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My thai wife's father says she cannot be elected

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My thai wife's father says she cannot be elected to a political office in thailand while married to a foreigner.  Does anyone have any valid, objective info on this?  We are talking about a district representative position.  I welcome direct emails to me at [email protected]

Hi there,

interesting question.

I've looked up the law concerning person who is eligible as candidate for election and there's nothing prohibiting Thai citizen married to a foreigner (none that I can see anyway...although for local representative level, one must look at rules and regulations in the areas concerned as well.... but I don't think being married to a foreigner should be a problem).  

Have a look at:

http://www.ect.go.th/english/    (This is not really that useful but I think you can contact them for an answer.  There is also a Thai version of the site.)

Also check out this search if you can read Thai (if not, get your wife to read them, they are the black letter laws concerning who have the right to stand for elections in all levels):


I've had a look but I don't think there will be a problem LEGALLY for your wife provided that she is a Thai citizen by birth and does not fall under any other prohibitions (ie if she's been bankrupt, declared clinically mentally unstable etc etc).  

It may be more difficult in practice as you probably know how some people in Thailand view Thai women with foreign partners (I know, I am one).  Perhaps your wife's father (your in law?) was refering to that...  

Good luck anyway.   :o


n'Bamm (can't recall her real name at the moment) of the Rasadorn party is 1/4 or 1/6 falang of some sort (I believe anyway) and she's managed to become an MP.  



<font color='#000000'>Dunno about being married, but I am guessing there are some dual citizens already in parliament.

Senator Meechai (Mr Condom- owener of Cabbages and Condoms) is half scottish. I would assume that he has a British Passport.

Abhisit Vejjajiva, deputy leader of the Democrats was born in the UK (Newcastle I think) and basically was educated there.

And the PM son was born in the US. Altough he hasn't gone into politics yet, chances are that he might.....</font>

Guest IT Manager

Do you mean the chappie who cheats at exams at his University? Or the one who wears the 40 million baht watch?

Lets be specific. Everyone with an opinion stick up your finger if it on topic. If off topic give me two.

I was hugely impressed with my sons' comment "and that is the son of the man who is for the poor? Wait till I tell my grandfather"

T.S. etc


######...yep thats the one. You forgot to mention that he failed that exam twice before he cheated. Makes it all right you see...

Also the kid who got out of military service by claiming he did his military training while at school, except that apparently he went to high school in NZ (he got kicked out of school here).

but he is rich, which makes him the perfect to take over from his dad.

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