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Driving Test Phuket


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My Filipino wife is at the moment taking driving lessons with a driving school. The problem is they dont speak English very well at the school and I'm a bit confused about the driving test. I belive my wife will have to take a written and oral exam first. Is this test in English. What sort of questions are asked? I also belive that my wife has to have a letter from immigration confirming her address. She has just done her 90 day report.. will the document in her passport from reporting suffice? Also a doctors certificate is needed.. I take it a letter from a local doctor will be accepted?

Any info from anyone with experience will be appreciated.

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No the 90 day report is not the paper they demand.. They want the immigration 'residential address confirmation' (or a WP or a letter from her embassy or a yellow house book).

The test is in english.. But some of the questions barely make sense IMO.

Medical cert easy from a Doc or hospital.

All this info is covered in the sticky's in the motoring forums.

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Medical cert easy from a Doc or hospital.

All this info is covered in the sticky's in the motoring forums.

I was there today to renew my driving license. Did not need the medical cert when I offered. They would not accept my renewal application in the afternoon. Told me to come back 09.30 in mornings. Asked why, new procedure only have video briefing in English mornings. Sounds a load of baloney to me, but what can you do. Sigh, sigh. Back tomorrow morning. TIT.... :)

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I was there today to renew my driving license. Did not need the medical cert when I offered. They would not accept my renewal application in the afternoon. Told me to come back 09.30 in mornings. Asked why, new procedure only have video briefing in English mornings. Sounds a load of baloney to me, but what can you do. Sigh, sigh. Back tomorrow morning. TIT.... :D

Medical certificate is only needed for the first driving license not for renewing.

It is new for me that you have to watch a video for license renewing ? :)

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It is new for me that you have to watch a video for license renewing ? :)

Having to watch the video upon renewal of the Thai drivers license is now compulsory. My Wife's DL had a day to run on it so as she was on her day off she decided to go down to the licensing office and renew her 5 year license. She expected it to take 30 minutes or so but was actually there almost 3 hours due to the video. They make sure that people stay now as they lead them to the viewing room and take their ID cards (for us foreigners our passports) and keep them til the video has finished and then come back in to the room to give them back. this was in Bangkok so I dont know if its the same all over the place.


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I was there today to renew my driving license. Did not need the medical cert when I offered. They would not accept my renewal application in the afternoon. Told me to come back 09.30 in mornings. Asked why, new procedure only have video briefing in English mornings. Sounds a load of baloney to me, but what can you do. Sigh, sigh. Back tomorrow morning. TIT.... :D

Medical certificate is only needed for the first driving license not for renewing.

It is new for me that you have to watch a video for license renewing ? :)

They must change the renewal regulations every month, both my wife and myself renewed are licenses this year in different months and we both had to have medical certificates.

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the written test is very easy, although it is true that the questions are barely in english! my experience is in phuket, where there are a couple of computers just outside the exam room where one can practice taking the test as many times as you like. my advice is to practice the test a few times and just memorize the answers to the nonsense questions. that's what i did and did the test 2x in a row- first for motorcycle license, and the second time for car license. and despite not really knowing what the question really meant, i passed with flying colors both times (virtually the same exam- i think the pool of english questions is very small). oh, and for some reason (and this could just be my luck on that particular day) but something like 15 out of the 25 questions each time had to to with u turns?!

it is all pretty ironic because anybody who drives here knows that the rules are there are no rules! often frustrating and sad, but true.

oh and watching the drivers ahead of me attempt the VERY easy "test course" out back (a quick drive around, parallel park, back out between a line of poles, etc.) was pure comedy! don't let your GF get unnerved- it really is a breeze. and remind her to look around at some of the drivers already on the road- she can't be any worse, and it's only them she should be worried about! good luck!

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the written test is very easy, although it is true that the questions are barely in english! my experience is in phuket, where there are a couple of computers just outside the exam room where one can practice taking the test as many times as you like. my advice is to practice the test a few times and just memorize the answers to the nonsense questions. that's what i did and did the test 2x in a row- first for motorcycle license, and the second time for car license. and despite not really knowing what the question really meant, i passed with flying colors both times (virtually the same exam- i think the pool of english questions is very small). oh, and for some reason (and this could just be my luck on that particular day) but something like 15 out of the 25 questions each time had to to with u turns?!

it is all pretty ironic because anybody who drives here knows that the rules are there are no rules! often frustrating and sad, but true.

oh and watching the drivers ahead of me attempt the VERY easy "test course" out back (a quick drive around, parallel park, back out between a line of poles, etc.) was pure comedy! don't let your GF get unnerved- it really is a breeze. and remind her to look around at some of the drivers already on the road- she can't be any worse, and it's only them she should be worried about! good luck!

