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Double Charging List


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It all depends how you look at things. If you want to find racist things, you will find them anywhere in the world.

It is not the concept that is difficult to grab, it is the attitude of some people (living) here that I find difficult to grab. I try to enjoy life, other people seem to have a different view and look for the worst in everything they meet/see.

I have seen with my own eyes that some people are charged more than others at Penny Lane. And The Dam is not a local market, Albert Cuijp would be more like it. A friend of mine has a market stall in Delft at the market, also quite a tourist center, and yes, there can be a price difference.

I don't see BTW why it would not be a valid comparative. In both cases it concerns a foreigner, the only difference being that in Thailand a foreigner is recognised by his looks, in the UK etc. that is not possible.

But the principle is the same: in a lot of instances foreigners pay more than natives, whether it be US, UK, Europe or Thailand.

:D "the only difference being that in Thailand a foreigner is recognised by his looks, in the UK etc. that is not possible"

Yes, yes, "in the UK etc. that is not possible" and for that very reason it is not valid. I'm sorry if that's a difficult concept to grasp.

Substituting "will pay" for "can be" in the two posts still doesn't help the hot air either. :)

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My Thai Drivers Licence gets me into most attractions at Thai Prices, so I don't think it is wholly an issue of ethnicity.

I'm not saying it is justified in all situations of course, but I don't dissaprove wholeheartedly.

Examples I don't mind are Disco's, Tourist attractions/parks, non-essential activities etc..

You are right there are some dispicable examples of over-charging but if the price is available to you on a menu beforehand (without hidden extras) or you are able to change your mind about the purchase without being commited (ie: put it back on the shelf) then I don't begrudge the Thai's getting it cheaper.

This goes on everywhere, not only Thailand... Maybe in your trade/profession you get certain discounts? Whereas man off the street doesn't.

I can understand how this would upset the low budget traveller though (Backpacker).

Another good post. Last time this topic was discussed in length on TV, I remember there was almost nobody that wasn't angry and aggressively apposed to it. This time around there has been several people who look at dual pricing rationally and logically and see it for what it is, and not let it get them down.

I am always surprised by the complacency of many foreigners living in Thailand. Regardless of what you believe, most foreigners are disliked by the locals and cheated with regularity.

Many foreigners (especially the "newbies") seemingly accept being a victim as a "right of passage" or some other perverse notion. It is for this reason that this deceitful practice continues. I cannot even follow the warped rationale of most of the posts regarding matter that condones such activity. 

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I would like to look thai boxing regular 100 baht others 1000 baht ,i think better grab a beer.where i get overcharged nearly happens no more one time never again.market laws work everywhere also here.the world is the market.prost.San Miguel need competition 850 baht a case.need to go back to good old chang.

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My Thai Drivers Licence gets me into most attractions at Thai Prices, so I don't think it is wholly an issue of ethnicity.

I'm not saying it is justified in all situations of course, but I don't dissaprove wholeheartedly.

Examples I don't mind are Disco's, Tourist attractions/parks, non-essential activities etc..

You are right there are some dispicable examples of over-charging but if the price is available to you on a menu beforehand (without hidden extras) or you are able to change your mind about the purchase without being commited (ie: put it back on the shelf) then I don't begrudge the Thai's getting it cheaper.

This goes on everywhere, not only Thailand... Maybe in your trade/profession you get certain discounts? Whereas man off the street doesn't.

I can understand how this would upset the low budget traveller though (Backpacker).

Another good post. Last time this topic was discussed in length on TV, I remember there was almost nobody that wasn't angry and aggressively apposed to it. This time around there has been several people who look at dual pricing rationally and logically and see it for what it is, and not let it get them down.

I am always surprised by the complacency of many foreigners living in Thailand. Regardless of what you believe, most foreigners are disliked by the locals and cheated with regularity.

Many foreigners (especially the "newbies") seemingly accept being a victim as a "right of passage" or some other perverse notion. It is for this reason that this deceitful practice continues. I cannot even follow the warped rationale of most of the posts regarding matter that condones such activity.

