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As the topic says, how about we compile a list of places that over charge or double charge for products and services? I do believe that this may help us and our friends to be aware of where to shop, stay and eat. Oh and yes, i created this 'new profile' just for this purpose. I personally, having lived here for many years and as one who pays Thai Baht in tax, am sick of being ripped off. Cheers. :):D

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if you are so concerned and "sick of being ripped off" how about you have a thai friend do all of your shopping for "products and services"? Problem solved.


:) I pay tax as well 5% of 40,000= 2000 a month, far better than 30% to 50% of my wage in Australia or Canada......

cry me a river why don't you, how much is a mango in Brisbane;depends on the season, no less than 2 dollars/ 60baht here a mango even if your a tourist will knock you back about 15c..... 60B kg in the off season....

Come on, get a grip

love it or leave it.

Have a nice day.


As the topic says, how about we compile a list of places that over charge or double charge for products and services? I do believe that this may help us and our friends to be aware of where to shop, stay and eat. Oh and yes, i created this 'new profile' just for this purpose. I personally, having lived here for many years and as one who pays Thai Baht in tax, am sick of being ripped off. Cheers. :):D

Ok, you first - please post details of your wages and all tax paid.

As the topic says, how about we compile a list of places that over charge or double charge for products and services? I do believe that this may help us and our friends to be aware of where to shop, stay and eat. Oh and yes, i created this 'new profile' just for this purpose. I personally, having lived here for many years and as one who pays Thai Baht in tax, am sick of being ripped off. Cheers. :D:D

:) Don't take too much notice of the incumbent concrete-slippered inmates pouring cold water over your post. I think it's an excellent idea to inform those that want to listen, and those that are happy to throw their hard-earned dosh down the pan, and play the 'Big Bwana' to the natives, that's up to them. Like I said, good idea, but maybe balanced with incredible tales of establishments that for some quite inexplicable reason, haven't ripped ya off. What do ya think the biggest list would be?...heh, heh.. :D

A very useful tool for visitors and inmates alike.


This is a great idea. Then it is up to us to choose if we want to patronise businesses that discriminate and try to get more from farangs. If you don't care then keep on supporting them.

Why should i pay more? Just because it is more in my country? Because it is assumed I have more money then a Thai or all Thai's are poor?

Why doesn't the poster start.....

This is a great idea. Then it is up to us to choose if we want to patronise businesses that discriminate and try to get more from farangs. If you don't care then keep on supporting them.

Why should i pay more? Just because it is more in my country? Because it is assumed I have more money then a Thai or all Thai's are poor?

Why doesn't the poster start.....

The list will be too big to publish :)

This is a great idea. Then it is up to us to choose if we want to patronise businesses that discriminate and try to get more from farangs. If you don't care then keep on supporting them.

Why should i pay more? Just because it is more in my country? Because it is assumed I have more money then a Thai or all Thai's are poor?

Why doesn't the poster start.....

The list will be too big to publish :)

I would start but I can only think of one and the owner knows my username here. You never know when the gazette is going to run out of letters to the editor and use a post from here. They did it last week but actually used part of my post and part of Scubba Buddha's. So until I can think of another one.... Although I will say that I sent Mrs Man to the dentist and was surprised that we both paid the same price thinknig for sure the dentist would give a Thai discount. This was the oen by O'tooles in Karon.

Ok So someone start the list...............

if you are so concerned and "sick of being ripped off" how about you have a thai friend do all of your shopping for "products and services"? Problem solved.

Perhaps because if you sign up for yoga classes but want to go yourself you can't get the Thai price! Or perhaps you are hungry and want to eat the food yourself or drink the beer yourself or just buy your own shopping and take care of your own services then it is not really feasible and this thread is about principles of the companies not about how to get the Thai price.


It always amuses me, so many people shop at 7-11 paying a premium price, when you can buy for less at the Thai owned shop next door.... :D Cigs & booze often cheaper!... why are people afraid to use the local Thai owned shops? :)

Oh and yes, i created this 'new profile' just for this purpose.

Isn't that against the rules?

If anybody needs a list on an internet forum, to help them go about their daily shopping then perhaps they shouldn't be out alone.They almost certainly shouldn't be living abroad.

Perhaps we should compile a list of tight ***** instead. I'd rather keep well clear of them than overpriced shops.


