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I have always wondered about the follicular challenged among us and why they don't just either buy a hat or stop worrying about the extra skin to wash.

A friend of mine, married to a Thai comes here on holiday every year , he is a proper slap head, he has been bald since he was in his twenties and I have seen some old photos of him he looked like William Shakespear he still gets riled when I call him the "Bard", the first thing he does here is buy “hair restorer” or also known a bank balance booster because even here its not cheap.

After a few days he asks me to have a glimpse and report any progress I always have to say that there is no new hair but a varied shade of red, from pink to bright red where he had been rubbing this junk in.

Over the years I have seen so many Bobby Charlton look-alikes with their comb-over’s and have always thought the same thing as I do when I see when I see some fat Farang women wandering the streets here don’t these people possess mirrors so then they could see how daft they look?

Yesterday I saw the award winner a Thai, now get a load of this!

He was a classic male pattern slap head but what he had done was to let the hair on the back of his head grow long, here’s the good bit, he then got a length of black double sided tape stuck this on his head from ear to ear the stuck the hair onto the tape.

I was hypnotised by the sight, as I was talking to him it was a job not to stare at it and a bigger job not to photograph the spectacle and I swear I had not touched a drop.

Now consider this, who would attract more attention a bald man or someone with about 75 strands of hair taped onto their head?


There has to be a lot to be said about growing old gracefully.

Im 50+ and luckally still have most of my hair cant imagine why because it has allways been so fine.


I am what would be considered BALD. BALD! And what is wrong with being bald? It certainly doesn't bother me. In fact if I had a lot of hair I would keep it cut very short anyways. A friend of mine has hair transplants on a regular basis. He suffers and if you look closely you can see the plugs even after several years. The guys who comb it up from the back are only fooling themselves. Wigs here in the heat are totally ridiculous. Let it shine.

I have always wondered about the follicular challenged among us and why they don't just either buy a hat or stop worrying about the extra skin to wash.

A friend of mine, married to a Thai comes here on holiday every year , he is a proper slap head, he has been bald since he was in his twenties and I have seen some old photos of him he looked like William Shakespear he still gets riled when I call him the "Bard", the first thing he does here is buy “hair restorer” or also known a bank balance booster because even here its not cheap.

After a few days he asks me to have a glimpse and report any progress I always have to say that there is no new hair but a varied shade of red, from pink to bright red where he had been rubbing this junk in.

Over the years I have seen so many Bobby Charlton look-alikes with their comb-over’s and have always thought the same thing as I do when I see when I see some fat Farang women wandering the streets here don’t these people possess mirrors so then they could see how daft they look?

Yesterday I saw the award winner a Thai, now get a load of this!

He was a classic male pattern slap head but what he had done was to let the hair on the back of his head grow long, here’s the good bit, he then got a length of black double sided tape stuck this on his head from ear to ear the stuck the hair onto the tape.

I was hypnotised by the sight, as I was talking to him it was a job not to stare at it and a bigger job not to photograph the spectacle and I swear I had not touched a drop.

Now consider this, who would attract more attention a bald man or someone with about 75 strands of hair taped onto their head?

When i finally go bald ,i want a "Terry Nutkin" style,,you know bushy bits'on the sides',superb :o
There has to be a lot to be said about growing old gracefully.

Im 50+ and luckally still have most of my hair cant imagine why because it has allways been so fine.

approaching 50 and like you I have a full head of very fine and thin hair....always thought I would be bald at 30...so every year is a bonus.


The best (or worst) I saw was in Singapore. A Chinese fella had tattooed his bald patch black. If you want a good laugh, try the web-site www.combover.com.

The best (or worst) I saw was in Singapore. A Chinese fella had tattooed his bald patch black. If you want a good laugh, try the web-site www.combover.com.

On TV in the States, Ronco sells a spraycan of black paint for bald spots. Really. :o


girls are supposed to like bald men. Patrick Stweard was pretty kewl, yule Brinner.... if you dress well, brush your teeth, and are polite then ain't going to make no difference being a bit shiny on top.

I know - I'm a bloke with a 'harem'


I work in oil and gas. One day I was choppering ouyt to a platform with a guy to do some mods. He had a comb over, when we left the chopper the downdraft blew his combover away, very funny.

I have to ask the question, do these folks realise we all know they are badl?