I believe that if the situation were reversed, and that these particular posters were brown and the one's doing the overcharging white, you'd see a swift change in their laissez faire attitude towards what is, undeniably, racism. They're simply being patronising.

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I believe that if the situation were reversed, and that these particular posters were brown and the one's doing the overcharging white, you'd see a swift change in their laissez faire attitude towards what is, undeniably, racism. They're simply being patronising.

I might be wrong but I'm not sure it's normal to refer to people as brown!! I'm fairly sure it's black or coloured. Anyway, for it to be racist it would have to be prejudice based on nationality and skin colour, which in turn implies Thai people would never try to overcharge another Thai person. Now we all know that an unscrupulous Thai person would just as soon rip off his own granny as he would a farang, which by definition means it can not be described as a racist act. Greedy, selfish, unfair, maybe. Racist, No. The fact that an unscrupulous Thai would rip of another Thai and a Farang equally, by my logic means it can not be deemed as racist.

Where is the list? Wasn't that the point of this thread :)

As I said before, when you take away all the moaning, and over the top reaction, to what at the very worst is a slight irritation that is easily avoidable, you are left with nothing to put on a list. Why not make a list of common sense tips as to how to avoid being overcharged. 1-Find out how much something should cost, 2- Find a shop that's happy to sell it to you at that price. And 3- If the unthinkable happens and someone tries to charge you 40 baht for something you know you can get for 30 baht down the road... now pay attention because here comes the clever bit... Say no thank you, and then go and buy it down the road. Is that some clever sh#t or what!!

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I believe that if the situation were reversed, and that these particular posters were brown and the one's doing the overcharging white, you'd see a swift change in their laissez faire attitude towards what is, undeniably, racism. They're simply being patronising.

I might be wrong but I'm not sure it's normal to refer to people as brown!! I'm fairly sure it's black or coloured. Anyway, for it to be racist it would have to be prejudice based on nationality and skin colour, which in turn implies Thai people would never try to overcharge another Thai person. Now we all know that an unscrupulous Thai person would just as soon rip off his own granny as he would a farang, which by definition means it can not be described as a racist act. Greedy, selfish, unfair, maybe. Racist, No. The fact that an unscrupulous Thai would rip of another Thai and a Farang equally, by my logic means it can not be deemed as racist.

Where is the list? Wasn't that the point of this thread :D

As I said before, when you take away all the moaning, and over the top reaction, to what at the very worst is a slight irritation that is easily avoidable, you are left with nothing to put on a list. Why not make a list of common sense tips as to how to avoid being overcharged. 1-Find out how much something should cost, 2- Find a shop that's happy to sell it to you at that price. And 3- If the unthinkable happens and someone tries to charge you 40 baht for something you know you can get for 30 baht down the road... now pay attention because here comes the clever bit... Say no thank you, and then go and buy it down the road. Is that some clever sh#t or what!!

Dear God. Wot? Becoz yoo only hear the words ' black' or 'white' to describe a person's ethnicity 'on the nooze?' Never the word 'brown' (coloured very very non pc dontchaknow ...)

And Thai do not 'rip off' 'farang' 'equally' (well, there's an oxymoron moron). I don't know, I'm only s'posin'. But I think yoo might be one of those 'right's(sic) of passage guys', yes? Yeah. You'll get over it. But don' yoo become bitter an' twisted now, nah? :D

As to the poster who asked 'where's the list?' Same same as all these threads about double pricing and 'lists'. They always degenerate to 'who's more whitey thai than you?' :)

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Dear God. Wot? Becoz yoo only hear the words ' black' or 'white' to describe a person's ethnicity 'on the nooze?' Never the word 'brown' (coloured very very non pc dontchaknow ...)

And Thai do not 'rip off' 'farang' 'equally' (well, there's an oxymoron moron). I don't know, I'm only s'posin'. But I think yoo might be one of those 'right's(sic) of passage guys', yes? Yeah. You'll get over it. But don' yoo become bitter an' twisted now, nah? :D

As to the poster who asked 'where's the list?' Same same as all these threads about double pricing and 'lists'. They always degenerate to 'who's more whitey thai than you?' :)

Don't worry about me mate. If I was ever going to become bitter and twisted it wouldn't be because of an internet forum. I enter this forum in a good mood and I always leave in a good mood, regardless of who's said what. I've got to be honest with you though mate, 'Billythehat' does that thing where you don't write proper English but write with an accent, but he manages to be amusing occasionally as well. When you do it, it's a little annoying to say the least and hard to know what you're talking about. Just in case what you have to say is interesting, (dubious) it might be a good idea to write in English, so we can follow it. It would save me a few minutes on the spell check as well.