Give me a break... double pricing happens everywhere. In the US many Florida companies offers seniors citizens discounts, Disney offers Florida residents discounts. You talk about paying taxes here, much less than what you pay back home. You make more than thai's do too, so give me a break, you cant expect someone that only makes 150-200 baht a day to pay the same as you do to get into a park. Fair is fair.

Give me a break... double pricing happens everywhere. In the US many Florida companies offers seniors citizens discounts, Disney offers Florida residents discounts. You talk about paying taxes here, much less than what you pay back home. You make more than thai's do too, so give me a break, you cant expect someone that only makes 150-200 baht a day to pay the same as you do to get into a park. Fair is fair.

I always find it interesting when double pricing comes up. And even more laughable when someone pulls out the... "you make more money than Thai's do." LOL. What about the tons of monied up Thai folks rolling in it... should they be excluded from double pricing or should they be required to pay more? :):D

Anywho... the comparison to the US does not really hold water. As far as I know, senior citizen discounts are given to ALL people over a certain age. Disney offers ALL Florida residents discounts... Flash your ID and you are good to go. The issue I have read about with Thailand is that there are some places, even if you wave a work permit in front of them, they will say... "You pay more." :D

And for those who think it is important, correct or good for non-Thais to pay more... please PM me your picture and location. I will pass it out to the vendors in your area with a note... "I make more money that you do, please charge me more for any goods or services that I require." :D

Or an enterprising individual could make up some t-shirts with the same printed in Thai. Now that would be a sight.


I always find it interesting when double pricing comes up. And even more laughable when someone pulls out the... "you make more money than Thai's do." LOL. What about the tons of monied up Thai folks rolling in it... should they be excluded from double pricing or should they be required to pay more? :):D

Anywho... the comparison to the US does not really hold water. As far as I know, senior citizen discounts are given to ALL people over a certain age. Disney offers ALL Florida residents discounts... Flash your ID and you are good to go. The issue I have read about with Thailand is that there are some places, even if you wave a work permit in front of them, they will say... "You pay more." :D

And for those who think it is important, correct or good for non-Thais to pay more... please PM me your picture and location. I will pass it out to the vendors in your area with a note... "I make more money that you do, please charge me more for any goods or services that I require." :D

Or an enterprising individual could make up some t-shirts with the same printed in Thai. Now that would be a sight.


Aye, ya be on to summut there, lad, just put the message on a tee shirt.... :D

"Only Bt150 for that small bottle of beer? I really don't know how you do it!"

"Bt5000 for your services, my dear? Harrumph....here's Bt20 000 and piffle to your impudence" "Please help me! - Overpriced and badly fitting suit required"

"Hey, this fillet steak tastes just like some old flip-flops – You must give me the recipe!"

"Intelligent, kind, military guy, seeks jet-ski. Enquire within"

"You're a dyslexic tattooist? No worries, just do ya best, you poor man"


It always amuses me, so many people shop at 7-11 paying a premium price, when you can buy for less at the Thai owned shop next door....

7/11 = clean, air con, better stock. Many Thai stores have nothing that I am interested in. :)

I always find it interesting when double pricing comes up. And even more laughable when someone pulls out the... "you make more money than Thai's do." LOL. What about the tons of monied up Thai folks rolling in it... should they be excluded from double pricing or should they be required to pay more? :):D

Anywho... the comparison to the US does not really hold water. As far as I know, senior citizen discounts are given to ALL people over a certain age. Disney offers ALL Florida residents discounts... Flash your ID and you are good to go. The issue I have read about with Thailand is that there are some places, even if you wave a work permit in front of them, they will say... "You pay more." :D

And for those who think it is important, correct or good for non-Thais to pay more... please PM me your picture and location. I will pass it out to the vendors in your area with a note... "I make more money that you do, please charge me more for any goods or services that I require." :D

Or an enterprising individual could make up some t-shirts with the same printed in Thai. Now that would be a sight.


Well said

The price you pay in a shop shouldnt be based on where you are from, colour of your skin or how much you earn


Thanks for all the replies. When I sent this post yesterday and received the first feedback I was disheartened. I note that people made mention of 'my taxes' and 'how much I earn' as being such a point to the post, clearly it is not and not relevant, this was only intended to 'show' that I live here and support Thailand very much in many different ways.

Secondly, to make reference to me about be a tight ****, are you joking, you don't have a clue who I am and if you did, you would know that I'm far from tight with my money. There is not need to go further on this point. Thirdly, this is about racism, we simply can't do this back home (wouldn't want to anyway) and if we were to we would surely be in deep trouble let alone ridiculed by most.

