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s m .

re ... Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes

and this is what was over you at the time : (

pic taken at 6 27 pm last night



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De Rain was heavy from where I live in Nimman and there was a storm as well but we had minor black out.

The lightning right before the storm knocked out the power for 3 hours, but the rain was not heavy at all. I was expecting a giant storm from the way that it started out.

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I'm amazed you manage to take the photo at the time.

s m .

re ... Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes

and this is what was over you at the time : (

pic taken at 6 27 pm last night


Edited by ARISTIDE
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s m .

re ... Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes

and this is what was over you at the time : (

pic taken at 6 27 pm last night


That's a dam_n good shot Dave. I think you might have caught a microburst there.


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Came into work at the university and it was remarkable the amount of debris on the road. Everything covered in leaves and branches, looked like some tumble weeds also like in a western movie. Clear there was an extended power failure at the uni as some of my UPSes had shut down due to battery depletion.

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Big tree was blown down by the storm beside lism cafe just off nimmanhaemin road too, fell onto the overhead wires on the opposite side of the street, they just cut it down there a while ago, was a big sturdy looking tree so would have took quite a bit to take that down. Saying that didnt see any other trees down in the area

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I'm amazed you manage to take the photo at the time.

s m .

re ... Pretty wild tstorm here in Nimman, some heavy gusts... lots of dust and debris in the air. Actually got scared at one point because the clouds had that mammatus structure which could be indicative of tornadoes

and this is what was over you at the time : (

pic taken at 6 27 pm last night


I am too. Had the iPhone, but was too scared to put it up against the window (to say nothing of opening it). Like another poster mentioned, I'm up on a high floor and the windows were cavitating, at one point I was certain they were going to break open and send glass everywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

High winds and bucketing rain in Hang Dong for about 25 minutes. Saves me watering the garden for a day or so and cools the house down nicely for the evening. Quite unexpected but very welcome.

Yup. was caught in the middle of it while visit nearby Market for dinner.

Finally it rain...

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Can anyone explain to me why we have a blackout at the sign of a dark cloud or a few spots of rain?

3rd world infrastructure? Actually it's a lot better out here in the countryside, since they upgraded all the electric cables & transformers a couple of years or so ago. Only have the occasional blackout that rarely lasts more than a minute :)

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Can anyone explain to me why we have a blackout at the sign of a dark cloud or a few spots of rain?

3rd world infrastructure? Actually it's a lot better out here in the countryside, since they upgraded all the electric cables & transformers a couple of years or so ago. Only have the occasional blackout that rarely lasts more than a minute smile.png

Right, but then the rainy season comes and mostly it's OK. I'm talking about after a long dry period, what does a dark cloud or a few spots actually do?

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Can anyone explain to me why we have a blackout at the sign of a dark cloud or a few spots of rain?

All the electrical shit is above ground. Wiring, transformers, everything. So it only takes one proper tree branch or sign to fall over to take out the area.

That said, some areas are better than others.

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Not a blinking drop in my neck of the woods.

I counted well over 50 drops falling over 5-10 seconds on the ground at our house but they did not join up to make even a decent mini puddle! Perhaps the strong wind blew it to Burma. wink.png

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Not a blinking drop in my neck of the woods.

I counted well over 50 drops falling over 5-10 seconds on the ground at our house but they did not join up to make even a decent mini puddle! Perhaps the strong wind blew it to Burma. wink.png

That's what I call a bloody weather report! Sud yort! jap.gif

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I got sprayed by the flower watering machines while riding over the Ping River bridge. Does that count?

No it doesn't and you should be more careful as the water from the 'flower watering machines' may have contained number 16. jap.gif

I've been sprayed with so many toxic chemicals over a life of 72 years that I'm permanently embalmed. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I'm beginning to believe it. people say I haven't changed in the past 12 years and I don't see many changes either.

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Raining in Hang Dong for the last 10 minutes. May it continue.

I'm just a few clicks from Hang Dong town and it's trying really hard but only a couple of drops. Just after I started the BBQ the winds really kicked up and figured I just wasted some charcoal and time but it held out for me to finish.

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Raining in Hang Dong for the last 10 minutes. May it continue.

I'm just a few clicks from Hang Dong town and it's trying really hard but only a couple of drops. Just after I started the BBQ the winds really kicked up and figured I just wasted some charcoal and time but it held out for me to finish.

You're having a BBQ in smoke season? :D Got to get those smoke numbers up again I suppose; thank you for contributing, all the little efforts count! wink.png

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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You're having a BBQ in smoke season? biggrin.png Got to get those smoke numbers up again I suppose; thank you for contributing, all the little efforts count! wink.png

Just realized the irony of my post. Guess that government official was right when he blamed it on the Korean BBQs. On 2nd thought, mine is a Thai BBQ so maybe is worse. My apologies for my contribution to the ongoing problem. Guess the hamburgers will have to wait a couple more weeks. wink.png

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