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Don't worry about me mate. If I was ever going to become bitter and twisted it wouldn't be because of an internet forum. I enter this forum in a good mood and I always leave in a good mood, regardless of who's said what. I've got to be honest with you though mate, 'Billythehat' does that thing where you don't write proper English but write with an accent, but he manages to be amusing occasionally as well. When you do it, it's a little annoying to say the least and hard to know what you're talking about. Just in case what you have to say is interesting, (dubious) it might be a good idea to write in English, so we can follow it. It would save me a few minutes on the spell check as well.

Yeh, yeh, me no unnerstan wot yoo hab say falung but me no hab popem wiff wot yoo hab say....yoo buy me cola preeze? :)

About 9 years ago, when I first came to Phuket, I asked the owner of the guest house where I staying about why I was being overcharged for summut or other. He very diplomatically informed me that what had occurred may have just been a 'misunderstanding'...heh, heh, yep, fresh meat, so I was then. I also remember another wee gem he told me when, being somewhat green, I asked him how I would know if my beau from the bar was lying. 'Son,' he smiled, 'she'll just be moving her lips!' :D

I'd be a wee bit cautious of that 'young' Mr Brown if I were you as he claims to still be a bit of a good sprinter. Whether that's true when last orders are called or when it's his round, have yet to be confirmed. :D

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And at this point in yet another pointless thread relating to the racism engendered and encouraged by the those who have vested interests in keeping the local populace ignorant of the world and it's more enlightened practices toward those from countries other than their own, I would like to sincerely thank the poster on another thread who reminded me of the 'ignore' button. La gon HooWoo. No point in attempting to educate pork :)

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And at this point in yet another pointless thread relating to the racism engendered and encouraged by the those who have vested interests in keeping the local populace ignorant of the world and it's more enlightened practices toward those from countries other than their own, I would like to sincerely thank the poster on another thread who reminded me of the 'ignore' button. La gon HooWoo. No point in attempting to educate pork :)
You have your opinions, others have theirs.

Why the need to abuse others who don't agree with you?

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And at this point in yet another pointless thread relating to the racism engendered and encouraged by the those who have vested interests in keeping the local populace ignorant of the world and it's more enlightened practices toward those from countries other than their own, I would like to sincerely thank the poster on another thread who reminded me of the 'ignore' button. La gon HooWoo. No point in attempting to educate pork :D

See, I knew you could write proper English if you tried. I understood every word of that one, well done. You have also got me thinking about changing my name to HOOWOO, it's got a good ring to it.

I waded through 5 pages of meaningless posts expecting to find a list...but no list.

No offence mate, but if it took you 5 pages to realise that there wasn't going to be a list, then I can see why you would need a list in the first place. The posts may be meaningless to you, but I put my heart and soul in to mine. :)

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No offence mate, but if it took you 5 pages to realise that there wasn't going to be a list, then I can see why you would need a list in the first place. The posts may be meaningless to you, but I put my heart and soul in to mine. :)

You're right. I never did expect a list. I just kept clicking, just in case the mythical list existed, only to realize I may have overpaid for a pineapple at some point.

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Pornthip is a big shop on the Bypass Road, somewhere near Keehin, selling an incredible selection of nuts and dried fish and stuff like that.

I went in last week with my Thai girlfriend. We separated and looked around the shop. An assistant approached my girlfriend and explained to her that the price on the labels was not the “correct” price. She demonstrated by lifting a packet of nuts which was clearly marked 70 Baht but pointed out that the actual price was the 35 (without the word “Baht”) printed in the corner of the label.

I think this shop gets most of its business from tour buses.