What this is about is feeling that people are having 'a lend of you' taking this p***. You feel like you're a sucker when you you pay double for something, I do anyway. And lastly, if the prices were the same wouldn't we use the services more, recommend them to our friends, visitors and expats?

Anyway enough of that, let's start the list. Starting perhaps with the obvious (or to some, maybe not).

1. Phuket Zoo

2. Aquarium

3. Bangla Boxing Stadium

4. Ban Sai Yuan Nai Harn ( same room= 2400B Foreign / 1800B Thai )




Go on, add some more, knock yourself out.

Oh and lastly, I do apologize for creating this account solely for this purpose. I won't do it again.

And thanks for the positive feedback to those who get/got my point of posting. Cheers.


I seem to remember a ferry trip from Phuket to Phi Phi had dual pricing, and also an evening at Fantasea when my mother was visiting earlier this year. For Fantasea, I think most visitors book through agents, so the dual pricing is disguised. Being resident, we went independently so were face to face with the difference.


It seems that the forum members here are reluctant to name & shame the businesses that overcharge foreigners

and i can understand why.

So why not do it the other way and list the businesses that treat everyone on an equal and give them the praise they deserve?

It seems that the forum members here are reluctant to name & shame the businesses that overcharge foreigners

and i can understand why.

Rubbish. :)

5. Any Beer Bar – and before any Jetstar Bogan from the Dingo's Dirtbox bar starts foaming at the mouth about his cheap overly fizzy lager, I would point out that their beer mats can be rather expensive.

6. I dunno what the Thais pay for massage services, but I think it's unlikely they pay 'tree hundit bart' for a foot-massage. I don't know what we can do to curb this quite dreadful practice..

7. Simian Taxi's from the airport.


you don't have a clue who I am

I do apologize for creating this account solely for this purpose

We simply can't do this back home

I don't know who you are ,because for some strange reason you didn't feel able to post in your own name. Seems a bit gutless to me.

I'm assuming that seeing as this thread hasn't been closed, we all have permission to open new accounts when it takes our fancy.

Those must be the most overused and inappropriate words ever used in Thailand. So many people fail to understand that you simply can't logically compare a developed western country with a second world/developing country, there is simply no comparison to be made. To use the word racism is pathetic to say the least. I would like you to spend a day being a victim of true racism and see if you still fancy throwing that word around. Spend a day as a Kurd and maybe being charged an extra £2 at the zoo gates might not seem so bad. It comes down to a developing country taking advantage of visitors from countries with better economies, regardless of what country those economies are in, therefor race is irrelevant.

When you first came here, you realised that it was by far a better place to be than where you were before, and you stayed here on that basis. At no point do you ever get the right to try and change the way things are or the way they are done, it's simply not your place to do so, you take it or leave it the way it is, and if it troubles you so much I suggest you leave it. As for paying tax, the amount of people that develop serious delusions of grandeur, because they work and pay tax is unbelievable. Get over yourselves. You chose to live here because it's a great place to live, simple as that, don't make it sound like someone's twisting your arm.

Thanks for all the replies. When I sent this post yesterday and received the first feedback I was disheartened. I note that people made mention of 'my taxes' and 'how much I earn' as being such a point to the post, clearly it is not and not relevant, this was only intended to 'show' that I live here and support Thailand very much in many different ways.

Secondly, to make reference to me about be a tight ****, are you joking, you don't have a clue who I am and if you did, you would know that I'm far from tight with my money. There is not need to go further on this point. Thirdly, this is about racism, we simply can't do this back home (wouldn't want to anyway) and if we were to we would surely be in deep trouble let alone ridiculed by most.

What this is about is feeling that people are having 'a lend of you' taking this p***. You feel like you're a sucker when you you pay double for something, I do anyway. And lastly, if the prices were the same wouldn't we use the services more, recommend them to our friends, visitors and expats?

Anyway enough of that, let's start the list. Starting perhaps with the obvious (or to some, maybe not).

1. Phuket Zoo

2. Aquarium

3. Bangla Boxing Stadium

4. Ban Sai Yuan Nai Harn ( same room= 2400B Foreign / 1800B Thai )




Go on, add some more, knock yourself out.

Oh and lastly, I do apologize for creating this account solely for this purpose. I won't do it again.

And thanks for the positive feedback to those who get/got my point of posting. Cheers.

