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When You Find Yourself In Times Of Trouble.


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As we have seen with Fred, it seems there is a lack of support in Thailand for those with problems that they can't handle themselves.

So who is there to turn to when your chips are down?


Here is Fred's 'Last Post'

Do not reply to this message because I will disconnected to Thai Visa ( sorry to the mods) but i can't see being on here anymore. I wish you all the best.

So what does that realy imply? :D

Fred is a Brit and for him to say

I will disconnected to Thai Visa ( sorry to the mods)
makes no sense to me at all.

Over to you Folks. :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :)

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When I was single I just handled everything myself. Now my wife is my best friend and the only one I would trust. My problem seems to fall more in the realm of others leaning on me when they have problems. All they really seem to want is my approval, however. Advice is seldom taken or appreciated.

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My travel agent when things look bleak.

I go home, get a job, take time think about where I went wrong, adopt a new strategy, then come back and try again. Personally I've found just sitting around here waiting for something to happen, while the funds seep away is counter productive.

Home, reality checks and familiar surroundings are far more beneficial when it comes to analysing one's mistakes I find.

The failings I have had here have all been my own fault or due to circumstances beyond my control. Usually they've come through some silly mistake, oversight or misplaced judgment I've made and that is where the fault lies - with me.

Through trial and error and a few return tickets, this time it seems to be finally on track!!

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Big Problem? Why, I just call my dad for some positive assistance;

Me: Hi, I have a problem.

Dad: Again? You goddam bonehead. Why the hel_l don't you go somewhere else.

Me: Uhh, just have the exchequer (his wife) transfer funds into the account, ok.

Dad: If you end up dead, what do you want us to do with your body? Have you signed off on your updated will like I told you before something happens, you knucklehead. I don't want to get a call saying they found you with some nefarious type.

Medical problems? I get great advice from a friend;

Me: I think I am dying from something one of the great unwashed gave me.

Thai friend: Oh, go to pharmacy, get pill. Maybe it is because you are too fat now. You need to exercise more. You are very fat.

Me: Thanks. Please remember I have no gold teeth so if I am dying in the hospital you cannot come and pull them out.

Thai friend: Evil glare - kwai, you are like child. If I want to take care of baby I can go make my own.

Dispute with Someone:

Me: I have a problem

Thai Friend: Yes, because you not shut up and have big mouth.

Me: Thanks, can you help?

Thai Friend: You stupid. Shut up


Me: hello doggie/Cat

Animal: Ruff/meow - slurp/lick/purr

Me: Feeling 10X better

Thai friend: Why you let dog lick you but you not touch door?

Me: Less humiliating to say I have an animal borne illness than something icky, I catch from a human.

Thai friend: you want me to make appointment for psychiatrist? I think your parents correct, you not normal.

Yup, them there's true life examples of how I have dealt with problems. However, my emergency solution, is a fund stash and escape route out of the country.

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Just a suggestion to add to the fun factor on TV... penalty box (so we can see who's in it) and instant replay for infractions.


Kan be found here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Life-t302697.html&st=25

Post #47,48 and 49

(Quote='moohala' post='3047483' date='2009-10-01 12:31:15'

You're supposed to cry and feel for Fred sir! Wheres your compassion? =End of Quote)

Bye now piggy

(Quote name='juliuserving' post='3047421' date='2009-10-01 12:03:44']

For gods sake.

This is an anonomous forum.

If a person cant handle what goes on here, he got some deep issues.

He shouldnt be here. God bless him but he needs an appt with Dr. Somchai before being allowed back.

I notice more than half the post are full of shit, for amusement only.

And if someone does stupid i dont see why we cant tell them they are stupid.

For example this stunt 007 just pulled off is stupid, plain and simple. =End of Quote)

catch yer next time Blizz

(Quote= 'moohala' post='3047537' date='2009-10-01 12:57:19'

Its not a matter of kicking people when they are down. Its kicking em when they are stupid. like this thread for example.=End of quote)

we are kicking you Blizzard. :)

Well if you do or did read this Fred about Fred2007 a penalty box (so we can see who's in it) and instant replay for infractions was in place 'Heng' :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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My travel agent when things look bleak.

I go home, get a job, take time think about where I went wrong, adopt a new strategy, then come back and try again. Personally I've found just sitting around here waiting for something to happen, while the funds seep away is counter productive.

Home, reality checks and familiar surroundings are far more beneficial when it comes to analysing one's mistakes I find.

The failings I have had here have all been my own fault or due to circumstances beyond my control. Usually they've come through some silly mistake, oversight or misplaced judgment I've made and that is where the fault lies - with me.

Through trial and error and a few return tickets, this time it seems to be finally on track!!

Hi 'ProfessorFart',

Long time no see you on ThaiVisaDotCom and welcome back :)

Yours truly,

Kan Win (The Colonel) :D

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Heng, you're bordering on trolling here, careful.

I guess that means I better start making up some backup usernames?


