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What Do You Regret / Dislaike About Moving To Thailand


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This place is my home and there are millions of great things about it. I do have a bit of anxiety however when I have to consider getting something as serious as open heart surgery when I can't even get a decent internet connection.

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I`ve never regretted moving to Thailand.

It is the best move I ever made and grow to love it here more and more each day.

Once here, one is either 100% committed to this country or not. No point in living somewhere if the heart yearns to be in another country.

If some consider the grass to be greener elsewhere, than be off with you, double quick.

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Once here, one is either 100% committed to this country or not.

I think that is daft. Even citizens of most countries are not 100 percent committed to their country and almost none of us non-Thais are Thai citizens or even on the path to be Thai citizens. Its just a land with a lot of Thais, called Thailand. I don't recall being asked to sign a loyalty oath.

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I can only imagine, based on my many visits to Thailand, I would no doubt get to dislike the smell of the dried fish section of the markets, at the moment it is a mild amusement of how something could smell quite so bad but seem perfectly acceptable to buy it and create various culinary delights with it.

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Regrets. Not a thing. I've been here 15 years and have been home precisely 3 times in that time for 3 week holidays. My folks visit me 3 times a year, my brother and his family come once a year and I have friends from back in the UK who're always popping over at some point in the year. That's all I need. I'm 42 years old and if I truly listen to my heart it tells me that I'm not particularly bothered if I never see England again. Not through any dislike of my place of birth. It's just I've made a life and family here. It's my home.

The only small dislike I have of LOS (on a personal level as to how it interacts with my life) is the (cliched I know) driving skills of the locals round my way. Ignorant, incompetent and selfish basically. I've resigned myself to the fact that this will slightly annoy me forever. It makes driving a chore. Apart from that everything is rosy.

Amen. If I could change one thing, it'd simply be the driving habits around Bangkok. But I can't, so (try to) live and let live with the ignorant, short-sighted pricks.

The only real "regret", which could apply anywhere, is leaving my parents for the past soon-to-be 9 years. I'll be hitting 30 soon and for some reason it's something I've been giving a fair bit of thought to. Unlike mca, my folks only get here every other year, and I make it back two out of three years on average.


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Been here three years now. There have been the best of times there have been the worst of times much like my time in the three other countries I have lived in. Sure things here can get my wick up but I have adopted the attitiude that if its in your power to change something change it if not learn to live with it; if you can't go elsewhere. I am a firmlt believe that we control our own destiny; if we want to be happy we will be happy. Takes work but everything good does.

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Been here about 7 weeks.

Regrets, having a house built and the headaches that come with it.Ask me in another month you will get a different answer :) .

Not spending time learning the language before coming here.I can get by but to me thats not good enough.

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I only regret not coming sooner. I would have saved all my cash up from 1994 till 1997 and came during the crash when the Baht was at 60 to the dollar and Bought up a few prime spots in Pattaya, maybe a lil something on walking street or even Soi Bukow.

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No regrets whatsoever. Mistakes made, sources of irritation yes but do I wish I hadn't made the move, not at all. There will always be things you don't like about the place where you live but if you dwell on them rather than the good points you will never be happy anywhere.

What I dislike most is that is has become even more right-wing-radical conservative than the place I left. "Show me your papers.........your papers are not in order."

It used to be a fun, relaxed place to live and retire...........that has changed dramatically over the past ten years.

Others will, of course, totally disagree............it is simply my perspective having been here and watched the changes over the past two decades.

I have never been asked for my "papers" in the 5 years I have lived here. I was more likely to be hassled by the police in my home country. Certain things I don't like, but never regretted moving here. Zero life awaits me back home in USA.

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:) I didn't take the time to read through the whole thread. There are many just like this. Having lived in Thailand for more than 7 years. Having a Thai wife and child.I can say one thing. Thailand is a lot more palatable(Sorry to non-English speaking people) if you have lots of Money ,wheher it be USD, Euro's,Pound Sterling you name it. It os the main reason we left more than two years ago. I was lucky enough to have arrived at the end of the "Golden Age" 2000. As many old hands will tell you that was just before the worm turned. Honestly, if I had had more money about twice what we were living on. I probably would still be there.


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One very good thing which Thailand offers is it's diversity. If you have a difficulty here, there always seems to be a solution. You can live where there are many farang, or almost no farang, near the sea, in the mountains, in the jungle, out in the sticks, in a farming community, or in big city BKK if that is your preference. The Thai people are friendly everywhere toward farang who are not obnoxious.

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I guess it is both a like and at times a dislike - there is nothing black and white - its all grey.

Although looking at the Visa thread - it seems the greyness is getting less and less, either that or we are all in for another set of rule changes ! Again ! :)

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I can't stand Thai people asking me if I'm from England :)

meanwhile in the land of "-lands" . . .

I was asked last night, completely seriously, and after she'd obviously thought about it and carefully rehearsed the sentence, if England, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand, Ireland were all together in the world, having such similar country names as the do. She wasn't aware that Scotland, Greenland, Poland and Iceland (sure there are more) existed fortunately, just gets too complicated to answer with a straight-face.

Actually most are not tooooooo far apart . . . at least she tries!

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meanwhile in the land of "-lands" . . .