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That "world's biggest diamond and gems"  store definitely pads their prices to cover the commission they pay to private taxis and drivers. IIRC it's a 30% commission paid to the drivers and that is why you see so many of their own vans taking tourists to their shop to avoid the commission that they pay out.  OK that's my addition to "the list".

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That "world's biggest diamond and gems" store definitely pads their prices to cover the commission they pay to private taxis and drivers. IIRC it's a 30% commission paid to the drivers and that is why you see so many of their own vans taking tourists to their shop to avoid the commission that they pay out. OK that's my addition to "the list".

Not really a 'dual pricing' issue. Just a commission issue. It's a tourist trap, don't see many Thais shopping there.

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Kata Hot Yoga. 1 month membership for Thai's is 2200 baht. For me it was 3500. I loved it so much but after 3 months of paying so much extra I got fed up. I tried using the I live here card and I pay taxes but he was not having it.

It is farang owned. his theory is that he wants to encourage more Thai's to go. I just found out my dentist goes there. Never mind all the Thai's pulling up in cars while I only have a motorbike.

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The old duck flogging sliced watermelons and mangoes at the entrance to Soi Andaman Square. :D

10 Baht per portion to Thai – 20 Baht to the evil farang. So incensed by this blatant ‘misunderstanding’ I almost set the hounds on the woman. Be careful if you partake in one the ‘ice-smoothies’ though, as the ice may be made from tap water. I tried one once and about 2 hours later I was pebble-dashing the vitreous china for a couple days. :)

I would concur that this too may have been another misunderstanding and my failure to grasp my hosts’ sense of humour in such matters.

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Kata Hot Yoga. 1 month membership for Thai's is 2200 baht. For me it was 3500. I loved it so much but after 3 months of paying so much extra I got fed up. I tried using the I live here card and I pay taxes but he was not having it.

It is farang owned. his theory is that he wants to encourage more Thai's to go. I just found out my dentist goes there. Never mind all the Thai's pulling up in cars while I only have a motorbike.

Thank's for the info.I was telling a mate about this place the other day.I will tell him not to bother going there now.

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It is farang owned. his theory is that he wants to encourage more Thai's to go.

A Farang charging another Farang a different price. Yet another nail in the racism coffin.

No. He is being charged more because he is white. Still racism.

I'm fairly sure, that you will find it's not possible for someone to be racist toward someone of the same race!! I think you will find he is a business man that wants to appeal to Farang and rich Thais, and has set his prices accordingly. If you consider the percentage of Farang who can afford 3500 baht per month, in comparison to the number of Thais who can afford 2200, then I think it's the Thais who should feel more aggrieved.

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I'm fairly sure, that you will find it's not possible for someone to be racist toward someone of the same race!! I think you will find he is a business man that wants to appeal to Farang and rich Thais, and has set his prices accordingly. If you consider the percentage of Farang who can afford 3500 baht per month, in comparison to the number of Thais who can afford 2200, then I think it's the Thais who should feel more aggrieved.

I'm sorry WooWoo, dual pricing based on someone's perceived wealth based upon how they look, where you think they come from etc is just plain wrong.

Not all Thai are poor and not all foreigners are rich.

It should be one price fits all. Period. Fair is fair. It is impossible to fairly draw a distinguishing line between who is rich and who is poor. I'm white and poor. My neighbour is Thai and rich. Go figure why i should pay more for stuff at our local shop? (i don't and won't by the way)

Anyway, about that list.........................

I was in The Anchor Inn on Chalong Pier Road the other day and was with a Thai friend who was given a Thai script menu (the other menu is ONLY in English and German)

It was interesting to note that the prices were EXACTLY the same for Thai/foreign menu.

Food is good too.

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It is farang owned. his theory is that he wants to encourage more Thai's to go.

A Farang charging another Farang a different price. Yet another nail in the racism coffin.

No. He is being charged more because he is white. Still racism.

I'm fairly sure, that you will find it's not possible for someone to be racist toward someone of the same race!! I think you will find he is a business man that wants to appeal to Farang and rich Thais, and has set his prices accordingly. If you consider the percentage of Farang who can afford 3500 baht per month, in comparison to the number of Thais who can afford 2200, then I think it's the Thais who should feel more aggrieved.

