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Pattaya Vs Chiang Mai


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Guess for a single guy , with enough dosh , not having any responsibilities but his own life Pattaya should be heaven .

For me personally I live in Chiangmai province and also Chiangmai city for business , rarely feel the need to go out ,

don't like to get drunk anymore , nightlife sucks over here probably the main reason , but never Pattaya , can't

stand the atmosphere , money for sex sex for money , no just give me the Chiangdao mountains instead .

Perhaps the Op kept his eyes open to the right places where most keep their eyes on female body parts .... :)

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You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

...and you start buying Valtrex in bulk.


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I don't live in Thailand but I spent the Christmas (when the Tsunami hit) in Pattaya. I got food poisoning from eating a dodgy street snack and spent Christmas and Boxing Day evacuating my body in both directions. This did not impact my view of the place (I realize this could have happened anywhere, and my window was facing a brick wall anyway), and I was particularly grateful that I was in clean hotel for once and that the bed was big enough for three-person's - even if I didn't ask for it. This gave me the opportunity to roll around in agony in more comfort than one would reasonably expect. I was also lucky to make a last minute decision the day before Christmas Eve to head to Pattaya rather than my original destination of Phuket...

For that fortunate reason, I will always have a soft spot for Pattaya, but as a place for what is now a married man with child, I think Chiang Mai has got to be the better of the two. Can't say I saw any crime, but it wasn't a "happy" place and it is definitely debauched, which I guess is it's appeal? But I've seen enough now of Russian men in tight Speedos and drunken, tattooed-to-the-max red-faced British islanders to last me a life time :):D

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I've got a timeshare in Jomptien that I spend a week at every year. The rest of the time I spend in Chiang Mai, or visiting various fishing locations in Thailand. I've been going to Pattaya for 13 years and I HAVE seen a down turn in the "entertainment" but it's still a great place for a visit. I can't honestly say I've seen any drug usage other than a few guys smoking whatever. As much as I've heard about the so called child sex scene, I've NEVER seen any of it in the public places. I'm sure it goes on in the out of the way seedier parts of Pattaya, but that is true of anywhere in the world. In the gay area of Jomptien I see farangs with young Thai men, but the Thai men are probably in their twenties. The same goes for the gals who hang along the beach walk in central Pattaya. They LOOK young on an initial glance, but up close you can see most are in their twenties or early thirties. Every since it was developed as an R&R rest area for the military, Pattaya has always been a Sodom and Gomorrah tourist center. To expect otherwise is foolish. Pattaya has been TRYING to clean up their image and make it more of a general tourist center, but they'll kill the goose that laid the golden egg if they try too hard.

I'm sure if you REALLY go looking for it then you CAN find the nasty stuff, but it's easier to just enjoy yourself and ignore the bad. The "Hello, welcome" comment by all the bored bar girls eventually falls on deaf ears. However, if you take the time to find a few places with friendly staff you like then Pattaya CAN be a fun place to visit if you return to those same bars on a regular basis. If you treat them well the staff will enjoy your company and you can have a good time. The same is true of any bar in Thailand... in any city.

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seemed a bit creative. but we have to take his word for it.

That is putting it mildly, a complete fanciful fabrication, and no, we dont have to take his word for it!!

All that pollution in Chang Mai has twisted his mind!!!

I was trying to be polite.

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I almost believed the op until he said he was from Chiang Mai and then said he was happy to be back in my sleepy village. To give him the benefit of the doubt he must be from CM province or my definition of village is outdated. CM seems to have all the problems/character /good/bad, etc that the rest of the world has, just in larger/smaller content depending on the placement used when the ruler is placed down.

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Yeah right. So you saw more daylight drug deals and acts of violence in one afternoon than I have seen in six years did you? Oh, and you managed to touch on every topical ill in Thailand, let alone Pattaya including a jetski fight (watching too much TV if you ask me).

Your lurid, fanciful account of your trip sounded like a simplistic piece of creative garbage to me. Or did you also report all the crimes - paticularly the shocking allegations concering public peddling of children on Beach Road - to the police station at Soi 9 and do us all a favour?

Or not....


6years in Pattaya and i have never witnessed this.Are you talking abut beach rd in the afternoon or evening,where you trying to pick up a cheap,std ridden old womanfor sex.You can be sure that all of us living in Pattaya would have reported ANYBODY trying to sell kids if thats what you implied and you are not a nice man to have walked past this.

I must be walking around with my eyes shut,if you have seen all this in a matter of hours/minutes,but i think this is horse manure garbage.

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I don't bother looking at magazines in Thailand, and certainly not ones devoted to perverts. The beach in central Pattaya is no more and no less dirty than any other city's beach... anywhere. I'm not conversant with such a place as a godbotherers social club. But I'm sure you must be, considering the fact that you mentioned it. There is evil anywhere you want to look for it around the globe and probably as much in the self righteous, bigoted USA as anywhere in the world. Pattaya is what it was developed to be... a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah... no more and no less. But, Chiang Mai has similarities if you want to go looking for it. So does Las Vegas, Nevada, or Amsterdam for that matter.

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