Well that would be duplicate nicking and def wouldnt advertise it! :)

Nah, I couldn't even think of another good nick.... Hengmaverick, DonJuanJohnTonyHeng, Hengo6, Old Man Heng, CrossHengs...


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I find the better luck next time theory attractive.

I'm a computer programmer type. I find the concept of being in an infinite loop scary! :)

Mainframe operator here; I can press any button I like! :D

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heng and geriatric kid;

laughing until i had a coughing fit......... OMG........

ive learned several things, if i ask for help, then i should take it when given otherwise there's no point in asking; 2. best to find my own solutions cause when relying on others' solutions its sure to contain conditions, costs, paybacks, demands, guilt trips, or answers that i dont agree with.

better to make your own soup and complain ; if u ask someone else to make it for u, u have to shut up and eat it.



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Support systems are extremely important. For a lot of men, over the years, their social circle keeps decreasing until their friendships are limited to work-mates. If they are married, the wife often forces them into social situations with other couples. I find as I get older, I have to force myself to socialize outside my work environoment.

I don't think a lot of people here truly understand how tenuous their lives are and how quickly things can go tits-up. Sadly some of the locals are fair weather friends--and it's hard for people to ascertain the difference when dealing with a different culture.

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Support systems are extremely important. For a lot of men, over the years, their social circle keeps decreasing until their friendships are limited to work-mates. If they are married, the wife often forces them into social situations with other couples. I find as I get older, I have to force myself to socialize outside my work environoment.

I don't think a lot of people here truly understand how tenuous their lives are and how quickly things can go tits-up. Sadly some of the locals are fair weather friends--and it's hard for people to ascertain the difference when dealing with a different culture.

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Heng, you're bordering on trolling here, careful.

I guess that means I better start making up some backup usernames?


Well that would be duplicate nicking and def wouldnt advertise it! :)

Nah, I couldn't even think of another good nick.... Hengmaverick, DonJuanJohnTonyHeng, Hengo6, Old Man Heng, CrossHengs...


How about wellhungheng.?

Sounds very much oriental as well :D

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This is an important subject. My way is be careful abut spending all my money on any one, wife or gf in Thailand, and save it for myself for the raining day. No matter what most of the time you find your mate because of you as farang have money or perception of you have money. So do the best for yourself so at anytime you have a fallback. No one is angel

I have a condo, money etc on my own name and I will not waste, of use for any one including my wife or gf

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Very surprised no one has said anything about religion/spirituality.

Pra Pee kanet(Ganesh) and Pra Jao(God) and Sing sak sid(not sure the English - something like higher power) are what have helped me through major problems and times of diasaster in my life.

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I always go to my thai friends. I have found foreigners just confuse me.I often find out when discussing things with foreigners they aremore interetsed in appearing to be knowledgable, than they actually are and often give answers to questions with no real understanding.

in short they bul-shit.

Now I have enough thai friends simple phone call and they take over and clear everything up dealing with thai situations.

The problems I have is with foreigners who are criminals and paranoid of my presence because they cannot get anything on me and see themselves as vulnerable. These guys will stop at nothing to get rid of what they think is a threat, real or imagined. With them there is no where to go but take them on, face first.

A guy was killed here about 2 weeks ago, he fit my description, Everyone here knew some brits had it in for me and many thought they had got me. Now the murder is hush hush and big coverup saying no not foreigner. My thia friends spoke to the guys who retreived the body they say definitely a foreigner. Now my thia friemds think it was meant for me but hitman got wrong guy.

So I just wait to see what the future holds.Donot tell me to run I am willing to die now these guys are sh-it, I have done nothing to get to promote this My attitude is bring it on I have had a good life better than anyone of those scumbags and if killing me they get caught maybe it will help others hae a good life because they will be taken out of society and put in jail.

What you smokin man (or injecting)

You trying to portray your self as a Jack Reacher of a Dan (Daniel to Moira) Shepherd.

Keep reading those comics man :)

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I turn to my wife for help when I need it, and I do have some friends that I know here, that would help if asked. But for the most part if I had trouble here, I would leave and return to my home in the US.

Sounds really cool in my ears.....you'll ask your wife, or some friends that would help? You better leave back to your mom now man. Ask mom and come back.....lol

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I turn to my wife for help when I need it, and I do have some friends that I know here, that would help if asked. But for the most part if I had trouble here, I would leave and return to my home in the US.

Sounds really cool in my ears.....you'll ask your wife, or some friends that would help? You better leave back to your mom now man. Ask mom and come back.....lol

stirring the pot mike?nothing else to do in sisaket?

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1 post deleted and a holiday was given...

Just a suggestion to add to the fun factor on TV... penalty box (so we can see who's in it) and instant replay for infractions.

It's otherwise so 'Argentine death squad' mysterious....


i like this idea,would be fun,like being put in the stocks,or getting the cane at school...........could become instant hero or villian.

Yes indeed, because allot of times folks will get banned or otherwise reprimanded because the mod just doesn't like them or their opinion personaly. I have seen this happen on several occasions.

