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What Do You Regret / Dislaike About Moving To Thailand


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During my various posts about the chance of us moving to Thailand at some point, there seams to be many people that really do have some big issues with Thailand and the people in it, I am very interested in what you dislike about Thailand or what the reasons there are some you might regret moving to Thailand.

Edited by Blackandwhite
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People who dont like , or regret being here , perhaps should not be here, or have nothing better to do than whinge on TV.com

The thing i dont like about Thailand is; farangs who come here and still apply the "colonial" rule method.

Regrets - none.

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It really is down to you.My wife and I took the opportunity in our mid 50's to retire early and move out here.We saw friends our age suffering with health problems and decided to maximize our time together.Neither of us has regretted that decision for a single moment.

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I am not really clear what you are looking for in this thread.

Do you want a list of negatives of living in Thailand? For any conscious person who has lived here awhile, that would be a long list. Hopefully, they could also write a long list of positive points. I know I could do both, but am not in the mood.

I will say this though. Living in Thailand is not the same as having a holiday in Thailand but you can't really understand exactly what that means to you personally until you actually do it yourself.

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Living in Thailand is not the same as having a holiday in Thailand but you can't really understand exactly what that means to you personally until you actually do it yourself.

Yes, I agree with that, although if you "get around" enough and have an open mind and open eyes when visiting, I still think you will know...in general...it you would really like it here. It's the type of person who acts on whim that will be surprised.

I find for everything I now find that is negative that I also tend to find something positive I've never thought about.

To answer the original poster -- In the past 5 months of living here (yes, I know, not the longest time) I haven't found much new to dislike that much. But, some of the same things I didn't like before have become a bit more magnified. The other day I had to go to Nana area on business. dam_n I hate that place. Makes me feel dirty. And, needing to be so careful when you are talking with Thais. Critiquing Thailand can be very dangerous to relationships with Thais. I think before I never saw the negatives to the same extent, so I was less likely to get into such conversations. Now I find I have to bite my tongue or risk good relationships.

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No regrets whatsoever. Mistakes made, sources of irritation yes but do I wish I hadn't made the move, not at all. There will always be things you don't like about the place where you live but if you dwell on them rather than the good points you will never be happy anywhere.

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No regrets whatsoever. Mistakes made, sources of irritation yes but do I wish I hadn't made the move, not at all. There will always be things you don't like about the place where you live but if you dwell on them rather than the good points you will never be happy anywhere.

What I dislike most is that is has become even more right-wing-radical conservative than the place I left. "Show me your papers.........your papers are not in order."

It used to be a fun, relaxed place to live and retire...........that has changed dramatically over the past ten years.

Others will, of course, totally disagree............it is simply my perspective having been here and watched the changes over the past two decades.

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There are positives and negatives with regards anywhere you live. I think you make a mistake listening to others opinions, as, what is right for one does not work for another.

If you move here however, do not fall into the trap of keep comparing to home. If you do that i doubt you will settle.

Good luck

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Regrets. Not a thing. I've been here 15 years and have been home precisely 3 times in that time for 3 week holidays. My folks visit me 3 times a year, my brother and his family come once a year and I have friends from back in the UK who're always popping over at some point in the year. That's all I need. I'm 42 years old and if I truly listen to my heart it tells me that I'm not particularly bothered if I never see England again. Not through any dislike of my place of birth. It's just I've made a life and family here. It's my home.

The only small dislike I have of LOS (on a personal level as to how it interacts with my life) is the (cliched I know) driving skills of the locals round my way. Ignorant, incompetent and selfish basically. I've resigned myself to the fact that this will slightly annoy me forever. It makes driving a chore. Apart from that everything is rosy.

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I miss Pubs, Thailand has plenty of places to drink, but no pubs.

I miss bakeries, very difficult to get a decent pie, loaf of bread or sandwich here.

What I do love about Thailand is, that there is a level of freedom here that has been lost in most western countries.

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westerners that go native in the way they drive. Sometimes my blood boils when i see these idiots driving against traffic, the wrong way on one way roads and passing on the curb side along with the high speed weaving and over taking. reall tossers.

When in Rome ........................

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Moved here 4 years ago ,have not regreted it for a moment,there are many things that irritate me ,lack of curtesy,bad driving ,the pound going down,but then we go back to Britain for a holiday and just cant wait to come home to the warmth and the easy lifestyle.

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Lots and lots of things wrong with Thailand. Too many to list, but if you take into consideration the female factor and you are knocking on in years you will find it easy to convince yourself otherwise.

The comments about great level of freedom are quite right, just as long as you don't mention certain subjects, even on here.