Agree with 'Markg', bottom line is that there should be one price for all. If discounts are then offered through age/sex/occupation/etc, that's OK, but it should be up front. Previously I was also one of the one's who subscribed to the 'helping the local economy' set, however, I've gone 180 on that, and let my feet do the talking.

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There is of course a Hotel agency at 205/15Rath-U-Thit 200 Pee Road who advertise on the internet, sell the services of a large hotel on the same area, and when youturn up with your family, the hotel refuse to honour the voucher, and deny confirming your booking even though you have the hotels confirmation on theirown headed email, if you want to stay then you have to pay again !!after the drive down from Huahin ,we were knackered and after 2 hours dicussion we caved inand agreed to pay the extra, just to get a shower and a sleep, So I guess you could call that double standards :)

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Agree with 'Markg', bottom line is that there should be one price for all. If discounts are then offered through age/sex/occupation/etc, that's OK, but it should be up front.

That sounds like a bit of a contradiction to me. One price for all, except x,y & z, so it's not one price for all, at all. A product or service has a value, which is simply determined by the price people are prepared to pay for it. That may seem harsh, but it's simply the way it is. Think about airlines/travel agents that double the prices of flights and holidays during the school holidays, simply because they know that's the only time families can travel? What about the motorway services that charges £6 for a crappy sandwich, simply because they are the only person selling sandwiches for 30 miles? It's not quite the same, but it's the same principle. People selling things for a price people are willing to buy them for. It's not new, it's not only in Phuket, it's simply the way of the world. You just need to use your common sense to avoid it as often as possible.

There is of course a Hotel agency at 205/15Rath-U-Thit 200 Pee Road who advertise on the internet, sell the services of a large hotel on the same area, and when youturn up with your family, the hotel refuse to honour the voucher, and deny confirming your booking even though you have the hotels confirmation on theirown headed email, if you want to stay then you have to pay again !!after the drive down from Huahin ,we were knackered and after 2 hours dicussion we caved inand agreed to pay the extra, just to get a shower and a sleep, So I guess you could call that double standards :)

That's not quite the same thing. In this case you were blatantly ripped off. I understand your needs at the time, but I would never have paid them again, not in a million years. Did you ever get the money back?

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Agree with 'Markg', bottom line is that there should be one price for all. If discounts are then offered through age/sex/occupation/etc, that's OK, but it should be up front.

That sounds like a bit of a contradiction to me. One price for all, except x,y & z, so it's not one price for all, at all. A product or service has a value, which is simply determined by the price people are prepared to pay for it. That may seem harsh, but it's simply the way it is. Think about airlines/travel agents that double the prices of flights and holidays during the school holidays, simply because they know that's the only time families can travel? What about the motorway services that charges £6 for a crappy sandwich, simply because they are the only person selling sandwiches for 30 miles? It's not quite the same, but it's the same principle. People selling things for a price people are willing to buy them for. It's not new, it's not only in Phuket, it's simply the way of the world. You just need to use your common sense to avoid it as often as possible.

There is of course a Hotel agency at 205/15Rath-U-Thit 200 Pee Road who advertise on the internet, sell the services of a large hotel on the same area, and when youturn up with your family, the hotel refuse to honour the voucher, and deny confirming your booking even though you have the hotels confirmation on theirown headed email, if you want to stay then you have to pay again !!after the drive down from Huahin ,we were knackered and after 2 hours dicussion we caved inand agreed to pay the extra, just to get a shower and a sleep, So I guess you could call that double standards :)

That's not quite the same thing. In this case you were blatantly ripped off. I understand your needs at the time, but I would never have paid them again, not in a million years. Did you ever get the money back?

Re airlines,you are confusing supply and demand with racist pricing. Airlines, hotels in high season, are simply responding to greater demand in certain periods in the business cycle. AFAI know, hotels and planes do not hike their prices solely for farangs in high season (though if you have examples of where they do, that would be racist pricing). Similary, bars might havw happy hours in quiet times of the day - so long as the price reduction isn`t thais only, that not racist either. Same with motorway services, they don`t charge black people more, do they?

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