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1 post deleted and a holiday was given...

Just a suggestion to add to the fun factor on TV... penalty box (so we can see who's in it) and instant replay for infractions.

It's otherwise so 'Argentine death squad' mysterious....


i like this idea,would be fun,like being put in the stocks,or getting the cane at school...........could become instant hero or villian.

Yes indeed, because allot of times folks will get banned or otherwise reprimanded because the mod just doesn't like them or their opinion personaly. I have seen this happen on several occasions.

No comment :):D

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Well when things get bad as they sometimes do, I usually work it out in this order;

1) Pray

2) Redouble my efforts, try and "pull my self up by my bootstraps"

3) Talk to my wife, fess up... "ie, business isn't going so well, we need to do x, y or z, we will have to post pone ect"

4) Ask close friends or family for support

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I always go to my thai friends. I have found foreigners just confuse me.I often find out when discussing things with foreigners they aremore interetsed in appearing to be knowledgable, than they actually are and often give answers to questions with no real understanding.

in short they bul-shit.

Now I have enough thai friends simple phone call and they take over and clear everything up dealing with thai situations.

The problems I have is with foreigners who are criminals and paranoid of my presence because they cannot get anything on me and see themselves as vulnerable. These guys will stop at nothing to get rid of what they think is a threat, real or imagined. With them there is no where to go but take them on, face first.

A guy was killed here about 2 weeks ago, he fit my description, Everyone here knew some brits had it in for me and many thought they had got me. Now the murder is hush hush and big coverup saying no not foreigner. My thia friends spoke to the guys who retreived the body they say definitely a foreigner. Now my thia friemds think it was meant for me but hitman got wrong guy.

So I just wait to see what the future holds.Donot tell me to run I am willing to die now these guys are sh-it, I have done nothing to get to promote this My attitude is bring it on I have had a good life better than anyone of those scumbags and if killing me they get caught maybe it will help others hae a good life because they will be taken out of society and put in jail.

Lovelomsak, your situation, as described in the other thread, sounds extremely serious. If you feel that removing yourself from the situation is not for you, then I'd say that maybe trying to expose those people as much as possible while you can would be the thing to do. Sounds like you stumbled onto a rats nest. Maybe they can be taken off the street. Either waiting for what might come or going on the offensive against these people is highly dangerous of course. I sincerely hope in the end the best thing will happen. Best wishes.

Edited by greytown
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good question,i guess it would depend on the problem.If its health problems and you have n't got private cover,best to go home.If its money problems and you've married into a thai family,maybe head back to the farm,or if the money woes are permanent,again head back home to seek work,and lastly if its problems with the girlfriend/wife you could turn to expats you know for some advice.If its problems with other expats especially business problems and it becomes dangerous,hire a hit man or do it yourself.then clear off home.

Your comment: 'If its problems with other expats especially business problems and it becomes dangerous, hire a hit man or do it yourself. then clear off home' I believe you really mean it. Problem is that there are far too many of your types over here, scary.

As I have said many times in the past, for those thinking of living in Thailand should seriously consider their long-term health and financial situation.

Having lack of funds in Thailand or falling down on your luck here, there are no agencies, help groups or advisories to bail you out. If one cant hack it here, they're on their own.

no it was only said tongue in cheek,come on.

I agree with Sassienie on a number of points. I have only lived here about 5 months now, although I had been here on extended visits a number of times. I find too many people who move here, or are about to move here, without giving it the degree of thought that makes such a move logical.

The various safety nets than are ever-present in many Western countries, are simply not here, for the most part. That's not necessarily all bad...here your success or failure is more totally your own.

Now, as to whether or not your "hit man" comment was tongue and cheek. There's nothing in your post to signify tongue and cheek, and when I read it, I thought you meant it as well. Additionally, that very thing is not unheard of here. For example, I once knew a head of a school who fired someone and had to hire a body guard for an extended period.

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Support systems are extremely important. For a lot of men, over the years, their social circle keeps decreasing until their friendships are limited to work-mates. If they are married, the wife often forces them into social situations with other couples. I find as I get older, I have to force myself to socialize outside my work environoment.

I don't think a lot of people here truly understand how tenuous their lives are and how quickly things can go tits-up. Sadly some of the locals are fair weather friends--and it's hard for people to ascertain the difference when dealing with a different culture.

You're right...at least in the West we tend to depend more and more on informal support systems that are related to work. If I have found anything about moving here to be stressful (in fact, that would be overstating it) it would be that my old informal support groups -- all of which were in some way related to work -- began to disappear a little over a year ago when I retired, and of course, now half a world away, are less effective since they are essentially email relationships. Here, I'm not the bar-type expat, so I feel a bit isolated in terms of other America friendships (not that desired and over time I know that will change) and I don't speak enough Thai (yet) to easily develop those relationships. Fortunately, I have a wonderful Thai significant other, so there's someone special to come home to with a similar professional background and values. :)

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