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Sure, there are things that annoy me here, just as there are things that annoy me everywhere I've lived. I would never live anywhere I was constantly unhappy though, and I can't understand why anyone would. I've been here 20 years. 'nuff said.

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Haha - imagine Greggs in Thailand!

Personal regrets I have, bear in mind I've only been here about seven weeks, are:

  • Should've put more effort into learning Thai before I came out
  • Should've saved more money before coming out
  • Should've bought more clothes to bring before coming out. Stuff like shorts and t-shirts. Can't seem to find anything decent out here or at similar prices to back home.

That's about it really.

Edited by HalfSquat
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I am not really clear what you are looking for in this thread.

Do you want a list of negatives of living in Thailand? For any conscious person who has lived here awhile, that would be a long list. Hopefully, they could also write a long list of positive points. I know I could do both, but am not in the mood.

I will say this though. Living in Thailand is not the same as having a holiday in Thailand but you can't really understand exactly what that means to you personally until you actually do it yourself.


well said.

been living in a few countries out west before and not many come close to thailand.

the salubrious air, the people,the freedom, the locals, and less one forget, the cheapness on basics which have really gone with the wind out west and down-under. (last lived in canada and oz).

been here for more than ten years.

yes, you can get all these back home but they are incomparable with thailand.

note all positives and advice mentioned here and note well.

negatives? well, avoid some of the local foods unless you are very very adventourous, really!

if you meet a rock whilst going downstream or the mountain in thailand, skirt around it and carry on and you realise very soon there is no place like thailand that you can call home - if not, a better home than the first home you left behind.

great country for the descendants too for as long as you stay focus on why you want to be here. :D

Edited by jamieson
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although I worked really hard in the states I pretty much had a great life there. after living in thailand for 3+ years I couldnt imagine living in the states anymore and intend to spend my last days here. I do think it is much better if you are comfortable with an income for whatever lifestyle you choose but if you are then this is the place to be

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No regrets whatsoever. Mistakes made, sources of irritation yes but do I wish I hadn't made the move, not at all. There will always be things you don't like about the place where you live but if you dwell on them rather than the good points you will never be happy anywhere.

What I dislike most is that is has become even more right-wing-radical conservative than the place I left. "Show me your papers.........your papers are not in order."

It used to be a fun, relaxed place to live and retire...........that has changed dramatically over the past ten years.

Others will, of course, totally disagree............it is simply my perspective having been here and watched the changes over the past two decades.

You are right what you say,BUT

more terrorism

many farang criminals

more illegal immigrants.

overall i think thats why everything is tighter now.

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Initially I was taken aback that this place was so overrun with thais. :)

I mean they were everywhere I'd look. It seems I couldn't go outside with out running into a herd of them no matter where I'd go.

Upon further pondering this quandary; I came to the realization that with this being the glorious "Land 'O Thais" and all, where else would they be?

Now I just ignore them and it’s worked out okay so far :D

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No regrets whatsoever. Mistakes made, sources of irritation yes but do I wish I hadn't made the move, not at all. There will always be things you don't like about the place where you live but if you dwell on them rather than the good points you will never be happy anywhere.

What I dislike most is that is has become even more right-wing-radical conservative than the place I left. "Show me your papers.........your papers are not in order."

It used to be a fun, relaxed place to live and retire...........that has changed dramatically over the past ten years.

Others will, of course, totally disagree............it is simply my perspective having been here and watched the changes over the past two decades.

You are right what you say,BUT

more terrorism

many farang criminals

more illegal immigrants.

overall i think thats why everything is tighter now.

Tighter now? Maybe, but still not difficult or unreasonable. I rented a condo, have utilities (telephone, internet, tv, etc.) in my name, two bank accounts, all when I came on a "Visa Exempt" entry. Later, it wasn't a problem to get a visa when I did apply. Hardly what I would call restrictive, and for me, I don't think Thailand is perfect, but it's still a fun relaxed place to live.

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Yes the language is aproblem for all new arrivals.

Ive been here 20+ years. I took night classes for a year before coming here, then on arrival I had a tutor come to the office twice a week for 2 hours each. Also I mixed (and still do) mainly with Thais, this forced me to listen and learn. Now most Thais I meet tell me I speak like a native, on the phone I am pften assumed to be Thai.

Learning the language is a paramount - i dont know how people can live here without it.

Farangs who live in Farang style pubs talkngto their farang mates !! they could do that at home.

As for finding clothes - I dont have aproblem in Chiangmai - can find everythin I want, good quality, cheap too.

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