Unless things have changed in the last few months you only have to show your Thai dliving license at the phuket zoo or aquarium and you get in for Thai price.

At no point do you ever get the right to try and change the way things are or the way they are done, it's simply not your place to do so, you take it or leave it the way it is, and if it troubles you so much I suggest you leave it. As for paying tax, the amount of people that develop serious delusions of grandeur, because they work and pay tax is unbelievable. Get over yourselves. You chose to live here because it's a great place to live, simple as that, don't make it sound like someone's twisting your arm.

Wow you sound really angry! This post has really hit a nerve with some people. :)

Actually I do have the right to try and change things and in fact I feel I have a responsibility to try to make this a better place when I can.

I have the right to teach my colleagues, who are teachable, about sustainability and recycling, I have the right to do a beach clean up and support Nick from Indigo who is trying to change things here and make it a better place with his summer in Phuket beach cleaning, recycle programs no plastic bags initiatives, I have a right to have some rights as a tax paying foreigner here for example no visa runs, and I was able to change something here as I contributed in efforts that led to the decision that made Boots THAILAND stop selling shark products.

Who said anyone was twisting anyone's arm to live here? Simply it was a post to find out who practices double pricing. NOthing more nothing less. It was about principles.

Sure I get pissed off when someone wants to charge 1200 more a month for a fitness membership then a Thai. So in the beginning I CHOOSE to pay and now I CHOOSE not to and it is about knowing and being able to make that CHOICE.

WHat is wrong with the knowledge of who has double pricing?


Companies that give discounts to expats:

Ban Rim Pa had a resident card

Sam's Grill at Holiday inn has a resident card

Mom Tri's Restaurants have a resident card

For women in Phuket there is a forum/website that also has a privilage card offering lots of discounts around the island

The massage place where I have gone for years next to the Kata Post office gives a free massage after 10. Although I go becuase it is clean but for those that care a Thai Massage and foot massage is only 200 baht.

Also they have a lot of Thai clients who pay the same. I have Thai friends who have gone.


A pharmacy in chalong that has all its products priced and very fair prices at that when i have compared else where is the pharmacy on the left about 50 meters from chalong circle heading towards kata/karon, we only use that pharmacy now, it carrys a good range of products.

7. Simian Taxi's from the airport.


Freudian slip?

Shouldn't that be Similan Taxis?

Is there Taxi's to the Simlans these days?

Chin Pharmacy in Kata Center and Dr Chusak in Kata Center both seem to charge the same price for all people.

It always amuses me, so many people shop at 7-11 paying a premium price, when you can buy for less at the Thai owned shop next door.... :D Cigs & booze often cheaper!... why are people afraid to use the local Thai owned shops? :)

7/11 shops ARE Thai.

The franchise is owned by a Thai.

The franchisees are Thai

The staff are Thai

The delivery drivers are Thai.

Most of the products stocked are Thai.

7/11's are what the astute Mom & Pop store have developed into. The ones that havent developed, and still think it's ok to haphazardly stock their wares all over the place, unpriced, with no stock control policy, staffed by family members, will eventually fail - and please believe me, foreigners won't be at fault. The vast majority of 7/11 customers country wide are Thai. They are voting with their feet.

Storeowners either evolve, improve, or go extinct. They only need to see how the Western high street has evolved to see this with their own eyes...........................but they won't.

As for the poster saying that dual pricing is acceptable because this is a developing country. So what happens when it becomes developed? This odious practice will continue.

It 's wrong to make an assumption about someone's wealth based only on the colour of their skin.

It's just plain wrong. Really. It's indefensible.

I've been out with a couple of Thai chicks who have run-of-the-mill jobs and fall below the tax threshold. They've never paid a red cent in tax. i choose to live here and am happy to pay tax. I contribute to the upkeep of national assets. Many MANY Thais dont. But i dont want to be double taxed because i'm perceived to be rich.

Just have a look how many million baht cars are out on the streets.

There are plenty of rich Thai people out there. Far richer than me.

Double pricing is wrong.


I agree this list should there for everyone to read and and let them decide for themself if they want to be charged more than a thai...i find it even worse when the double pricing is hidden and yes i do feel its racist,

ocean world has double pricing but i dont think they hide it

bungsamran fishing lake 400 baht thais ...1000 baht foriegners...i find that outragous

I prefure to vote with my feet and just dont use places involved in double pricing

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