(I am 30, and nearly there myself too)


I like being bald. I shave my head reguarly. When people call me names all I say is

'At my age it is nice to have a hairstyle that is all the rage' :o


One of the best thing of being black is never have to do a comb over, shave head is in at least states side I don't know how it's view else where but they love mine in Thailand. I don't need things like shampoo, combs and i never have to visit a bober shop, I was shaving my head way before I started to loose it.

I can understand though why some man with beautiful hair think life is over when they start loosing it, for us there is not much to do with it anyway.



I started losing my hair around 23 years of age. From 1995 - 2002, I shaved my head, not because I was going bald, but more to avoid the trip to the barber every 2 weeks (as we had to do in the army). :o

When I let it grow back, wow, half of it was missing ! I've been bar-hopping as a bald (shaven) guy, and as a balding guy. Doesn't seem to make any difference, though a lot of the girls did seem to like to touch my head when it was shaved.

I keep my hair fairly short, would never think of a comb-over/toupee/transplant. I'd rather what little is left would disappear quicker !

The bald spot is referred to as the "solar panel for the sex machine" ! :D

I thought it was quite funny when I was reading the Histories of Herodotus (500 B.C.). After travelling from Greece to Egypt, he noted that the Egyptians had a lower occurrence of baldness than the Greeks did. That was over 2,500 years ago !!

Two and a half thousand years later, people are still worrying about it !


I like running my fingers through a gal's FULL head of hair. It's probably not a stretch to say that they enjoy doing the same to their guy. Gals aren't all deep soul searching creatures looking only at your inner beauty.

That said, I'll probably get there eventually as each of my grandfathers are balding. One doing the helipad on top, the other doing the horseshoe pattern from the front. Just cut it close or caesar style (what you have left), no need to comb it over.


I like running my fingers through a gal's FULL head of hair.  It's probably not a stretch to say that they enjoy doing the same to their guy.    Gals aren't all deep soul searching creatures looking only at your inner beauty.       

That said, I'll probably get there eventually as each of my grandfathers are balding.  One doing the helipad on top, the other doing the horseshoe pattern from the front.  Just cut it close or caesar style (what you have left), no need to comb it over. 


The gene for male pattern baldness is passed through the maternal side. If your mother's father was bald, there's a good chance you will be too.

girls are supposed to like bald men. Patrick Stweard was pretty kewl, yule Brinner.... if you dress well, brush your teeth, and are polite then ain't going to make no difference being a bit shiny on top.

Ok, I am one lass who will admit to being mighty attracted to bald men.

But it's not ALL bald men. It's those who carry it off with confidence and panache. A class act.

In my youth I made the mistake of dating a man sans hair who was lacking in those qualities. I became very sad for him and the miserable life he had ahead (no pun intended).

But I will say it takes more than shiny teeth ...



OK their three indicators as to whether someone is likely to be bald (and this is true).

Firstly heredity....if your father, uncles etc suffer from baldness then you are more likely to.

Secondly, body hair...the more body hair you have the more likelihood of you losing the hair on your head.

Lastly alcohol abuse....the more you drink the more you increase your chances of having a shiney slap head.

Obviously if you can say yes to all three you're screwed. :o


Don't think so.

As I stated in a previous post, the gene for male pattern baldness passes through the mothers side. If your mother's father was bald, then there is a good chance you will be too.

Alcohol abuse. Just the opposite. Haven't you noticed that all the old winos usually have a full head of hair? This is because the alcohol has "chemically castrated" them. They have very little testosterone. When the body breaks down testosterone it converts it into another chemical (don't remember the name, but it also ends in rone) and THAT is the chemical that causes hair to fall out. This supports your position on body hair. More body hair, more testosterone, more converted testosterone, more baldness.


Diet has a considerable effect on slowing down hair loss but at the end of the day, it is almost always a genetic factor that causes baldness in men.

The so called 'gene' can be inherited from either male or female parent. The female parent story is a myth.

However even with this 'gene' it depends upon the androgens in a male body.

The Androgens are Testosterone, and dihydrotosterone. They play an important part in male baldness.

If they reach high concentrations in the blood; hair loss will result.

Testosterone is converted into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) by an enzyme named Finasteride. This DHT in turn blocks the protein which makes hair. This protein is named keratin.

It is a medical matter that is much overlooked, but the baldness must be treated at the first signs of hair loss, perhaps in the males 20's, if left it is a hopeless situation.

Surely there aren't people in the L.O.S. actually wearing wigs, men I mean?

Wilson Steer.

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