think women age better than men. We, from a young age have been using Nivea Body Lotion to keep our skin soft etc.

Men - seem to think they are god's gift to women. They are blinkerd, with their big fat bellies, receding hairlines, yucky toenails.

At least we, from a young age, have kept ourselves together. But men tend to think that anything goes "and she will still love me" F off!!

Do you guys know how much us females spend per annum to feel good, look good? Lots, and you lot spend 5 quid on a couple of roll on deoderants!!

Rant over.. Get my coat, sorry too hot here - get my burkini.....


Rant away Patsy. Im in a bit of a rant mood myself tbh..and its true what you say anyway.

But, I think a picture will say it better than any comment i wish to say will...


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