Many thanks Ladya for your reply... most informative. We will go to the test center today and have a go on the computer screens. I think my wife will go to do her test on Friday. I think your blog has given her a lot of confidence.... Thanks so much for that! I will let you know how it goes! Thanks

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the written test is very easy, although it is true that the questions are barely in english! my experience is in phuket, where there are a couple of computers just outside the exam room where one can practice taking the test as many times as you like. my advice is to practice the test a few times and just memorize the answers to the nonsense questions. that's what i did and did the test 2x in a row- first for motorcycle license, and the second time for car license. and despite not really knowing what the question really meant, i passed with flying colors both times (virtually the same exam- i think the pool of english questions is very small). oh, and for some reason (and this could just be my luck on that particular day) but something like 15 out of the 25 questions each time had to to with u turns?!

it is all pretty ironic because anybody who drives here knows that the rules are there are no rules! often frustrating and sad, but true.

oh and watching the drivers ahead of me attempt the VERY easy "test course" out back (a quick drive around, parallel park, back out between a line of poles, etc.) was pure comedy! don't let your GF get unnerved- it really is a breeze. and remind her to look around at some of the drivers already on the road- she can't be any worse, and it's only them she should be worried about! good luck!

I suppose and hope this was for the first driving license ( 1 year ) and not for the renewal.

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The English video is only on in the mornings so get there early & get your paperwork sorted. There is also a physical test upstairs where they test eyesight, colour blindness & reaction times. Not sure if this can be done before or after the video.

When you first enter there is or was a desk on the left side which should be the first place to go. Middle aged lady there speaks English. Any required photcopies can be made there. No need for photos as they do it themselves once you have passed & is embossed on plastic which costs an extra 100 Baht plus 10 if you want the little plastic holder. Medicals are not required for renewals but should be for first timers. I forget the fee for the licence but think it was around 500.

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Back in again this morning at 09.10. Reported in at small desk on left side, paperwork checked (copy passport and residence paper for each license), write my name at the top of the renewal form, upstairs to have colour read check (I expected reaction and depth perception checks but that was not required ??). Downstairs to desk 1, told that video would be at 10.30. As one hour to wait, popped into town for coffee. Back at 10.30. Sit one whole hour (with only one other chap) through video in Englsih (very very basic stuff), pay fee, photo taken, issued new driving license , and out the door by 11.40.

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ah yes, the written test is only for one's first license (thai or otherwise).

which is a temporary one year license.

kind of like your L plates abroad, only here you can drive freely whilst learning!

when i went to change the one year temporary license to a five year permanent, i did need the medical certificate again- which is very easily obtained from any clinic for 100thb- just tell them you need a medical for your driving license, and there seems to be a standard medical form which the dr. stamps and signs. also required were the usual multiple photocopies of visas, work permits, entry stamp, departure card, WHATEVER official looking documents you may have...but you can just get them copied there. the cost is approximately 500 THB for the 5year plastic photo license- and there are no ATM's in the building or even anywhere nearby.

i wonder when i'll have the pleasure of watching the video?! all things considered, i can only imagine that it's quite amusing!

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I was there today to renew my driving license. Did not need the medical cert when I offered. They would not accept my renewal application in the afternoon. Told me to come back 09.30 in mornings. Asked why, new procedure only have video briefing in English mornings. Sounds a load of baloney to me, but what can you do. Sigh, sigh. Back tomorrow morning. TIT.... :D

Medical certificate is only needed for the first driving license not for renewing.

It is new for me that you have to watch a video for license renewing ? :)

They must change the renewal regulations every month, both my wife and myself renewed are licenses this year in different months and we both had to have medical certificates.

Or rather a medical cert isnt needed when renewing from 1 year to 5 year..

I am told it is needed when renewing a 5 year for another 5 years.

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Or rather a medical cert isnt needed when renewing from 1 year to 5 year..

I am told it is needed when renewing a 5 year for another 5 years.

I was renewing my 5 for another 5 today and a med cert was not required. But you know what it's like here, paperwork requirements change with the wind.

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