I was asked last night, completely seriously, and after she'd obviously thought about it and carefully rehearsed the sentence, if England, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand, Ireland were all together in the world, having such similar country names as the do. She wasn't aware that Scotland, Greenland, Poland and Iceland (sure there are more) existed fortunately, just gets too complicated to answer with a straight-face.

Actually most are not tooooooo far apart . . . at least she tries!

Every time I visit the States, a good friend and his wife both ask me: "How is everything in Taiwan?" ('Thai-wan'?) I tried to correct/explain a couple of times but now I just say "fine, thank you". :) Not sure they even are aware Thailand exists!

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Can't say there's anything I'd regret, as I'd rather think of it as character buidling experiences as they say! And let's face it Thailand can really develop your character one way or another.....

If I could have one wish though it would be that I could give my children the same childhood I had, with my parents, friends and family that I grew up with around us. Unfortunately you can't have everything all at the same time and life is about choices. They won't get that here, but we'll do our best - and besides I'm not sure we'd be able to recreate it even back home, but the odds would be better.

Thing I dislike most about Thailand? Well there are a lot of things I dislike to be honest, and more still on a bad day. (BTW Just because you dislike something doesn't mean it can't be turned into a positive). Probably near the top of the list though is the lack of equality, and the Thais believing generally everyone shouldn't be equal. I have to say there are a lot of things I do like here as well. It really is a country of extremes. I've had some of my very happiest times here, and there are some things you see and experience in the opposite direction.

A real rollercoaster of a country.... Probably why so many Thais are Buddhist and take the middle path to cope :)

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BTW Had to laugh at this thread. Hundreds of thousands of posts on Thai Visa whingeing, moaning and ranting, with or without justification. Then when someone asks what you dislike about Thailand, most people seem to be saying what they like about it......... :) Only 2 pages of dislikes......................

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I regret not going to school to learn thai,even though i can get by with my limited speaking.Still miss my son and daughter in law and 2 grand kids,even though they cry and shit their pants all day heheheheheh.(thats the babies)

Miss my mum and dad too,as they are getting old now,but i made the decision to retire at 50 and 6 years down the road i love Thailand and my life too.been living with my gf for 4 years and its heaven,and want to live forever lol.

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BTW Had to laugh at this thread. Hundreds of thousands of posts on Thai Visa whingeing, moaning and ranting, with or without justification. Then when someone asks what you dislike about Thailand, most people seem to be saying what they like about it......... :) Only 2 pages of dislikes......................

good point

For me, i'm here by choice, if I hadn't liked it first time round i would not have come back. I have had emails from friends back in NZ along the lines of 'surely you can't be happy' yet for me these are the best times of my adult life.

With apologies to John Clarke . . .

I was speaking to a mate of mine

just the other day

A guy called Bruce Bayliss actually

who lives up our way

He's been living in Europe

for the year, more or less

I said "How was Europe, Bruce?"

He says "Fred, it's a mess"

We don't know how lucky we are, mate.

We don't know how lucky we are!

"We don't know how propitious are the circumstances Frederick"

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BTW Had to laugh at this thread. Hundreds of thousands of posts on Thai Visa whingeing, moaning and ranting, with or without justification. Then when someone asks what you dislike about Thailand, most people seem to be saying what they like about it......... :) Only 2 pages of dislikes......................

I think we know the "love it or leave it" police are watching. I've already gotten my nastygram for the day from one of them. :D

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I really dislike mosquitos. Words can't explain...

I also dislike the lack of concern for others, the selfish drivers attacking pedestrian crossings, folk trying to force their way onto the bts before you've got off (I notice a very high percentage of tourists do this too...). I haven't been back to Europe in 8 years, so it's probably as bad or worse there?

Noise. Everywhere, noise. Thais have a different idea of personal space and noise pollution which sometimes upsets my hometime.

Thailand is an awful place to be unhappy. If you start to get on the wrong side of life then you can be reallly sad. On the flip side it's a particularly good place to be happy. Get on a roll and life is good...

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As I ponder this question more, I think Thailand being on the other side of the globe from the U.S. is my #1 concern The trip back takes about 22+ hours and costs a bundle. I'd really like to be able to conveniently and affordably visit my daughter more than once a year.

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I've been living here almost two years, & have no regrets... or thoughts of heading back to Canada... yes, as with all of us, there are occasional annoyances... but no worse than in other countries... :D:DJust learn to deal with it!

I have great neighbours, both Thai & a few "farang friends" ... some people say "I've gone native" ... well if that is the case give me native 9 times out 10! :P

I tend to spend more time with the Thai's, who I find great fun & very helpful... (I always did even when I used to come here on holiday...) you treat them with respect & they treat you the same way..... They help me & I help them...

But then I always avoided the areas where no one seems to be "normal"... but there are "normal everyday hard working Thai people" here, just not in some of the areas some people have chosen to live! :D

I have no time for the "lost souls", who have moved here & all they do is prop up the bar everyday, repeating the same old stories.... :D:D & bored out of their minds.... :Dget a hobby... do something constructive.... :D Get a life!

I keep my self so busy, there are not enough hours in the day, sometimes ... whether its tending the garden or touring around... my photography.... or what ever.... Even poking around Thai Visa! :) That can be regretful sometimes !:P

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